This was posted 8 years 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

eBay: Spend $200 (by 30 June) and Get a $50 Voucher (to Spend by 31 August)


Spend $200 on "anything you like" and get a $50 voucher to spend by 31 August 2016.

Terms & Conditions

  • 1 voucher per person
  • Ends 29 30 June 2016
  • Excludes gift cards
  • Vouchers expire 31/8/2016

The $50 voucher will be available in your My eBay account from 8 July 2016.

Don't forget 1.25% cashback on eBay through Cashrewards/Pricepal.

Thanks to jkcat for the banner screenshot and also for the preliminary T&Cs link

Deal extended from 29 June to 30 June

Here is the full T&Cs:

  • By using or attempting to use the redemption code for the voucher, you agree to accept and be bound by these terms and conditions.
  • To be eligible to receive the $50 eBay voucher, you must make a purchase of $200 or more on during the Offer Period.
  • This offer is only available to registered users who are signed in to their eBay accounts at the time of the Qualifying Purchase.
  • The offer will commence at 10.00 (AEST) on 28 June 2016 and end at 23.59 (AEST) on 29 30 June 2016 (“Offer Period”). eBay reserves the right to extend the Offer Period at its discretion.
  • Each $50 eBay voucher must be redeemed from 8 July 2016 until 31 August 2016 on, after which time the voucher expires.
  • A voucher will not be issued in circumstances where a buyer initiates a cancellation following an eligible purchase.
  • The voucher entitles you up to $50 off the total purchase price for one transaction on
  • Multiple items may be purchased in one transaction (up to a maximum of 10 items per transaction).
  • Vouchers are valid from 8 July 2016 until 23.59 (AEST) on 31 August 2016 (“Redemption Period”). Any voucher which is not redeemed by 23.59 (AEST) on 31 August 2016 will cease to be valid.
  • The voucher redemption code will be available in the voucher section of your My eBay account from 8 July 2016.
  • Only 1 voucher will be awarded per person during the Offer Period.
  • To redeem this voucher, enter the redemption code into the redemption code box during the checkout process. You must be an registered member.
  • The redemption code requires payment with an Australian or New Zealand PayPal account in order to take effect.
  • The voucher is linked to your eBay User ID. The transaction must be completed with the eBay User ID which received the voucher offer in order to redeem the voucher.
  • eBay reserves the right to disallow or reverse the issue of a voucher in circumstances where it believes a sale or purchase of any item as part of this offer has not been made in good faith. This includes any collusive conduct by buyers or sellers or any other conduct which eBay considers unfair or untoward.
  • Not to be used in conjunction with any other eBay coupon/voucher.
  • The voucher cannot be withdrawn into your bank account and cannot be transferred.
  • Your and PayPal accounts must be active at the time of redemption (not suspended nor made inactive by eBay or PayPal) and be registered under the same email address.
  • In the event you return or seek a refund on any item purchased using a voucher, the value of the voucher will not be refunded to you.
  • This offer cannot be withdrawn into your bank account and cannot be transferred.
  • Sellers are responsible for their own stock and eBay does not guarantee the availability of stock.
  • To the extent permitted by law, eBay and PayPal will not be responsible for any loss incurred by you in redeeming or attempting to redeem the offer or for any costs, damages, accident, delay, injury, loss, expense, or inconvenience that may arise in connection with the use of the voucher.
  • All monetary amounts specified in this terms and conditions are in Australian dollars (AUD) unless expressly stated otherwise.
  • eBay reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions of the offer at its reasonable discretion by publishing revised terms on
  • Sellers are responsible for their own stock and eBay does not guarantee the availability of stock. eBay makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the item purchased upon redemption of the voucher.
  • The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the state of New South Wales.

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • Is there a link to the T&Cs as I don't see this offer on Ebay?

    • Sorry I didn't take a screenshot and refreshed the page. Now it's not showing in the carousel anymore. I will keep checking and if it comes back I will post screenshots and link to T&Cs.

      • +1

        Not there anymore… It wouldn't surprise me if this offer was available until 29 June, but they cancelled it early this morning….!! Been there , done that, got the grudge to keep holding (as well as the same items in my watch list that I was going to buy under the early terminated offer last time)!

  • can we use the $100 groupon gift card to qualify?

    • -1


    • No, excludes gift cards.

      • +4

        Excludes purchases of gift cards, not redemption of the $100 voucher code?

        • +1

          •Not to be used in conjunction with any other eBay coupon/voucher.

          Wouldn't the gift card be supplied as a voucher code?

    • I wonder if $200 worth of value pre gift card or $200 actually has to be spent, and whether that would apply to 20-30% off codes as well.

  • Hey PBG, Do you have a link to the deal or a screen shot. Great to stack with ebay app cashback

    • Sorry I didn't take a screenshot and refreshed the page. Now it's not showing in the carousel anymore.

  • +1

    is this a targeted offer?

    • I wouldn't have thought so if it was appearing on the main scrolling adverts.

      • i can't see the ad on ebay anywhere! hence why I thought it could be targeted.

        • It was the first promotion in the main carousel. Before the hump month sale. Same bright blue colours. Didn't look targeted, but then the APPY15/APPY25 was also in the scrolling carousel and it was targeted.

        • I'm presuming it was either a test or someone at ebay put it up by mistake. Judging by the particular dates OP has given and the fact that it doesn't tie in with any exact dates from last year, i'd say it's on!

      • The "$15 off $50 using ebay App" targetted deal was also showing on the main page scrolling ads, so that's no indicator.

  • +3

    Does it have to be 1 item or multiple items?

    • +16

      LOL - it has to be confirmed first! :)

  • damn it just got a bunch of stuff for work … grrrrr

  • +8

    I saw this offer as well but clicking on T&Cs goes to page not found.

    • Me too, just as I was leaving the landing page, then wondered why I couldn't find my way back to it.

  • will be following this closely

  • uh so far I see no evidence that this deal exists.

    • +8

      That's why it is marked as unconfirmed

  • they have an offer for $25 off a $75+ spend if you purchase something using the eBay app on android/iOS/windows…

    • +1

      Here is that deal (targeted so it was moved to the forums):

      • thanks - didn't realise i had this offer as it just appeared in the carousel banner.

        Checked the details and looks like it's my lucky day!

  • +5

    if we get enough +ive votes eBay won't be able to rescind the offer surely :-7

    • +1

      lol ebay is the king of rescinding

    • +3

      Only if we call the ACCCC, might happen

      • +5

        What's the forth C stand for!? Loll

        • +4
        • +1

          Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Commission

    • +3


    • Don't mention the war!

  • Crap, just bought a printer an hour ago.

    • Would you please advise which printer that you bought ? I am in the market for Colour laser printer (up to $200). Thanks

      • Check out cp225w $129 Bing lee. I'm very pleased with it.

        • I cannot find it listed on EBay. Via Bing Lee add $36 for postage to WA.

      • Bought an expensive one for the company, cost $3K plus.

        • Cheers

  • +2

    possibly a repeat of 2015:

    OP: perhaps look at your browser history for jpgs from ""

    • Thanks for that. I checked browser history and nothing for that page. The T&Cs on the banner I saw clearly had use by 31 Aug 2016 as the use by date. Also, the carousel image on the screengrab in that 2015 deal is different to the one I saw. I'm guessing eBay put it up as a test run for a possible (?) upcoming promotion.

      Thank god jackofspade saw it also otherwise I would be questioning my own eyes!

  • +1

    voted for hope. that's the only thing we can do now. #firstworldproblems

  • Spoke with an eBay online chat agent and apparently she wasn't aware of such promo. Will keep an eye on it.

  • +1

    Very strange as I saw this offer when I was on eBay earlier but no sign of it now.

  • +1

    Saw this as well but it appeared at the top of my eBay, tried to refresh 1min later and it was gone

  • +6

    Time to jack up the price of everything over $200 by $50

  • +21

    Here you go…


    Could be potentially starting from tomorrow (by the look of filename)

    The T&C link goes to however it's not up.

    • +1

      Thanks, I am getting an eBay rep to look into this.

    • nice work

    • Guessing the coupon code will be 50MORE

  • I know beggars can't be choosers but rather have 15% off everything than this voucher that has to be used by x date.. Plus you have to spend exactly $200 to get the maximum "discount".

    • +4

      Yeah, spend exactly $200 and use the voucher to buy an item worth exactly $50 to get the maximum discount of 20%. Not that great

      • Agree, it's hard to get the maximum discount of 20%.

    • Of course.

    • Of course, you can just get $50 off an item that isn't ordinarily discounted. And that is maximum for that item.

  • +2

    $100 to spend is hard. Now we need to spend twice the amount, even harder.

  • +2

    All this eBay promo is stretching my wallet….

    • +4

      You mean thinning it?

  • last year it was spend 100 and get 50… and then with that 50 u can spend another 50 to get another 50 and spend another 50 and get another 50… the deal went on for 4times. good times…

  • Have just got confirmation from an eBay rep that this is a targeted promotion which has been running from the 16th June.

  • +8

    Why has this got 86 positive votes already?

    • +3

      You mean 109 and increasing by the minute? That's the OzB way. We like to daydream. :)

    • and will be revoked if deal sinks…

    • Because OzBargain doesn't allow casual downvotes as a "heads up" for deals that might not be as good as they seem.

      OzBargain Negging is considered an act of war and you're not supposed to do it unless the deal is completely fake or something. You are limited to 5 negs a day, you can get flooded with negs from other users if you neg a deal on a reasonable objection, etc, etc.

      As such heaps of mediocre deals that sound amazing get hundreds of votes. It's one of the few flaws in the system they haven't quite worked out yet.

      • Call ACCCC if you get neg'ed!

      • +1

        The other flaw they haven't fixed is the flood of trinkets from AliExpress coming in here recently. It should be posted at BaliBargain

  • +2

    I really hate how the Ozbargain community will plus vote these kinds of deals. It's unconfirmed guys, hold your horses!

    • +2

      Absolutely… crazy

    • Baaaa bAaaaa

    • +6

      I like it because it gives us enough time to work out what to use it on.

      There are always posts like this (Unconfirmed eBay) and always people who complain or report it and all the deals I have seen so far have been true.

    • -2

      Vote & Buy first, read T&C later!

  • +5

    Last time they had spend 200 and get 100 back. I opted for that deal but was a bit disappointing when the store cancelled the item that I purchased using the voucher due to unavailability.
    Ebay mismanaged the whole incident and I did not receive any credit for the voucher and had to chase up the retailer, ebay and paypal to get it sorted after back and forth emails. SO not worth the time spent in chasing the voucher.
    I probably will stay away from ebay at least for this one.

  • +7

    eBay = positive. Amex = positive. JV = negative. What happened to JV by the way I miss his silly comments.

    • +1

      He changed his name to Mr Unreliable.

    • +1

      You forgot TA = positive.

      • +6

        Nah I don't kiss that much ass.

        • Good.

  • +2

    Will this offer stack with APPY25? That expires 30/6/16.

    • +1

      Unlikely. It's more likely that the APPY codes will be terminated early to make way for this, if this offer even happens. If it does stack, it will be good for those that get in at the right time though.

    • +4

      Ebay chat says yes, you can use the code and still qualify

      • I had chat and was told you can not combine offers

    • Gave it a try as had to buy something $200+ anyway. Perfect timing. Can claim it for tax too.

  • +1

    Deal sounds plausible.

    • +1

      haha come on mrbillions, you of all people should be supporting this "Unconfirmed" Ebay deal lol

      "ps: please don't forget to smack that +1 button."

  • +2

    Works out to be 20% off not 25% off. Spend 250 and pay 200.

    Sounds pretty good if it's whole eBay international if not limited to Australia only.

    Postage on top not included I believe.

    • +4

      But only 20% when you spend exactly $200, spend more and the % decreases. Poor deal when compared to flat 20% off as in previously.

      • +1

        And subsequently spend exactly $50 (by the due date none the less). If not, % further decreases.

    • +8
      • Can you read?
  • can we use groupon eBay voucher for this deal or not?

    • +1

      Coupons probably will not stack, I would say no

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