• expired

Lycamobile Unlimited National Calls and SMS with 5GB Data for $19.00 - 30 Days Validity


New Unlimited Plan from Lycamobile - $19

Unlimited National SMS & calls ( Mobile & landline)
5GB Data
30 days Validity

Lycamobile uses part of the Telstra 3G network in Australia (check coverage at http://mobilemaps.net.au/3G/)

As per comments: No 13 or 1300 number calls, no MMS, and no tethering available.

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closed Comments

  • Can't seem to find it on their website, but anyone know if its charged per kb or mb?

    • +1

      Data usage is calculated in 10 kilobyte (kB) increments and includes both downloads and uploads. Excess data usage is billed in 10kB increments at $0.25 per Megabyte (MB).

    • I'm with Lycamobile. The normal rate is 5c/MB and it is charged in increments of 1.19c which works out to 238kB increments (no idea why?). However that is better than the 1MB increments that most providers charge.

      For instance, short sessions look like this:

      Type, Date, Time, Duration, Cost($)
      DATA, 22/01/2015, 00:27:44, 0:01:37, 0.0119
      DATA, 22/01/2015, 07:45:08, 0:03:42, 0.0357

      Also I should mention that tethering is blocked on the sim and they change plans/prices fairly frequently.

  • Anyone know if they charge data per MB or kb?

    • +3

      Data usage is calculated in 10 kilobyte (kB) increments and includes both downloads and uploads. Excess data usage is billed in 10kB increments at $0.25 per Megabyte (MB)

      • Where did you get that from?

    • +1

      I'm on Vaya and per MB billing is killer. Every time my phone switches from 4G/3G/2G it costs me 1MB. In some locations this happens every couple seconds and burns hundreds of MBs in minutes.

      • I've been with Vaya for 2 years and have never had that problem (except possibly for one month when my usage went up a huge amount and I don't know why.)
        (Although have been on per KB metering until this year.)

  • Is it possible to use 5gb in a month on a 3G network?

    • +1

      Easy, I do it every month on Vodafone but I tether too.

    • I use 5gb most months on 3g only. It doesn't take much

    • +1

      Pandora, YouTube, catchup tv apps. I've used 5gb on 3G in just over 2 weeks. Mainly streaming TV on my bus ride.
      3G is pretty fast and I also have a Telstra 4G modem. 4G seems to change to 3G most of the time due to network coverage.

  • +3

    This is great,

    It could be 1G for all I care as long as it's on Telstra.

    I recently switched from Telstra to Virgin (Optus) contract, i used to use 4gb of dats with telstra easy whilst at work.

    With Virgin i use 100mb per month as i can't get reception.

    So anything is better than Optus so called 4g for me.

    • +2

      Not too mention the increased battery drain.

  • Sounds like a fantastic deal if it lasts.

  • +1

    Sounds virtually good enough for a data-only device…

  • From the T&CThe customer will NOT be able to cancel the plan once the plan is activated/purchased


    • +2

      Yeah I thought that was weird too - until I realised this is a month-to-month system. (I.e You 'recharge' and then apply the recharge to a plan every month.) This allows them to change their whole plan system whenever they like…

  • +1

    What's the catch? There has to be a catch.

    Why do phone companies care if you tether?

    • +2

      The catch is it will expire whenever they decide.

      I think they care about tethering because it means the customer will use more data (even within their plan limit) so it will cost the telco more than it would for more casual data use (from a phone.)

      • The title says the deal is for 30 days, not for life. Why the neg?

        • -1

          See my and other's posts (here and elsewhere.)

  • Damn cheap! (if I pay only $19 EVERY month for this plan…)

  • Let's see who finds it first that what the catch is.

    • +7

      Bloody autocorrect, he meant to say "Let's see who first finds the catch."

  • +1

    Can't tether on Lycamobile guys,other than that I'm super happy with them.

    • How do they stop you?

      • Stop your service…

        • +3

          how do they determine if you're tethering or not?

      • +1

        The way the internet is set up isn't the same as telstra, I honestly don't know too much about it. When I was on telstra 4g on my huawei g526 I put the sim in and everything worked. For lyca mobile you have to manually setup the apn in network settings to get access, also the phone is constantly "roaming". I havn't been able to get tethering working, it worked flawlessly with zero setup on the same phone with telstra. Officially lycamobile don't support it according to email and phone correspondence.

        That isn't to say someone more enterprising can't get it to work, i'm just too slack to spend more than the hour or so I spent on it.

  • The last time I got even mildly excited about a mobile phone plan was the Kogan $300 something per annum and we saw what happened there- Telstra jumped on it from a great height. I'm mildly excited now.

  • Only problem with Lycamobile is you have to be on roaming. Which makes a lot of apps play funny.

    As an example, my mail app on my Windows Phone forces me to click "load rest of message" each time now, as it is trying to save me data… Whereas before when I wasn't with Lycamobile/roaming, it would load the email fully without an extra click. Small annoyance, but it does add up.

    They also loving sending you texts. Some days I get none, other days I get multiple texts at 2am with 10 minute intervals…

    Cheap, but dodgy.

    • +3


      Lots of advertising texts, even ones advertising to me the same value pack that I am already on. Also roaming mode - may be why tethering won't work for me, and also makes some android apps play funny. Usually restarting the apps fixes it (facebook news feed no connection error) so its not perfect. For me though coming from the telstra prepaid 30 dollar cap, the value was worth the hassle.

  • +1

    Hi, Ozbargainers

    To new and current Lycamobile customers,

    I just talked to a Lycamobile customer service agent, he told me that this deal OFFICIALLY ends on 28 Feburary 2016. I asked him whether it will go back to $29.90, he told me that it might extend the deal from that point, or else a much worse or better deal than $19.90.

    I assume they'll recalculate its profit and losses over this deal, through how many customers and usages.
    I bet Lycamobile wants to gain more customers in the short term.
    I know they obviously estimate the cost of 3G technology and maintenance for during the duration of this 19.90 offer/
    I also think if Lycamobile market team, may move to 4g then cost to the service will be a rise and it will be bad for some of us.

    • I also think if Lycamobile market team, may move to 4g then cost to the service will be a rise and it will be bad for some of us.

      Lyca only moved from 2G to 3G about a year ago, I don't think they'll be in any hurry. Telstra will probably only allow MVNOs to offer 4G when 5G is available anyway..

    • +4

      he told me that this deal OFFICIALLY ends on 28 February 2016

      Why, because some random CSR said so?

      Another random CSR said it "hopefully" will go for a year.

      Not very 'official' AFAIC.

      it might extend the deal from that point, or else a much worse or better deal than $19.90.

      The temperature tomorrow might be the same as todays or it could be higher or lower. I'm an instant meteorologist!

  • +1

    Is Lycamobile like other prepaid telecoms where if you reach your limit you just get cut off? I'm on Amaysim at the moment but if I could cut my costs by $25/mo I'd be ecstatic!

    Just don't want to get bill shock if I 'go over'.

    • Well it's pre-paid so I would assume yes, but I can't find anything about it on their site and their CIS is a joke.
      (For data plans it quotes $0.05/MB excess.)

  • International calls ? 1300 ? 13 ? All included ?

  • +4

    Guys, be alert.

    Lyca mobile used to use dodgy proxies to rerouting data.


    I'm not sure it's still the case with them?

  • +2

    They say internet speed is very slow:


    • Are you sure that wasnt back when they were using 2g?

      • They all seem to be talking about 3G.

    • Not really I am quite happy with the speed even if you are in the country.

  • -4

    Just moved off Lyca because they don't support picture messaging.
    Gone to optus $45/m pre-paid 3gb which is shared with anyone else on the account.

    • +3

      $26 seems like alot to just have mms, why not use fb, whatsapp or similar to send pics?

      • Did you read the shared with anyone else on the account.
        Thats means the plan is shared between a few users. Multiple peopl;e using the same credit. Its not just for the mms.

  • I bought one today off a chick on the street for a friend coming from overseas (after doing some homework), she sent me a text just now saying "the network will automatically update to 4g when we reach 300000 customers and you don't have to pay more for this update. We now have had more than 200000 customers and will reach 300000 very soon:)"

    • Any further confirmation of this, can she send you a screenshot of the msg?

      • it was a personal text message, we exchanged numbers on the street and she came past my place on her way back to the office to sell me the sim card, seems she got back there and learned this so just wanted to share it with me, she was happy as my purchase got her to her target for the day..

  • Anyone using Lycra knows if the carrier name displayed in iPhone is Telstra or their own name? thanks!

    • +1

      Does it make any differences?

      • +4

        It might if it says "Lycra" when anyone sees your phone :P

    • +2

      Mine shows Pac-Man and I can change to whatever BS I want

    • -6

      Please answer the question guys!
      If you know it..

    • +1

      It's Lycamobile on my wife's iPhone.

      • Thank you WayneWu. Your contribution to this website is much appreciated!

  • Will these work in a tablet?

    • For data yes.

  • This might be a simple question- but how do we sign up for this deal?
    I dont have an account with Lyca mobile, do i need to order the free sim and then sign up? The deal might be over by that time.
    I tried to get this package, but it always asks to register with a mobile number, and I am assuming the number comes with the free sim. Is that correct?
    On a side note, will it be possible to port my existing number?


    • +2

      You can order a new free sim and buy a $20 recharge online then you just dial 1396129# thats it. The plan will start from tomorrow.

  • Guys is it possible to recharge say $50 for calls/text ect and then auto charge $10 data pack each month? - Since I make minimal calls and text and just use data? I've been scratching my head the last few days trying to find something like this on the telstra network.

    Currently I recharge on telstra longlife and switch over to simplicity for cheaper rates.

    • Yes, lyca has the auto recharge option

      • Should have explained myself better. Can I recharge the $50(used for text calls) or whatever and have it rollover each month as long as I'm auto buying $10 data packs? Or do I lose the $50? thx

        • Edit: dup

        • Ok I get you now. First of all this deal ($19…) includes both call, text and 5GB data.

          Now if you mean to use the $50 recharge for overseas call & text, then it will roll over to next month until $50 credits is used.

          As for $19 plan there will be no extra charges if used inside Australia. If there is any extra credit apart from this plan, it should roll over.

          And if you have chosen the option to auto topup $10 each months it will roll over to next month as long as you have already paid for $19 plan.

          That's all from my understanding. Call Lyca customer service to double check.

  • -3

    Is this better than the old tpg offer?
    I think was $17 something

  • +3

    I've just switched away from Lycamobile. My experience is pretty similar to those on this whirlpool thread http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2259076

    Phone calls are great but data feels like you're using a 56kb dial up modem. Therefore this is a great plan for those who don't use much data. The 5gb limit is really not realistically possible to achieve with their slow speeds. Apparently the data routes through Europe or something.

    • Sucks to hear..suppose some of there prices are too good to be true.

      • Please note, despite the terrible data speed at $19 I'll be putting my parents on this plan. They're 60 years old and unlimited calls is great for them. Data is good enough to do maps, messaging and emails so it'll be nice to have them in easy reach.

        • +1

          DO you live in a regional area?
          Sucks to hear about the slow data speeds because the 5GB was the main drawcard for me. Think I might pass after hearing about not being able to tether either.

  • +1

    Is anyone already on lyca? I am, i just topped up the 29.90 a few days ago, and was wondering what were my options to get onto this new one? buy a new sim and transfer my number from lyca to lyca, will that even work?

    • Just finish the current plan. After that just top up $20 and join thr new one which is for $19. This plan will stay for the next three month at least. It could be extended if they get more subscribers. Good luck.

    • You can keep your old numbers.
      When it almost expire next month, top up $30 online(will give you $33)
      Then dial 1396129# to activate $19/month plan

  • I'm very wary, for this price point with this much data on Telstra Network, it sounds like Kogan Mobile 2.0. Watch as all the leeches sign up and then they start cutting back the inclusions and/or putting up the price.

    • then they start cutting back the inclusions and/or putting up the price.

      Well given what people say about data speed (and even call quality), no MMSs, no tethering, special numbers not included… that only leaves one option - and even according to the company, that is a matter of when not if.

  • Is this one of their old style things where you have to have the credit loaded to your phone and then activate with a number instead of it just rolling over and activating for you?

    I used to use their 29.90 plan when they were 2g, but in the short period where I would go to sleep with the unlimited plan and then it would run out, I would lose stacks of money in my credit because the plan would go back to whatever pay as you go rate it was and the data charge would eat it all due to the block charges or something.

    Combined with the way my internet would just cut off for days at a time with next to no help from their mumbai based tech support I eventually cancelled and went back to amaysim.

    • Says at the bottom "As long as you have enough credit, your Super Saver Plan will automatically renew at the end of the 30 day period. We will send you a SMS message a few days before your Super Saver Plan renews, to remind you to put enough credit in your account. If you do not want your Plan to renew, simply respond to the reminder (for free), following the instructions to opt out. If you do not have sufficient credit in your account, the Super Saver Plan will not renew and you will be start paying from your prepaid recharge."

      • ah thanks for that, seems like they updated the system to address the kinds of problem I had

        • You can also call *190# a couple of days before your subscription expires to cancel the automatic renewal.

  • +2

    Just a note, I signed up my GF to lycamobile in the US (they came there last year or the year before) they advertised a $16/mth plan. Out of nowhere they introduced new plans called Lyca Mobile Plus. They constantly bombarded her phone with messages asking to upgrade. They did not mention that as a $16/mth plan user you were required to upgrade (the messages just told you of the benefits double data etc) she was happy with her plan. Come her renewal date in Jan this year she gets a message saying "your card has been declined" "please update your phone to the plus plan"

    They don't grandfather plans apparently, bait and switch advertising. Same company runs all the lycamobile services worldwide. Alas she's waiting for ting.com to offer their GSM service in February. It looks like a good deal though, and I'm only posting this based on her experience.


  • After thinking about it I think i would avoid this (I'm stocked up on Telstra prepaid from the $8 HN deal a while back).

    Just wouldn't want the issues outlined with roaming and added charges (and the support will be terrible I'm assuming) even if the calls and data are much less.

  • Never had a SIM which doesn't support MMS. Would it just keep on failing if you try to send one? Or do they charge you on top of the monthly rate?

    • +1

      It fails to send. And when receiving an mms it tells u to visit a link i think. Any long sms (longer than 160 characters) that get converted to mms get cut off at 160 characters.

  • good deal

  • Hi Everyone, did anyone manage to opt for this plan? I opted for the super saver plan and got charged $29 today..

    • +1

      OH boy. You're in for a load of fun now :D

      • I'm sure :)
        Wondering if there is any terms and condition loophole that i fell into. Or if its a mistake at lyca end. Even though the main page says the plan is reduced to $19 from $29, all the pages further in are still showing $29. I'll call them tomorrow and see whats going on. I did have a minitalk plan active, maybe that caused it.. who knows

      • +1

        My bad :{ the offer valid from 24.01.2015.
        I should have read all the terms and conditions.

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