This was posted 8 years 3 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Backorder] WD Red 4TB $159 [PLE Computers WA/VIC]


Normally $229. Currently cheapest price on Staticice is $214.92. Camelcamelcamel lowest ever price is USD$154.99.

Currently only stock in WA, shipping to 2000 is $17.50. No expiry on the promotion that I can find.

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PLE Computers
PLE Computers

closed Comments

  • Store?

    • +1

      PLE, edited the title to clarify.

  • +2

    Wow, this is an incredible deal.

    • +2

      I'm hoping this is a sign there is going to be a pricing adjustment in the hard drive market shortly.

      • no it's just a promo.

      • +1

        I'm hoping the market will return to $40/TB as the norm. It's been ages since the flood/fire (I forget which was RAM and which was HDDs) but they've been inflating the price ever since.

        • It was HDD's I'm 99% certain. My younger brother tried to build a PC shortly after the price shot up.

        • It already is? You can pick up a WD/Seagate 3TB for ~$130.

        • Your forgetting our AU Dollar was also worth a lot more at that time would most likely have a bit to do with the price staying around the same mark for so long as it's become cheaper to produce.

  • +1

    Wangara, WA is the only WA store with stock.

    I just ordered two for my NAS.

    Ta, OP!


  • Good timing OP. NAS was running out of space. Not anymore :)

  • +1

    Great price. Resisting the urge to buy as I have plenty of space on my NAS. Don't have a backup for it though- is that crazy?

    • +4

      I have non-powered (or powered/unplugged when not backing up) HDD's of everything.

      My components were all plugged into a very good UPS in Jan. of this year when my area (near the house) was hit by lightning. This was the storm that burnt down the entire town of Yarloop, WA just south of us, due to lightning-caused fires.

      Most of the houses in our little grouping had their electrical equipment fried. The lightning traveled, underground, & hit the foundation in my house, blowing up a tile inside!

      At any rate, it was "bye-bye NAS, AVR, phone, Modem, BD, PS3". Funnily enough- the TV made it through? Pleased I had rental insurance.

      All that to say, glad I have my NAS backed up to non-plugged storage.

      • +1

        You sold me.

      • or…, A12BF.
        "Very good UPS" != very good surge protection.

        • I thought you need both UPS and surge protection?

          Looking for a more cost efficient but also effective solution around the 1-200 mark for both UPS and surge protector.

        • +1

          @G Wok:

          Everybody wants something for nothing. Compare the specs of my link against cheaper competitors. Good luck.

        • I good UPS should have its own protection. APC even says not to use a surge protector with their higher end units:

          That said, I'm not sure how much it would help if your house was actually hit by lightning to the point tiles were exploding.

        • @Buzzard:

          I've just got a home NAS for media/photos with further external backups but have put a bit of work in my trusty N54L so would be keen to protect it if possible. I understand good UPS's are expensive.

          What about this one? Found it on WP…

      • +1

        Do you store the non-plugged drives off-site?

    • +1


      Some people have the equivalent of hoarding in the digital age so they backup movies and TV shows that they only watch once. If they ever lost them they could download them again. They explain that they can't if there's no internet but they've had continuous internet service for 25 years straight. Some moron on Reddit is famous for having over a petabyte of movies and TV backed up that he'll never watch again.

      • +6

        way to give me buyers remorse bro :-)

      • +1

        If you only watch things once then it is pointless, but I watch things multiple times so having terrabytes of movies and tv shows makes sense if you actually use it, especially withh storage being so cheap.

      • -3

        but they've had continuous internet service for 25 years straight.

        That will cease once China takes over Australia. Then, it's only Weibo, Alibaba or government propaganda.

  • +3

    Damn.. just bought 2x Seagate 4TB ST4000DM000 for $176 each from MSY for my NAS.. it's always the way.

    • +1

      With freight, it's pretty much the same

      • +3

        I wouldn't have needed freight, and also the drives I got are regular desktop drives, not NAS drives :-P

  • Got 1, thanks OP.
    Perfect timing, NAS also filling up.

    • +1

      Actually got two 😜

  • Sweet thanks, $172 delivered to SA :)

  • Any deal on the 6tb?

  • Awesome post thanks OP!

  • Thanks Op! I have been waiting for this deal. Bought 2 for the NAS.

  • +3

    These sales are killing my wallet :(

  • Any chance this is a price error?

    • not when is says "On Promotion - Normal Price $229.00 - Save $70.00"

      • Depends on how their CMS works. This could easily still be a mistake depending on how their campaign is driven and implemented. Somebody has not necessarily written that exact text for this specific sale, it could be generic applied across multiple products with variables for the price and amount saved and this one may have been selected by mitsake.

        It is a pricing error or loss-leader as there is no way they are making money on this sale alone.

        Hoping it's the latter as this is a great price.

        • I guess we will see if my order is cancelled then, hope not..

  • Purchased one as I was running out of space quickly, good timing

  • Great price!


    Wondering if this is a pricing error or a loss-leader, because there is no way they're making money on this…

  • The hard-drives blurb advertises NASWARE 2.0 - Isn't that the old version? Something to be worried about?

    • I would also like this verified before I pull the trigger.

      EDIT: just read the listing and I'm not seeing any mention of NASWARE 2.0?

  • I am after 8TB WD red - any idea where I can get them cheap. My trigger point is around 400. Am I in for long wait?

    • Best deal for them was the WD duo from amzon. Rip out the HDD and use them as stand alone.

      • This. I managed to get a 16tb for $600 AUD delivered when they were on sale. Pulled the two 8tb reds out for my NAS. I saw an email recently from Shopping Express advertising an epic hour for $799 for a 16tb, limited to 10 units though. Unsure whether that has passed already or not.

        • Thanks. I considered those but was afraid that might void the warranty on the drive. Again i don't know about local warranty for imported Wd items. Did research on this but could not find anything

          The SE deal is over. Again I did not buy that due to uncertainty with warranty

  • bah..i just bought a 3tb from msy yesterday…

  • Woahhhhh holy crapola! Nice price!

  • +1

    I'm a computer noobie. Can I just buy this and put it in my PC to expand storage? Or do I have to purchase one of these (…) then hook it up to my pc?

    • +4

      Yes you can plug into your PC. Normally you'd buy a blue as you don't need the features of the red but this is cheaper (MSY price) than the blue atm.

    • +5

      Depends on your pc, but if its just a relatively modern and generic one then yes, should just plug in fine.

      Open up pc and look at where existing hard drive connects to motherboard. If its connected via a thin cable about the size of a pen, then this is a serial cable. Provided the motherboard has a spare serial port, then all you'll need is a serial cable and away you go (this drive has a serial connection). If you have an older pc, where the drive is connected via a ribbon cable (very flat and thin cable, but quite wide), then connecting the drive will be more complex (requiring an addon card or new motherboard with serial connection capability).

      The drive itself will also require power. Again, with a fairly modern pc you should have a power supply with a spare power connection. Look closely at some of the power connectors though, as some of them are noted "HDD" and are better suited to connecting to your hard drive.

      Once connected to the pc properly, you may find the pc doesnt boot. In which case you'll need to go into BIOS settings and ensure the old drive is selected as the boot drive (under boot settings/drive order). Sometimes when installing new drives the BIOS will make it primary on its own (frustrating).

      Putting in a new hard drive is very straight forward and an easy mod for people not too experienced in 'opening up the hood'.
      This drive price is pretty good as well, so give it a go!

    • +3

      No, you don't need to by a NAS unit, it's called a NAS drive due to it being designed to higher specs for longer life, higher usage and use in conjunction with other drives (vibration issues from other drives). In other words it's a better buy then a cheaper blue one.
      Just make sure you have a spare SATA power plug and a spare SATA date cable (and port) and you are good.

    • Thanks for all the comments, purchased one!

  • sold out !!

    • +5

      I placed a back order anyway, to secure the price. Hopefully they honour it, even if it takes some time.

      • +1

        • me too, got 2 on backorder which makes shipping free. I'll call them tomorrow to ask how long it will be

          I think it would take at least 6 months for msy to drop the red to this price?

        • @G Wok: How does it make shipping free?

          Do you need to buy 2?

          I selected one and it's not free.

        • @lostn:

          Yep selecting 2 made shipping free

        • @G Wok: tried selecting 2 and shipping not free?!

        • @bingsta:
          I also ordered 2 with free shipping. My guess is you have to be in VIC or WA since they only have stores in these 2 states. I am in VIC btw.

        • @truetypezk:

          i'm VIC also

  • Wow! Great deal!

  • Placed an order for 2 … was looking for a deal to replace my old 2 X 500GB drives for my nas

    Selected payment on pick up option…

    Thanks OP !!!

  • Anyone done this for their ps4 pro ?

    • doubt it

    • +2

      Doesn't that take 2.5"?

    • No, it won't fit, it wouldn't benefit from a NAS drive, and it's too large.

  • Thanks OP,

    just ordered 3 from Wangara a couple of hours ago.

  • Amazing price. Thanks OP

  • ordered 1 straight away for my NAS :-)

    Excellent price and lowest on ebay is $229 something

  • -8

    failure rates or no deal

    • Its failure rates are the lowest of their HDDs. They are designed to be running 24/7.

  • Anyone seen a good deal on a 2bay NAS with WIFI?

  • The 2TB WD Red isn't much cheaper than this 4TB model…?

  • Thank you! I was listening to my HDD click and was literally about to order a new one just then until I did a last minute OZB check.

    • +3

      If the Harddisk click then it's time is almost up. Better backup your stuff ASAP

    • And also this thing is on backorder with an unknown ETA. I hope your drive can hold out if you're waiting for this…

      • If it is a mechanical issue, it going to be hard to reclaim your data!

        • It's up to him to decide whether to buy now from somewhere else more expensive, or wait with an unuseable HDD until this is in stock.

    • Noted. Its my wife's computer and I passed on your well wishes. Upto her now!

  • Got 2 :)

  • anyone know how long a back order might take?

    • I had some ram back ordered through them. Took a couple of weeks.

      • hmm wonder if it'll take longer with xmas coming up

  • Anyone knows if I can mixed this WD Red HDD with my other Seagate HDDs on my 4 bays NAS?

  • anyone else manage to get free shipping for 2 or more orders?

  • Are these drives any good for gaming or do they suck for gaming as the rpm is only 5400 and not 7200 ? Any one with experience in this regard ?

    • +1

      They are nas drives. Meant to be on 24/7 and made for stability and not performance. I wouldn't suggest you use it for gaming.

      • Another computer noob here. I assume using it mainly for storing backups and pics etc whilst connected directly in your pc would be equivalent to using it as a "nas" drive?

        • Yeah, that'd work fine. Not sure how these go for being turned on and off all the time though (you can fill in whether that would be the case). But may be worrying about nothing.

        • Not particularly, NAS units are typically set up for RAID, which this drive is designed for as it has certain features to assist with redundancy, so unless you're wanting to benefit from the extra warranty the Red drives offer, I would opt for a WD Blue (or similar) if I was after a standalone drive purely for backups.

    • They suck for gaming.

      Get an SSD.

    • Simple answer: 5400 rpm.

  • wow. this seems like a pretty awesome deal. i was thinking of buying a my passport 4tb, but i think this is the better deal in raid would be awesome to store photos etc.

  • thx op bought one

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