• expired

Pizza Hut: Up to 70% Cashback ($20 Cap) + [Westpac, BoM, BSA, StG] 50% Bonus Cashback with Apple Pay ($10 Cap/Order) @ ShopBack

Cashback Rates
Coca Cola Bundles (Capped at $20) 70%
New Customer (Capped at $10) 50%
Existing Customer 20%

70% Cashback only applies to the below items

  • Coca Cola Bundles SKU
  • SKU 605469: Triple Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo
  • SKU 700117: Loaded Garlic Bread Combo
  • SKU 605466: Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo
  • SKU 605467: Double Loaded Mac
  • SKU 16053710: Pasta Party Combo
  • SKU 16060010: Single Wingstreet
  • SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides
  • SKU 5055335: 4 Large Pizzas + 4 Sides

Cashback exclusions

These items are not eligible for Cashback:

  • Using 3rd party promotional offers & codes
  • Cancelled or changed orders
  • Zip Pay payment method
  • Pizza Hut App purchases
  • Sunday & Public Holiday surcharges

We calculate Cashback based on the order amount, excluding:

  • Fees
  • Taxes
  • Service charges
  • Shipping and delivery fees

This Cashback deal is not valid together with:

  • Vouchers or Promo codes not featured on our platform

Terms and conditions

Cashback tracking

  • Cashback is available only if you visit the Pizza Hut website via our platform.

Special notes from store

  • Cashback is eligible on the use of all official Pizza Hut Promo codes.
  • Cashback is eligible on pickup and delivery orders, including pre-orders.
  • New Customer = New Pizza Hut Customers · Existing Customer = Existing Pizza Hut Customers.
  • Only valid orders from Pizza Hut will be eligible for Cashback. Pizza Hut will decline any transactions found to be fraudulent.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3579)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $20/order or $20/user on the standard cashback?

    • +4

      Per order unless otherwise stated

  • +14

    shop back on pizza hut gives me a head ache now . I have done less reading on an assignment.

    • If you want, you can order this again for donation ;-) Give these meals to anyone around you, your family/relatives, neighbors, friends, homeless people, etc.

  • -1

    Can't get my head around this deal as an existing customer with Westpac, ordering 2 for 1 supreme pizza on Tuesday.. on an Android phone

    Too confusing..will give it a miss.

    Like I have a Westpac card but no apple phone, so no bonus??

    Neg deal for me…

    • +1

      Not that confusing tbh

      New customers mean for those who haven’t transacted on ShopBack previously for Pizza Hut

      Coca Cola Bundles is eligible for both existing and new customers. OP has listed which items are eligible and counted towards the bundles SKUs. And yes it’s only for Apple users since you’d need Apple Pay for the additional bonus

      • +1

        Apple users and hold an associated card … I think..

        • Like I have a Westpac card but no apple phone, so no bonus??

          Yup I was answering to this part in your sentence. Bonus is for Apple Pay which is Apple users only who have linked their cards with the bank bonus eligible cards

        • +4

          So its TunzaBargain not Ozbargain.

          Its a deal for Westpac (and affiliates) customers who have ApplePay

          Its just a condition of the deal. Like when there are higher discounts for new customers… Lets vote all those down as well?

          The deal is underwritten by Westpac and Apple. If you want a Westpac and Samsung/Google deal, write to those companies as demand why they dont offer this to you. Dont be a spoil sport.

          Lighten up remember its as you should say… Tunz afun

          • @RockyRaccoon: I agree with your viewpoint but it is annoying that they started bank bonus and essentially stopped offering any real bonuses and shifted the hurdle to bank bonus and apple pay. Soon it will be a third barrier and fourth etc.

            I wouldn't neg it for that because it's still a deal for some but it is kind of sad the way things are going

            • @Chocobros: Well, I agree with yours. Like so many bargains, we probably get better deals in the first instances, then like (for Example) the telco's they wind them back.

              If they get/retain enough business they continue. Likewise if the deals worth it I buy, if its not then I move on.

      • So I'm an Existing Customer (20%), does that mean that if I order a Coca Cola Bundle (70%) it gets boosted to 90% total or is it capped at 70%?

        I don't have the Apple Pay + specific bank card for the extra 50% bonus

        • No. 70% only. Need apple pay for bonus

  • +15

    Shopback getting more convoluted with more specialised requirements but also service quality is way down.
    First it was just Westpac card holders but now you need Westpac group card AND has to be paid via Apple pay?
    Soon Apple Pay promotion will be over and they will move on to different requirements.
    It's too much.

    • +10

      Got my lock of a Unicorns mane from a 3yr old gelding, born out of wedlock ready to go for the next promo.
      Hopefully the wind is prevailing from the South East so we get a $25 cap.

    • +5

      Next year, 50% cashback on AliExpress orders if you are the eldest child born during the blood moon.

      But remember to use the portal link checker for affiliated items!

      • +1

        Do you have to swing the cat around your iPod dock clockwise or anticlockwise?

        • Its only a Pizza you miss out on.

          So you wont need to access the Apple heart app.

        • Find out by downloading the game app!

  • My orders only tracked for the coke bundle, Apple Pay was missed last round. 70% is still decent, treated a few neighbours.

    • Apple Pay tracked for me, multiple orders all tracked fine as well.

    • All of my pizza hut orders tracked for both 70% and bank bonus with St. George bank card. Have you clicked/tapped the top banner in Shopback about Apple Pay and put the related bank card? I did. All tracked, no problem. In previous recent deals, I ordered 10x and all tracked for both cashback. I am doing it again and again today ;-)

      • It tracked the first two times when this was run this month. The third time it just dropped. No Apple Pay was tracked today either, made 5 orders so far. Using my linked westpac if that makes a diff. I can’t believe how surprised and happy my neighbours have been :) Still worth it at 70%. Spread the joy if you can be bothered 😇

        • I just placed 3 orders. In my email and history shopback shows 2x Apple $10 bonus and the 2x 70% but the third order is missing.

          When the pop up came saying cashback tracked - it showed the third order which is strange -_- but as it’s a pop up it’s gone now

  • +1

    this deal has been doing the rounds for the last week or so.

    Link your Westpac card to ShopBack if you haven’t done it already. the last four digits should show up when you go into the Westpac lounge and Apple Pay lounge.

    order one of the bundles and you’ll get $20. click Apple Pay at the Payment page on the Pizza Hut website use the linked credit card and you’ll get $10.

    Haven’t tried, but I think the new and existing user rate is if you don’t order one of the bundles.

    • I only order Single Wingstreet menu and get both 70% cashback and bank bonus cashback too. All tracked, no problem.

  • +4

    How do I order the Coca Cola bundle? Don’t see it on their website…

    • They are on Pizza Hut website. There is no specific “Coca Cola Bundles” section. Just look for items with matching name.

      • I have the same issue as @park it all the bundles are replaced by new years offers which are expensive and dont match the SKUs for cashback

        • So i found that if you are on your mobile the available offers are restricted but through PC you can see the others

        • +1

          I see what you mean. On your device, go to WingStreet/Pasta section and scroll to the bottom. You should be able to find these Coca Cola bundles.

          • @foxes28: Nice the only offer i cant find using that method is the 3 + 3 and 4 + 4 deals as they dont seem to be at the bottom of the pizza choices. Can be found on desktop site though

  • Apple pay 50% cashback did not track for the last two times, only the 70% cashback. Westpac card is added to shop back and Apple pay, and I clicked on the pizza hut in the earn more - Apple pay section. Shop back says to wait 7 days for tracking is that 7 business days or calendar days?

    • Knowing ShopBack that will be 7 days, but subtracting days that are over 28degrees Celsius, but days that are over 15degrees at night time adding at a ratio of 1.5.

      But seriously, Apple Pay bonus has been clunky for me. One tracked within a day, one failed to track at all (claim lodged), and one initially failed to track and then randomly tracked 4 weeks later - this was only a small amount so I hadn’t lodged a claim..

    • Have you clicked/tapped top banner in Shopback about Apple Pay and bank bonus cashback? I did with St. George bank card. All tracked for both cashback and bank bonus cashback, no problem with St. George bank card.

      St. George bank is part of Westpac (merger long time ago).

  • So my local store only has garbage offers available due to new years.

    Does anyone have a trick to apply specific deal SKUs listed above?

    • +1

      I only choose Wingstreet tab on top in Pizza Hut website, then scroll to bottom and choose Single Wingstreet. Choose any pizza there, then chicken wings and beverage can. Total is under $20, profit $4/order. Repeat for any time and day to pickup or eat there ;-)

  • Just ordered.
    Tracking for both regular and Apple Pay took 10mins.
    Ordered the loaded mac and cheese = $26.95.
    Cashback = $28.87.

  • Can someone good at maths calculate the best $value to order assuming you can take advantage of both offers?

    • +1

      Single Wingstreet (1 Lge Pizza + 6 Wings + 375mL drinks) is $19.95 pick up- so that’s $4 profit

      • Yes same, $4 profit.

      • Where are you getting $4, isn't it only $1.81? Cashback doesn't apply to GST.

        $19.95 / 11 x 10 x 1.2 - $19.95 = $1.81.

        • Only if you pay with Apple Pay and related bank cards as required.

          In Pizza Hut website, choose Wingstreet tab on top, scroll to bottom to choose Single Wingstreet. Then choose any pizza (only pizza without additional $), chicken wings and beverage can. Pay with Apple Pay. That's it.

          Before you do this, make sure you have put your bank card required in Shopback and Apple Pay. I tapped/clicked top banner in Shopback about Apple Pay to activate this bank bonus cashback.

          • @neoleo: Yes I understand that. What I am saying is that the amount of $4 that others have quoted seems to include tax when the offer clearly says that tax is not eligible for cashback.

            • @Tommyaka: $13.97 pizza hut + $9.98 apple pay bonus per order for me in my Shopback account. I paid $19.95

        • Cashback doesn't apply to GST.

          It does for Pizza Hut. I don't know how long you've been playing this game, but if you remember back in the days when there used to be 100% cashback, we actually got the 100% cashback including the GST component

          the offer clearly says that tax is not eligible for cashback

          It's a standard boilerplate for all SB or even any other cashback providers. In reality, it depends on the store (some do exclude GST from cashback, others like PH don't)

  • -8

    Good luck to get any bonus cashback from ScamBack.

  • +1

    In previous same deals recently I ordered 10x in 2 different days (same deals). I wonder if there's limit for how many orders per account? Could I order 1000x for donation ;-) ? Single Wingstreet only for me.

    Both my 70% cashback + Apple Pay bonus cashback were tracked no problem using my iPad in Safari browser with Apple Pay and St. George bank card. Profit $4/order of Single Wingstreet for me ;-)

  • I give up this time:
    - SKU's don't match
    - prices up
    - cannot select chips as a side !?

    • -I wouldn’t worry to much about sku - it’s listed as the product name
      -Prices arnt up for the items I buy.
      - I have no issues selecting chips
      Diff stores run out of products at times, it’s not uncommon

    • +1

      Pre order from Thursday onwards and sku/order process will be OK including ability to add chips.

      Seems they have purposely changed offers for today and tomorrow because of new year.

      • yes, I am trying to preorder Tuesday and although it shows up for the deal at the top of the page, it doesn't discount it when adding the two pizzas…maybe they turn it off when there are upsized deals now so you can't get the 2 for 1 plus the 50% bonus cashback? Westpac bonus 50% today + normal 4.2%

        • I've just tested locally and same issue with Tuesday 2 for 1 not applying on preorder.

          Interestingly the Thursday 9.95 thin and crispy works for preorder which suggests you're right and they've turned the Tuesday offer off whilst 50% bonus is on.

          • +1

            @Chocobros: Asked pizza hut on messenger. They said some stores are not participating for the 241 deal atm but it might change next week

  • -8

    bring on 100% cashback or leave it..

    • If you have Apple Pay and the required bank card, it's additional 50% cashback with Apple Pay. So, 70% cashback + 50% Apple Pay with required bank card = profit $4/order if you order Single Wingstreet (large pizza + 6 wings + beverage can). It's more than 100% cashback ;-)

  • The Tuesday 2 for 1 offer is gonna? I couldn't find it in the App. Anyone see it?

    • I think they may have turned it off for today (New Years Eve). Tried a dummy booking for next tuesday, which did have it appear in deals, but didn't seem to discount. Reckon it's still available but maybe just turned off today.

      • thanks Pcoder, I think you are right!

    • yes, I am trying to preorder Tuesday and although it shows up for the deal at the top of the page, it doesn't discount it when adding the two pizzas…maybe they turn it off when there are upsized deals now so you can't get the 2 for 1 plus the 50% bonus cashback? Westpac bonus 50% today + normal 4.2%

  • Can you order multiple times?

    • Yes cap is per order unless stated otherwise

  • +3

    Standard Prices (Pickup/Delivery):

    SKU 605469: Triple Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo (66.95/69.95)
    SKU 700117: Loaded Garlic Bread Combo (can't find)
    SKU 605466: Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo (26.95/31.95) - 1 Pizza, 1 regular loaded Pasta and 1 1.25 litre drink
    SKU 605467: Double Loaded Mac (36.95/39.95)
    SKU 16053710: Pasta Party Combo (59.95/69.95)
    SKU 16060010: Single Wingstreet (19.95/29.95) - 1 Pizza, 6 Wings and 1 1.25 litre drink
    SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides (42.75/52.75)
    SKU 5055335: 4 Large Pizzas + 4 Sides (53.00/63.00)

    Single Wingstreet (19.95/29.95) and Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo (26.95/31.95) work out the best.

    • SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides (42.75/52.75)

      You can choose to advance order for another day (e.g. Friday) and the normal 3 pizzas + 3 sides shows up for $35.95 pick up or $38.95 delivered. Which equates to $15.95 and $18.95 respectively after cashback for non westpac/existing customer. Increased price for today is ridiculous. More than public holiday surcharge.

      • +2

        Tip: Choose advance order (eg. Friday), add your 3 pizzas + 3 sides to cart, then change the order date back to today, then complete your order. Order remains at the $35.95 pick up price.

        I assume the SKU is the number in the link. If that's the case, then the current 'Triple Hut: 3 Large Pizzas + 2 Sides + 1.25L Drink' is actually different to the 'SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides'. Misleading, and the Triple Hut deal might not even count towards cashback, as it's '2 sides + 1.25L drink' instead of '3 sides'.

        3P + 2S + 1.25L D:
        SKU in link: 1605071

        3P + 3S:
        SKU in link: 5055327

        • I assume the SKU is the number in the link. If that's the case, then the current 'Triple Hut: 3 Large Pizzas + 2 Sides + 1.25L Drink' is actually different to the 'SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides'. Misleading, and the Triple Hut deal might not even count towards cashback, as it's '2 sides + 1.25L drink' instead of '3 sides'.

          I ended up ordering one of those deals listed on the site. Was on mobile ordering through the Shopback app so had no ability to check the URL if it matched the SKU. Figured you were forced to have a Coke so should be a Coke bundle right. Tracked at 20%. Hooray..

        • tracked at 20%.
          seems ordered 1605071

          • @Robin2012: Btw tracking @20% isnt that great of a deal. Tracking @70% is the one you should have got to get the $20 cashback. (for non westpac and apple users)

  • -3

    None of the 70% offers exist on the site which makes this seem a bit scammy

    • they dont appear during certain times/days. you can still access them if you have the URL.

      • +2

        If there is no information about times days or usable relevant links then it is not useful and a scammy practice

    • Just look at the pasta or winglet menu and those deals are at the bottom.

      • perhaps this is area dependent as i do not see any deals for winglets or pasta on the site

    • Yeah but I’d like to tell u that the sun is real. Only because it is night where you are does not make it non existent.

      • And I'd like to tell you that terms and conditions are real. Just because you choose to ignore them it does not mean they won't be enforced on you

    • https://www.shopback.com.au/pizza-hut
      Read above. Then read my comment below:

      All my pizza hut transactions have been tracked already and I can see the amount of cashback in my Shopback account.

    • was about to order , couldnt find the listed deals under offer. wtf, making it too hard, i don't want to have to guess

  • Can someone point out coupons for a coke bundle or this is a worthless deal

  • Are all those HUT promo codes still good?

  • Local Pizza Hut is absolute carnage (8pm) order was 20mins late (pick up order via app) they ran out of traditional pizza base.

    Give away a free pizza with every order to stop people going nuts from the wait 🤣

  • Preordered
    “1 X 3 PLUS 3 $35.95 PICK UP / $38.95 DELIVERED”
    for $35.95 Pick Up on Thursday (non Public Holiday Surcharge).
    Got confirmed cashback of $20 from Coke Promo + $10 from Apply Pay promo within 30 minutes. Ended up only paying $5.95 for the deal. I would say that’s worth it considering how much food I will be getting lol.

    Edit: I didn’t check SKU’s, I just gambled it on the 3 Pizzas + 3 Sides under ‘Offers’ on the website and got the cashback.

  • -1

    Not sure what coca cola bundle means. Will give it a shot anyway. See how it goes.

    • just choose any of these items to get the bonus 50% if paid via apple pay : Coca Cola Bundles SKU
      SKU 605469: Triple Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo
      SKU 700117: Loaded Garlic Bread Combo
      SKU 605466: Loaded Mac & Cheese Combo
      SKU 605467: Double Loaded Mac
      SKU 16053710: Pasta Party Combo
      SKU 16060010: Single Wingstreet
      SKU 5055327: 3 Large Pizzas + 3 Sides
      SKU 5055335: 4 Large Pizzas + 4 Sides

      • I got the 1 pizza, Coca Cola and side for $31 delivered.

        I thought I would have triggered the 70%. But only got $6 Cashback plus bonus $10 Westpac Cashback. Oh well. Thanks anyway, should have seen your reply first heh.

  • has the 50% apple pay offer been extended as app says ends in 1day and 42min or is that a new promo deal?

    • +1

      Looks like it but there is no upsized standard cashback (yet?). If we order now, we'll get 4.2% standard cashback + 50% Apple pay CB bonus

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