This was posted 8 years 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk Fan Purifier $299 Delivered (RRP $550) @ Dyson Store

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Really good price for the Dyson Pure Cool Link. Desk 'fan' with HEPA filtration system :)

Just picked up one - hopefully can save some OzB's some $!

(Yes I know its a little bit ridiculous for a fan but the HEPA filtration may suit allergy sufferers and $299 is competitive with air purifiers)

Also available for the same price at (credit to O O):

Related Stores

Dyson Australia
Dyson Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    I've noticed that David Jones also have reduced their price, so you can use cashrewards for 6% cashback.

    EDIT: Postage cost was $10 to Vic, however there's click and collect.

    • Update: Out of stock at David Jones

      • +1

        It shows available at my local store (Eastland) and also where I am currently working (Brisbane CBD Queensplaza).

        EDIT: I think it's out of stock for delivery….

        • Yes you are right!

    • +1

      Extra 10% off gift cards for David Jones through the entertainment book membership.

    • +5


      I must recommend daikin
      Extremely good machines.

      most of the time mine uses 6watts.
      can be set to autodetect your fart etc and increase circulation

      mine came with 7 filters, and I've only used about 3 in 6ish years despite some horrid conditions.

      machine has like 5 types of filtration inc hepa/photocatalytic etc

      example only of the newer model:…

      sorry to hijack top of post.. but thought this was important to consider if you are looking for a hepa filter.
      i got mine for $400 but unlike the dyson posted I haven't yet needed to spend $80-100 on a filter.
      also, the replacement filters are much cheaper anyway.

      (p.s. as for fan, I use my grandad's 1978 National made in Japan.. still perfect/quiet.. blue retro love.)

  • +1

    I was looking at the Dyson range of fans yesterday actually. Anyone have any first hand experience with them? Specifically this one or the AM06/AM07/AM08?

    • IN terms of latest tech, this cool link one is the better of the two and I believe either a glitch in price or just Dyson taking advantage of the hot weather. In terms of shape it is down to where you will personally use it i.e bedroom or living room.

  • +34

    I have an AM05 Hot & Cool.

    Nice design but it can be noisier than a tower fan or blade fan.

    To be honest?
    A decent tower fan performs better than a Dyson and cheaper too.

      • +4

        How does the Dyson motor compared to Midea DC Fan's motor in term of efficiency?

        • -1

          Unsure, never personally heard of Midea products before but from the quick glance from the link you provided, Dyson uses digital motors similar to their Cordless range if that helps.

        • +11


          There's no such thing as a digital motor. Its just a marketing term invented by Dyson.

          Its the same brushless DC motor used in many other applications.

        • +1


          It's small company compare to Dyson, only 100k empployees and global revenue of 22billions usd. They make what you so called cheap fans. I used their fans before, its only last 12 year before it break. I guess nothing can compare to Dyson……in term of price.

      • +73

        Eh, I don't really buy the energy argument.

        Yea, sure, maybe it's more efficient. But how much does it matter? Let's run some numbers.

        My tower fan here is rated for a max power draw of 40W. Let's assume I run it nonstop for a whole year. That's 350kWh. At about 30c/kWh, that's around $100.

        Now, generously assuming the Dyson fan has half the power consumption at 20W. So you save $50/year. Even if the tower fan cost $100, even at this reduced price you're looking at four years before it evens out.

        And that assumes nonstop blowing. If you only use it during summer? 1/4 seasons, 4x more years to even out, so sixteen years. Turn it off when you're at work? Another third of (peak price!) time gone, let's just say 20+ years.

        A better argument might be that the tower fan also pumps 20W more waste heat into the room. Pretty insignificant to me, but others might think differently.

        • +18

          You didn't even factor in the $100 filter that needs to be replaced every 4000hrs

        • +24

          Exactly, it's all smoke and mirrors. I don't buy this energy efficiency for a second.

          They know the Dyson fans are complete wank and work no differently to the $12 one at Kmart.

          HEPA filtration - so what? That's what your vacuum's for. And kinda a moot point if you then open your window and let in this horrendous unfiltered air from outside lol.

          I'd even take a Miele vacuum over a Dyson any day.

          The only Dyson product I like are the hand dryers in the servos.

        • +2

          @placard: +1 for Miele vacuums!

        • @placard:
          I'm sticking to paper towels (not literally)

        • @tromboc: eh, it also functions as an air purifier. Filters all seem to cost around the $80 mark so it's not like they're exactly gouging here.

          I don't recall upcoming this heh..Seems a decent price for a Dyson, I guess..

        • -5

          Of course, they are many variables to consider and look at, like I said at the end of the day it just depends on how you see it.

          There's also those kinds of fans which don't last long and have to keep being replaced, again whether you liked the products or not, Dyson's aim is to design products last longer and be more efficient than the current style.

          This fan on sale also happens to be 2 in 1 machine which helps certain markets having to buy 2 separate machines which in then has 2 running costs, needs to separate plugs, their own space, etc.

          I agree yes they are more expensive due to that technology put into them but that pretty much applies to many other product types, Dyson's difference is that they are trying to making the process of their products better and not sit back on the design they already have, they continue to improve on it but each to their own at the end of the day.

        • +1

          @cortex21: You've been beaten mate. No need to be a sore loser.

        • +3


          My Dyson AM07 (I think, it is the small fan/heater one) started breaking down about 12 months in. First it was the led screen, and now the fan does a wine/buzzing noise when it is idle but plugged into the wall. You'd think for something that is so expensive it would last longer and have a warranty longer than two years!

        • +3

          In my experience Dyson products do not last longer. I had a Dyson AM01 and it broke down just past the 2 years. After sales and warranty is also quite a challenge to go through. The worst feature of the fan was the noise. Its just way too noisy. I eventually ended up getting an Excelair fan from Binglee and have been so happy with my purchase since.

      • +1

        Lifestyle +1 for that :)

      • Care to back up your rhetoric? From what I can see this fan is rated at 32w, which is slightly more than your average 30cm desk fan.

      • +2

        Seriously, this is joke right?

        Running cost for fan? If it was A/C, I would understand but it's bloody fan for sake.

        Price wise, I was able to swallow it as it had better design but the problem with your product is noise.

        No one wants jet engine sound running on the desk or room. Reason I had to return my dyson fan.

        I have no problem with your vaccum but srsly, you guys gotta fix the noise first.

        • -2

          You make it sound like I design the products personally, I am just stating the general breakdown of the product.
          That is also the general problem people do when they see the RRP, they expect too much more than what the product can do.

          Never said it didn't have its flaws, Yes the older fans were super loud but these new ones are much improved, Dyson always improves on what can be worked on.

        • +1


          Where I'm say joking is that how you are stating about "energy efficiency". If you are advised / educated to say the pro of the product is "energy efficiency" then it just makes more unreliable to me as they don't have common sense.

          If I were you, I would state that compared to the previous version, the noise has been dropped from x value to y value.

          Not just saying new ones are much improved. This is where you want figure, not your "energy consumption"

        • +1

          @moonphase: Duly noted.

          Trust me yes I work for the company but I am far from biased towards them nor think they are perfect, I do like their business model though where they strive to try and improve things, whether the price justifies the change is everyone's own different opinion.

      • My cheap fan has been going strong for 10+ years and no issues. Still gives me a good blow…

      • +1

        Why the downvotes?

      • +1

        A fan is a fan. It's just aesthetics.

        • +6

          Everyone has their preferences, that logic can also be applied to mobile phones yet people still would buy a $1000+ when a $300 can technically do the same main core things a phone can do, everyone has their preferred choices for whatever reasons.

        • +1

          @cortex21: That's exactly what I said but in a shorter version…

        • @gddg: Oh my bad, I did read yours is a slightly negative way whether it was your intentions or not, so I went further to explain more. A lot of people don't see it that way but least you agree and see it in that perspective.

      • +1

        The marketing wank is strong with this one!

      • +4

        You sir, are very brave for promoting Dyson on an Ozbargain forum.

        • +4

          I am not promoting, I ain't forcing people to buy, all I am here for just like other reps is just to answer any questions people might have.

        • +1

          Wonder how much staff pay for this fan? I reckon the markup is around 300%

      • +1

        Care to explain what a 'digital motor' is?

        For anyone uninformed, yes Dyson make great products but their marketing is bullshit.

    • +4

      We have an AM05 too and I'd say this sums it up well. Don't know about energy usage but it is kinda noisy. In terms of heating energy efficiency no amount of marketing can defy physics either.

      These Dyson fans just aren't OzB products. This is kinda the debate where it maybe a good price compared to other places and for a given demand (cough Nintendo) but not really a bargain imo because of the alternates.

      So why do we have one? I bought it as a gift for the missus lol.

      • That can also be applied to things like Apple products that they aren't OzB products, yet they still are on here. It really just depends on how people look at things.

        • +4

          You keep holding on the phone/Apple argument. Yes it has its merits but look, I'm on my phone way too many hours of the day I use it for work, social, everything else. I really don't agree it is the same as a $300 though I'm sure some come close. Cracked my phone a few times damaged out of my own doing/abuse. Not proud of it but let's just say Apple has been more than generous, having walked in and out with another set each time. Twice I've done it beyond the warranty. Okay I'm not here to defend Apple but you're comparing oranges to..apples really.

          Dad won something at work it turns out to be a Dyson fan cool stuff. It was pretty sweet. It was a fan. Looks good but I ain't carrying it around with me when I take a dump and changing its settings 14 hrs a day to my comfort, you know what I'm saying. Then out of nowhere something happened with the display and it just snowballed. I didn't pay much attention as I wasn't the primary user at all. All I know is we took it back and it turned out to be a few weeks to a month beyond the standard warranty coverage and basically told to eat a d. Would not have been happy if I'd spent $500 on this fan. $15 still cracking on. She looks her age but she's been working hard.

          As I said your comparison has its merit but beyond that, please consider everything else.

    • +1

      Completely agree. When you look at price/performance, you just… can't compare. Seeing them in person, hearing and feeling them, reading others' reviews of them… they look freaking cool, but a $15 fan sounds basically the same for 20x less the price…

    • i have to agree, have a dyson at work (not this exact model), the constant buzz of the fan in operation is actually very loud and an annoying frequency, much prefer a normal el cheapo fan when it comes to the noise and value.

    • +1

      There is also the safety factor of Dyson, it takes the worry out of spinning fan blades and curious kids.

  • +17

    23+ votes on a $300 fan. wow.

    • +19

      Yet still can't afford Sydney House prices!

      • +1

        This is why $85k pa in Sydney is not affordable.

        • 85k is a lot!

        • -2

          @Turd: But they spend their money on items such as this fan, style over substance, thus they will never be able to afford a house in Sydney :p

        • @edfoo: Could be an error of judgement on their part. It is fine.

        • -1


          I think it is a very disingenuous argument TBH.

          If you're on 85k in Sydney, you're looking at the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel houses/apts. In addition, you're going to have to make make incredible cutbacks on your "standard of living", whereby you'll virtually be living a lifestyle at par/worse than someone in a third world country.:)

          Also I sincerely doubt that folks on $85k will be splurging too much on products such as these. :)

        • @gearhead: You never know, there surely are people on dole buying these type of Dyson fans.
          As for people on $85K salary, can always buy a not-too-fancy house and live on 2-minute Migoreng noodles like a uni student again :)

        • @edfoo:

          You never know, there surely are people on dole buying these type of Dyson fans.

          I would hope not. Stranger things have happened though. :)

          As for people on $85K salary, can always buy a not-too-fancy house and live on 2-minute Migoreng noodles like a uni student again :)

          Sadly, "not-too-fancy" would be an understatement IMHO. Definitely will take substantial sacrifices and living like a uni student. Hence my statement of living in borderline destitution. :P

      • -1

        Username checks out.

    • I'm assuming people are 'joke' voting it………………………………………..

      • +6

        So you would think but what normally happens is people see the name "Dyson" and they go bonkers.

        • People can't honestly be paying $300 plus for a fan………….?
          I thought all OzB'ers were pretty smart….

        • -5

          @Danstar: that's like my half an hour wage so I don't really have to think. wink

        • +2

          @tomleonhart: Congratulations.

          If you're earning $600 an hour, why are you on a bargain website ? wink

        • -1

          @Danstar: because I like bargain :)

        • +1

          @tomleonhart: Than you're most likely not making $600 an hour… wink
          But good luck to you if you are :)

        • +5

          @tomleonhart: Carlos Tevez, is that you?

        • @samBee: NOOOOOO. I'm Lionel Messi :P

        • +1

          Haha yeh you would be surprised, I always read the comments in Dyson vacuum deals and its funny how many people love their Dyson vacuum.
          I have no idea why anyone would pay this much for a fan though.
          Then again it's all in the name.

          On the other hand most ozbargainers are switched on about the beats by dre headphones. Those deals usually cop a beating when they appear on ozbargain, the comments are quite a good read to be honest!

        • @Hirolol:

          I have no idea why anyone would pay this much for a fan though.

          Because they are all Dyson fanboys

        • +6


          Bloody hell, doesn't anyone have a sense of humour these days!!!

          Dyson fan??? Fan boy???

        • +1

          @Danstar: I've plenty friends who are doctors and they earn $300 for a 15 mins consultation session. They read ozbargain.

        • @icecream: congratulations must be in order for you too…

      • +23

        The fan definitely has some value if you have kids - for safety reasons. Bladeless fans are good for that reason.

        Tower fans are about $150 for something decent. This is $150 more and looks a lot nicer.

        A lot of people pay $300+ for a vase or something decorative in their house. In the same way, this has some what decorative value as well. Imagine you have a lounge setup, with a few couches, and a really nice TV, speaker system - and right next to the $1000 Yamaha bookshelf speaker, is a $10 K-mart fan? It just doesn't work.

        Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but it is definitely a product that sells and makes sense to a lot of people.

        • +1

          Or have no fan at all, but $300 in your pocket and have a big night out!

          But that's just me lol

        • Or just a buy a fan with decent grills; still plenty cheaper than this.

        • +8


          I definitely see the style/kid argument being valid.

          Unfortunately, IMHO the vast majority of the "saltiness" comes from the ultra-frugal here who fail to realise that different people splurge on different things.

        • @gearhead: Thank you, people have their preferences on brands on different products, whether others agree on the same products is each to their own.

        • If people are worried about the $10 Kmart fan next to all that stuff you probably need to find some new friends.

          I would just say to my kids don't stick ur fingers into the fan.
          Not like they would chop their fingers off anyway.
          Probably draw blood

        • +3


          If people are worried about the $10 Kmart fan next to all that stuff you probably need to find some new friends.


          I always think even if I won a million dollars, I'd still be cheap like I am now lol

        • +2


          If people are worried about the $10 Kmart fan next to all that stuff you probably need to find some new friends.

          Aesthetics are important if you have a well-decorated living space. A dingy $10 Kmart fan would stand out like a sore thumb.

          I would just say to my kids don't stick ur fingers into the fan.
          Not like they would chop their fingers off anyway.
          Probably draw blood

          Yes because kids always do what they're told yeah? :) Personally, when we have kids, we'd likely spend money on a blade-less fan (atleast for easily accessible areas).

        • +3

          @gearhead: Tell them to stick their fingers in it

        • @Danstar:

          Lol. That might actually work. :)

        • +1

          Well explained. Now I am tempted to get one :(

    • -1

      My desk fan cost $5. It works. My pedestool fans at home cost $12. One Dyson fan, or 25 no name fans?

    • I am seriously considering it, as the lifespan of my old fans seems to be 1 year. This should last at least 10.

  • +1

    It seems like AM06+purifier. AM06 is an old model which is much noisier.

    • I have a prior version of the AM07 (without the Quietmark and timer features), and even still it just works. Robust, lightweight, and easy to clean for the most part.

      The only downside, and this is a minor one, are the small intake vents which get quite dirty after sustained use. It will show against the white after a while. It doesn't look disgusting or dirty, I'm just a little picky and notice this kind of stuff.

    • +1

      Sorry my bad. AM06 is a quieter model, AM05 is older model.

  • +1

    There's also $100 off the current model AM07:…

  • +1

    Do we need to replace the filter once a while. How much does it cost if it's not cleanable? Ready to pull trigger

    • I think the filters are around $80 and needs to be replaced yearly assuming typical usage patterns.

    • This video claims that filter last for around 4000 hours!

    • +4

      It lasts up to 2 years depending on general use. $100 is the price for a filter when it needs to be changed.

      • Will you have Dyson stockist sell these filters? I ask Myer and they dont have it in their sku.

        • Only the Dyson website will have the filters. No store that sells Dyson has spare parts for sale.

  • -1

    Does this or the AM07 cool the air at all? Can't get aircon at the moment and from reading it seems that those portable aircons and misting fans aren't really that effective for cooling?

    • This is a fan not an aircon.

    • +1

      Fans don't "cool" the air, instead they blow air onto the surface of your skin to evaporate the sweat which creates a "cooling" effect.

      It is only as cool as the ambient temperature.

      • Yes what happens is your body sweats, the heat turns the sweat into vapour just above the skin, and the air breeze pushes the hot vapour off of your skin.

    • Yeah of course I realised this is not an aircon captain obvious Bnjam3, to clarify what I should have asked is if this is a more powerful fan than your typical tower or ceiling one in making a small area - eg over a bed - feel "cool"/comfortable enough to fall asleep in etc. Or if it was just a overpriced room ornament +/- a hepa filter. No thanks to the marketing title.

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