NASA is giving you the opportunity to send your name on its Orion spacecraft to Mars…for free.
To get your name into space, register onsite.
The offer ends on 31 October 2014.
NASA is giving you the opportunity to send your name on its Orion spacecraft to Mars…for free.
To get your name into space, register onsite.
The offer ends on 31 October 2014.
It would cost a few billion trying to send it yourself.
I'm sure I could easily get that amount for our PM to go.
I'm sure Russia would be willing to fork out for this cause.
Consider my life savings and any future money I earn as going to this worthy cause.
You have my bank balance!
Anyone else think deal is out of this world?
Not really. Seems more like a pain in the ass.
70 million via India :)
uh, it's awesome and no one cares what you think.
What's the normal price?
I remember it was also free to send your name to the moon back in '69… (can't find the link though)
Did Auspost/USPS charge for postage?
No, but tracking and proof of receipt costs plenty.
I remember it was also free to send your name to the moon back in '69
No, that was in '65 From the Earth to the Moon
spacecamel spacecamel spacecamel
I think this site was called back then. Maybe that's why you can't find the link, jv :)
Overseas airmail to Arizona Desert then was around $1.50
It's a trap! Obviously NASA is in cahoots with the extra-terrestrials who will spam you with bogus scams.
NASA is in cohort with DSE. Another 5%?
or spam you with free anal probes
Well it's free and this is OzBargain so…. Can't complain?
I mean usually anal probing done by an alien is costly!
Prostate exams are covered under medicare.
Not a bargain! That's every day price.
Prostate exams are covered under medicare.
Not a bargain! That's every day price.
have you got a new username jv?
Easy! Just encrypt your name before giving it to NASA.
Then we do not have to worry about the spams.
It's a trap! Obviously NASA is in cahoots with the extra-terrestrials …..
I think some of my old bosses judging by their decisions, already live on Mars and are in cahoots with the extra-terrestrials!
I'm pondering using the name 'Mike Literis' so any alien who finds it might realise at least one of us has a sense of humour
Hugh Jorgan may be sitting next to you.
Why dont you put in Mr. Mo Ron :) Nothing personal. just plain sense of humour :)
Assuming that word was something filthy in their language. What if an innocuous name like "Kevin" or "John" was though?
Abbott would certainly be a filthy word in any sort of language, including Klingon.
Sorry, accidently negged you when I meant to give positive. :(
I'm pondering using the name 'Mike Literis' so any alien who finds it might realise at least one of us has a sense of humour
if they are anything like most human males they will have no clue nor care what it is anyway……
or the 'smarter' ones wrote on paper and media denouncing it's existence.
I'm pondering using the name 'Mike Literis'
If you use that name they'll probably never find you…
Thanks Steven cRowe is going to space
Nominate yourself to be on the kill list
why would they bother with names if they want to perform genocide?
unless nasa found something and the conditions of peace is a sacrifice…. ;)
/que X-files theme song
What guarantees that you wont be spammed by a martian after it lands and they use the names??
We need to make sure you are a human. Please solve the challenge below, and click the I'm a Human button to get a confirmation code.
They are discriminating against Martians.
But they are already on Mars.
But that never stopped an Ozbargainer. A bargain is to be had, whether you need it or not:)
What If we want to go back ??
Obviously no-one's told you the bad news about your home planet, Zod…
Plot twist — we are all actually martians, we invaded earth millions of years ago and killed all its original inhabitants and made the dinosaurs up.
Is that you, Tom Cruise?
All mighty Xenu!
I don't even have my name on OzBargain, why would I put it on Mars?
I don't even have my name on OzBargain, why would I put it on Mars?
Your name is already with the NSA, why not have it on Mars too?
They want your name for scientific purposes….
Would have got there by now by India Post. :)
Will Officeworks do a price match?
They will reduce your name by 5% haha..
G'day Sauron243.2
Anal probe.
Bout due for a rectal exam anyway, and the martians should be experts by now… :D
Looks like people don't care about space exploration anymore. I think they haven't heard about the Mars One project. I would be glad if my name even crossed the earth's atmosphere.
Let the "OzBargain" explore mars and establish a bargain site there before someone else jump in & let it communicate with earth back & forth. Just a suggesstion
Scotty should really think about the domain before it gets snapped up.
Better than exploring Uranus.
Don't do it… the Sycorax will use it against you!
I am putting the mother in laws name in for her (Hopefully they will come down and abduct her :-) )
i wonder if you would find your name on the list and wonder who put it there? :D
Great, now the Mars NSA has my info.
I wouldn't worry. Chances are they had this information long before now.
My neighbor just told me that he is actually an alien and he wants to probe my anus. Should I let him?
South park?
In what format will it be sent in?
I can't imagine they'd go to the cost/weight of sending hundreds of thousands of A4 printouts of our names. Or will it go on another golden record? In which case, it'd piss off any alien to figure out how to play the damn thing only to find it's a binary code for thousands of dead people.
Or, to save space, will it be on a usb stick? Like a regular sandisk shopping express special? I can just imagine another rover robot, landing, and then a mechanical arm flings it into the red sand, never to be seen again.
On a tangent, but when you go to post a comment, there's a box you can tick that says "I am associated with"
How tempting is it to click that?? Go on, give it a try. It'll make your day.
Your name will be laser etched onto a small dime-sized microchip (plaque?) in very, very small writing.
How were the chips made? Engineers etched the names onto a silicon wafer or microchip. They used an electron beam "E-beam" machine at JPL that specializes in etching very tiny features (less than 1 micron, or less than the width of a human hair!). They normally use this machine to make high-precision microdevices in JPL's Microdevices Laboratory.
the aliens may the need the 2 for 1 spec savers deal then.
Is there a limit on size of name?
At least it's not with the Klingons going to Uranus
Last time I did this, the ship smashed into the side of Mars…
grabs popcorn
Deal title is kinda misleading. Your name wont be going to Mars - it will be going to the Pacific Ocean. This is a flight test - not the actual Mars mission.
Some people cannot handle the truth, johnno07. Here is my + to offset one of the - vote.
Subject: Send Your Name on NASA's Orion Spacecraft
Message: I just sent my name to fly on Orion's flight test, scheduled to launch Dec. 4 - 6, 2014!
From "Orion Flight Test Boarding Pass"
Launch site: Cape Canaveral SLC-37B Florida, United States
Arrival site: Pacific Ocean transfer: California United States
Beat me to my own defense! Cheers :)
Negging the deal for this reason. Is not going to mars
Ok so I'm getting negged, but the page pretty clearly says:
With your Boarding Pass,your name will fly on ORION'S FLIGHT TEST ~ Dec. 4-6, 2014
This is the Exploration Flight Test 1 (EFT-1) which will test the re-entry stability of the Orion Crew Module.
Probably dont want to risk your names without a test flight first….
If they didnt do this the weirdo's of the world would scream name abuse! and start a class action suit for defcon-namesion.
Look at it this way, you are pioneers in the NAME of science or is it the Science of Names?
And who would want to see a flight like this name less
I read the title too quick and thought "what has NASA and an onion got to do with anything?"
This must be NSA's new data harvesting program.
Good luck to them filtering the real data from Mr. Pat McRack, Hugh Jass, Amanda Huginnkis and Al Kyder.
Must be the new graduate program they've got going.
Last name Kee But, first name Lee.
Last Name: Keen Dik
Fist Name: Lee
…why would you want to do this? So somebody/thing on mars might find it one day and come looking for you? :O
Will try to put the name as:
Die, You Alien Scum
should be in forums no deal here
Thanks my son will be very excited :)
name I.C.Wiener
Mr Hugh Jarse is about to take off! This is so fact I'm cracking a Mars bar!
Are there any other ego trip bargains out there ?
How is this a bargain?