• long running

Free to Watch with Ads - Scrubs Seasons 1-9 @ SBS On Demand


At Sacred Heart Hospital, a group of medical interns experience unpredictable staff, colleagues and patients as they learn the ways of medicine, friendship and life.


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  • +15

    Best show ever.

    720p sounds bearable for free, but not much more.

    • +2

      I watched it on a 42" projector and it was fine.

    • +4

      Until the later seasons. But agree, was great.

    • +3

      For free 720p sure, but with ads?
      worth it, let me num you

    • +3

      It's a comedy, made at the time when DVD was the big thing. I find comedy's to be better in SD because it smoothes over a lot of the jarring details.

      One of my goto details is actually from this show. Look at the episode with Dick Van Dyke in it, the one that ends with Kelso having to report his friend as being unfit to practice medicine. In SD, it's just an ordinary moment between two old guys. It's sad, but in some far off way, like hearing about a disaster in pakistan or russia that killed 23 people but nobody that you knew.

      But watch it in HD, and you can see their eyes watering and see all the little signs that indicate panic and fear and desperation. It kicks it up a notch, which can be great and the sort of thing scrubs is good for, but if you're watching it as a comfort show it makes it a little too real.

  • +1

    Has been on there for yonks, but such a good watch.

  • -1


  • +51

    Why don't you just post the link to the main page of SBS On Demand and just say "EVERYTHING ON HERE IS GOOD AND FREE!"

    • +34

      Yeah these are just ads for SBS.
      There is no [SUBS] so how is this in anyway a deal ?
      Is this OzTVguide now ?

      • +23

        Agreed, on-demand free to air TV with ads is not a bargain.

      • +1

        100% agree

    • -6

      Because not everything on there is good? I'm also not sure if that would be allowed, an example may be required.

    • +15

      Seems lot of people appreciate the posts for some reason.
      For me though it's time to look into how to block deals like this from appearing on my home page..

      Soon it will be "Deal: Farmer Wants a Wife Swap UK Season 69 now available in 480p with ads @ SBS On Demand"

      • +8

        Someone finally said it. Agree.

        "Hey,. the ABC news if free to watch on iView.."

    • +12

      maybe try to braff yourself

    • +1

      Can I help you too?

  • +1
    • +7

      Can't be worse than the last season. Right? Right!?

      • +18

        Scrubs finished on S8 E19, 'My Finale Pt 2'.

        The Office finished on S7 E21, 'Goodbye, Michael'.

        There were no episodes after this.

      • +1

        I made it like half of that first episode.

        Apparently, half the reason they made season 9 was so the crew had jobs during the GFC.

    • Bill Lawrence is also the creator of Ted Lasso? Did not know that.

  • Turk!

  • +20

    We don't need you to post every TV show and movie you watch OP

    • +1

      I watch way more than I have posted.

      • -1

        Can't wait for the posts then

        • -3

          They'll keep coming as long as they come to a free platform and I notice it.

    • I'm here for it OP

      • -3

        Thanks, the positivity is appreciated.

  • +7

    Or just download it for free and 1080p

    • +1

      And no ads

  • +3

    Does anyone know which version this is? The Netflix version sucks cause of all the licensing issues they had with music clearance, so they replaced them.

    • +1

      its the original

      • Noice. Time for a rewatch!

  • +2

    Is that where the Fortnite dance came from?

    • +1


  • +2

    Easy on the tini.

  • +4

    How good is SBS? Love the stuff they stream. Minimal ads too. Long may they reign.

  • Free no ads 4K remux on newsgroups

  • +5


  • -2

    Also check out The X-Files, though unfortunately it expires on 14 Mar 11:59pm AEDT.

    11 seasons in 6 weeks is doable right?

    • +2

      Sounds great - why don't you post it as a new bargain?

      • -7

        It already is one, if a mod didn't un-expire the old deal I probably would have.

  • -1

    Does it include the original music tracks or the replacement ones since they lost the licensing?

  • -6

    Excellent post. Would like to see more.

  • +2

    FYI even though it says 720p, the first 7 seasons are only 480p upscaled. They've never been scanned for HD. Still one of the best shows in history though so don't let that stop you.

  • They ruined season 9.

  • Scrubs complete dvd box goes for around $100, so this is a great saving and I can watch anywhere… yay!!!

  • -1

    Does this contain the original music? I think I've read somewhere that the streaming platforms (forgot which ones they are available on) have replaced some of the songs with generic music because they don't have the rights to those songs.

    • +1

      Someone else in the comments has confirmed it uses the original music.

  • +10

    SBS on demand is always free with ads, so this isn't a bargain.

  • Interesting that 2 perfectly valid recent posts about content on SBS On Demand have been removed due to 'Trolling', yet the posts from this user remain up. Favouritism?

  • +2

    This caliber of tv show is one in a generation. A must watch at least once. Season 9 was farked but otherwise a magic show.

    True to life and the intern experience (at least for me!). Just brilliant

    • 'magic show' is spot on.

    • +1

      Concur, but with way less laughs. What up NSW Health?!

  • +4

    Please stop posting this garbage. Ads for free to air TV streaming services are not bargains.

  • Wonder if this includes the special features?

    Like this gold

  • +2

    This is getting ridiculous.
    May as well turn on the TV and post each show listed in the EPG as a deal.

  • +1

    Great Show!

  • Our tax payer dollars hard at work.

  • +1

    Thanks op. Did consider buying the DVD set as I felt it was a good series. Saved me the cost as this is on demand and not only free to air tv.

  • +2

    I love SBS OnDemand as much as the next person, but this isn't a deal or a bargain.

    This post belongs in a forum not deal.

    Mod will be bias letting this one stays but remove subsequent shows

    • +3

      Pretty sure OP has incriminating photos of one or more of the mods :)

    • The mod has edited the post with instructions if you wish to hide this type of deal. It will apply to any future SBS post.

  • +1

    Watch it with Brave Browser to kill the ads.

  • Please stop posting this garbage. Ads for free to air TV streaming services are not bargains.

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