This was posted 7 years 6 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 3 Months Plex Pass Trial (Save $19.47)


You'll need an existing free account or to create one to grab 3 months of Plex Pass (usually $6.49/month). Sign in and add a payment method which will auto renew in 3 months, however you can cancel the subscription immediately if you wanted. Link

Thanks to hsran on ChoiceCheapies for the deal. ByteMyBits Youtube channel to see the promo in full.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks!

  • Code not valid.

    • Code worked for me.

    • It didn't work for me either. Do you have an active subscription as well? Mine expires on the 25th.

      • Yes I do have active sub. I think that's the reason, I'm due Oct 2017

        • I've set a reminder for the 25th and I'll see if the code works then when I try to re-subscribe.

        • @crayner: aaaaand it has expired.

  • it works! Cheers.

  • +3

    Thanks, have been considering trying it out with NBN available in my area now, perfect timing.

    • +28

      Plot twist turns out NBN is slower than your previous connection.

      • Horror story, NBN not available in my area.

        • +3

          Horror? Consider yourself lucky some would say.

        • +1


          I don't consider paying for ADSL2+ and only getting ADSL speed lucky.

          And having to pay Telstra extortion money every month for a silent number for a phone I rarely use.

        • +3

          Ahh, the joy of hving real FTTP.

          I feel for how the government has let the rest of Australia down.

        • +1


          We're apparently getting FTTC by mid next year, won't be holding my breath.

        • +1

          @singlemalt72: hehe I have the real FTTP… sadly no one else will for 20 years as they are packaging up the NBN to sell to telstra

          downloading at 100MB/sec is nice and uploading at 40MB/sec is nicer

        • +1

          @Scab: Why pay for a silent number? Just don't plug in landline at all and use the cheapest home phone plan

        • +1

          @wingwang: What ISP are you with that you are able to actually use the full speed of your connection?

        • +1


          Just don't plug in landline at all and use the cheapest home phone plan

          Problem is my details like name and address are made publically available regardless.

          Telstra silent number is basically extortion, I don't know of another company who can legally trash your privacy unless you pay them a monthly extortion fee.

          One of the perks of being an ex-government entity, you can do whatever you like.

        • @Scab: ISPs want to charge extra not to sell/give all your personal details away … worlds biggest joke

          you would think in this day and age the rights to privacy should be a given and not sold to the highest bidder. When I recently moved ISPs they told me it was an extra 5 dollars to stop them giving all my info to whitepages etc… extortionate really

          what other company out there can sell or give away your full name, ph number and address? probably none of them

        • @wingwang:

          It's an absolute joke, there was a senate inquiry into this a few years ago to no avail.

          Telstra make millions from holding people's privacy to ransom, they will only waive the fee if you are a victim of domestic violence or similar, otherwise your details are there for the world to see unless you pay them.

          When I recently moved ISPs they told me it was an extra 5 dollars

          I think Optus are one of the few companies who waive the fee, others either pass it on or bump up the price, Telstra charge about $2.93.

        • +8

          @wingwang: I very much doubt that you can download at 100MB/sec, probably more like 11MB/sec

        • -5

          @pacsman: well you would be wrong so go troll somewhere else

        • +2

          @wingwang: Just stating the facts

        • @Scab: can't you get a naked ADSL2+ plan? Usually the savings are small if any, but there's no phone number to need to keep silent.

        • @newdad:

          Not in my area, I live in a sleepy little seaside village, the only infrastructure is Telstra and the only resellers are TPG and iiNet.

          No naked plans, only ADSL unfortunately so I have no choice.

          Would love naked as I only have a phone line for internet, never use it for calls and use my mobile instead.

        • -3

          @pacsman: the only fact is that you're wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. I clearly wrote in English what my download and upload speeds are. If you can't understand something so simple don't comment :-)

        • +7

          @wingwang: Just to let you know, he is referring to you writing 100MBps which is different to 100Mbps. 100MBps would be 800Mbps which is a service on NBN that is only offered in a very select few places, which even then is 1000Mbps/400Mbps which is more then higher then what you are stating. So please don't get so angry that someone is correcting your incorrect use of terms.

        • -6

          @djbargins: I know the difference between megabytes and megabits, apparently you guys dont though

          I did write 100MB/sec. congratulations for being able to read.

          I'm glad you both know the ins and outs of my home internet connection and network, apparently you guys know it far better than me….

          I wish I knew where the block button was on here

          too many know it alls when in reality should be know-nothings

        • +2

          @wingwang: I think you better post a screenshot. I don't believe you get 100MegaBytes per second either.

        • @bmerigan: I've posted them elsewhere on here before, my comment was about how the government ruined the countries NBN project until some know-nothing chimes in telling me he knows more about the speed of MY internet connection better than I do yet I live here and use it and pay all the bills for it… but of course some random stranger knows everything about MY internet

          here's one from before I started work

          now that ones in megabits…. if you three need to figure out what that means you can goto google and look up a little calculator, do 5 minutes worth of reading and if you all 3 get together and use what you've learnt collectively you might be able to come up with a rough number of what the speed is in megabytes a second… you might want to get a forth opinion on the matter just in case all three of you are wrong on simple maths and reading comprehension again!

          oh wait, maybe I really don't understand…. all three of you have told me I'm wrong and I'm incorrect and I don't actually know what I'm talking about, my internet speed is a tenth the speed I claimed and that I don't understand how my own internet works?!?

          as I said - if only there was a block button on here because lots of know it alls are actually know nothings

        • +1

          @wingwang: MB ≠ Mb

        • +2


          …you might want to get a forth opinion on the matter just in case all three of you are wrong on simple maths and reading comprehension again!

          LOL. Your comprehension of mathematics may be good but your spelling…

          You should calm down and be grateful for your speedy internet connection.

          Congratulations on your 100MBps connection you lucky ducky. :)

        • @wingwang:

          lol 900mbps. Fark.

          I wonder if everyone that negative voted wingwang will retract.
          Likely not. Too proud. But yep, you've all been proven wrong.

        • @Scab:
          optus gave me a silent number without charge - on cable as nbn is not here yet for me

        • @Peccadilloes:

          Yes, as I stated earlier Optus are one of the few companies that waive the fee.

        • @Scab: am a tech newbie. not sure if plex will be good for my older laptop. will sign up . seems to be free for PC anyway. seems to be a replacement for media player? watched a video on what plex is via google.

        • @wingwang: That is impressive!
          What can you possibly use it for? I can't even justify the price of 100Mb to myself.

        • @JahjaMan: Speeds are fine. But the antisocial attitude stinks. Hence the ban hammer struck.

        • @YogaPants: I don't quite follow.
          Looking at the posts, it would appear pacsman was the instigator - implying that wingwang had no idea what he was on about.

          Whatever. Not going to lose sleep over this either way.

        • @YogaPants:

          No comment about their attitude, however I'd just like to clarify that member 'wingwang' was not banned and they disabled their account on their own accord; nor were they in the penalty box when they chose to disable their account.

          Moderators generally won't disable a users account, that is done by the user if they no longer wish to participate on OzBargain. Users that are placed in the penalty box don't have their account disabled/deactivated.


      • I'm 150m away from the node, but knowing my luck, that would be the case. lol

        • Don't worry, I'm sure they'll connect you to the one that's near 1,000m away.. Just for you! ;)

      • ADSL WED NIGHT = 14MBS
        NBN THURS MORN + 0.38MBS

        Thanks Optus

  • cheers. I only just installed Plex on my new mi box and laptop so this is good timing for me. I'm sure the plex pass will give anything of real benefit to me, but happy to try for free.

      • Quite possibly. I've just ditched my fetch tv which I used as PVR and need a replacement. I have an old PS3 + playTV that I can use but will check out Plex now. Thanks.

    • How’s the mi box? I’ve got the new Apple TV which is good, but I can’t afford three more of them for me other rooms.

      • Good. Runs Kodi fine, which is why I got it.

  • Works, thanks!

  • The only thing about the Plex Pass that I see of any value is the ability to play files stored on GDrive/Dropbox as well as offline sync on mobile devices.

    Still, free is free

    • Offline sync and remote access - I use it daily.

      The biggest part that you don't notice is the awesome transcoder that seems to work in almost any situation when you're remote.

  • +1


    Been waiting for a half price lifetime membership deal as I've missed them the last two times.

    • +1

      I'm waiting for them to give Google Play billing for lifetime, so i can use my Telstra credit

      • I've been paying my annual membership with google play using telstra credit, why not start with that?

      • Google Play carrier billing is limited to $100/transaction so you'll never be able to purchase a lifetime sub, might as well go for the annual one.

        • +1

          hmm, never knew this, thx for the tip :)

  • +1

    Plex Pass is excellent. I got a lifetime sub for something like $30 about 8 years ago. So worth it!

  • You only need it for mobile sync in my opinion and if you have a decent amount of mobile data set it to 480p, you can watch over 3G/4G for a long long time.

    • Plex Cloud is the way forward, way worth it for that.

      • Plex cloud is buggy and the providers don't really support plex properly due to limits etc.

        • I use it for all my media now (15tb+), and while there have been some outages (minimal - which is understandable for an hosted platform), it has been excellent. Streaming 1080p (and sometimes 2160p), with no issues whatsoever. Of course it depends on your internet speed. I also share my library with 5 others and have had everyone streaming at the same time!

        • -1


          Which cloud provider?

          Either way people hit API limits all the time, people complain about issues on reddit.

        • @samfisher5986: Yeah I've seen heaps of people complaining about hitting the API limits for all providers. I haven't had any issues though. I use google drive.

          One issue people have is they use the generic API that google gives you, if you create a specific API token for Plex Cloud it runs a lot better, but even then I've read complaints.

        • -1


          Just FYI the limit for one user is 1TB, but they don't enforce it.

          I wouldn't say Cloud is the future when we are hoping google never enforces that limit.

        • @samfisher5986: That's only the limit if your org has less than five users though. If you have five or more, its unlimited.

        • -1


          And you do? Or is it an education account?

          Lucky you I guess haha. But my point remains, Plex Cloud is not practical right now.

        • @samfisher5986: Yeah I do :)

          It definitely isn't practical for the masses, no!

        • @Rusty4:

          Well, not practical for anyone without a free education account.

          With Amazon pulling out of unlimited in US I'm not sure how long Google will be unlimited for 1 user.

        • @samfisher5986:

          Practical enough for people with G Suite accounts (and five or more users).

        • +2

          @Rusty4: try One Drive on a student account, its 1TB… but practically unlimited as they dont seem to care.. I have full backups of my NAS drives on mine

          if you dont have a student email… cough apply for one of those UTAS free health courses and you'll get one forever

        • @wingwang: Do u have a link to those free courses?

  • thanks!

  • Sweet.
    I don't think I'll use any of the features though

  • Thanks. Perfectly timed, was planning to subscribe soon.

  • Oh yes! Literally just setup my server and added some new drives :D shame my upload speeds are terrible.

  • yeah I'm also waiting for a half priced lifetime subscription offer, but this will tide me over until then.

    Thanks OP

  • Thanks

  • Thanks OP. Time to check the premium features.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, heres' the link to unsubscribe immediately:

    • Thanks, added to post.

  • What is the lowest the Plex lifetime membership goes to normally?

    • Half price afaik

  • +2

    I'm going to be that person who asks what Plex Pass is and how it might benefit me?

    • +9

      I'm going to be that person and say just Google it.

      • +4

        I'm going to be that person that purposely uses bing now.

        • +1

          OK, let me Bing that for you:

        • @jominix: Still no idea what exactly it is. Is it like Netflix where you can watch movies online ?

        • @yht:

          More of organising your local medias and make it looks beautiful with posters and metadata. Similar like kodi but this is server based and they have client apps for almost all platforms.

        • +2

          I'm going to be that person that purposely uses bing now.

          So you're the one…..

          Still no idea what exactly it is.

          Bing is a second rate search engine.

        • @jominix: thanks, Mate. No use for me then

        • +2

          What is Bing?
          And how am I supposed to find out without asking here?

        • @jominix: Personally I like LMGTFY better but seeing as I said bing ok; it turned up this result
          "Plex Pass is a subscription service that gives you the best Plex experience available" Wow helpful.

        • @yht: Does your household have more than 1 streaming device: computer, iPad/tablet, smart TV?

        • @yht:

          Yeah no good if you don't have local medias, I love this software and been using it for many years but since I subscribed to Netflix, I rarely used it now.

          Here's a quick video on how it works if you're interested:

        • @jominix: Can you Google 'why Bing?' for me?

        • @Maverick-au: Obviously you don't search for porn. :P

        • @Quarn:

          Sure, done, I just googled it for you.

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