In comparing electricity prices I created a spreadsheet and, well, I got a bit carried away and extended it to accomodate all plans types in the Queensland Energex region. The spreadsheet is available here:…
You can download a copy to use yourself and work out the cheapest provider.
I know there are services that claim to do this, but all of them seem to have an element of bias, exclude some plans, require you to provide contact details, or for various reasons are, IMHO, unsatisfactory.
If anyone would like to extend this to further states by copying the model into other tabs, I would welcome it, let me know and I'll provide you access to do that.
Well done adam,
needless to say it is a (profanity) nightmare trying to compare.
so called comparison sites only want your details so they have to phone
you, I assume to push the best margin for themselves.
adam you must have the patience of a saint.