• expired

eBay Cashback Increases to 2.00% Sitewide until 6PM 21/02 @ Cashrewards


Cashrewards have upped their rewards to 2% (up from 1.25%) for a short amount of time only.

Although it's not a huge increase, and 2% is quite small in comparison to other deals, I just thought I would at least share with the community.

Coupon code from existing eBay deal is also allowed to be used when claiming cashback.

A maximum of $50 cashback may be earned on any single purchase.


Referral Links

Referral: random (3904)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +21

    0.75% extra off is not a bargain

    • +14

      It barely pays for the extra electricity required to browse and click through the cashrewards site…

      • +2

        You must pay through the nose for electricity or run an enormous rig.

        • +4

          or run an enormous rig.

          Don't really like to brag, but…

    • -1

      0.75% extra off is not a bargain

      Not really a bargain if you don't buy expensive items on eBay.
      It's a bargain if you do.

      • +2

        It's a bargain if you do.

        regardless of whether the items are expensive or not, the extra discount is still 0.75%… Better off waiting until the next 20% off sale on ebay…

        • -1

          You're only concentrating on the % figure, not the actual amount. This deal is great for people who spend large amounts, e.g. someone who wants to buy a new phone or laptop, or any work purchases.

          Sometimes, someone will post a deal that you are unable to comprehend, but which makes good sense to other people. Don't worry, things like that will happen in this big bad world.

        • +1


          You're only concentrating on the % figure, not the actual amount.

          That is the correct way to look at it…

          This deal is great for people who spend large amounts

          not really, they'd be much better off saving, let's say 20%, than the 0.75% mentioned in this post…

        • @eug:

          You're only concentrating on the % figure, not the actual amount.

          The percentage is the only constant over purchases (for $2500 or less) made under this "deal". This makes 0.75% the only number that can really be compared to other deals and why some of us consider it a pathetic discount and not a valid deal.

          Sometimes, someone will post a deal that you are unable to comprehend

          I would imagine most people laughing at a 0.75% discount are quite capable of comprehending what's going on…CHEAP MARKETING!!

        • @jv:

          That is the correct way to look at it…

          OK, if you say so.

          not really, they'd be much better off saving, let's say 20%, than the 0.75% mentioned in this post…

          That's as useful as saying they'd be much better off saving let's say 80%. It's totally irrelevant as you cannot save 20% now. Take it or leave it. I suggest you leave it. This deal isn't for you, so there's no reason for you to keep commenting.

          Oh wait, I just remembered you really just comment for the sake of it. :)

        • @OzBragain:

          This makes 0.75% the only number that can really be compared to other deals and why some of us consider it a pathetic discount and not a valid deal.

          Yes, because this deal isn't for people like you. People who make large purchases, or work purchases, will understand.

        • @eug:

          Yes, because this deal isn't for people like you. People who make large purchases, or work purchases, will understand.

          Get off your high horse champ! How much anyone spends on Ebay or who's money they use is totally irrelevant.

          0.75% will always only ever be three quarters of one percent.

        • +1

          @OzBragain: Point proven.

        • @eug:

          Thank you, I'm glad we're on the same page

        • +2

          @OzBragain: We're not, as you didn't get my point.

          But I just re-read my last reply and realised where the 'high horse' comment came from. When I said "people like you", that could have been read as "peons like you". It really just meant "people (like you) who don't spend a lot on ebay", so sorry for that.

          Anyway, you're welcome to keep thinking that it's the 0.75% figure that matters, and not the cash amount at the end. The internet is large enough for two different opinions. You're also probably wondering why people make noise when loan interest rates go up by a mere 0.5%. I guess that'll remain a mystery. :)

        • @eug:

          It really just meant "people (like you) who don't spend a lot on ebay", so sorry for that.

          Very civil of you but there's really no need for you to apologise. The fact still remains that you have no idea how much I (or others) spend on eBay. Feel free to keep pretending that you do actually know everything if that makes you feel better.

          You're also probably wondering why people make noise when loan interest rates go up by a mere 0.5%. I guess that'll remain a mystery. :)

          No, not really. People who make noise when interest rates move half a percent generally have many hundreds of thousands of dollars affected. The maximum single purchase this three quarters of one percent can have an affect on is $2500. Please see here if you're still struggling to understand the numbers.

        • @OzBragain: OK, so maybe for big ballers these paltry amounts don't matter. For the less financially wealthy, these little bonuses do make a difference.

          Don't forget that people can also make multiple large purchases. The increment isn't limited to just one purchase.

        • +2


          I'm surprised that I'm still entertained by the primary school level of comprehension driving your argument.

          I'm going to leave it her but please continue as I'm sure others are getting a laugh too.

        • -2

          @OzBragain: Glad to have entertained you and your 8 other neggers. :)

        • -2

          Please keep us entertained :)

        • @eug: Would you upvote a deal which gave you a $7.50 discount on a $1000 item? That's a SAVING, not a BARGAIN for most people, although given the way the English language is regularly abused some people wouldn't know the difference.

          Cashback and other rebate providers have these savings available at FAR higher rates for other stores, many of which have sales from time to time. As I said in another of these ludicrous "deals", if 0.075c/dollar is of such great import to you then you should probably consider whether the original purchase is actually wise.

        • -1


          That's a SAVING, not a BARGAIN for most people

          You do realize they're the same thing right?

          A bargain is getting something for less than the normal selling price.
          When you get something for less than the normal selling price, that's a … savings.

          Wait, stop, I can see your fingers itching to type a reply. Just keep in mind that it doesn't matter as our definitions don't have to agree - the internet is big enough for differing opinions and I have no interest in changing yours. This is a community site and clearly more of the community have upvoted than downvoted this, so the community has spoken.

          As I said in another of these ludicrous "deals", if 0.075c/dollar is of such great import to you then you should probably consider whether the original purchase is actually wise.

          As I said in another post here, it's not a deal for everyone. It's definitely a deal for people who can take advantage of it, e.g. people buying a laptop anyway, or who make work purchases.

          With work purchases for example, someone else is paying for the item. You're just collecting free money. At 1.25% that's $18.75 cashback, at 2% that's $30 cashback. Two laptops means $60 cashback instead of $37.50.

          Some people will say "pfft, getting an extra $11.25 back on a $1,500 purchase isn't a deal!", whereas if someone simply gave them $11.25 for free, that would be fantastic. People are going to make these purchases anyway - getting extra money back on top of it is a bonus.

          Clearly this deal doesn't concern you, so as the voting guidelines and mod says, just move on.

        • @eug:

          That's a SAVING, not a BARGAIN for most people

          You do realize they're the same thing right?

          In your mind perhaps. That's the thing with language, you have to understand the elementary concept of context. In this case there is more to consider, such as the raison d'etre of the site, the fact that your "saving" is most likely nothing of the sort unless it's a non-discretionary spend, etc.

          I note you have avoided my question and provided no reasoning as to why such a tiny rebate should be considered a bargain when other far greater savings are not - by you and most other Ozbargainers. I wasn't asking because I needed to an answer, I know the reason. It's well understood in psychology. I simply wanted to see you twist logic back on itself yet again.

          In the end site users vote how they want. Imo "deals" such as this diminish the site and large upvotes make a mockery of it, as well as diminishing the value of real bargains.

          The bottom line is that YOU, and others, believe that a $0.75 saving per $100 spend is a BARGAIN, whereas others, including ME, think it's not even close in the context of purchasing limits (as against very large borrowings for example), and this site's purpose.

        • @Possumbly:

          I know the reason. It's well understood in psychology. I simply wanted to see you twist logic back on itself yet again.

          Oh, you're so clever.

          whereas others, including ME,

          Hopefully one day you'll realize this site is about the community and not just the wants of a small group of people. Looking at the number of votes, the community has spoken. End of story.

        • @eug: Two classic non-arguments in a short space of time. I let the other one go through to the keeper but since you've made a poor attempt at a personal dig allow me to return the favour. Whether I'm clever or not is beside the point, as is whether you're a card carrying member of Ovine Inc. Frankly I can see why you ignore the facts because your "logic" is a pup any way it's looked at. Community my ….. This site exists for one reason alone, and that's GOOD bargains, not 75c/$100 deals. Thankfully these junk deals aren't the norm or the site would quickly disappear up its own fundamental.

        • -2

          @Possumbly: Sure, whatever floats your boat. :)

        • -1

          @eug: Surely the Ovine "community" can do better than that? Perhaps someone will assist by posting a decent deal on How to make a cogent argument and not rely on vacuous statements like "the internet is big enough for differing opinions" $0.75 sounds about the right price.

        • -1

          @Possumbly: Ahh, trying to bait out a response now are we? Nice attempt. :)

          I can recognize when internet discussions become like talking to a brick wall, so I know when not to bother wasting my time. The internet is large enough for two different opinions anyway. There's no reason for me to try and change your mind, because it clearly won't happen. You can think whatever you want to think, that's fine. This is a community site, and looking at the vote count, you're clearly in the minority but just can't accept it. Perhaps you might want to use some of your clever psychology to find out why.

        • @eug: always happy to be in the minority. In fact in this case I'd be particularly concerned if I was one of your "community" sheep. While you're looking for that book of cliches google the 'tyranny of the majority' and learn something new. Hardly applicable here but since you believe this is a "community" it may well be for you.

        • @Possumbly: Aww, what a cute attempt at trying to elicit a response from me. Thanks for all the attention, but I'd rather enjoy the view of the pit down there from way up here. :)

          It's great that you're happy to be in the minority. Anyway there's nothing wrong with being in the minority. It's how you react to being in the minority that counts.

          Have a nice week!

        • @eug: see the first sentence of your previous post. How many posts did you rack up defending a 75c/$100 saving?

        • @Possumbly: Once again, you're only concentrating on the 75c figure. Weber-Fechner might help you. Actually probably not, there's nothing in the world that will make you change your mind, which is all fine and good as it doesn't affect me.

          I really have no idea why you're still trying to convince me that you're right and I'm wrong though. The internet is large enough for two different opinions. It's kinda like .. real life.

        • @eug: I'm not trying to convince you of anything pal I'm simply showing how vacuous and inconsistent your "logic" (note the inverted commas) is. The actual value of the deal is obvious to anyone with basic intelligence and arithmetic ability and no amount of waffling qualification will ever change that. By all means take comfort in your imaginary community and ephemeral majority but don't expect others to swallow such arrant nonsense. We didn't all come down in the last shower nor are we all sheep.

        • @Possumbly: Once again, Weber-Fechner. This deal isn't for you, and unfortunately you're unable to see how it can be good for some people. But go ahead and think whatever you want. It's a pity you had to resort to childish insults like "sheep".

        • @eug: Agreed. My apologies to sheep, likeable and relatively harmless animals which continue to make great contributions to human life. Truism: tosh repeated is still tosh.

        • @Possumbly: Hence my brick wall comment. Point proven once again. Have a nice weekend!

        • @eug: your brick wall/wasting time comment was 5 posts back was it not? Grab a dictionary over the weekend and look up the word irony. While you'r there see if you can nut out the difference between a saving and a bargain.

        • -1

          @Possumbly: It's cute how you can't let go. Someone is wrong on the internet, you must show the person how dumb they are!

  • wish they had paypal cashback.. would be awesome

  • Ah the good old not-really-a-bargain-cashback-for-a-very-limited-time post. Gotta love how regular these posts come about, it's almost like some sort of cyclical advertising…

  • +8

    This is getting rather silly…

  • Meh…

  • +9

    Been done over before, failed to track they say :/

    • +2

      Use IE if you have to.

      Disable your adblock and all other obstructive addons.

  • Supposed to have stayed at 2% as per this deal after the drop to 1%.

    • I don't think there was any mention of it permanentely staying at 2% though? The 'This will cost us money in the process' suggested that it was temporary since it was clearly unsustainable for CR to keep the 2% up?

      • +3

        Surely not haha by going through all this, we're essentially working for cashrewards.

        Helping them earn money and getting a little bit back..

  • +16

    OzBargain.com.au: The best place for the latest Cashreward spam and NES Classic in stock notifications on the web!

    • Now if only groupon sold the mini NES and you could combine with cashrewards, what a trifecta!

      Don't forget your referral link and cashback ;)

  • +21

    Wow, I can save an extra 75cents if I spend $100. I can almost afford a Freddo Frog!
    This is spam.

    • +5

      You have to be patient though. 3 month wait on that freddo. Might be a good weight loss incentive

      • +3

        That's if it tracks.

    • +3

      Today's your lucky day 50c giant freddos at Woolies. Save 55c instantly, about how much extra you will get back in a few months if you make a $73.34 purchase on eBay through CR.

      • +1

        50c giant freddos at Woolies. Save 55c

        Over 50% discount right there

  • +1

    Does this mean a new eBay sale is likely tomorrow, they seem to coincide often.

    • Hopefully.. I'm looking forward to a sitewide deal

    • What do you expect him to say? Nothing will appease people who are unable to understand that not all deals are for them.

      • +1

        not all deals

        Calling this a 'deal'.

        • Oh, you're hilarious. You said roflcopter! Ha ha ha!

        • +1

          @eug: roflboeing747

        • +1

          @TheOneWhoKnocks: OK that's quite a bit more serious. Something more modern like a 787 would be better though.

  • +7

    These come up so often should be considered spam.

  • +2

    I honestly don't understand you people.

    I gave this deal a neg https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/290061 and my neg got revoked because I said 0.25% saving isn't a deal. Yet this post (which is arguably better than the one I linked) is performing so much worse.

    Don't get me wrong I hate cashrewards and don't believe any of their posts should be counted as deals (I'd like to see all cashreward posts stay in the forums, they aren't providing a product) but the lack of consistency with votes is starting to irk me. And is honestly making me think there is probably some vote manipulation going on.

    tldr; keep cashrewards (and similar) posts in the forums, they aren't selling products

    • +2

      I think that post was upvoted so much because of the effort the OP went to in explaining what WISH cards were. That was also more about making the original 5% off WISH gift cards known as well, bit hard to compare.

      • +3

        The original 5% has been around for a very long time and cashrewards are not the only company to offer it. Every single other cashback website offers 5% on WISH gift cards. The regularity that cashrewards gets posted to ozbargain compared to the other cashback sites (with questionable upvotes) is a bit concerning and like others have said before me is bordering on abusive.

        Move all cashback posts to the forums, we aren't getting "a deal" on a product.

        • I'm not arguing against your statement regarding this post, I agree that it shouldn't be worthy of deal status considering the very minimal cashback you're receiving and that the multitude of these posts is extremely high these days.

          I just think posts like the WISH one are good refreshers considering groceries and other woolies subs are a much bigger saver and part of life than 2% at eBay, so that's just where it differs for my opinion because I hadn't heard of the 5% prior to that post.

    • Serious voter fraud in OzBargain CashReward's posts - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!

  • I remember the good times when it was 4%.

  • +1

    0.75% saving is not a deal!

  • The negativity is strong here.

    I'll leave this here in case anyone wishes to read (previous comment from a similar deal).

  • +3

    why is this a bargain?

    Don't post shit like this unless it's associated with a 10-20% discount on ebay.

  • +2

    I demand vote equality. This is a perfect example of why people should be able to express their disdain by voting negatively.

  • +5

    Doesn't mean something up-voted in the past should continue onward. People have wisened up, these CashReward posts pop up every week, representing what is hardly a bargain.



    a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.

  • +1

    This is still equivalent to if not better than supermarket and credit card rewards. Turns out points systems with large numbers work well to hide the miniscule savings.

  • +1

    Penny wise, pound foolish.

  • +5

    For me, bargain is that encourages me to spend my hard earned money on something that I need (or many times on things I don't need). I have to agree with others here, this extra .75% is not something that would ever encourage me to spend my hard earned money. Sorry OP, negging the deal not your efforts.

  • +1

    Is this site part-owned by cashrewards or something? Every other day this SPAM gets through to the front page!

    • -1

      Yes you have cracked the mystery. TA has logged into 83 accounts to up-vote this :/

    • As part of our recent post to quash conspiracy theories, I'll remind you and others that OzBargain is 100% independent. No one pays to post, no one gets special treatment and we do audit all the votes. 18 deals were removed last month for sockpuppeting as we are always on the lookout for dodgy behaviour.

      Now, if you don't want to see cashrewards deals or any other store, you can hit the hide link at the top of the deal. See FAQ.

      Also a reminder about the voting guidelines.

      To make it short:

      • Good deal, vote +
      • Not interested in the deal, do nothing, move on.
      • Major issue with retailer or deal, better price elsewhere, vote -.
  • +1

    There have been joke posts that claim more credibility to being the front page than this.

    At least they made you laugh, whereas this is outright laughable…

  • I for one, appreciate this. I was going to get stuff off ebay and would have
    waited till the end of the week.

    But am now getting it tomorrow instead.

    It's not much but something for nothing is always good for me.

  • 1.25% is not a bargain, let alone a .75% increase from the base rate.

  • As much as I would like to + it, but if it's only temporary, nah.

  • +1

    Most of the people use ebay and cashrewards (yes, I do that as well). But I wont start doing shopping based on this increase. It is nice to have thing and I dont even want to know how much is current rate as the saving is too less and it takes months. After a year, you can see some money and encash it.

    Such deals ( yes including wish card .25% increased discounts) are just notifications and if someone is only doing shopping when 5.25% discount on wish card or 2% cashback on ebay comes, there is something wrong with your maths or you are calculating your discounts wrong. Big investments in Wish card restricts your shopping for good deals from elsewhere and also blocks your money ( for those doing over 1k card purchase).

    Looks like we don't want to make few people angry as they post too many good deals. But this deal getting 90+ is strange as wish deals.
    Want to know if these people really did ebay shopping and their savings…

  • As much (actually in this case how little) of a deal this is, I don't think it should be stopped from being posted or appearing as a deal originally - but the voting should essentially be free to determine if people rate it as a good deal or not. Having someone else decide if it appears or not because it's so bad kinda defeats the purpose of voting on it, and hiding it accordingly

  • I've tried the last two times with edge, no addons and doesn't track.

    Tried click through to Expedia a couple of weeks back looking for motel in New Zealand, surprisingly the motel was more expensive with the click through then going straight to Expedia.

    Once was good, starting to doubt it now.

  • +1

    Yay was going to buy something anyway, thanks OP

  • +1

    I ordered something on the 20th but they only gave the 1.3% cashback

    • Same for me. Ordered on the 19th after I saw this post and did not receive the 2% cash back.

      • Did you contact them through their support system? They normally respond and fix within 24 hours in my experience.

      • +1

        Fixed now. Thanks to the Cashrewards team!

        • +1

          Likewise it has been fixed :)

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