• expired

AGAIN! iPhone 16G 3GS Free on Virgin 35 Rollover Cap!



Just bought THE white iphone from virgin outlet!!!

$35 deal on this weekend again!!! just like kennansoft posed last week!

Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB free on a $35 Rollover Cap Plan with Virgin

The plan includes:
$160 in talk & text
300MB Mobile Internet Data
Rollover Your Unused Credit
Unlimited mobile talk & text 24/7 to other Virgin Members
Plus your new Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB

I can see all Virgin, Allphone and TeleChoice stores have the $35 ad in store.

(have to submit the URL, so I borrowed kennansoft's)

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closed Comments

    • +2

      LOL another tight@ss!
      No bargain for you…doesn't mean no bargain for others.
      Why don't you go and find a bargain and post it up?

        • +2

          Please elaborate

        • +3


          It would be really helpful if you gave an alternative deal so others could gain from your wisdom. Just saying its no deal doesnt help. You seem to have knowledge - please share it

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: ozpete, people vote neg all the time and I don't see you asking for a better alternate deal, so why are you asking tghtas?

        • +3

          tghtas is fail!

          this is the best deal for iphone 3gs by far!

          compared to iphone 4 3gs is still very good!

          • IPHONE 4 WILL BE DOULBE THE PRICE which is uber expensive.
        • +1

          Where do you live that Optus coverage is crap? The only coverage better than Optus is Telstra, and their plans/phones are shite. I'm with Vodafone and have constant drop-outs when I'm just sitting at home. I never had that happen when I was with Optus. I plan on signing up with them again once my contract with Vodafone expires.

        • +5

          Seeing as you're not a fan of overpriced apple products, have you used an iPhone before?
          Can you name some said "phones/plans" that have more value than a one year old 3GS? :S

          I don't see how you can say it's overpriced either.. at $1.16 a day, it is more than affordable..

        • +2

          For others perhaps this is indeed a bargain. :)

          …and you still -ve?

        • +2

          @megaloman Phones such as?

          Don't just talk the talk mate!

          • -7

            @neosin: HTC desire on telstra staff plan and yes I have used iphone before. :)

            • @megaloman: and how much for that plan?

            • @megaloman: lol. so $20 a month, with no calls but a HTC desire, or $59 a month with calls and the HTC desure?

              Why don't you compare that with the $55 virgin plan instead of this one. :)

              • @ddxsamx: I think the telstra call rate is much better than the virgin one and also the hardware different.

                • @megaloman: Who care about what you think since you don't care about others :)

                  • @POWERevolution: oh.. I do care about others especially you POWER*, otherwise why would I bother mentioning an alternative to 3GS?. :)

                      • @dragonrabit: well said mate. I am for a good discussion as it promotes ideas but once personal attacks are used, I'm outta here.

                    • +7

                      @megaloman: -> megaloman

                      Voting negative is now about, is there a problem with the deal, product or supplier … or is it not a deal for everyone.

                      If it's not a deal just for an individual, we ask that people do NOT vote.

                      Commenting is fine.

                      Imagine if each deal got voted negative by most of the people for whom a deal was not a vote?

                      You could have deals ranging from -500 to -10,000, theoretically.

                      People have tried to elucidate from you, why this deal would be bad for all.

                      Perhaps you didn't realize the negative vote had changed it's meaning a year or so ago.

                      I think it's been established why you voted negative and that other people think that reason probably does not deserve a negative under the current meaning for a negative.

                      I'll leave it to you if you want to retract the negative. If you do leave it there, well, this deal is sitting on +27 at the moment so there's time for you to consider and it shouldn't be too much of a problem if you decide to leave your negative there.

                      Just a reminder. Mods are voluntarily giving up some of their spare time. We're not paid employees. It's also a weekend.

                      I see ozpete tried to find out tghtas's reason for voting negative.

                      In modding, we try to balance things. Members can vote negative, though we've set up some guidelines. It is a slightly flexible system. We try to find out why someone votes negative, sometimes, if they haven't explained themselves properly and they haven't neg'd that much before.

                      Anyways, OzPete was giving tghtas a chance to explain what tghtas was up to. Tghtas's vote may get revoked if there is no explanation or insufficient reason for it.

                      Or it may not. That was early in the deal and it now has +27 which means it can probably stand on it's own with a couple of negatives.

                      OzPete was not trying to create chaos.

                      -> Dragonrabit

                      Stop trying to misinterpret things and cause trouble.

                      Repeatedly telling the mods that we don't care about the forums etc because you aren't getting your way with things, does amount to repeated personal attacks.

                  • @POWERevolution: Who care about what you think since you don’t care about others

                    Clearly you do, since you keep asking him questions! ;)

          • +3

            @neosin: and he can't walk either :)

        • +1

          megaloman you are imposing your personal opinion on this deal. Its a deal for someone who wants an iphone. Agree that you may not like apple products, but think about it. If we play this game then there will be no deals posted here at all as those who are anti android, HTC are then free neg any deal with those products.

          Your opinions are welcome to be posted, and that cannot be disputed. But the negative vote doesnt apply as per our guidelines on negative voting. As you yourself say " For others perhaps this is indeed a bargain. :)"

          Would you reconsider your vote please

          • @[Deactivated]: actually, a bit confused with this "when not to vote negative" thingy.
            to be honest, I learn to vote negative from you http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/27565
            anyway, in the future, I guess I won't vote negative if it's apple product.
            peace mate! :)

            • -2

              @megaloman: Well spotted, as they say, "people in glass houses…"! ;)

              • +1

                @StewBalls: "peace" ? Usually one sues for peace before going on the attack!

                Now that you have used my history as your "excuse", look at your negative voting history which I have now looked up. Hey most have been on iphone deals going back well before my ubank vote… Hmmm maybe megaloman could be next PM ROFL.

                and on "quoting" past history look here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/19935 At least I have voted both ways…

                And stewballs - if you really had "balls" LOL then why didn't you point out my "error" in the ubank post - why you didn't even vote in that one!

                My vote on Ubank was carefully crafted about many things that ubank have done, to appear to be "competitive" I was pointing out many issues with ubank that make it no deak=l for some as compared to the OP comments to move from Rabo.

                • @[Deactivated]: for your information Pete, I voted - on these 2 iPhone deals. Now, you be the judge if they were indeed bargain or not.
                  I'm not anti apple as I did vote + for some of apple products (you should know since you have spend some time checking my history LOL).

                  I happened to read the discussion on http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/27565 yesterday and agreed with your personal reasonings. I did NOT deliberately go and check your voting history to attack you.
                  I guess I should've worded my sentence carefully.

                  "My vote on Ubank was carefully crafted about many things that ubank have done, to appear to be “competitive”"
                  Same thing can be said to Apple product but then if we are to discuss this further, we will be wasting a lot of time given the spirited comments on this thread..

                  "megaloman you are imposing your personal opinion on this deal"
                  Since when does voting negative because one does not think it's bargain is classified as impossing personal opinion? If this is the case likewise can be said on your ubank neg vote.

                  I guess we have to agree to disagree on this one.
                  Just to make myself clear, my initial intention is to point out to other ozbargain visitors that there is other device that provide better value for money. I have no intention of starting apple vs others war. I do use iPod after all.

                  • @megaloman: Oh my. Is it a deal. Can you get an iPhone cheaper? No, then it's a a good deal. It's like saying in a Ford thread that is $1000 off that the Holden is better. It isn't on sale, it's not cheaper but it's Holden and I like Holden so I will recommend Holden and vote neg on this.
                    Reply if you want, but I won't look. You are too much centred on attacking. Now it may look like I am. I just want you to give an opinion, a good in-depth one on this deal. Anyway, look at my post in here: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/27706
                    I neged it, but I provided a way to get it cheaper.

                  • @megaloman: Keep it to the forums ladies…we dont want to hear about ur cat fight

                  • @megaloman: MM Then all is cool - thanks for the clarification

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: Megaloman- It's a bargain website, not practise for pushing people's buttons deliberately. "I guess I won't vote negative if it's apple product. Well you can if it's worth $1000 and being sold for $2000 etc. Your comments have been one liners and nothing like the in depth replies like Ozpete showed in the Rabo bank thread. Anyway I don't expect this to influence you.

                  StewBalls- Well spotted. Read ozpete's replies in that thread. Compare them to megaloman's and see if they are the same. They are like Hot and cold, not pepsi and coke. Nothing alike. "People in glass houses….
                  I think you have put yourself into a glass house. See you clearly didn't read the thread and just went, "It's the same".
                  Then jumped on the critical bandwagon.

                  Ozpete- I appreciate your opinions and I think you are a good mod. You give clear explanations and with a bit of reading you get the full picture. The, " It sucks, I'll neg it" is not useful and you never do that. So thanks for providing good guides which illiterate people then misconstrue.

      • Oops sorry powereco! I meant to plus your comment not minus…

  • Is a deal (Come on, its almost half the normal price)
    … But people do need to be aware that it is an older model now.

    Whirlpool also reporting that All Phones are known to be throwing in car charger and windscreen mount.
    Also, Virgin stores are tempting a few with a $100 credit. (Thats three months free!!)

    • So am I correct in believing that the TOTAL cost over 24 months is: $35x24=840? -100 if you buy from the virgin store? Sounds pretty good, always wanted an iphone to play around with, could never justify the cost.

    • +1

      I'll get it without hesitate if any SA phone stores give me $100 back.

      Edit: If you guys know any Allphones/Telechoice in SA do this 100 credits please let me know.

    • Its ok to provide link to whirlpool discussion on this

    • Yes! I got mine from a virgin store, but only with $80 credit on it. (Maybe I didn't bargin enough or the salesmam saw thru me that I wanted it so much… Anyway, I am happy with what I got:)
      Guys can try to bargin for $100 credit. Good luck!

      • that's call credit right?

        not money off the bill?

        • It is $80 off your bill.

          • @eleana: really? OH #%@@

            damn i thought it was 100$ extra credit!!!

            my sister got one last week from telechoice and only got a free $2 case lol!

      • Where did you manage to get this?

  • I'm thinking of buying this, selling the phone for $550-600 then pay about $10month for the sim $160calls+300meg as I already have a 3gs…

    still $800 on applestore

  • Any way to purchase online ? Sadly i dont think we have a Virgin, Allphone store here :(

    • I think telechoice also sells it.

      If none of them in your area, you might try to call virgin, and mention the deal you saw in either shop in Australia (just name one). Maybe you can order them on the phone. But I haven't try it, not 100% sure.

      Anyway, I think it worths a shot.

  • is the phone locked to virgin/optus?

    • yes locked and can be unlock for $80 or free after 12 months or jailbreaker.

      • $80 is pretty cheap to unlock a phone….

  • do you ring them @ 12 months to unlock?

    • Have to ring them up, that was what happened to my iPhone 3G.

  • Uh, wasn't it $29 couple of weeks ago? :/

    • Not for iPhone 16GB 3GS
      If it was 29 please post link.

      • i dont think so, never become 29$, oh with $29/m for iphone ppl will go crazy.
        after jailb* it you know you virtually have thousand of apps and games free (if u know where to look)
        so much better than win mobile
        i've been using win mob for almost 4 years, and now considering iphone+ipad

        • win mo with jailbroken ipod touch. phone battery lasts for ages, i can modify it how i like. And with ipod touch i can listen to music and all the great apps. best of both worlds. :)

          • +1

            @venu: And the best of the carrying two things world.

            • @Trance N Dance: or maybe win mo and ipad ? now im confuse.
              having both iphone and ipad seems unnecessary, so need to choose 1 !ahhh

            • @Trance N Dance: haha true. but i only listen to music when i go into uni, and ive got a bag. works for me.

      • Oh my bad,

  • +3

    For iphone 3 GS, for a reasonable user this is the best plan. your dislike to apple will not change a bargain's status.A bargain is getting a particular product @ cheaper price than others offered.Apple fans are more in numbers than apple haters. Even though I hate their tactics of holding features for upmodel in 6 months to one year span, you should hat off to them for creating this trend. All others followed.None other than apple took the lead. Even though samsung makes the chips for iphones, samsung never created a trend like this.

    • +4

      Even though I hate their tactics of holding features for upmodel in 6 months to one year span, you should hat off to them for creating this trend.

      I disagree, it's an extremely poor business practice that would not be tolerated in many other fields - it's success merely highlights the stupidity of the fanboys & uber trendy idiots rushing out to buy the latest iteration of whatever Apple doles out! People are so phone-proud now it's truly pathetic, talk about trying to overcompensate! :p

      FWIW, I'm not against Apple or their products per se, I'm a happy iPod owner (and I started programming on a IIe), so I was extremely glad to witness their resurrection; but I am diametrically opposed to the very practice you mention; and it saddens me when fanboys rush to Apple's defence whenever anybody questions it!

      • +1

        YOu are completely wrong. This is one of the reasons Apple is so popular, you now if you buy an iphone, there won't be a better one out in a few months. You can't do that with any other phone. Every month there is a better android phone out, albeit it with worse and worse battery life.

        • You completely don't understand the topic, do you? That's a rhetorical question BTW! I'm not gonna bother enumerating why this practice is wrong, how they're doing it, or drawing parallels with other industries so you can understand exactly what Apple is doing, since logic rarely works on fanboys! ;)

          So, are you saying that since 2008 we haven't had iPhone original, 3G, 3GS & now version 4; each in some way hardware, firmware or software crippled; but with numerous (paid) software updates in between??? Or is it that we've had all those iterations, but end users are really happy to buy a new phone to get one that does what it's peers do??? :p

          Look, it's fine if you wanna have an iPhone, good for you, it's your choice; and there are worse ones to be made in this life; but don't go trying to justify Apple's despicable business practices when we all know they're indefensible! They are not doing you any favours, they are simply doing remarkable business using the PT Barnum principle! ;)

      • Although they seemingly come out with better products fairly regularly, the best thing about this is, provided you look after your gadgets ie. have a case on it from day one, they pretty much retain the bulk of their value, so in the end it doesn't really cost that much to upgrade to the newer one if you choose to sell your older model.

        • Seriously dude, who are you trying to kid?

          We all know used gadgets & mobile phones, regardless of manufacturer, are next to worthless; particularly when everyone knows that with Apple buying "up" is the only way to get the features they really wanted in the first place! ;)

          I don't call paying $1k+ for a phone, then flogging it on eBay 6-12 months later for a couple of hundred bucks (not really "the bulk of their value") just to buy effectively the same phone for another $1k+ with a few new features (that market peers had anyway) a smart trade-up! Don't even get me started on those poor suckers who signed up for 24 month exhorbitant plans they'll never use just to get the "latest & greatest" and end up actually paying over 2 grand for their $1k phone!!! :(

          Steve Jobs does, however, applaud you guys soundly for your efforts! ;)

      • I am sure you will love this video. more than 3.5 million hits.


  • Duplicate - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/27307

    EDIT: My bad…didn't realise the other one expired. :)

  • Is the Unlimited free 3 mobile calls available?
    from http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/27473?destination=node%2F27…

  • I asked the salesman in hurstville Virgin shop, they only have the black one :(

    • I wanted white for ages. But got a deal on black. Black is better. Trust.

  • damn, so tempted by this deal but im thinkin id go over the call allowance easy, ill stick with liveconnected for now, so cheap and my HTC TYTN II does the job i guess.

    • iim also in dillema.. i can get a htc touch pro (keyboard sliding) from a mate for cheap, then buy ipad.
      or just take this and not having ipad. but i also need something to read all hundreds manga (which ipad will do the job perfectly)

  • +1

    I'm also very anti-iPhone but I know this is a great deal, just as I said last time.

    • +1

  • +1

    Are the deals on iPhones likely to become a lot better within a month after the iphone 4 release in australia, or is this as good as it gets?

    • Depending if the telcos still have stock in a month's time with iphone4 comes out.

    • according to a salesman from Virgin itself, you bet!

  • Got one:) Interesting how Allphones in Mirrabooka did not offer the deal but Morley did, and they had stock.

  • +1

    telechoice in highpoint Vic has first 3 months for free, adding up to $105 in free credit. Not sure if this is valid across all telechoice stores, but it certainly was a nice sweetener to an already good deal!

    • Do you need to haggle or they give you with out asking?

      • +1

        The signs are hanging up in the store, no need to haggle. Its a promotion valid for any virgin mobile 2 year post paid cap plan which includes the $35 iPhone promo.

        With 3 months free it takes the total to $735 which is around $30.60 a month!

        • i just called telechoice in highpoint Vic, the guy said the $35 roll over plan for iphone doesnt come with first 3 months for free, but all other plans does…?

          called telechoice on swanston st Vic, dun have first 3 months for free, $35 plan not available either. cheapest is $45 plan.

          • @akanie: Well I was told I get 3 months credit, and the posters they had hanging up certainly didnt mention that the deal was not valid for the iphone plan.

            I even had the sales rep write that there was three months free credit on my contract just to avoid any confusion.

    • Thanks buddy. I just visited them today and got the deal. It might be at all Telechoice stores too.

  • I've called all the local Virgin stores near me, they are only offering 3 months free "internet" access, which is what they have on their website at the moment. They don't offer 3 months free.

    I've also called my local telechoice and they offering the same 3 months free internet access, however the Auburn store said its only 3 months free if you are an existing customer with them.

    Can anybody tell me a store in NSW that can do the 3 months free?

    Also i'm with virgin on the $35 cap at the moment and i've got a $220 bill last month, does anybody know if that will add towards my handset repayments to pay off the rest of my phone?

    thanks =)

    • merc250, on monday i went to telechoice at hurstville who are currently running a three months free with all new contracts but they had no phones.
      So i called virgin at miranda and asked if they had stock and they said yes, also said telechoice had 3 months free for new signings and the girl on the phone said with no hesitation she could do that.
      In my case i only got around 90 credit or so because of the stage of the month i signed up. their billing date is on the 7th or something?? so effectively i got 2 and a half months, but hey im not complaining.

  • +1

    im soo confuse about this inconsistent pricing ~@@!~@ whats going on with them ?
    why it is so hard to pass on any offer to customer ? its not like they (the shops) have to pay to virgin, right? just give to customer if we are entitled !
    ie. free 1G data for first 3 months, and free 3 months access.

  • Anyone here have issues with Optus reception on iPhones?

    • Well not just on iPhones but in general. I feel their coverage leaves a lot of room for improvement.

      This is why when my iPhone plan ends I'll start another one with Telstra.

    • hmm i guess no need to worry about this. optus sell hundred thousand iphone already. if they are bad, optus might not exist anymore. the problem now is to get 3 months access plus 1GB data

      • as best as I can tell, it depends on coverage. I'm out in the suburbs, and in a good area so I'm fine.

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