Free - The X-Files: Seasons 1-11 @ SBS On Demand


Previously they only provided a catch-up service for the last 10 episodes they had aired on SBS Viceland, but now they have made the first 5 seasons (117 episodes) available on demand.

Mod Note: Now includes Season 6
Update: All 11 seasons now included.

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  • +7

    Deals for the sleepless elite

    • +12

      I've been going through seasons 1-3 on DVD with my kids, the oldest is 14.

      They love them as it's a mixture of fantastic horror which gives them the nightmares, and government conspiracy which makes them laugh.

      Like most of their friends, they didn't know the theme music was from an actual show. It's short-hand in Gen Z meme culture for bizarreness.

      TLDR: be a good parent and make children watch this show. Even better if they're your children.

      • +30

        Now that I’m older the fantastic horror makes me laugh and the government conspiracy gives me nightmares…

        • I half blame this show for our current moment

  • -1

    That's a lot of content. These were filmed in low 90s quality original 4:3 AFAIK. I've been spoiled by hd everything.

    • +44

      Although HDTV wasn’t around in 1993 when the show started, The X-Files was able to be remastered in HD because it was shot on film, the same as other popular TV shows of the era, such as Seinfeld and Friends, both of which have been released in HD in recent years. One of the Directors of Photography for the show, John Bartley, said:

      “We shot The X-Files in Super 35 format and framed for 4:3. We protected for 16:9, because we knew it was coming.”

      This means that they set up each shot for 4:3 broadcast (since that’s the ratio that everyone’s TVs were at the time) but “protected” each shot for a 16:9 widescreen ratio. This means that they made sure equipment, crew members, and props didn’t appear in the widescreen frame, since they knew that the show would someday be released in a widescreen format.…

      • +9

        I would have loved to be able to swap between 4:3 and 16:9 and see all the background and film crew working just out of shot :p

      • +4

        I've been re-watching it since SBS have started broadcasting it. About 95% of it is using the film source, there's a few external shots where they use a 4:3 camera and it's stretched to fit the aspect ratio and looks like potato. Otherwise it stands up surprisingly well… except for bad how the aliens costumes look.

        • It's much better quality than the "complete" DVD collection that was released ~10 years ago, some of those discs looked like they were copied from VHS.

  • +4

    Reminds me of back when I bought all the stargates to have a marathon and barely got watched season 1 before I gave up.

    • +1

      Hey! I did the same! My sister borrowed it a year later and watched them all and found two discs faulty.

  • +19

    Hello, I’m Leonard Nimoy. The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by true, I mean false.

    • +7

      But they're entertaining lies and, in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is: no.

      • I think The Simpsons is part of a conspiracy to 'fracture' the mind of humanity! :-)

        • +4

          Keep watching the skis!

  • +4

    Holds up well, if you ignored the computer monitors and cellphones.

    Genuinely scary episodes in the early years too. I still have those original Digipak DVD box sets when they cost $170 — back then…

  • +5

    🎵 Who else hummed the theme song when they read this? 🎵

  • +5

    Season 1 Ep 2: Deep throat

  • +1

    I used to watch this as a kid it's a old show but for free I will take it

  • +5

    Woohoo! good stuff
    my favourite X-Files episode is "Home"

    • Have still never re-watched that episode to this day.

    • Mine is "Bad Blood".

    • I like the one about vampires

    • +1

      The old Cadillac and that Johnny Mathis song I now can’t get out of my head. Thanks for reminding me. Wonderful.

      • Johnny Mathis 'Wonderful Wonderful' song. love it!
        Best episode ever

    • My favourite episode is "Hell Money"

  • +5

    Damn but I had thing for Scully!

    Actually I still do :)

    • Me, too! She was the Thinking Man's sex symbol at the time.

      • +1

        You need to watch The Fall then.

        • And Hannibal! And Sex Education!

        • -1

          Any Gillian Anderson nudity in The Fall?

          • @jelko: Don’t think so. She does kiss a girl though.

  • Season 4, Episode 2.

    • Is that the amputee incest skateboard episode?

  • +4

    Lights a new ciggy

  • Compliment this with X-files files podcast series.

  • -4

    Not really a bargain, since you can't download it to keep. But I'll still watch it.

  • this is great. i'm never at home when it airs.

  • +3

    Awesome. I was deliberating on buying the big box recently when JB had it for cheap, but got cold feet when I rationalised that I'd never watch season 6 on (due to awfulness). This is exactly what I want for free. Just sucks that SBS on demand doesn't work on PS4 anymore.

    • +1

      Chromecast it.

    • How come you don't like season 6? Some of my favourite episodes are in 6.

  • +2

    ahh my crush Dana Scully :D

    • +2

      You can’t beat a hot readhead

    • +4

      By your logic we need to remove posts for free stuff.

    • +3

      I see ‘anal’ in your name.

    • +3

      Actually it's not like that at all - Netflix you pay for and SBS is free. Love SBS on demand.

  • +1

    I remember an episode with a guy who could make himself so thin to pass through the gap on the bottom of closed doors or windows. Does someone can tell me the title?

    • +3

      "Squeeze" followed up by "Tooms" if I recall correctly

    • -3


    • -1

      only some people pay tax - the rich largely don't anymore

      • +2

        Nope, our tax system is EXTREMELY progressive, the rich pay a disproportionate amount more of total tax revenue.

        • -1

          ahhh the obligatory liberal troll

    • +3

      you don't pay tax if you don't have a job - problem solved

      • Ever heard of GST?

        • and thats imposed on top of comparatively high taxes on alcohol products .. let alone the petrol to drive to the bottle shop!

    • +4

      I guess "junk" is subjective but I'd rather it go to this than 95% of the other free to air offerings. How broad is your definition of "junk"? Just X-Files or all TV? What about public libraries with shelves of fiction books that equally don't interest you? More wasted tax payers dollars on junk I take it? Damn kids with poor parents mooching off our public resources! '90s sci-fi should be an exclusive luxury left solely to the wealthy!

      • -5

        All free TV is junk. I only watch Foxtel and Netflix. Public shouldn't be subsidising junk media.

    • +3

      I wouldn't have expected anything less from somebody who posted such classics as "OzB, do you believe in Climate change?" and "Is the 'N' word offensive in Australia?"

      Could you try and play down the boomer stereotype just a tiny bit?

  • Probably not a fan favourite but I remember the crossover X-Files / COPS episode being a lot of fun.

  • +1

    Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted. :) Awesome free movie streaming, thanks for the info.

  • I want to believe.

  • +2

    Anyone found any other show that replicates the feel of the x files not just necessarily supernatural or abnormal.. closest I found was Mindhunter.

    Supernatural was good for a time when it was still new but it is a whole different beast now feels more like Charmed than Supernatural sometimes.

    Torchwood was ok but Mindhunter is really good at the suspense and investigating part of the show.

    • I’ve watched all of Supernatural up to season 12. I love the show but kinda got bored. I’ll pick it back up again sooner or later. I don’t know how many seasons behind I am. It was the Nazi bunker story line that lost my interest.
      I didn’t watch Torchwood. Mind hunter is great. Now to wait for season three.

      • Season 15 recently started and looks like it may be the last.

      • I am so hyped for mind hunter I really hope it spawns more TV series like it because it is fantastic.

        Can't stop watching it.. Super captivating and honestly I can set more series life it if people want to try their hand at making more like it.

      • Dean’s first demon at the crossroads…

  • +2

    I stopped using SBS On Demand when they killed the PS4 app.

  • They've just added season 6.

  • -3

    What a joke, post X Files and it's A-ok but post The Witcher and it's taken down as trolling. I said ages ago if the difference between an allowable and non-allowable post is sincerity then there's something wrong.

    • ? This is free while the Witcher is a paid subscription on Netflix.

      • So post anything on a free service but not a paid one?

        • No. You can’t just post anything if it’s free. There’s actually guidelines about posting free media. Technically it’s already been explained years ago.

          In general, multimedia content that are always free and available to everyone should be posted in the forums, but if something that was not previously free is offered free temporarily or permanently, it qualifies as a deal. In some cases, decisions on whether a post should stay as a deal or be moved to a forum post is at moderators discretion.

          If something is once off posted and positively accepted then moderators may decide that it remains a post. If it gets too out of control that is when moderators need to step in.

          This is basically just an accidental refresher post after 3 years, that SBS on Demand is actually a thing and has some decent stuff. Otherwise there would have been plenty of other posts from people about the 7 seasons of New Girl, 4 seasons of continuum, 4 seasons of Last Man on Earth and a bunch of decent movies.

          1 post after 3 years is a big difference to the current argument happening of almost monthly Game Pass posts.

  • Hey OzBargainers, at some stage there was a command line script in the comments above for downloading SBS On Demand streams. I think it was using wget??? Can someone post that again please?

  • Unfortunately this will be Expiring on 14 Mar 11:59pm AEDT.

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