This was posted 9 years 9 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

OfficeOne IP Security Cameras from Kmart, $19 for IP900 and SC10IP


$19 clearance pricing on OfficeOne IP900 and SC10IP security cameras.

Saw same thing in two Kmart stores in Brisbane, probably across the board.

Same as in these old posts: ($29) ($39) ($59)

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closed Comments

  • Do they have night vision ?

    • +1

      I think you get negs by default, jv…
      The SC10IP seems to have rough NV.

    • +3

      I haven't tried them yet.

      Box of outside one SC10IP says it has "IR LEDs for night vision: 5 x 24 pcs, IR range: 20m"

      The IP900 manual says it has "10 infrared LEDs for night vision" and "IR Distance" of "up to 10 metres".

      • thanks

    • +8

      SC10IP's night vision with its IR leds:

      • +1


    • +2

      Hey JV, is that your real pic on profile?

    • +1

      Why is everyone picking on you?

      • +1

        jv has made quite a few e-enemies in OB. Not me though, sometimes I found his comments quite amusing.

  • Did anyone else have problems with the IP900 (the PTZ one) randomly restarting? I bought one from the last deal and had to return it.

    • +1

      I have 3 and they all do it. I thought it was a standard bug. They work when I want them to, the issue is they end up pointing to the ceiling after reset. Apparently there is a default position they can be set to return to, but I can't work out how to do it.

      • +5

        Yep they all do it every 2-3 days or so. Even the genuine FOSCAM models do it. Setting the default position at startup is easily achieved with using the settings on the web interface. You go to settings, then to PTZ settings. There is a field called "Call preset on boot". If you select number 1 and then save your default position as point 1 it will return after every reboot.

  • +2

    Good deal!
    Anyone got it in WA?

    • I tried to buy from Cannington WA, they told me one guy came in bough all of them, both versions. He is a true Ozbargainer.

      • You mean a true Broden.

      • hahaha Cannington WA. That was my dad. Saw this post and told my dad, he went in at lunch time from work n bought all 6 left outdoor models.
        That was thursday and i'm still trying to get the wifi enabled, can only get it to stay on while the network cable is plugged in. Mess to setup these things.

  • +1

    Which Brisbane Kmart stores did you see please?

    • +2

      Browns Plains and Sunnybank Hills/Calamvale

    • +2

      saw them at Toombul yesterday

  • Millions of them at Robina…
    Good reason too, they're a nightmare to setup. Simply can't be configured at all on many popular routers. I'd like to comment on the picture quality but I've yet to see one working.

    • -5

      Millions of them at Robina…

      I find that hard to believe…

    • +2

      If they can't be configured I can guarantee it comes down to a port forwarding issue or static IP issue that too few users are familiar with. Nothing to do with compatibility.

      • I guarantee it's because the configuration software can't write profiles to the device. Some managed to get it to work by changing their subnet settings to match the defaults of these cameras, but that doesn't work for all (and didn't work for me) Google it, they're notorious for this particular issue. Problem is only apparent on certain brands of modems/routers (including some very common ones).

        It's nothing to do with port forwarding, lol, amusing suggestion however.

        • I bought this before and it didn't work with my camera and I played with the subnet settings and it was a no go… sad :(

        • @maybeamacy:

          it didn't work with my camera

          try connecting it to your router…

        • "I guarantee it's because the configuration software can't write profiles to the device."
          Let's say I believe you for a minute… how would the cameras inability to write a profile to ITSELF have anything to do with the router?

          As potplanty said, it sounds an awful lot like a port issue.

        • +1

          Sorry but that's ridiculous (at least for the IP900). From a networking/router point of view its simply just another IP device. Nothing more, nothing less. It will work with any modem/router that has a DHCP service. The camera simply asks for a DHCP address like any other network device, from then on its available to connect to using its embedded http server and can be reconfigured. The 'configuration software' is embedded into the camera itself, so unless its a faulty unit, it always writes the profile/settings back to the camera.

    • +1

      There are very details videos on youtube on how to setup kmart camera step by step, check them out, hope that will help you!

      Setup & access Wireless IP Security Camera SC10IP

      Configure IP Cam Viewer with IP Security Camera SC10IP Android

      How to configure iSpy with IP Security Camera SC10IP

      How to reset IP Security Camera to its default Settings

  • +24

    i have IP900 and very happy with it. Installed it outside just under the shade of my front door.

    Below are the Day time and night vision comparison.

  • Are they wireless cameras?

    • +1

      Yep. (It's written on the box)

      • +1

        sorry i didnt enlarge the photo. Thanks!!

    • +3

      Still needs power cord

      • Sorry i am bit confused. It needs a power cord(does not run on battery).. but why is it called wireless? Is it because it uses WIFI?

        • +5

          never seen a torch called 'wireless' til now

        • +5

          yes "wireless" means Wifi in this instance

  • Does the deal applies national wide ?

    • +2

      Just confirmed, WA also sells for $19.

      • Was there a particular store with stock that you checked?

  • Might pass by the local k-mart later, need two for the backyard.

  • +1

    Please forgive my ignorance on the subject, but can you set them up to save a pic to 'cloud' storage every 5 seconds, for example, or can they only send a pic to a local device, like a laptop, that would then have to be always on? Or can they store the pics themselves, until you decide to move them from the cam onto a device?

    • Might be worth for you to check vendors such as mangocam which is a cloud provider whereby you get an IP camera and set it up to upload pics every so often to their ftp server. Pretty simple really. You will have to ensure this camera is supported by mangocam or you might want to check other vendors.

    • Yes these cameras can be setup to upload pics every x seconds/minutes to a FTP server on the internet.

      And although its a bit primitive you can insert a micro SD cam and save video/pics onto that for downloading later.

  • +2

    I bought two the other day at $29, do you think they will adjust the price for me?

    The out door model is ok. The firmware in both is very average as you need a Windows utility to modify the settings.
    The WiFi is only average to a little poor on the outside one.
    The daylight sensitivity on the outside one is better than some.
    The outside one doesn't support PoE (pity).
    What is it really worth? About $50, but if it dies you can just return it. It does have an Australian power supply, so may be that makes it worth $60.
    How good is the IR on the outside? Quality is good at 5m. At 10m it is pushing it.
    Don't expect much help or any upgrades from the distributors as they have nothing on their web site about them.
    Black isn't a good color for being outside, that is it will heat up too much in the sun.

    The indoor one is only 640x480.

    • +5

      Thanks for your review! Re your issue:

      1. Buy 2 now at the reduced price and put the new invoice away in your pocket.
      2. Go to service desk and present the 2 new cameras you just bought along with the old receipt.
      3. Collect full refund (which is really just the difference).
      4. Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care…
      • this still legit. because nothing stolen

    • Looks like the Indoor IP900 camera is not PoE as well, so neither supports it.

  • Anyone got a Kmart receipt for the IP900 at $19?


    • Why? Are they not marked down at your store?

      • Not sure if they are marked down in my store.

        I need a receipt for claiming price guard insurance from my credit card. I bought three of these cameras within last six months for $29 each. It would be nice to get back $30.

        • Is the price guard active for purchases of such a small amount. I thought it's more like $300.

        • +1

          @PVA: As long as the difference is a minimum of $10, you can claim for it.

        • @davicta:
          I can email you a receipt for two of them davo, but it's from a Melbourne K-mart (Northland), not a Perth one. If that doesnae matter, PM me your email address and I'll email you a scan.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles: Thanks for the offer to help. I've got one from another OzBargainer. Cheers!

  • sorry dup comment

  • Anyone get them to work with the Foscam IPhone app?

  • what software are people using to record and replay? I tried the app on the disc included in the package but it was crap. The picture from the indoor model was ok for 480p though.

    • I use synology nas. No pc required and you can use phone app to review the footage.

      • Can you please share the camera setting with synology surveillance station. I made attempts but with no luck.

      • +1

        For windows this is very good software, with many advanced features.

        I think from memory you had to pay a small subscription for remote viewing.

        I use an Android tablet running this app:…
        The tablet is dedicated to running this software. It has many good features, but isn't as powerful or advanced as iSpy. The good thing about running an Android tablet is the low power consumption. iSpy needs a fairly powerful computer (depending on the number of cameras and their resolution).

  • Has anyone seen Netgear Arlos, that's what i want. bit more expensive tho :(

    • lots more expensive but lots better :)

    • It's like $300 per camera for an Arlo (if you buy the rechargeable battery, which you would have to) vs $19 - not even worth comparing.

      • +1

        Paid $698 for the 3 cam kit 2 month ago.
        Battery stats of the cameras still show full as they only trigger on motion.

        Biggest advantage of the Netgear Arlo is probably the easy setup and 100% wireless (no need for electrical cables).
        Size of the cams also as they are small :) stylish…

        Disadvantages: Only Netgear cloud based storage and battery price is high. Also the IR lights are like cats eyes lol :)

        DSE has the battery on special 4 of them for like $10.50.
        Got some to last me for a year hopefully

        Still couldn't resist the Kmart cams and got 2 :)))

    • I agree with most of what was said. The workaround info is of interest.

    • +2

      The article says "The camera generates a 720p file but the video resolution is really only vga."

      This is crap. The resolution for the outdoor model is clearly 720p. It is way better than any of the three different 640x480 cameras I have including Linksys, Foscam and no name.

      Also article says "IR LEDS, most security cameras use IR Leds for night vision, those LEDS typically are not visible to the human eye, however the SC10IP uses the cheaper IR LEDS that glow red, so this camera can not be covert at night." Most low cost cameras have IR LEDs that are visible to the human eye. The purpose isn't for the lighting to be covert. Indeed in most States and Territories it is a requirement to have signs stating that you have cameras on site.

      "Supports ONVIF2 (Open Network Video Interface Forum 2.0)" I had problems getting the camera to be detected in this mode.

      "Video recording and screenshot function" is supported by the software which requires a Windows computer. This should have been made clear on the packaging.

      "Two-way Audio" this was covered on the packaging and manual of the units I purchased.

      Re the shattering DVD's, the likely cause was a stressed disc and a high speed drive.

    • Many thanks for the link.
      Will inspect the disc before using.

  • +3

    Big tip. For wifi setup, attach the camera using the cat5 cable to the router first, find the camera, then disconnect the cat5 and try and connect over wifi.

    • +3

      This is the best piece of advice with regards to setting these up as wireless cameras. The installation is super easy if you first plug cat5 into it and into your router. You search for the camera with the included software, connect to the web interface of it, and simply click wifi, select the AP, and voila its now operating on wifi even still with the cat5 plugged in. Now you simply unplug the cat5, relocate to where you want it and plug it back in.

      • Even after its powered down when you move it to the final locatio, it all connects up again fine?

        • +1

          Absolutely. The configuration settings are saved into memory on the camera so the settings remain after any planned/unplanned power interruptions.

  • Anyone find these anywhere else??

    • The Pines on the Gold Coast had many of indoor models left.

      I suspect they will be offering them all to me in a month's time after they have been sold and returned because people can't set them up.

      The set up process on these is equal to the hardest of all the cameras I have owned. If fact the firmware/software solution is basically the same as a cheap one I bought from a Chinese site.

  • This can be used for baby monitor :)

  • So next month will be reduced to $9?

    • The indoor units are worth about that for their power supply. I would probably buy one or two at that price. 640x480 is pretty average by today's standards. I am not sure if the indoor ones supported H264.

      Someone was suggesting Foscam firmware could be flashed on them, but that might be wishful thinking.

  • Can it be setup (or is there a compatible software) to record snapshots triggered by movements?

    • +1

      Absolutely. Its just a generic IP cam so any of the hundreds of IP cam software products out there can control these with motion detection recording etc. There is some in built stuff for triggered snapshots uploaded to a FTP server but its very basic.

  • +18

    I did a review of the indoor pan/tilt model in the previous thread. May as well re-post my findings for those that are looking at these now. At $19 these are an absolute steal. I have swapped my 4 $29 cams for 4 $19 ones thanks to this deal lol.. so total investment is now $76.

    PART 1:
    These can't be beat in the bang for buck stakes. I bought one initially to test out and it exceeded all my expectations even for its original $59 price. I went back and bought three more @ $29 each. Night vision is excellent for 8-10 metres (garage, rumpus, front of house and backyard are where I have mine). Picture quality is great and much better than my old 500TV line analogue cams, resolution of 640 x 480 is perfect for viewing a grid of four in native resolution on 24" PC monitor and more than good enough for tablet/phone viewing. They work with the free iSpy PC software which does the job perfectly for me, and also work with the free IP Cam Remote Android app which is also perfect for world wide remote viewing on phone/tablet. WiFi is rock solid even at 20m+ and the adjustable pan/tilt make these things invaluable. Since I couldn't run cat5 to three of these locations the con of not being PoE was negated. In time I will probably get a $100+ HD Hikvision for the front but for an investment of under 120 bucks for four pan/tilt IP camera's these are amazing.

    PART 2:
    Still loving my cams after 2+ weeks of use. In fact I just recently realised they have inbuilt speaker and mic, so I have been having some fun with the kids having conversations with them through the cameras. However I have found the first two issues with these. The first is very minor as its to do with the audio not video, but basically after about 2-3 days of being switched on, the inbuilt microphone starts inducing a clicking interference noise on the incoming audio. You are still able to hear normal sound, but the interference is quite annoying. The only way I have found so far to clear the interference is to power off and on the cams and then its fine for a couple days again. The alternative is to use an external mic, but since I only use audio seldom it doesn't worry me too much, but I would be interested to hear whether the genuine Foscam that this is a clone of (FI8918W) has this issue or not. The second issue is also minor IMO, but the cams seem to sometimes reboot themselves. I observed on two of my four cameras that after a few days they were pointing in their default position instead of where I set them. This seemed to happen after a minimum of 2 days or so. The good news is the cameras have an option to save a preset position and can be set to automatically go to this position on power on, so this has solved the issue for me. Unless missing one minute of video every 2-3 days or so is a big problem for you, its not a major issue.

    PART 3:
    For those following at home, I can answer myself. After doing some reading it seems the occasional reboot issue was/is a part of Foscam IP cameras in general. The issue has been reported with this model (FI8918W), the newer FI8910W and even the higher models worth $150. I also confirmed that those with the real FI8918W get the clicking audio interference issue even on the newest Foscam firmware. So considering the FI8918W was originally US$150 and still sells for US$59, these clones for $29 are still great. PS - If you are interested in better quality daytime picture the newer FI8910W has an IR cut filter which makes daytime colour representation better. They also apparently fixed the audio clicking in that model. However your looking at around $90 and for that money I think the Hikvision cameras are a lot better.

    I use Android apps for remote viewing. I really like 'IP Cam Viewer' from Robert Chou and 'IP Cam Remote' from SoratSoft. IP Cam Viewer is very easy to configure, you just put in the IP address and port number of the camera and select MJPEG. IP Cam Viewer and any other programs that use the make and model for setting up the camera, I have found it best to use Wansview or Wanscam as the brand, and NCL610W (for Wansview) or JW0008 (for Wanscam) as the model. You can use trial and error to test what works best. Some apps do not work with audio from these cameras including IP Cam Remote (android). However two way audio does work with IP Cam Viewer (android), P2PIPC (android app on the cd that comes with the camera), and IPCamera (PC software on the cd that comes with the camera). Use Wansview NCL610W on IP Cam Viewer.

    • I forgot to include the online user manual from the near identical Wanscam JW0008 -…

    • Agreed. I have two cameras with noisy interference audio when listening into them. I can just barely hear what is happening around them. Also, my three cameras always reboot themselves at around 9PM where they go spinning around and settling back to the configured position. Need to remember to check the return to configured position in the settings otherwise the cameras will end up in their default positions after each reboot.

      • So are you saying your third camera doesn't have the audio interference/clicking issue? I have tried 8 of the IP900 cameras and every one of them exhibits the same audio issue after being powered on for more than 2 days. Also interesting observation that all your cameras reboot at the exact same time, exactly every 24 hours. Some believe the reboot is caused by a task the camera attempts to do just before the reboot occurs, like a DDNS update etc. I couldn't prove this as my reboots are random and often over 24 hours between reboots.

        • Yeah one of the camera's audio works fine and I can hear very clearly every time.

          I've tried doing a number of things to stop the cameras rebooting like setting static IP, turning off UPnP etc. but have no luck. They all reboot around the same time every day but I think the reboots are delayed by a few more minutes each day.

        • @davicta: Interesting. I might have to try a few more to see if I can find one that doesn't exhibit the interference after 2-3 days of being on. Incidentally I have found that with IP Cam Viewer the interference is almost non-existent compared to when viewing with P2PIPC or with IPCamera on the PC. Can you check the firmware version of your camera which doesn't have the audio interference compared to the other three?

        • @Hazza: They are all the same version

        • @davicta: Interesting. Mine are slightly older but the good news is out of the 4 additional I bought for $19 (in order to return the original 4 at $29), the first I have tried does not have the audio issue. So I will try the other three and see if it is the same for those.

        • @davicta: the reboot is a feature of the camera. You can set it to daily, weekly or disable it.

        • @julz: where's the setting to configure it?

        • @davicta:
          I'm running software I downloaded via a link from Whirlpool so the instructions might be a little different. Also my camera is the outdoor model.
          Go to system, remote configuration, advanced settings (picture of a spanner and screen) , AutoMaintain and then change the auto reboot settings as required.

        • @julz: Actually no. That's only for the SC10IP. It defaults to weekly reboots, but the IP900 does not have such a feature. At least I couldn't find it, and I searched hard for it after I saw the similar setting in the SC10IP.

    • IMPORTANT: Power connectors are different between the IP900 and the SC10IP. The IP900 uses a DC connector which is 3.5mm in diameter. The SC10IP uses a DC connector which is 5.5mm in diameter. This means the power supplies are different and if you need a DC extension cable you have to make sure you are buying the right size connectors.

  • If you want to run a number of ip cameras via a pc try the recording and remote control software called pc software and their android software. While Blueiris is not free (US$29.96 single camera and US$59.95 multiple cameras), it is really powerful - supports up to 64 cameras (more than enough for home!), web server for remote viewing, video and image capture, emailing images, SMS, profiles (eg day and night settings).

    The android software talks to the pc software and allows remote viewing of saved video/images, remote recording, pan/tilt/zoom of cameras etc. Of course it is very dependent on the pc being on all the time.

  • Which one should i get to just play around with? Outdoor/indoor? Is there a resolution difference?

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