Just like their NBN plan
For those people who don't have NBN Access, this might be a good option.
Features include
Unlimited downloads
Home Phone included
$1 Modem including set
Just like their NBN plan
For those people who don't have NBN Access, this might be a good option.
Features include
Unlimited downloads
Home Phone included
$1 Modem including set
Me too. Said can't connect 'at this time'
Same here.. Being on this Telstra DLSM is hell on earth.. I live 15 mins from the CBD, yet I'm classed as regional, so I have to pay 1.5x - 2.0x as much as everyone else..
You could always give up those smashed avocado sandwiches and move to Sydney.
@onebutters: Lol, not any better in Sydney, I was in a Telstra only area and the prices are so high and the speed is horrible…
Getting NBN now but i'm regretting getting it through Optus seeing as they have been nothing but a pain to deal with about the setup.
Nothing at mine, and I have Telstra, Chime, Internode and TPG at my exchange, and I'm in zone 1 Brisbane.
Are they only using Optus DSLAMS perhaps?
Yep, I'm also on an ADSL1 Telstra RIM :/ 5 mins from airport, 20 mins from city..
My RIM was also expected to have a ADSL2 tophat upgrade, but was removed due to 2013 election :/
if they offered the $200 off ps4 pro like they did on the NBN gamer plan i would think about switching from iinet/TPG as i am always having DNS issues with iinet
Have you tried changing your DNS to an external prodiver such as Google? The IP is
You can do this in the advanced connection menu in your modem.
I'd be interested in switching from iinet and save $20 a month but it's hard to know how they'll perform with Netflix and pings etc.
If an RSP is offering unlimited quota then you can almost guarantee there will be congestion during peak times. The uncertainty is how bad the congestion will be.
Why don't you check if they're on Netflix ISP test page and see how they did compared to your current provider?
I already checked that for the other countries they operate (#1 in Indonesia, #2 Singapore, not listed in NZ). No data for Aus yet as only just launching. Hope they perform the same but still a bit of a gamble.
I am currently on NBN and when checking my address on their site, they are offering me ADSL. Maybe they can't make money selling unlimited 100MB NBN and hence offering unlimited ADSL instead.
And yet i'm on ADSL2+ and they are offering me NBN (FTTN) after checking my address.
I'm on NBN and get offered 100mbps NBN at my address. I think you're jumping to conclusions a bit there.
I am on NBN but they put me on a NBN waitlist :(
We can provide you fast ADSL on our nbn™ ready service. Once nbn™ becomes available, we will transfer you to a SuperFast nbn™ service."
Same here, and yet the NBNCO website indicates that there is no planned rollout for my area. So I suppose I would just sit on the NBN™ ready™ service™ indefinitely.
It's impossible for them to offer ADSL on NBN technology, so it's a mistake. Call them up and see what they say.
They may not yet be able to offer NBN plans in your area (not all providers do all NBN areas).
what speed is High Speed ADSL?
Is it the same slow speed as all other ADSL2?
Up to 24Mbps, the same as all other ADSL2(+) services in Australia.
Actually it's only up to 20Mbps as they're using Optus DSLAM's:
What can affect my ADSL Broadband speed?
MyRepublic uses the Optus ADSL2+ network. ADSL services provides a maximum download speed of 20Mbps download and 1Mbps upload. Actual speeds will vary due to several factors such as:
If they are using Optus network, better to stick with TPG which uses Telstra network. MyRepublic is like they rent from Optus who in turn rents from Telstra. Rent-ception. I expect high congestion.
So the same as everyone else, speed wise, prob about somewhere between 2 and 8 in reality.
In my experience it's around 15-18. (Really depends on distance to exchange)
2-8 sounds more like ADSL1.
@clse945111: I got 3 with ADSL2+, but it was just over 2 km to the nearest exchange. Upgraded in Feb to NBN using FTTB, and the same last segment of phone line, and that gives 47 down on a 50/20 plan, and 83 down on a 100/40 plan.
So basically the further you are from the exchange, the bigger an upgrade NBN is, although keeping the same last segment of old copper cable becomes the major limiting factor as the speeds get faster and faster.
Under contact for another 3 months otherwise I might switch - same price, but get a better modem/router that what I have now
hmm will i get better speed compare with my current unlimited adsl2+ with TPG? no nbn yet.
I doubt it.
Looks like the deal here is the modem :P
on the same boat, would like to know speeds as well for this.
no, becuase it is the exact same cable in the ground thats being used.
Has anyone joined MyRepublic in Sydney city?
How are their speeds?
MyRepublic only just began trading in Australia within the last 48 hours. But I imagine it will be similar speeds to other's using/reselling optus dslam.
Never ever going with an isp that has a Acceptable Use Policy. I learnt my lesson with optus cable.
So any ISP?
Cans, string, and pigeons apparently. ;-) Is there any that don't!?
High speed ADSL? Does that even exist?
Nope, because your speed is limited by your distance to the exchange.
It's unlikely that MyRepublic will be faster than any other Optus reseller.
i see so doesnt matter who is the provider, they cant improve my speed unless i move house, because all they do is providing service using the same infrastructure/hardware built by telstra in australia, correct?
Almost. There are two main things that limit your speed:
- the speed your modem can achieve when talking to the exchange
- how much backhaul your provider has purchased
Backhaul is what causes the "peak period" slowdown from ~5pm to ~10pm. If your provider has purchased 1Gbps of backhaul and has 1000 customers on that exchange, all using data at the same time, each user will get 1Gbps/1000=1Mbps. Doesn't matter if your ADSL2 modem achieves 20Mbps to the exchange, you'll only get 1Mbps at times in the peak period.
Cheaper providers frequently "under-provision" their backhaul, i.e. they don't buy enough to give their customers good speeds during peak period. You'll see lots of posts on Whirlpool.net.au from people asking "why is my internet so slow in the evenings"? Backhaul is usually the cause. Sometimes it isn't the provider's fault, there are some exchanges (often rural) where the links to the exchange simply aren't fast enough, there is no more backhaul available for your provider to purchase.
Unfortunately you can't easily tell if a provider has purchased enough backhaul, unless you know someone else who is already using that provider, and is connected to the same exchange as you. Then you can ask them to run a speed test at peak times, and at non-peak times, and compare the two speeds.
To add to that, in some areas the phone lines don't go directly to the exchange, they go through boxes known as RIMs. These frequently have poor backhaul problems, as RIMs were invented in ADSL1 days, and don't have enough speed for lots of ADSL2 users.
So sometimes, changing provider (to one who purchases more backhaul) can provide more speed.
@Russ: Thanks was looking for something like this to explain if theres even any difference between adsl2+ providers.
Well, my Mum get 20Mbps on ADSL2, as she lives less than a kilometre from the exchange. That's faster than the slowest NBN speed of 12Mbps.
It's just hyping up the regular old ADSL family. There is nothing beyond the standards of ADSL up to 8Mbps, ADSL2 up to 12Mbps (not available in Australia), ADSL2+ up to 24Mbps.
so are they selling adsl 2 or 2+?
my uncle is stcuk paying $50 to TPG naked + 29$ line rental to telstra
this deal would save his problems if it was adsl2+
Of course it's ADSL2+.. no one sells just ADSL2 and haven't for a long time (if they ever actually did?).
Also that doesn't make sense, you can't have a 'naked' line and still paying line rental to Telstra? The whole point of Naked DSL is that you're paying the one fee to your ISP (so you can't have DSL with one provider, and someone else providing the voice part of your copper line).
thank you OP
I am with spintel unlimited ADSL paying 55$ per month including phone. I dont think this will be any better.
I thought you'd given me a better option, but you must be metro area. I just checked and it's $70/m for unlimited with phone for me.
$55/m here too, but regional as well.
yes I live in metro area. Its their urban plan or something.
wow better than $59.99 on tpg! i will check this out. thanks
Edit: wrong thread
$60/m (rural areas) $40 (I think) metro
No contract
Free reconnection if moving house
Unlimited downloads
Often using Telstra hardware
And yes, it's basically Dodo. But don't blindly accept blanket statement that will now come, about it being hopeless. Congestion depends where you are, and how many are using it THERE - not in Perth or Adelaide, when you live in… oh, Tennant Ck.
And if you want to risk it, read the points again: no contract = pay for 1 month. No good? Leave. Oh there is a yearly membership fee. So stay a few months, then leave. ;-) If you're one of those that gets it for $40, you make the fee back real quick.
Maybe no good for gaming or netflix but who needs the latter. I download new 40 min TV episodes in about 9 minutes or less (ADSL2), and a larger movie in oh I don't know… 20m at the most?
$40 and no line rental fee?
I was with clubtelco for 2 years. No problem with their service. but its expensive for me. It was 40$ per month for unlimited ADSL and 30$ for phone. plus 5% discount on the bundle. SO I was paying 66.5$ for phone+internet. On top of that they had bullshit membership fee of 50$ or something. Spintel is working out much cheaper for the same service. I am paying 55$ a month for both Unlimited internet and phone with no contract.
I was on club telco unlimited adsl2 in a smallish town, and it was great (for adsl2 that is, laughable compared to the fttp i have now) - almost no congestion. But I imagine its completely different in a bigger city/more busy exchange
Loved their collab with timbaland back in the day. Good to see they're branching out
That was OneRepublic. They're NBN only
The shark that doesn't keep swimming or evolving dies
That's what happened to the dinosaurs
Sharks haven't evolved for millions of years. They reached peak hunter and stayed there.
Doesn't bode very well for shark kind.
If they had evolved lasers they would be safe from WA culls
They need to develop some brain power, develop some breathing gear and a shark-friendly skateboard (surfboard with wheels?) then get out of Cottesloe Beach and go hunt some Barnett.
Someone has posted on WP that they are using Optus for their ADSL & NBN products. Reading the speed issues with Optus Broadband products on WP for NBN my expectations with MyRepublic for NBN/DSL would be low.
However Ill await the reviews to come in.
I'm with TPG which I believe is on Telstra network for ADSL and the speeds are horrendous because the the distance from my house to the exchange. Will switching to this make it any better? Guess my question is is the Telstra and Optus DSLAM in the same "exchange" for a suburb? I've checked the Optus page and they can offer me ADSL as well but no idea where the exchange is. Thanks in advance.
same same! want to know this as well…
I'd say the biggest factor is distance to DSLAM. If you can work that out then you'll have your answer. It could be slightly better or worse. I've used relatives Optus Cable / Telstra Cable and both are vastly superior in speed around 36/40Mbps to my 4Mbps on TPG ADSL (~2.5km from DLSAM). If you're after speed and it's available, those cable plans are a bit pricier at Optus $80 (-$20 if you have mobile) and Telstra $95. After going back from Cable to ADSL I'm seriously struggling with the speed.
For anyone after unlimited calls within Australia plus unlimited adsl tpg have a $69 plan. That seems to be the cheapest for those wanting calls.
Anyone else sick to death of being told that ADSL is high-speed?
Over here, yes.
I'm scraping to get 11Mbps and nothing at all is 'high speed'
So you see, in 2016 - we still have internet woes when we consider 10Mbps "High speed".
The government is spending money on other useless things.
Funnily enough over in America they've redefined the word "broadband" to mean "at least 25mbps". so most of our country doesn't even have broadband by that standard.
11 mbps… wow.. lucky you. I am so far from the exchange that theoretically I can only get 8 Mbps but practically I get only 6 Mbps.
lucky you, 2.5mbps here while the theoretical max is 9mbps
Agree. Why not speed up NBN rollout instead. Still have to wait a few years in my area …
"Why not speed up NBN rollout instead"
they wanted… always wanted to speed up… but they CAN NOT..
me too - and that's before it gets delayed again. there are lots of places that were supposed to get NBN this year who still haven't which means my tentative installation date of "H2 2018" will most likely become 2019.
Pretty sure that the government (then opposition) promise in 2013 was "at least 25mbps by 2016". More failure.
Never heard of these guys? any good? the mrs just moved into her own joint and looking for interent.. this or TPG is same price?
check sprintel, $55
they're brand new in Australia. no idea if they are any good here yet or not.
yeh did some research, they seem alright overseas might give them a go.
Currently on optus 100/40 on the NBN unlimited. Will be switching to these guys and see how they go. My address says it's available.
im confuse.
i got Line of Sight: 10,346 m
but im with tpg and using
i got Line of sight distance: 1713m
which one is correct?
The first one
that 10,346 m is terrible, right?
are you sure its 10,346 m? Because that means you have a pisspoor ADSL speeds. Are you sure its not 1346 m? Check the graph
@carlJack: no it is 10346 according to that adsl exchange website http://www.adsl2exchanges.com.au/detailedsummary.php?
@dragonindespair: 10km means you wont even get ADSL. Attenuation will be more than 90dB. what speed do you get?
I dont believe the 10km one, that would mean you shouldn't even get adsl
Sign up done! $40 a month saved. Even if it's congested I don't really use in peak periods anyway and download in the background!
Hmmm… I'm tempted to go their 50/20 fixed NBN wireless at $59.99/mo or Telstra can offer it for $120/mo with Foxtel and 1,000gb downloads.
I'm assuming as it is on the NBN infrastructure the same fixed wireless connection with either ISP should basically be the same, would that be correct ? I can do without Foxtel for a saving of $60 a month !! I'm in rural QLD so I doubt there would be many people on or intending to us MyRepublic as yet, whether that makes a difference for speed.
I'm in a new estate in VIC 30 mins out of Melbourne CBD with FTTP NBN, MyRepublic not available in my area.
EDIT: seems it is available now, i pre-registered and they emailed me saying it wasn't
This is good. I'm currently with iiNet paying $70/m for unlimited quota (when I first signed up it was 300 GB). Though I do have a free FetchTV box to use though.
A little bit disappointed with the availability. And opefully the will be able to rent Telstra soon.
Will keep my eyes on the it :)
High speed
Pick one
Gonna give it a try. Need Internet access for warehouse next week so I'm gonna dabble into it and see how it goes. If it sucks then whatever it's only used for my business :D
How long does it take to activate my MyRepublic nbn™ ready Broadband service?
• A new ADSL connection can take up to 20 business days depending on whether an appointment is required to connect your service. We will send you SMS and Email updates with information on the progress of your service activation.
20 business days to connect?! really? a mate renting an old house and doubtful that the phone lines work properly so would probably need a tech install
Lol, what about people without ADSL?
"…over the Optus Wholesale Network…"
Well that rules them out for me. The Optus backhaul at my exchange is absolutely saturated at peak times. The best thing I ever did was ditch my Optus port.
A low priced connection isn't cheap if it is unusable when you need it.
No ADSL2+ and NBN available for my address? C'mon, I'm on Telstra DSLM! :(