Port Your Mobile Number to Yomojo & Get First Month Free @ Yomojo


Port your number to Yomojo and get the first month free, plus a bonus data for the first three months.

30-Day Unlimited Talk & Text Plans: 25GB $19.90, 40GB $24.90, 75GB $29.90.

Only provider in the market offering one month free.

eSIM available for instant switching.

Expiry extended to end of Feb March — Mod

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Referral: random (44)

Referrer gets $20, Referee gets $20.

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  • +1

    Which network for mobile phone?

    • -1


  • Vague post, please put some details in the description?

    • What details would you like to see, sorry still new at this.

  • -1

    Ooh, careful, you'll have a lot of peeps doing Boost -> Yomojo -> Boost.

  • Nothing happens after I click the 'Next - Service details' button - can't sign up

    • Sorry about this, i've emailed our developers to have a look into this.

      The team are available from 10am to take an order over the phone.

    • +1

      Small issue now resolved.

    • +1

      I love it when people make comments that suggest porting is easy, eg 'take 10s'.

      The reality is that MANY people will experience delays & difficulties. It depend on the carriers you're dealing with & the users are wide & vast.

      My comments are made from recent experience: porting my 2 MAIN mobile #s,
      1.TPG to Lebara,
      2.Aldi to Amaysim

      Many people experience 'pain' in port their # to Lyca.

      The system behind the porting process is complex: both port IN & OUT….definately not 'take 10s' Smaller mobile carriers' system are UN-refined because they can't afford expensive Network engineer to properly set them up &/or move pass beta testing.

  • What's the cost of porting out? Is there a minimum notice period?

    • There is no port out cost.

      It's a month to month construct, you leave whenever you want, but you forgo any credit that might be on the account.

      • Is there data banking and is it just 4G network?

        • Data banking and 5G coming early 2025.

      • Hey @Yomojo, what is the procedure to cancel/leave the service? Or could we just not recharge and hold the number for a few months before it gets deacativated? The website mentions - plans auto renew every 30 days. Could we turn this off from the Dashboard?

        • At the moment to turn off to cancel or auto renew you just need to contact customer support, however with the next version of the dashboard due in early 2025 we will be providing these options to customers.

          • @Yomojo: What's preventing us joining, and porting out before the first month ends?

            Also, how long is considered a month?


            • +3

              @movieman: Nothing at all, but we hope you enjoy the service and stay.

              A month on our plans is 30 days.

          • @Yomojo: Can that request be made via email, and if so what is the turn around time to get it activated?

            • @Trishool: If you call up they can do it on the spot, worst case if you emailed it would be next business day, but almost all emails are answered in under four hours.

  • +1

    Only provider in the market offering one month free.

    Only providers require either 2 primary IDs or 1 primary ID and 2 secondary IDs if you own or activate more than 4 prepaid mobile services.

  • Its website advertises code: BLACKFRIDAY.

    The best option for one month free is 100GB $39.90.

    • Or use OzBargain as the code, both give the same.

  • If you want 5G and Optus, go Moose mobile, i just published the deal

  • What is the last day of activation? Is it also end of Dec?
    My number is expiring mid Dec but still worth to ask.

    • Promo runs until the 31/12/24, we will give people two weeks to activate a service.

  • Is this only for port-in numbers, or may I activate a new number with first month free?

    • +1

      First month free is only for porting in a number.

  • Any plans for roaming?

    • International additions will be added to plans from early 2025, along with new roaming options, similar to other Optus MVNOs.

  • How do I port in my number if I don't have any credit to reply to the SMS verification?

    • +1

      Yeah that's so dumb hey. Who are you with atm?

    • It's an ACMA requirement to confirm the number.

      • Yes but you can send a code out and have us enter it rather than requiring an sms reply

        Edit: just read comment below, glad it's in development

      • it's been more than a month, so just checking before purchase if I still need to reply to sms verification, or if the team has developed a way around it (like sms a code and we enter the code instead of replying to the sms)?

        • Our new dashboard will be released in March 2025.

    • lol.
      The same thing happened to me the last time I ported my number to another network. been doing it for years first time ever I activated before midnight but the SMS came in after midnight.

      I rang the provider, I was porting to. gave them the code over the phone and got ported straight away.

  • +6

    I was having a quiet Saturday, so I thought I'd give this deal a go, using an old Boost number that hadn't yet expired, and opting for an e-SIM.

    A heads-up that part of the port-in process involves replying by SMS with a 6-digit code (like most MNO's using Vodafone / TPG do), as opposed to simply entering the code on a web page (like most MNO's using Telstra and Optus do, so that's what I was expecting). If you don't have sufficient credit left, your SMS reply will fail. (I got around it by using one of my VoIP providers that supports SMS.)

    Since I have four or more services in my name, I ticked the appropriate box (so to speak), and was expecting something akin to the Spanish Inquisition. Surprisingly, I wasn't asked for any form of ID (just my credit card details, in addition to the usual name, DOB and address details).

    The port from Boost to Yomojo has occurred, but presumably there's still things in the Yomojo back-end to be completed; I can receive calls, but any attempt to make them is greeted with, "You have insufficient credit to make a call", and mobile data doesn't work yet either. I received an SMS telling me that Voicemail is ready to go, but haven't yet received an e-mail confirmation that the service itself is.

    • +1

      Thanks, a Telco for me to avoid. It may also stuff up with service number and account like this. A Telco operating for a decade? can not do simple setups right.

    • +1

      Please give the team a call, I'm sure any issue could be resolved very quickly.

      • Sorted now. Thanks.

        • Glad it is all sorted.

    • +3

      "If you don't have sufficient credit left, your SMS reply will fail." - that seems to be a deal breaker not only for churners, but also for those who tried to make the most out of an expiring prepaid because there will be at least a day worth of service lost, and no good for those who want to revive an elapsed prepaid number.

      • +1

        I think amaysim has a better option while porting in to them.
        They send a code on existing provider, and we have to enter the code on amaysim website during the activation/porting process.
        Does not require to reply to the SMS from the existing SIM provider.

        • +3

          I will get this added to our development stream for implementation in the next month.

          Thank you for the feedback, it is very important to us.

    • I got around it by using one of my VoIP providers that supports SMS

      Could you share a little more about this..? I might have to try this because I don't wanna top up $5/$10 just to send a single SMS.

      I can't imagine how using VoIP helps you here? Wouldn't the SMS need to be replied to from the exact number you are porting?

      • I still have several accounts with VoIP providers, from back in the days when I used to use VoIP a lot. Of those, most of them also support sending SMS's.

        Wouldn't the SMS need to be replied to from the exact number you are porting?

        Yes, so you add that number to the list of numbers that you can select as the number that the SMS will appear to come from. You'll need to go through a verification process, but that's usually just an SMS or automated 'phone call with a code that you type in.

        If you don't already have a suitable VoIP account, it looks like you can still signup for free with Crazytel, and they'll give you $2 worth of credit to try it out. At 5¢ per SMS, that should last a while if replying to porting verification SMS's is all that you use it for.

        • Thanks so much for the tips, that's fantastic!

        • Do you know of any other good VoIP services that also allows you to send SMS from the number in a similar way? Ideally with a small amount of free credit too :D

          I'm looking for one that allows you to verify the number via an SMS instead of a phone call lol

          • @illumination: I just checked each of the VoIP accounts that I still have and it turns out that some of the ones that used to support SMS sending no longer appear to. Of the two that appear to give you the option to verify your number by SMS, I could no longer get that method to work. Not that I think either of them would appeal to you anyway; Click'n'Call want $20 to get started and the cheapest MaxoTel plan looks to be $5 per month these days (Whirlpool 2020 offer).

            What's the issue with receiving the verification code by an automated 'phone call?

            • @Colin2905:

              What's the issue with receiving the verification code by an automated 'phone call?

              Thanks for checking..! I'm currently not in Australia..! So receiving SMS is free, but receiving calls isn't. I'm trying to do this for family in Aus (I sim slut for them lol)

              • @illumination: I'd seen 5c SMS (www.5centsms.com.au) mentioned a couple of times on other forums, so looked into for myself this morning. Unfortunately for you, they also call you to verify your number (you simply press "1" in this case). On the upside, a free trial account lets you send up to 10 SMS's. Beyond that you have to stump up a minimum of $5.50, which will let you send up to 100 more. Interestingly, you can add further numbers to your available Sender ID's list and they get an approval tick without going through any form of verification process. Even if a short incoming call is going to cost you a couple of dollars, it's probably worth it in this instance.

                • +1

                  @Colin2905: This worked absolutely beautifully :) thanks!

                  Interestingly, you can add further numbers to your available Sender ID's list and they get an approval tick without going through any form of verification process

                  This is somewhat concerning though LOL

                  Works for me in this case, but holistically I'd have to say this is not a good thing

                  • +1

                    @illumination: Just as well OzBargainers are all fine, upstanding citizens who would never do anything nefarious……. right?

                • @Colin2905: Worked, thanks!

  • Can you make multiple purchase and port multiple numbers and still get the first months free?

    • There is no limit to the number of ports you can do to get a free month.

      The more services you port under the same main parent account means you get access to out 5%-15% discount for 2-6+ services.

      • There is no limit to the number of ports you can do to get a free month.

        Must it be on a new email address each time?

        The more services you port under the same main parent account…

        Because when I try to "Add Service" when I'm logged in, I get this error:

        We're Improving Our Add Service Feature!
        Thank you for your patience. We're currently enhancing the Add Service functionality to serve you better. In the meantime, if you'd like to add a new service to your account, our customer service team is here to help—just reach out! Alternatively, you can create a new account directly from our website.

        • Because when I try to "Add Service" when I'm logged in, I get this error:

          I can't even login at the moment. I contacted Support via live chat to see if it was just me, or a bigger problem. Seems it's the latter.

          • @Colin2905: There is an issue with the Optus backend, we hope it to be resolved in the next hour or so.

            We have had other Ozbargain users (based on the promo code) register four services in an order without issue, but there is no limit, however more verification is needed for 5+ orders.

            • @Yomojo:

              We have had other Ozbargain users (based on the promo code) register four services in an order without issue, but there is no limit, however more verification is needed for 5+ orders.

              Yomojo CS say that:

              • Each user can only have one account
              • For the port-in promo, it must be on a new account

              So put the two together, and each user can only have the one-month free with a port-in on a single service

              Can you confirm?

              • @illumination: You can sign up on our website with multiple services under one account name and use this code to get a free month if you port a number across.

                This applies to both new and current customers bringing new/additional services across to us.

                • @Yomojo: Customer service are disagreeing with this and are making life a bit difficult for me.

                  Problem is, I can't sign up on an existing account (unable to "Add Service" - there's an error). Thus, I sign up on a new account, and I either request to merge the account, or someone from Yomojo emails me and tells me "hey you've got an existing account. what do you want to do?"

                  I tell them I want to merge

                  They say, "sorry, you gotta pay for the service because you've already got a one-month free service on that account. and you can't have a separate account because each person can only have one account"

                  What do I do?

                  • @illumination: Email [email protected] and I'll have someone in the team contact you and sort this out.

                    I'm fine for existing customers to port new services over and get a credit.

                  • @illumination: I just had a meeting with the CS team, I have made this clearer to all.

          • @Colin2905: Yep same. It's a bigger problem. I think there's some kinda system outage.

          • @Colin2905: Hi Colin,

            This issue has been resolved.

        • +1

          There is currently a wholesale outage with Optus stopping us taking orders, please give us an hour or two to get this resolved with them.

  • 100GB - $39.90/30 days
    Renews every 30 days
    100GB data
    Unlimited national talk & text
    No Lock-in Contract
    WiFi and VoLTE
    eSIM ready

    The promo code is invalid for this service.

    EDIT: need to select port in, missed that option

    • Additional errors after hitting Next - Payment

      The selected orders.0.id is invalid.

      edit: switch browsers to chrome and seems to be working

    • issues all around. got the QR code for eSim; scanned it and get:

      Can't connect to network, the sim is being used on another device. ugh

      • Is it mandatory to provide a payment method even if Checkout is for $0.00 ?

        • it is, yes

          • @lawyerz: Bit of a concern on this
            Is it best to port out to avoid getting charged?

            At the moment to turn off to cancel or auto renew you just need to contact customer support, however with the next version of the dashboard due in early 2025 we will be providing these options to customers.

            • @djoz: i just gave a card with absolutely no money in it

  • Can I use this to port in and out of boost?

  • +1

    For anyone looking at this; dont bother. Signed up, got a QR code, doesn't work (says it's already in use), used the manual activation code, same error. Reached out to support 3 days ago - many, many back and forths later, still unable to fix this. Full of bugs and technical issues before even checking out. If it was my main number, I would be very cross around now.

    • Please email [email protected] with your details and I will get this resolved within the hour.

  • Is this prepaid or postpaid?

    • Prepaid.

  • The promo code does not work, says it is invalid.

    • Promo code only if you port a number across.

  • jesus, in chrome, after you login as existing members, you click on add new service, the site becomes broken and shows mostly a blank page,

    with two buttons "cancel/submit" with

    Order Details
    Card Processing Fee

  • How long till the number is deactivated if not recharged?

    • It looks like recharge is compulsory on the due date every month like Belong or Kogan Mobile. I am reluctant to use this kind of service.

      • Didn't Rep say auto-recharge can be turned off?

      • A kogan number can remain active for some time without auto recharge, for a short time (can receive calls/SMS for 20 days, then dormant for another 70 days)

        • No, it has made the turn-off not easy. You need to either contact CS or use a hack (hidden link mentioned somewhere on OZB may still work). I won't contact CS for extra steps.

          • @Neoika: Ohh I see what you mean, yes true..

            … hack?? Mind sharing? :D

    • How long till the number is deactivated if not recharged?

      I couldn't find any wording on the Yomojo website or in their documents (Terms, CIS, etc) that explicitly coverers this situation, just references to "suspension" under various other circumstances. Interestingly though, if I text "BAL" or "1" to 9999 (as opposed to "BAL" to 965), it gives me an expiry date that is 60 days beyond the expiry date of my "other balances". So, 90 days from your last auto-renewal, maybe???

      In a blast from the past, those "other balances" reference Yatango.

      • Yeah messaged Rep was told "90 days from last outgoing call/sms or data usage."

        • Correct.

  • The promo code is invalid for this service.

    • Not for new number.

      • I’m porting a number across.

        • +1

          You might have to select "Transfer your number" before typing in the promo code (i.e. scroll down, past the promo code to select it, then scroll back up)

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