themob » user profile

Member Since | 05/02/2016 |
Last Seen | 23/05/2016 |
Badges | 1 3 |
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Not a bad game with free cards

[@GameChanger](/comment/3716033/redir): unusual activety? Ye, you're right. I best just get back to work. No 'point' in continuing this…

[@GameChanger](/comment/3716020/redir): I beg your pardon? Please do go on.

[@GameChanger](/comment/3715918/redir): Gamechanger, I hadn't logged into this site in quite a while, mainly coz of the negativity and…

Use shopandmint at your own peril. They haven't been active in months, even on Facebook. I've submitted 3 separate queries with zero…

I don't think it's been cheaper, but I have a feeling the price will drop again after Easter.

[@GameChanger](/comment/3560188/redir): my only associations are with God almighty and Mick Gatto. I don't answer to you. And I'll now move…

[@GameChanger](/comment/3560098/redir): Oh you're a gem. Not only are you now stalking people, you're accusing AND telling others how they…

Great action game. Paid full price. Well worth it.

Makes 2 of us!

Nice work. I missed it unfortunately.

Where did you get it and how much for?

[@GameChanger](/comment/3559948/redir): Actually, I can answer that. I'd suggest the lack of responses suggests no one really gives a shit…

themob commented on [XB1] Gears of War: Ultimate Edition US $9.99 (~AU $13.09) [Digital Code] @ Amazon

themob replied to
googoogaga on [XB1] Gears of War: Ultimate Edition US $9.99 (~AU $13.09) [Digital Code] @ Amazon

100% this!!

themob replied to
watty on Humble Sega Strategy Bundle - $1USD/ $1.31AUD, BTA $5.82USD/ $7.64AUD, Final Tier Is $12USD/ $15.76

Fair enough.

themob replied to
ctran on 25% off Contact Lenses Online with Specsavers - No Minimum Spend - Free Shipping


themob commented on 25% off Contact Lenses Online with Specsavers - No Minimum Spend - Free Shipping
Please bring back 50%

Missed it damn.

[@King Tightarse](/comment/3557899/redir): So this thread is specifically about groupon and amaysim then is it, and one particular user?…

[@GameChanger](/comment/3557846/redir): At what stage did I say anything about placing my trust in anyone? Don't put words in my mouth.…

themob replied to
tron07 on Bikebug Vests/Jackets SALE - Extra 15% off with CODE - ORNOT, MAVIC, CAPO

And it's free.

[@GameChanger](/comment/3557792/redir): When you say behind the scenes, who really gives a toss? At the end of the day all I care about is…

themob commented on Alpha Visitor Chair Black $14 @ Officeworks
Wondering what the quality is like. Any idea what these normally cost?

Can someone comment on the quality of this brand?

[@pointless comment](/comment/3556216/redir): I wish you'd quit editing your comments 100 times while I'm trying to respond.

Got me one thanks to your post. Can't wait to receive it.

I didn't come here to buy a bottle opener. I purchased a G4 and am rapped! Find that cheaper then come back and tell us where. And yes, I…
