NASA is giving you the opportunity to send your name on its Orion spacecraft to Mars…for free.
To get your name into space, register onsite.
The offer ends on 31 October 2014.
NASA is giving you the opportunity to send your name on its Orion spacecraft to Mars…for free.
To get your name into space, register onsite.
The offer ends on 31 October 2014.
Wiki "The four and a half hour flight will take the Orion spacecraft on two orbits of Earth"
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I am McLovin.
Never a Straight Answer :…
I'm going to submit 'Dixie Normous' so that extraterrestrial life forms know at least one of us is well endowed ;)
Don't forget Richard Head.
4 reports on this post,
Thanks OP
Thanks, looking forward to this :)
High chance of I.P Freely already being on there as well?
I've searched for ages but still can't find Amanda Huggenkiss…
No Quaid.. or Hauser either.
don't bother with her…locating Supernintendo Chalmers is a higher priority!
What about Commander John Shepard? You know our galaxy is doomed if we have no John Shepard anywhere.
Alotta Fagina and Ivana Humpalot would like to come as well
i hope by sending my name to mars I don't start getting spammed by a martian prince of an exiled royal family, offering me cheap probe enlargement pills.
Terra Formars!!
1,060,094 and counting…
Only a test flight, I want my name on the real thing. ;-p
Geeky Goodness, my 10 year old will love this :)
Will there be an unsubscribe button once the spam avalanche starts?
I've already got my family's names on Mars on a microchip on the Mars Science Laboratory. Still signing up for this. It's absolutely awesome. It is thrilling to think there is a chance, no matter how small, that when every other trace of you is long gone this will still remain.