• targeted

$30 off Your Next Purchase (Minimum $60 Spend) @ Afterpay


Minimum spend $60 on your next purchase at participating Afterpay retailers. Promotional credit is valid for 7 days from receiving this email. The Afterpay Promo is available by invitation only, is non-transferable, is not redeemable for cash or credit, and may not be resold.

Mod: Instructions: How to redeem: Open the afterpay app, go to My Afterpay at the bottom, click on Promos, then Enter a promo code. If it doesn't work, then you are not targeted. Thanks CodeXD.

Referral Links

Referral: random (430)

Referrer and Referee receives $30 off next eligible Afterpay purchase of $50 or more. Maximum of 15 referrals per customer.
Please private message a user and ask for their referral link from their app, you will need to use the app to sign up. The links can change so re-check every time someone asks for your link.

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  • nice

  • +11

    Bought a gift card, nice discount!

    • How did you bought the gift card….just from the app itself?

      • +3

        Yes, and the discount is automatically applied during check out

    • Can/how to select $60 for gift card? Or only the amounts $50, 75, 100, etc shown?

      • +10

        Best option is probably a $75 Prezzee Smart GC, otherwise the closest would be $70 Woolies GC

        • +1

          Thanks for the reply. Not sure why whoever wants to neg me. Have a good day to whoever that is.

        • +2

          Thanks 🙏

    • where did you buy the gift card?

  • I got the email but no idea how to activate! Something about getting a pre populated code, maybe should just try to add something to cart.

  • +4

    I have still yet to receive a targetted offer/promo from afterpay. Despite being on the highest limit and spending thousands each year.
    But I get the target is just people who spend less, in an attempt to get them to spend more with them.

    • yup same

    • What is the highest limit? I'm on $1600 and never see any promo with them.

      • +1


      • Should be $4000. I've got $3000, but anything above it goes through credit file check and I already struggle to see the bother with my current limit. Tempting to actually request it to go down.

        • we both use it too much therefore didnt get targeted for this promo.

        • So do they ask you if you want to raise your limit or they do that automatically?

          • +1

            @unity1: They offer it when you reach some qualification, likely spend amount along with consistency/frequency of payments. Currently shows this under my limit for me: https://imgur.com/a/ipOD4uC

            • @scragly: I believe they do some kind of credit check.
              But I didn't actually apply to increase my limit. Mine was increased automatically back when they had a program where you got certain benefits if you made a certain amount of payments within a 6 month period. (maybe it was an error and they meant to only increase me to $3000, but accidentally did $4000)

              They've since abolished that system now though. So I'm not sure what the requirements are beyond that credit check. Probably a spending history as you mentioned.

      • -1

        I've got $3000, no promo. But I'm a known problem customer and am marked as such in their system. No matter what I say in a support ticket, they call me to resolve it because I may have had an over-active imagination a few times in response to incompetence I'm their support department. I wasn't eomm though

        • +1


    • +1

      I believe this is targeted promo for inactive users. even the code name suggests welcomeback30 :-)

      • Yeah, this. If you're already spending thousands with them, they don't need to entice you.

        • This checks out. Worked for me and my last purchase with AP was 2021

          • @CodeXD: Worked for me and my last purchase with AP was Oct 2023

    • This is exactly it, you're using it too much . I have a huge limit, haven't touched it for two years. Got the promo woot

  • Anyone know where I can buy Xbox gift cards ? Seems most websites don’t allow after pay for gift cards.

    • You can buy one direct from the afterpay app.

      • I don' think that still gives $30 off tho =(

        — It does I'm a dumbdumb

        • You might need to go all the way to checkout to have it apply. I did an Amazon gift card this morning.

  • +16

    The code is 'Welcomeback30'

    • +9

      I can confirm that I did not get the email but that code worked when I added the promo.

      • +1

        Nice! Was thinking people might have some success with this, hence commenting it. Thanks for confirming (I was targetted).

      • Where do you add the code?

        • +8

          My afterpay tab in the app > Promos > add promo code

      • +1

        doesnt work for me, guess im not targetted

    • +3

      Didn’t work with me :(

      • Same, not targeted

    • +1

      No email for me but this worked! THANK YOU!

      • BCheck spam folder that usually resolves 90% of non-recipients

    • +1

      Absolute legend, thank you!

  • +2

    Good feeling to be targeted

    • Good feeling to be targeted too

  • Thanks OP, worked for my 2 accounts. Bought 2 gift cards

    • What giftcard did you buy?

  • Bought a $75 Coles giftcard for $45, Thanks OP!

    • did the same, thanks OP!

      • Did you buy online or instore?

        • Bought on the afterpay app

          • @CodeXD: Is it possible to buy in store and get the discount?

            • @nightelves: Add the code and you'll see the terms and conditions. I skipped it and just bought it from the app haha

              Not sure if it is intended people who didn't receive the email are able to add the code. Didn't want to rake the risk.

              • @CodeXD: Fair points. I’ll buy the giftcards online as well then.

    • Any idea where the gift card ends up in the app after purchasing it?
      I can't seem to find it anywhere.
      It didn't come through as a seperate email either

      • +2

        You'll get an email

        🎁 CodeXD, Afterpay Gift Cards sent you a $75.00 Coles eGift Card!

        Check your junk too as the email is from [email protected]

        • Perfect.. got it.. I was too eager!
          Interesting there is no instruction or anything at purchase saying this.

  • -1

    Can someone send me a link please.

  • +7

    There is no activation link.

    Open the afterpay app, go to My Afterpay at the bottom, click on Promos, then Enter a promo code


    If it doesn't work, then you are not targeted.

    • +1

      Cheers mate! I didn’t even bother to open my email and it worked!

    • -3

      *NOTE: The mobile app defaulted to CAPITAL letters but the code is in lowercase. So it won't work if you type it in manually.

      Copy and paste the lowercase code welcomeback30 in the box. Worked for me!

      • +3

        It worked for me all in capital letters as defaulted by the app.

      • +1

        I used capital letters and it worked.

    • +1

      Thanks, didn't get the email but worked for me.

  • nice, I missed this email as it was not in my "Important" emails :)

  • No email and code never worked maybe I need to use it less pays to not use them than use them these days

    • Spot on.

      The promo code worked on the dormant Afterpay account that I don't use at all.

  • +2

    I bought $75 Coles Gift Card and it activated in Prezzee.

    Keep or Swap?

    You can keep your Coles Gift Card or swap it for another brand.

    The card is swappable for other prezzee gift card

    • Or buy $75 Prezzee Smart Card.
      It's Swappable for other Prezzee gift card.
      I did. Used the Prezzee app for years.

  • +1

    Awesome, would this work on new accounts? :d

    • +3

      Give it a try and let us know :)

      • +1

        Can confirm, worked on brand new account… Can't see gift cards though ;(

    • +1

      No. Only existing accounts that haven't been used in a while.
      I just tried.

      • Just got it to work on a new account, and it stacked with referral too!

        • Damn. Didnt work at all for me.

          • @Originality: Weird who it works for… Both promos showing in her account… But no gift cards haiyaaa

    • +2

      Signup via referral and get $30 off $50

    • Use Referral link above to get $30 off next Afterpay purchase of $50 or more💰

  • Thx OP, Welcomeback30 worked for me.

    Got $75 coles GC in the APP for $45

  • Can't see any option to buy gift cards in my Afterpay app =/

    I remember last time there was a promo I didn't have it then either

  • Doesn't work for me (and no email invitation). Boo hoo!

  • +1

    I didn't see the email so I downloaded the afterpay app to see if the promo code method would work. It did end up working. I also didn't have marketing emails enabled (which is why I didn't receive the email). Still worked though. My last after pay purchase was also 3 years ago so I guess that's what made me eligible for this

  • thanks to $70 was gf for $40

    • +1

      gf for $40


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