• long running

Over 900 Free Movies on Demand $0 @ SBS


Its been 6 months since the last free movie offer now SBS have updated their movie collection offering over 900 Free Movies currently available for your viewing.

Mod: This deal was first posted 4/3/14, at the time there were no reports, it was assumptively seen as free movies (that would usually cost money to hire) with no/minimal strings attached. This deal has been routinely reposted as more movies have been added, however the apparent addition/increase of advertisements has likened this service more to a commercial television service/station (which isn't appropriate as a deal post). Therefore, despite the popularity of these posts, they appear in breach of our guidelines. Therefore this will be the last deal post for SBS on Demand service/channel any future posts will be moved to the free websites forum. Should you have any feedback about this, please do so within the site discussion forum (our guidelines are mostly developed from community feedback). Thanks

Mod 8/2/25: Fixed url and unexpired long running deal after a report. Clarified wording above.

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  • +7

    Tonari no Totoro Totoro.

    • Is it on there?

      • Looks like a no…

  • +3

    911…not the world's best number to offer!

    • +2


    • -4

      911…not the world's best number to offer!

      I'm sure the SBS did this delibrately.

    • +26

      SBS did 911, not Bush. Open your eyes sheeple!

      • +5

        Lee Lin Chin can't melt steel beams, what are you talking about!

  • +3

    Hasn't this been always free and paid for by in video ads?

    • +11

      This has been reposted every 6 months. Helps me celebrate SBS on Demand's half-birthday.

  • +19

    They just need to come up with one ultimate SBS movie. It involved nazis, boobs, social causes, and ninjas.

    • don't forget refugee horde from syria, feminists, fascists, trump vs anti-trump throngs, blacklivesmatter duds
      Kinda like world flavored version of Fat Pizza

      • +9

        And soccer. Always soccer.

        • soccer. Bloody soccer.

        • +4

          @beersme: soccer? Nahh, that thing is called football.

        • -1

          @Colombian: thank you. Very true.

    • +32

      Contrived Love: The Bedroom Tales of Hitler's Secret Transexual Aboriginal Foster Child in Mosul

      • Any car chases?

  • +2

    Romper Stomper. Now there's a blast from the past.

    • +6

      then he discovered that flinging phones gives a better "reputation" boost

    • +1

      Mate of mine was in that!

    • I think Romper Stomper has had a resurgence in popularity since Apex, Moombah, etc.

      • -6

        Apex gang doesn't exist. It's a code word the media uses to stigmatise African youth.

  • +14

    Ah SBS, the original youpron.

  • +3

    If you so wish to keep any of them, you can easily download the videos with a program like IDM.

  • +2

    Quite a few good documentaries in there.

    • Quite a few good lottsa genres in there…..and a skad I've never heard of.

  • +1

    What's worth watching?

    • +1

      There's quite a few well-received movies under the "Oscar goes to" category.

    • +1

      OG Halloween is on there

    • +3

      Room in Rome.

      • That movie is so bad in every way..had i geeat laugh when i watched it on Netflix.

    • +3

      The Guard, The Interview, Good Night And Good Luck, Oldboy (if you don't mind subtitles, but it's SBS, you shouldn't), The Woodsman (never got a proper release because it's Kevin Bacon playing a full on creepy paedophile) and Love the Beast (if you're into cars at all)

      and back in the day, they used to have the movie guy on SBS (no idea if he's still there) who'd introduce the movie then say a few words afterwards. One night, the movie finished and he goes "well, that was (profanity) up". Fairly certain it was The Night Porter. So obviously that's the best movie in there.

      • -1

        Sounds like you're talking about Marc 'that movie guy' Fennel: http://www.marcfennell.com/reviews/

        • +4

          Way before Fennell, there was Des Mangan

        • +1

          Mangan > Fennel
          I used to always watch Mangan's cult movie night.

  • +1

    Sweet! Thanks OP

  • +1

    Any in HD?

  • +22

    Pre internet days, where you would flick over to SBS in hope of getting a little European glimpse of a naked lady in the early 90's……

    And there was those random 'jackpot' moments where you got some weird "arthouse" film with even more.

    Good times.

    • +10

      naked lady in the early 90's

      Euugh! Call me ageist if you want. :)

    • +3

      With red tube it leaves nothing to the imagination.

    • +1

      At school, it was referred to as the Friday night t*t flick.

    • +4

      Eat carpet!

    • +3

      Shit yeah… I remember this French flick with Marcello Mastroianni where he and his buddies go to this country retreat and just eat, drink and root all these hot chicks. There was a barn scene, in particular, with a pretty blonde, a classic car, and a classic vibrator… I'd better stop now.

      PS: La Grande Bouffe (1973) it was. 7.2/10 on imdb

      • +1

        yeah, what a classic that was …..went to some old movie theatre showing suss shows in Melbourne!
        I remember some of the people at the feast just ate themselves to death …… eating PATE
        "squeeze out the pate" remember that scene?
        & others mixed their culinary preferences with sexual desires……..good laugh, bring it back.

    • -1

      I used to watch SBS in the 90's but for some reason all I seemed to come across were the manga/anime series and the Hong Kong action films. Wonder where Des Mangan is now. Never watched SBS live again after they refused to get rid of the ad breaks, and just boycotted TV in general since 2010.

  • +2

    So many sexy movie!

  • -3

    So they've reduced the number of movies by 35.


    How is that a bargain….

    Most of the movies are still the same, this belongs in the forums

    • +16

      You're late, almost 2 hours since the first comment, disgraceful.

      • +2

        I had an important meeting with Dan Andrews.

  • That's a pretty labored excuse!

  • +5

    Watched Romper Stomper today, pretty good early-era Russell Crowe that reminded me of American History X set in Melbourne.

    • -3

      Both films designed to associate whites who disagree with multiculturalism with violence and mental illness.

      • Care to elaborate on why you believe that to be the case?

      • Agree. After all, adults capable of intelligent thought will find it impossible to differentiate between the extremes depicted in movies and real people struggling to come to grips with the modern world. By the way there are plenty of people across the globe who manage to preserve and celebrate their own culture and embrace others without losing their own identities or pigeon-holing/stereotyping/marginalising others.

  • +2

    Easy to watch without adverts, e.g. on Kodi or browser with adblock.

    More of the LGTBI and Indigenous type stuff these days, but still plenty of the old skin flicks :-)
    Even the kids' movies have boobies: http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/833499715725/extraordin…

    Better picture quality than iView, and lots of great TV and movies. Especially Australian and foreign language of course.

    • +1

      Or use YouTube-dl to download the show for later.

  • I watched all of Daria and they had a show on there called klown it's a Danish sit come I loved it.

    To much advertising now the government has unregulated sbs. I guess they have to make cash some how.

  • Do the ads still restart the media? Do you still need to sign up?

  • -1

    whoa. you can SBS and chill now! FOC!

  • +1

    Unless they have the SBS Classic- 'Erotic Ghost Story', I don't care.

  • -1

    Too bad most of their content is at 360p.
    Makes my eyes bleed.

    • I watched a couple of things on there last week and it was nowhere near that bad. 720p is my guess.

      • Actually according to SBS their highest quality requires 1mbps or about 400MB per hour.
        That is officially below standard definition (480p).

        • Official? You cant really imply resolution (like 480p) from bps.

        • @Duff5000:
          Actually you can, unless they're using a different codec/compression to literally everyone else.

        • @Viper8:
          Bit rate is separate to resolution though. You can easily have a 720 steam at a higher bit rate than a 1080 stream.

          While generally higher rez will often end up with higher bite rate it isnt that simple. There is no standard setting everyone uses. You could guess but it isn't really a reliable way to determine resolution.

        • @Duff5000:

          Yes, and to get 720p at such a low bit rate would result in compression so bad that you would beg for regular 480p.

          Point is, the image is shit on SBS. It's simply not possible to get a good image on 1mbps. 720p on ANY other platform requires at least three times that bit rate.

        • @Viper8:

          Where did you get the 400MB / hour figure from anyway? Their FAq's say: "60 minute video - up to 675MB of data"
          That seems pretty reasonable.

          The most commonly available tv torrents are about 350mb per hour @ ~ 720x400. Sbs are running around twice that bit rate according to their faqs.

          I agree though, some of the shows do look quite low res, others look fine though. Maybe some are only available in lower resolution?

    • I think it autosenses your connection's bandwidth. It was sometimes bad when I was leeching off a neighbour's Telstra Air.

      • Probably.
        Everything else streams at a constant 720p with no buffering for me (4mbps).
        Yet all of the catch up TV apps stream at ~360p. Shit optimisation I guess.

      • Web client says "1500M" . I'm guessing h264.
        Picture quality is good most of the time, but in some scenes you can see it fail. e.g. water scenes (the usual suspect).

        Clearly far better than ABC iView.

  • +1

    Highly recommend French Beauty & The Beauty, stunning visuals!

  • Does SBS stand for Sex Before Sleep? Hmm must browse through the french movies lol.

  • Strippers vs Werewolves: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1702009/ When werewolf chief Jack Ferris is accidentally killed in a strip club the girls who work there have until the next full moon before his bloodthirsty wolfpack seek murderous retribution

    Even at $0, I suspect that's priced too high for this movie.

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