• expired

eBay 10% off Sitewide (Min Spend $100, Max Discount $300, 3 Transactions, Excludes Postage)


eBay is offering 10% off everything starting Tuesday 09.02.16.

Cashback Rate
Cashrewards 1.25%
PricePal 1.25%
ShopandMint 2% - 2.50%

I received a targeted offer from eBay for 10% off, but I didn't use and it was expired, so I called eBay to see, if they can re-generate a 10% code again. That's when eBay reps told me over the phone that eBay is actually having a 10% OFF SITEWIDE promotion from 09.02.2016 at 10:00AM till 12.02.2016

  • End date: Friday 12/02/16
  • 10% off site wide (excludes postage)
  • Minimum spend $100, maximum discount $300.
  • Limit 3 transactions per person during the Offer Period.
  • The following categories are excluded: Services (316), Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Tickets, Travel (11,730) and Gift Cards (172,009).

FAQ: I just checked my PayPal invoice and I have been charged the full amount!

Mod Note: PayPal may appear to show that you have paid the full amount - however if you click on the transaction details it will show that 10% has been paid via voucher. Example from previous deal

Mod Warning: Please do not post your own eBay listings in this thread. Such comments will be unpublished, the commenter will be banned from participating in the thread and account penalties may apply. Use the classifieds section for personal items instead.


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closed Comments

      • PS: They ask if you've paid the full amount on credit. And I believe then they ratio it if you didn't. So if you paid 75% on credit, and price drops $100, you get $75 back. That's the sort of thing that would happen with a coupon code.

  • +12

    Cashreward drop to 1.25%?

    This is shit and taking advantage of the ebay sale..

    • -1

      How will it benefit them?

    • +10

      @eug: they are keeping the extra 0.75% for themselves.

      Not impressed with CR lately. I'll use pricepal, even if it's a lower cashback. They aren't acting like jerks.

      • +1

        yeah they lowered their rates from 4% to 1% but it's ok. They aren't acting like jerks.

      • -1

        they are keeping the extra 0.75% for themselves.

        What makes you think they're getting 2% from eBay? Are you just assuming? You should read the post linked to by lyl below.

        • They have to get more than 2%, else there is no point for them to do this.

          Would a business continue to operate at a loss by giving 2% (as they claimed to be losing money), if they are not getting more than 2%.

          If a business continues to operate at a loss for a long time, it is just more easier to shutdown the business.

          What's the point of operating a business if there is no profit and is continuing to lose money?
          And don't say things like Loss Leader.
          They are already a Leader.

          Think man, think!

          Or u can just continue to be a sheep.

        • -1


          And don't say things like Loss Leader.

          Just because you don't understand how it works doesn't mean it isn't true.

        • @eug:


          Even though I have repeatedly asked the question, you failed to answer.

          u keep drinking the kool-aid..
          Jim jones has a seat for u in heaven.

        • @tyler.durden: What do you mean by Jim Jones has a seat for you in heaven? How do you know Jim Jones is in heaven? Did he maintain his cashback rate at 2% when a sale came along?

        • @eug:

          It means u are a blind sheep willing to drink the kool-aid of any leader without questioning.
          There's a seat for you at wherever the F, jim jones is now, in his whack up heaven.
          I suggest u follow him.

          Why don't u do some research on jim jones and his followers, then u will understand yourself better.


        • @tyler.durden: That page says nothing about Jim Jones being in heaven.

        • @eug:

          No but it says a lot about you being a mindless sheep, will to do whatever your leader says.

          Try reading the entire page.

          Maybe you will learn something

    • How are they taking advantage? They're still a better rate than Pricepal from what I can see. Does that mean Pricepal isn't taking advantage lol

      • -3

        I don't give a shit what Pricepal does, since I don't use them.

        The point is CR was 2%, now it is 1.25% just when ebay has a sale.

        • -4

          They were losing money at 2%. Maybe they decided to reduce their losses since the sale would be popular. They're not a charity after all.

          There's an easy solution for you - pretend CR doesn't exist and don't claim any cashback at all. You won't have any frustrations that way. It's not an entitlement.

        • -2


          You're right they are not a charity.

          They are a business of making money and they are taking advantage of this ebay sale to make more of it.
          They are making money from our purchases.

          You think they are some do good company giving you cash?
          Get out of your cave.
          They make money from the Cash reward member's purchases.

          Where's the proof they are losing 2%?

          Just cos they say they are, don't mean it is true.
          If they are losing so much money they wouldn't even be in this business, and daring to give the 2%.

          And don't think think they are doing you a favour to increase it to 2%.

          They were worried about cash rewards members backlash and ozbargain community would ditched them and move to another cashback company.

        • @tyler.durden:

          Just cos they say they are, don't mean it is true.

          If you don't believe them, then don't use them. Simple. You can lose out on the 1.25%. No need to be so angry and worked up over a cashback site whom you think are screwing you. Nobody is forcing you to use them.

          If they are losing so much money they wouldn't even be in this business, and daring to give the 2%.

          Read up loss leader.

        • -1


          don't think think they are doing you a favour to increase it to 2%.

          They were worried about cash rewards members backlash and ozbargain community would ditched them and move to another cashback company.

          that is the main reason…

        • @tyler.durden: You're entitled to your opinion. Whether it's correct or not is another matter.

        • -2

          @tyler.durden: Why would the cash rewards members backlash?

          They are clearly have an Ozbargain user on their side to bolster their credibility. Higher credibility of a user leads to better brand representation and sales.

          Thats exactly what people fail to realise, they are a business and their aim is to make a profit.

        • +1


          Not sure what you are talking about here.

          I mean as in the backlash of the ozbargain users here, who saw that it dropped to 1%
          and therefore ozbargainers would move to another cashback providers.

          And I believe ozbargainers are a large majority of cashrewards members.

          If I look at the current rates of cashback now

          ShopandMint is able to give 2.5%.
          So explain how they can do this be at a loss, when CR says they are losing money by giving 2%?

          Or is the more simpler explanation, that CR just wants to increase their profit
          and is just bullshitting that they are losing money at 2%?

          The only thing that is holding ShopandMint from being main choice of cashback is the $50 withdrawal limit requirement
          and also the lack of advertisement on this site from other posters like TA(bias) and others who might not be as familiar with ShopandMint.

          Else many would jump to ShopandMint due to the higher rate.

          And now CR has drop the rate to 1.25% from 2% to take advantage of this sale to increase their profits, pisses me off.
          This is not much different than Sellers jacking up their prices prior to the sale.
          Either the way, both is to increase profits by taking advantage of the sale and customers.

          Ozbargainer on their side?
          You mean TA?
          That was a clever move of cash reward to hired/buy a popular mouthpiece on this site.


          That's what I said, they are business that makes money from our purchases..they are not a charity.

          So they are not doing ie giving u money, raising it to 2% for their own good.

          They need to make money from our purchases.

          Without members going through their portal they would get no commission.


          So if they lose a lot of ozbargainers as members, they will be out of business.

          Hence they quickly raised it back to 2% even though the claim they are losing money on it.

          Also explain to me how is shopandmint able to keep the rate at 2.5%, yet CR claims they are losing money at 2%?

        • -1

          @tyler.durden: I am still trying to find evidence of that eBay jacked down the cashback rates. You can't just believe what one person has previously stated especially since all of CR's competitors have only recently decreased their rates.

          I think you are right in believing a lot of their customers are from Ozbargain and their main source of revenue is eBay cashback. I reckon CR never posted the decreased rate on Ozbargain as they knew it would lead to backlash and hurt the companies reputation/image.

          They use very clever marketing hiring an Ozbargain member as their mouthpiece but what happens when the company inevitably gets desperate when sales start to flatline as more people move to competitors?

        • @ShamelessBargains:


          I never believe what a company or mouthpiece says..
          There should be evidence/proof.

          If was true then they would give us proof, else it is just bullshit.

          And the mouthpiece is one of the most popular mouthpiece on this site with lots of posts and loyal fan following.
          So if it says TRUE then it must be TRUE, even without any evidence/proof.

          It was just clever to buy that mouthpiece which allows them to get regular advertising for CR since that mouthpiece makes many posts.
          So other competitors with better rate e.g. Shopandmint would not get a mention.


          Also why shopandmint still able to to keep their rate at 2.5%, if CR is losing at 2%?

          And why CR can keep losing money at 2%, yet still be in business.
          Any company that is losing money would just stop the bleeding.

          A more likely reason is CR wanted to drop the rate to 2%, to get more profit.
          But they decided to make a bullshit story about ebay dropping the rate, so they needed to drop to 1%,
          then they do us a favour by increasing to 2% to operate at a loss.

          Thus the story makes them out to be a hero.

          Another e.g. is Ubank.

          I used to use Ubank cos they were giving one of the best/highest interest rates returns.
          I don't use them any more cos now they are ranked 5th.


        • Don't use either site then… as clearly they are all taking advantage of the sale.

          But guess what, you are still going to use it…

        • -2


          What about shopandmint?

          They didn't take advantage of this sale.

          They have kept their rate at 2.5%.

          Maybe it's time to give shopandmint a try.


          So you are not pissed that Cashrewards didn't keep the rate at 2% for this sale?

          But by coincidence, they happen to drop the rate just prior to this sale?

          Just wait till after this sale finishes and see if they put the rate back up to 2% or keep it at this new rate.

          They are being a Dicksmith and they are taken advantage of this sale and customer's purchases to increase their profits.

          Just remember without cashback/ozbargain members, Cash reward would be out of business.

          The business works by making commissions from your purchases which they refund to you a partial amount as an
          incentive for you to keep using them.

          So don't think they are doing you any favours by giving you cashback, or increasing to 2%, or decreasing to 1.25%.

        • +2

          @ShamelessBargains: After reading a link yesterday posted by lyl, I'm now convinced you have an agenda against cashrewards. You seem to 'troll' (for want of a better word) a lot of deals making derogatory and seemingly false accusations without evidence. Not sure why you think it's your job to prove or disprove anyone.

          @tyler.durden Most of your comments make no sense at all. If you don't believe or aren't convinced by a company, stop using them and move on. You sound like a take take take person. The world isn't here to serve you.

        • @themob:

          And you are just a sheep following what some company/mouthpiece saids
          and believes it's the gospel truth.

          If I am a take person, then you must be mother theresa?
          You feed the homeless, give to the poor?

          You seem to be a die hard cashrewards fan, rather than looking at what the company is doing,
          they seem to not be able to do no wrong in your eyes.

          Just wait till they drop the rate to 1.25% or 1% permanently.
          Now the rate is so low, yet you still happy?

          Or wait till they increase back to 2% after they sale
          then you know that they were profiteering from this sale.

          Instead of accusing some people of having an agenda, why don't you look at what the company is doing?

          You think these people criticizing a company works for the competitor, get over yourself.

          Maybe they don't like what a company is doing, and is just making a criticism of it.
          Oh if someone does that they must have an agenda against a company?
          Then you should go out and look at all individuals that have complained/criticized a company.

          Why don't u do some thinking once in a while?
          I know it might hurt the brain a bit since it has cobwebs and dusty from lack of use, but u will get over it..

        • @tyler.durden: I tend to take people at their word. Why are you sulking that the rate has dropped? From what i read, they said they would, so whats the issue? Do they owe you anything? Why not use shop&mint and move on if they have a higher rate?

        • @themob: I am interested as to why you think I have an agenda against Cashrewards. I have no connections/relations in this industry and am making statements based on clear cut evidence.

          Cashrewards dropped their rates a month before their competitors and for what reason?

        • +1


          Well I guess that is what is different from you.

          I don't take people at their word
          since ppl bullshit all the time.

          The only thing that holds up is hard evidence, facts.

          Show me the facts, evidence then it is true.
          Else everything is just bullshit or unproven to be true.

          I have seen throughout my life many times, where there are some some die hard fans of a company or product
          where they are blind to see any wrongs done by a company?

          No matter how much you tell them to look at the actions of the company, they are just blind little sheeps.

          Yes shopandmint is better rate.
          The only issue right now is the $50 withdrawal limit which can be a barrier.
          Cos it would take longer to reach. Some people are concern the company might shutdown before we can withdrawal the money.

          I believe if they drop the withdrawal to $5 or $10, many more ppl would jump ship.

          I mean why would you not jump to a better rate(home loan, interest rates etc.) if a competitor is giving u a better rate.

          Does CR track purchases better? No, as proven by many ppl who did not get their items tracked.

          I have no loyalty with any company since they are not giving anything better than another..
          and in case of CR reward, they are giving much worse rate than a competitor
          and u can clearly see that they have taken advantage of this sale.

          Explain to me how come CR was giving 2%, and then all of a sudden drop to 1.25% just prior to the sale?
          You can't can you? Other than the logical conclusion that they are taking advantage of this sale.
          Why don't you ask CR or the mouthpiece why?

          Why don't you open your eyes for a change?

        • @ShamelessBargains: RBA dropped cash rate in Feb 2015. CBA dropped their rate 1 week after. ING dropped their rate 1 month after.

          Going by your logic, RBA had never dropped the cash rate.

          That's all i'm going to say about that.

        • @ShamelessBargains: What makes you think I'm going to start answering your questions? You really DO think you're the ozbargain spokesperson for justice. Enjoy what's left of the day.

        • +1

          @tomleonhart: I see your point that the other providers were slow to drop their rates. This will given them a competitive advantage as with higher rates they will have gained customers from CR.

        • @themob: Just my opinion.

          If you saw something that doesn't make sense, most people (you would find) would look into it further to get to the bottom of the issue.

        • +4

          Tyler and Shameless (and all the others bashing CR):
          I have this to say to you.
          If you're spending all your energy and time finding faults with CR and their systems, why not put that energy and time towards something better to do?
          Bashing CR here serves no purpose, other than to infuriate the people who find CR a good system.
          Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying "Use CR or else", you completely have the choice. If you're happy with it, great, use it. If you're not, that's fine, move on. When I'm not happy with a company's service I look for an alternative. Simple as that. CR is fine by me, so I keep using them.
          Don't go off spouting crap about TA and it being a big marketing ploy etc, true he has a good reputation here but the company isn't exploiting that, they would've done way worse things if they had ulterior motives.
          TA and Andrew are some of the humblest people you would ever find, and all these spiels I see here give more weight to the saying that it's the nice people in the world who suffer, the rest get away scot-free.
          So all I'm saying is, if you're unhappy with CR, fine, don't use them. Don't go spouting off all this negativity against them, scotty didn't design the site for that. If you want to pick a bone with someone, go find companies that post bad deals here and then attack OzB's for constructive criticism that gets posted.
          I really don't know how TA, Andrew and CR are able to handle all this being thrown at them, but they must be keeping their heads held high, because there's many an OzB who's happy with what they've done.
          That is all.

        • +1



          spoken like a true CR puppet.

          No ulterior method, for buying/hiring the post popular mouthpiece on this site?
          Not exploiting that?


          Keep drinking the kool-aid mate.

          Jim Jones welcomes you to join him in heaven.

        • @tyler.durden:

          What about shopandmint?
          They didn't take advantage of this sale.
          They have kept their rate at 2.5%.

          Are you sure you'll get 2.5%? It's possible they're just slack and haven't updated it. Just look at their privacy policy - they didn't even bother changing "PricePal" to shopandmint. Pricepal is offering 1.25% now.

          Maybe it's time to give shopandmint a try.

          Maybe it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Make a purchase now and report back to us whether or not you actually get the 2.5%.

        • -1


          spoken like a true CR puppet.

          Using immature fanboi terms like that does absolutely nothing to help your credibility.

          Actually maybe you should continue like that. It'll make it easier for everyone else to determine how much credibility to give to your comments.

        • -1

          @eug: Thanks eug, your support is much appreciated. Tyler, as I said before, if your only use of your time is to bash CR, then I feel sorry for you, I really do.
          As eug said, your use of immature words does nothing for your credibility.
          As eug also said, go ahead, use shop&mint (or PricePal as their terms and conditions imply they are) and see if you get 2.5%. If so, great, you'll have to wait till you hit $50 before you get any money out. If not, well I guess it didn't work out, eh?

        • @eug:

          the only fanboi here is you..

          So you are happy they decreased the rate from 2% to 1.25% just prior to the ebay sale?

          Would you mind telling us why they did it?

          Or why don't u ask CR or the mouthpiece to give us a
          -Please explain

        • -1


          Oh I didn't know words have maturity levels..
          Are you some English teacher, please enlighten me on what is a mature word?


          As I said, the reason why many ppl have not jumped to shopandmint is cos of $50 limit.
          Else more ppl would jump ship immediately.

          Why would u not, considering that shopandmint rate is 2.5% vs CR was 2% and now dropped to a minuscule 1.25%.
          only 0.25% better than pricepal.

          Yet you are still happy that CR drop the rate just prior to a big ebay sale?
          Would u be happy if it was 1% or 0.5%.

          If there was no anger about the rate drop to 1% in the previous thread..
          Do u think they would have raised it to 2%?
          Or would they have happily kept it at 1% and earned more profit.

          Do u think there was no exploiting to hire/buy the most popular mouthpiece on this site
          and make that mouthpiece that spokesman?

          Also the mouthpiece makes many posts, so it can link CR in those posts, thus create more advertisement for them.

          U really think there was no advantage to do that?

          If u do, then u are deluded.


          Get a grip of yourself.
          If there was no criticism, a company can do whatever it wants.

          So you should be thankful for ppl like us that aren't afraid to criticized,
          instead of being a little dog willing to take whatever it's master fed it.


        • @tyler.durden:

          What about shopandmint?

          They didn't take advantage of this sale.

          They have kept their rate at 2.5%.

          I always keep an eye out between CR and S&M. S&M were 3.5% before this sale.

        • @CVonC:

          I don't keep an eye S&M
          if that is true then they are probably taking advantage of this sale too.

          But the question is when was it 3.5%?
          and how long ago did they drop it to 2.5?

          Either way, it is still higher than the pathetic dog feed CR is giving now.

          It was already crap when it was 2%, now it just pathetic at 1.25%.

          If S&M lowered the $50 limit, I am sure more ppl would jump ship.

          Right now to be able to get withdrawal of $50, you would need to spend at least $2000.
          And that is just too much for most ppl.

        • @tyler.durden:

          But the question is when was it 3.5%?
          and how long ago did they drop it to 2.5?

          It was still 3.5% up until the very recent 20% off valentines day promo.

        • +2

          @tyler.durden: Let's face it Tyler, you're doing yourself no favours with all this uneducated ranting & raving. You've chewed up half an eBay deal venting your spleen. And for what? You need to get a life son.

        • +2

          @crouchie: @eug I serious Think you should just ignore the entitled people. I know I have.

          I feel stupid reading the entitled view of some ozbargainer here. It will make your life easier.

          Remember idiots drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience if you argue with them.

          That's all I have to say! Back to work now.

        • -2


          Unlike you,a blind sheep willing to take whatever their master give them.

          So you are happy they decreased the rate from 2% to a pathetic 1.25% just prior to the ebay sale?

          Would you mind telling us why they did it?

          Or why don't u ask CR or the mouthpiece to give us a
          -Please explain

          That's fine..
          Just continue and be happy to drink the kool-aid..

          There's a simple reason why many ppl drank the kool-aid..
          It's cos they have simple minds that are willing to accept whatever their leader told them.

          Jim Jones needs followers like you in heaven, I suggest you join him, son.

        • @tyler.durden:

          Or why don't u ask CR or the mouthpiece to give us a
          -Please explain

          He kinda did in the this post

          We recently received news from eBay stating the amount of cashback that Cashrewards (or any other cashback site or points program) will be able to offer will be reduced to around 1.00%. There is unfortunately nothing we can do to change this, but Cashrewards & eBay will be working closer than ever to bring you the best offers and promotions going forward.

          With this in mind, we want to go out with a bang and offer a great cashback rate of 4.4% on eBay Australia sitewide for two days only. Rest assured this will never be repeated, as beyond January 6 at 3pm AEDT the rate will drop to around 1.00%.

        • @tyler.durden: Tyler, I've already counted eug, themob, eisvath, and myself as part of those who are not spouting off meaningless crap.
          I'm sure they'll all agree with me that CR is working well for them, as it is for me. I have no reason to complain against CR. Sure, if CR drained my bank account without my authorization, then yes I'd have a beef with them but they do exactly the opposite - increase my bank account not decrease it. Think about it. You are actually getting free money. For doing what? For logging into the CR website, finding a store and then shopping as normal. They made it easy for you. You have no right to complain.
          About the rate, well they were going to be 1% ever since eBay lowered the commissions, but they acted in good faith and provided 2%, at a loss. Obviously there's a limit to how long they can offer this, and recent times happened to be the moment when they couldn't absorb it anymore, hence the drop to 1.25%. So what? It's still higher than the 1% that eBay cornered them into, so there again they're doing you a favour.
          Tyler you're wasting everyone's time, and your own time, by typing all this crap. The reason people (and myself) are taking the time to respond to you is to try and knock some sense into your head. We are only trying to help so that you don't leave the house a deluded man.
          Again, CR, Andrew and TA have done all they can to help, there's some things they can't control. Let them lead peaceful lives and continue with running the CR business, it's a massive task I'm sure, getting stores on board and tracking transactions. They don't need to be detracted by people like yourself spewing hate against them, for what? For providing you a service for free that earns you money?
          Grow up.

        • @CVonC:

          Not really..

          That post was made a while ago.

          And CR has kept it at 2% despite claiming they are operating at loss.

          The new decrease was made just prior to this big ebay sale
          and nothing has been addressed about this.

          I find it such a big coincidence that a rate drop just happens to occur prior to this big ebay sale.
          Yet ppl aren't asking a -Please explain?

          Let's wait till after this sale ends to see if this is the new rate
          or if they put it back to 2%.

        • +4

          @crouchie: Point taken.

          I am sorry to Tightarse, Andrew and CR community for making false claims and for ranting on about nothing in several deals/forums.

          It was unproductive and a waste of everyone's time.

          I hope you will accept my apology and move forward from this.

          I will now focus my efforts on finding more deals for the Ozbargain community :)

        • @ShamelessBargains: Thank you ShamelessBargains, I hope we don't need to repeat this in the future. I hope you find some good deals.

        • @crouchie:

          I don't need you to explain anything to me..

          If u are happy then good for you, then why are u wasting your time replying here…
          Go and buy your crap and get the cashback..

          Where's the response to why they decided to drop to 1.25% just prior to a big eBay sale?
          Where's your proof that they are operating at a loss at 2%?
          Where's the proof that they are cornered into 1% by eBay?
          Just cos the mouthpiece says so?

          Yet, explain to me how is shopandmint able to give 2.5%, or as someone above mention 3.5%?
          You can't explain it can you?

          Is shopandmint getting some higher rate from eBay than cashrewards (the biggest cashback site in australia)?
          Is shopandmint eBay's favourite cashback site that they are will to give them much higher rate than CR?

          Use your brain and common sense for a change.
          Think man, think.


          I only believe if I see hard facts, evidence.
          Else you don't know anymore than I do and you are just taking the word of a popular mouthpiece.

          And I take the comment as bullshit until there is evidence to prove otherwise.

          Get this through your head son,
          They aren't doing u any favours by giving u money.

          Go and read how cashback works.

          They are a business that makes commission from your purchases.
          They only refund a portion of that commission as an incentive for you keep using them.

          They need you, else they would be out of business.

        • @tyler.durden: I don't understand what you're trying to say. Can you please explain everything all over again, in more detail?

        • @eug:


          if you can't read, then don't worry about it.

        • @eisvath:

          I serious Think you should just ignore the entitled people. I know I have.

          Let's just say it's a bit of entertainment in between tasks at work. ;)

        • @crouchie: +1 I was getting a bit sick of the disparaging and apparently false accusations from ShamelessBargains and a few other users.

          @ShamelessBargains - so after all that ranting through Jan and Feb 2016 about TA and Cash Rewards, all your comments were based on supposition without hard evidence?? Wow you are treading on very thin ice posting up false info about a business and one of its reps (TA) on a forum like this. Glad it's you and not me.

        • PS: I wonder what the mods are thinking about someone like ShamelssBargains posting false info on their forums and perhaps trolling a user of this site?

        • @eug:

          fanboi is the correct term for you.


          Fanboi - Someone who is hopelessly devoted to something and will like anything associated with their particular thing.

          A perfect word to describe all these CR puppets.

      • not better than shopandmint.

        And the problem is not they are better than pricepal.

        The issue is that they decided to take advantage of this sale, to increase their profit.

        • You keep harping on about shopandmint. Are you a rep? Can you guarantee that people will get 2.5% during this sale period?

          Or are you simply hoping that shopandmint, whose ABN is registered to an individual and is not GST-registered, and whose privacy policy was copied from PricePal, is a 100% legit business that keeps their website 100% up-to-date and thus will definitely pay the full 2.5%?

          "I only believe if I see hard facts, evidence."

        • @eug:

          I am just stating fact that shopandmint is listed as 2.5%.
          I don't have any affliation with them nor have I used them.
          I am just pointing out the CR rate is shit now compared them.

          You keep defending CR.
          You getting paid by them?

          If u enjoy using CR then go ahead and use them.
          Why waste your time replying to my comments?


          I don't know if shopandmint will pay the 2.5% since I have never used them
          but that is what they listed.
          And even what the OP has posted in topic..

          It is a fact. They listing as 2.5% on their site.

          If more people sign up and try it and get paid then we would know they are legit or not.


          Not sure what the F u are going on about..
          But why don't u stop replying to my comments if you don't give a shit about what I am saying, and just go about your ways and continue using CR and enjoy their shitty 1.25%.

          Unless you have some affliation with CR, and feel the need to keep defending them?

          After spending $100, you only get back a shitty $1.25.
          Go a head buy yourself a lollipop with your massive cashback.

        • @tyler.durden: Can you explain further? Your explanation isn't clear.

          If u enjoy using CR then go ahead and use them.

          If you hate using CR, then go ahead and … don't use them. No need to tell the whole world that you're very unhappy.


        • @eug:

          I have a right to make any comment I want..and criticism all I want.

          I didn't know we are living in china with censorship?

          And of the reverse, if u are happy then go away.
          Why waste your time replying to my comments?

          When they drop it to 1%, did u support it or against it?
          Did u make any comments.

          Without ppl criticism, do u think they would have raised it back to 2% for so long?

          You should be thankful for ppl like us that dare to criticize a company's action.
          Without ppl like us, a company would do whatever the hell it wants.

          It would have kept the cashback at 1%.

        • @tyler.durden: What are your contact details? I need to tell every company in Australia that their profit margins must be approved by you first, otherwise they'll be subject to long rants that beat around the bush.

          Without ppl like us,

          How many people do you think are on your side here, vs those who aren't?

        • -2


          You obviously work for CR since you keep defending them.

          What's your interest in defending them?
          Why waste your time and life responding to me? Unless you work for them.

          No point talking to you any more.

          Goodbye cash reward puppet.

        • @tyler.durden:

          You obviously work for shopandmint since you keep advertising them.

          What's your interest in advertising for them?
          Why waste your time and life constantly talking about them? Unless you work for them.


        • @eug:

          I don't work for shopandmint..

          I don't advertise for them just pointing out facts.

          I don't waste my time talking about them, I mainly talk about CR.

          Get your facts straight.

          Now get lost I don't want to talk to you anymore.

        • @tyler.durden:

          Oh, hello again. Didn't you just say in your last message that you didn't want to talk to me anymore?

          I don't waste my time talking about them,

          I would encourage you to count the number of times you have promoted shopandmint here. Really, just do it. Count the number of times.

        • -1


          Whatever CR puppet…

          My only interest is getting the best cash rebate from CR.
          Since I have only used them.
          I didn't give a shit about what pricepal offers or shopandmint offered.

          But now that I see shopandmint offers vs what CR offers and what they just dropped the rate to, I now see CR rate is pretty shit.

          It has open my eyes.
          It is like seeing my bank is no longer giving the best interest rate.

          Why have I not change banks yet?
          Cos of the barrier mention below and in my previous comments.

          Obviously now this is a shit rate since it is drop to a shitty 1.25%.
          So I am pissed.
          2% was already low, now this new rate is pathetic.
          If I spent $100, I would just get a measly $1.25.

          If CR had at least kept the rate at 2%, I would not have said anything
          and just continue with my ebay purchase + 2% CR rate and consider that good enough.

          I don't use shopandmint and have not used shopandmint as I have said because of the $50 limit.
          I have even said that shopandmint $50 limit is a barrier that stops many ppl from jumping ship(including myself).

          Sorry if u weren't smart enough to see that.

          Go back and read the comments.

          I have even said that that is a possibility that they have taken advantage of the ebay sale when someone mention they saw it drop from 3.5
          to 2.5.
          Since I don't use S&M I don't know it is true or not.

          So get your facts straight.

          So no, I do not work for shopandmint.

        • @tyler.durden: Hmm, thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore.

        • @eug:

          I don't but u keep replying to my comments.
          If u stop replying then I will stop.

          simple as that.

        • @eug: I agree with the guy who has problems with dooms day cults and flavoured sugary drinks. Commissions are not high enough! Ozbargainers should always get more back.

        • @eug:

          I am sure there are heaps of ppl on my side
          who are not happy about the ever dropping CR rates.

          From 4% to 1%, then back to 2%, and now 1.25%.

          If you spent $100, you only get back $1.25.
          Is there any point anymore?

        • @tyler.durden: there's no point really.

          Hence let's kill them off. Let's not use them. Let's not give them your business.

          End of story.

        • @tomleonhart:

          I agree.
          $1.25 out of a $100 spent is pathetic.

          If your bank is no longer giving you the best interest rate
          would you still stick with them?

          Time to give another competitor a try

          Ubank used to give one of the highest interest rates.
          Now they are ranked 5th.
          I have since moved to another bank.

        • @tomleonhart:

          If you move to another competitor
          it might force CR to be more competitive.

          They are being really cocky lately..

          Not really happy with what they have been doing

          ie Drop from 4% to 1%, back to 2%, now drop to 1.25%.
          Only 0.25% higher than the pathetic 1% that everyone was complaining about in the other thread.

        • @tyler.durden: cool. Therefore you should move to their competitor.

          go go

        • +1

          @tyler.durden: You're so gullible. tomleonhart is taking the piss out of you and you can't even see it.

        • +2

          @themob: why do you have to ruin it for me ???????????

        • @themob:

          Who gives a shit if he was…

          at least I am not a dumb sheep like you.

          keep drinking the Kool-aid

          CR puppet

        • @tomleonhart:

          another CR puppet

          enjoy your $1.25

        • @tyler.durden: Oh why hello again, and welcome back. Did you just decide you want to talk to me again?

        • @eug:

          what do u want to talk about CR puppet?

    • +4

      Pricepal drops to 1% before the sale, no one bats an eye. CR drops to 1.25%, everyone loses their minds?


      Maybe if CR didn't exist to give competition, we would've seen pricepal drop to 1% ages ago. Remember that Pricpal was the one to blink first, not CR.

      • -1

        Wow, nice find. Respect for honesty.

      • I stand corrected then. I thought pricepal was always a crap rate

      • That's cos not much people are using pricepal.

        Many ozbargainers here have been using cashreward for a while now.

        Even if pricepal drops to 0.00001%, I couldn't give a shit, since I have never used them.

      • And you believe that? I'm standing neutral on that one.

        All we care is a good deal or not.

        • yes, i do.

          The majority of ozbargainer use cashrewards.
          So why should we give a shit what % pricepal drops to.

          If you bank with commonwealth bank, would you give a shit what bankwest rate's is?

          We only give a shit what cashreward rate drop to.
          And now it is a pathetic 1.25% from what was already a low and unpopular 2%.

          Now if u spend $100, u will get a pathetic $1.25.

      • -1

        Nice to see the forum massive descend upon another member who dares to criticise cr or their well known employee.

        • -2

          Isn't it funny that there is no response from the CR rep about the drop to 1.25%.

          Yet there has been 3 main puppets from CR attacking anyone that dares to criticize
          -this company,
          -their mouthpiece,
          -or the recent rate drop.

          I would not be surprised if they did not have some vested interest in CR.

        • -1

          stemcell, how is the forum massively descending upon anyone? It's not like every OzB user has attacked anyone…

          Criticism is fine, as long as it's done in good faith and without accusations.

          However, Tyler's posts have not been criticism based, they've been all-out attacks against TA and CR. Just take 10 minutes of your time to read through Tyler's posts (and previous ShamelessBargain's posts too, but Shameless has done the right thing, apologised publicly and moved on). All you'll see from Tyler are immature rantings and ravings about TA.
          Look I don't want to keep typing comments like this to people like yourself, but I will keep doing so because it's the least I can do for the community. I can't stand vitriol being spread around like a bad odour, it's disgusting.

          Educate yourself before coming to conclusions, read the reasons for the rate changes.
          And, most of all, be happy that there is a service there to give you free money. Be thankful that Andrew developed a business to give you free money. Be thankful that TA is there to resolve queries of OzB's. Be happy that you're a member of this site.

          Simple isn't it? If you don't like CR, don't use it! Doesn't take a Sheldon IQ to figure that out.

        • -1


          haha you keep going on about them giving u free money.
          Like they are some non profit do good company.

          Get this through your head.
          The company makes money from commission of users purchases and refunding a portion of that money
          as incentive to keep that user using their portal.
          Without users making purchases, that company would be out of business.

          Why don't u answer my questions instead saying immature rantings..
          You like to dodge the questions I asked, cos you don't have any answers for them.

          You are obviously CR puppet..
          Else why waste your time defending this company?

          It was a smart move by CR to hire the most popular mouthpiece on this site.
          Now no ones dares to criticize CR or their mouthpiece.
          Else a bunch of the CR and mouthpiece's puppets/fanbois attacks you, if u dare to criticized them.


          Here's the question again…

          Where's the response to why they decided to drop to 1.25% just prior to a big eBay sale?
          Where's your proof that they are operating at a loss at 2%?
          Where's the proof that they are cornered into 1% by eBay?
          Just cos the mouthpiece says so?

          Yet, explain to me how is shopandmint able to give 2.5%, or as someone above mention 3.5%?
          You can't explain it can you?

          Is shopandmint getting some higher rate from eBay than cashrewards (the biggest cashback site in australia)?
          Is shopandmint eBay's favourite cashback site that they are will to give them much higher rate than CR

          Are you happy they drop the rate from 2% to now 1.25%.

        • -1

          @tyler.durden: Yes Tyler, I go on about them giving free money because they are one of the few sites that actually do this. Does eBay give you a cashback if you buy through them directly rather than through CR?

          Yes you're right, it's publicly available information, the way that CR works. They are an affiliate of eBay (and other stores), which gives them a commission for referring customers. I'm not disputing that's how CR works. They are a business, yes. They make profit? Yes. What you need to understand though is that eBay is giving them around 1% commission, but they are giving 1.25% to us. You run the numbers and that looks to me like a loss on eBay purchases. You forget that CR also refers customers to other sites, hence making a net commission from them. Since eBay is such a large business, they choose to go in the favour of the customer and give a higher cashback so that customer loyalty is kept. They could've been greedy and only given for example 0.75% but they didn't. They kept it higher than what they needed to, in order to keep us happy. I certainly am. And it looks like you're not. I don't know what to do to change your stance.

          I am not a CR puppet Tyler, trust me. I like to praise them because they've done a good job in their marketplace, have good people behind them and have good people leading them. I am praising and defending them because I'm happy with their service. The site has served me well, saving me a lot of money. And for that I'm thankful. When I go to a restaurant and I'm happy with the service and the meal, I find their website/Dimmi page/zomato page and write them a good review. Does that make me a restaurant puppet for each restaurant I'm happy with? If I were a business, I would like to see positive feedback when I've done something good by a customer. Therefore I do the same when I receive good service, as CR has done.

          I find I'm repeating the same thing over and over again Tyler, so I don't think I'll waste my keystrokes anymore. Just go read TA's forum post on how he got his job at CR, and go take that opinion of yours elsewhere, that he's been hired as a smart move.

          Maybe when you read his story you might learn some proper grammar and spelling. We live in Australia, where the national language is English. At least get the language right.

        • @crouchie:

          "What you need to understand though is that eBay is giving them around 1% commission, but they are giving 1.25% to us"

          Show me proof, show me your evidence that they only get around 1%.
          Else everything u said is just sprouting the same line from a mouthpiece..

          Still waiting for you answers

          Where's the response to why they decided to drop to 1.25% just prior to a big eBay sale?
          Where's your proof that they are operating at a loss at 2%?
          Where's the proof that they are cornered into 1% by eBay?
          Just cos the mouthpiece says so?

          Show me the evidence

          You are definitely a CR puppet/fanboi
          Since you are quite happy to accept whatever crap they give you.

          I have seen fanbois and puppets like you in my life.
          Where they defend a company to the death no matter what unpopular shit that company does.

          If they drop the rate to 1% would u still be happy?

          If you spent $100 now, you only get $1.25.

          Giving a review is one thing, but to continuously attack anyone that dares to criticize the company shows your fanboi/puppet nature
          There's no point into talking to such a fanboi/puppet since they have a hidden agenda.


          Oh sorry teacher,
          I didn't know we are in english class.

          I thought this was a public forum, where not everyone can be 100% perfect like you.

          We can't have 100% perfect grammar like you.
          If there was a grammar test, how many australians would actually passed?

          So get off your high horse, teacher, about me not having good grammer.

          And go tell the young kids to learn proper grammar with their internet slangs and mobile style typing..
          Oh they better not do that, else the grammar nazi should get them.

          So what the F are u talking about?

          And don't criticize my grammar when you can't even answer simple questions yourself.

          I have come across grammar nazi like you, and they are a PITA.

          Also in the future, you should refrain from giving your speech about them giving ppl free money, like they are some charity
          Cos it is just incorrect.

        • @tyler.durden: So much talk. You always bang on about evidence. Where's your proof and evidence for all your accusations?

          Show me the evidence.

          See, it works both ways too. You are unable to give a single bit of evidence for any of your claims. So what makes you so sure you're right? You could be just as wrong as you think I am. :)

        • @eug:

          Whatever CR puppet…

          Why are u still replying to my comments, if you think they are just mad rantings.
          Why waste your time and life?

          Now away, I don't want to talk to you anymore.

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