Telstra Elite Pre-Paid Mobile WiFi $19 @ AUSPOST
2GB Included Data
30 Day Expiry
Clearance item
You may get 5GB of data included if activated through a my Telstra account (see petestrash's comment YMMV).
Telstra Elite Pre-Paid Mobile WiFi $19 @ AUSPOST
2GB Included Data
30 Day Expiry
Clearance item
You may get 5GB of data included if activated through a my Telstra account (see petestrash's comment YMMV).
Not as much data but can't beat Telstra's coverage. Could come in handy in a pinch.
Note: online & print catalog clearly states this is CLEARANCE stock. So price matching usually won't work. Deal description has been updated.
Unlock advice anyone?
This 3G?
Says so in the title
It wasn't in title when that question was asked. That's why deal title & description have had a few revisions. You are benefiting from others contributions. So be kind.
There wasn't even a link to the deal in catalog then, just a photo of a modem! Late comers often neg without considering the deal listing has changed. So what is now obvious, wasn't when the comment was posted. So negging on that basis really isn't fair.
You know there is Google to answer those questions, whirlpool forums has lots on unlocking or see previous OzBargain deals, and the review link above. (Too sick of negs for my advice lately to help any more)
They can be unlocked for free. bit of a effort. google it
i unlock mine. bought it long time ago. check on whirpool forums, you can find an answer and guide over there. sorry, don't have the link on whirpool anymore with me, but if you google search it mf60 whirpool i am sure you can find it.…
Is this the same one? $18.05 after pricematch :D
Did you read description?
Only includes only 1GB - probably no price match & not worth a few cents saved for HALF THE DATA. That's why I didn't post that link 3 hours ago!
ow might not read auspost description either :)
Different product & you lose HALF THE DATA to unlikely save 95c - how is that better or even useful. Included data costs about same as this deal, so why buy 1/2.
More corporate Australia Post retail outlets around Oz than OW.
And another neg for pointing out price matching a different product at OW worth less value would be a bad idea. Might give up posting useful comments & take up useless negging instead!
Yeah true, not that great unless people can't get to AP and/or won't use the extra GB.
Should have read the description more closely :P
Now who can't get to Australia Post, but can get to OW for probable rejection, or half the DATA??
Why wouldn't you use 2GB it it is almost same price as 1GB. OzBargain is the land of the frugal, but it's hardly better value for 95c possibly saved.
But my instinct 3 hours ago was like yours - check OW for a price match. Unfortunately it was worse value & different product description.
Well have got quite a few negs last night for a comment confirming another attractive deal actually worked. So getting another neg after saying I had already considered & rejecting price matching hours ago, is annoying. Just didn't mention it then.
At least you considered & asked if it was the same product!
But it's probably a waste of time pricematching a different product (if they realise it).
1) Some people might want the device to use their own sim and have no use for the included data.
2) Whilst AustraliaPost are everywhere, their trading hours usually suck. People have jobs you know? Maybe OW late night trading would suit some people better?
3) AustraliaPost stock levels are extremely unreliable. Whereas OW has online stock checking. Maybe people don't have time to hunt down AustraliaPost stock?
Now I thought OW didn't price match a different product ;-)
Only theoretically available at that price at OW until proven (post receipt for others to use in price match).
Otherwise no deal on OzBargain (@OW). Thats the standard of proof here, rather than just guesses. Just a warning & trying to lessen others potential frustrations.
Yes extended hours, but aren't some AP (CBD & business centres) open extended hours? But waste of time if no price match.
My nearest AP is 5 minutes walk against 12km to OW for 95c saving ;-)
As for not wanting to use included data - do OzBargainers throw away effectively free DATA?? I must be on a parallel OzBargain universe! The DATA costs about the same as this deal.
My address for all those unloved DATA SIMS is…
fyi i didn't neg you - my comment was made in some jest before realising that yours had been edited - you're rightly helpful as usual…
btw ow has previously price-matched it erroneously - :)
We go back a while with Telstra deals, so never thought it was you. But the price match relies on staff not caring or making a mistake.
It was a comment, not a post. Nothing wrong with warning people the price match wont work, but don't use cap locks and be a turd about it.
"but aren't some AP (CBD & business centres) open extended hours"
Everyone lives near them right? No. The comment was simply trying to help fellow ozbargain users. Once again. Calm down.
FYI - the neg wasn't me.
FYI - the neg wasn't me.
Not this time! I've had your attack before :-(
But "comment" a link or receipt rather than use the word "post"? I don't understand your point.
The button shows "Post comment". Post is the verb, comment the noun. As the meaning was hopefully clear, does it really matter, except to the rare pedant?
Part of my editing in previous comment was lost as bus went through a dead spot. I had included that… personal circumstances vary. But we all know that.
Similarly my new phone has a liking for caps, springing them on my comments. I've been writing the long Wiki on Telstra Starter Packs, so it is used to caps for words like DATA. I removed some of its imposed caps.
But "HALF THE DATA." was 2/3 me, as the point seemed to be missed. I will have to train it ;-) You are picky!
But it's all theoretical anyway.
Awaiting confirmation… Anyone?
And I'm quite calm & enjoying my day, just don't like possibly incorrect guesses going out as advice. I am usually correct in my warnings, but won't always be!
Off to a nice big $9 lunch in the sun with a cold Mexican beer ;-)
After a relaxing lunch & beer - I think I understand your "comment" comment. I thought like a fair bit of your comment, you were again criticising my use of caps, etc.
Your criticism of me has been scathing in the past - due to a totally incorrect reading of my comments. Seem to remember you being negged badly (10-), maybe even told to calm down by others …. So I am entitled to a minor misunderstand of your poorly explained jab.
Yes it was a comment, but when someone suggests it can be price matched, there still needs to be some proof. (But not like in a dubious post.)
Back to lying in the sun.
Oh, and burrito & beer was free - sometimes businesses make mistakes ;-)
Once again. Calm down.
I seem to remember your rant against me ending with your a little too late concession "Maybe I'm a little cranky today :P" which received 2+ after 44- for your other comments over 7.5 hours, mainly directed against me! Despite that, there was no call from me to "Calm down".
And I thought 1 or 2 negs was annoying. I did quote you poetry, and joked what literary character we might choose for you, in a discussion about libraries at Christmas ;-) But you kept attacking…
So my stoic disagreement about this deal being worthy of a trip to OW, was minor in comparison & now seems justified.
After my report, Deal description has been updated by mods to show this is CLEARANCE stock, as shown in online & print catalogs.
Now the OW price match has been disproved, back to the real deal.
(Of course it is far more expensive than the past $10 Coles deal )
I noticed you in that Telstra deal (as usual), but didn't check the details. But this is both different product & labelled with big banner "clearance" across photo in catalog, so not available for price match according to OW. As soon as they saw clearance, the answer was a very definite NO.
Jesus dude, you're taking this all too seriously. PainToad is essentially a troll.
Unfortunately I didn't realise that. Got a helpful message - to simply click hide, which should solve that. PT's comments disappeared, but still shows they're there :-(
I take people at face value, which is more difficult online. But I am more used to working with successful business people, Minister of Government, top sports people. So time to move on.
I have been providing a lot of feedback on Telstra deals & writing the Wiki. Always got good response until this. I assumed my valid advice would be appreciated & save frustration when price match wasn't accepted.
I have learnt & will withdraw from providing assistance.
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish DNA
Don't withdraw from providing assistance, just learn to ignore people like PainToad, as hard as it can be sometimes.
Plus this is clearance stock (says so across photo in printed catalogue), which OW told me they don't price match!
Still waiting for confirming of the theoretical price match at OW… they told me definitely no (as is clearance, not sale) in Adelaide St, Brisbane. Someone else must have tried.
After all those negs for me saying OW probably won't price match, I thought someone would race out to try to prove me wrong! Still negging is far too easy, negotiating is harder. But I am sure some OW staff somewhere will price match.
Just post the receipt as proof of course, so it helps everyone.
What items are excluded from the LPG?
Non identical products and services (1GB vs 2GB)
Competitor clearance products (this is clearly marked clearance in catalog - printed & online version)
OW Lowest Price Guarantee
Sounds pretty conclusive. No price match on both those grounds.
Asked MODs to update deal description as CLEARANCE. OP should have included that vital detail.
What a waste of time arguing & negging.
But, try anyway if you don't mind refusal.
Their is a whirlpool post on how to unlock it. I didn't find it too hard to follow. Thing that sucks about this thing is the batrery
I unlocked mine, with that forum post and now the 3g connection keeps disconnecting.. :(
Does anyone know if this is compatible with a 4g sim card? I'm thinking of unlocking it then joining a 4g data plan for better net for my laptop.
the sim card will be backward compatible
On this 3G modem?
Sounds like a waste.
Compatible but limited to 3g speeds obviously so you will be wasting your money being on a 4g plan
Maybe the vodafail WIFI extreme for $29 when it was on special from Big W is a better buy for some people
I brought one.
It came with 3GB of data. It came unlocked and it is quad band including 850/900
I traveled for work and I found it was good most city centres except for Melbourne
It is bigger and battery life was quite good
I was surprised the two wifi extremes I bought were unlocked.
Can anyone tell me if when this thing runs out of battery does it / can it be set to automatically come back on when the power is connected?
How are you folks using these things, over, say, the tethering feature on a phone?
Depends on the phone. I'm using a $79 4G phone & works well
Whoops, didn't phrase that quite well. I meant, most people have smartphones these days (which have tethering), so why not use tethering instead? What do these have to offer.
Have to agree about limited use.
I use both. Tethering works well with phone, especially if 4G as I said. This modem is only 3G+.
But some of us buy cheap Telstra Starter Packs for the "iPad" data (have been $10 for 3GB). For that use, a phone used to tether may easily be detected, & really can't be used for calls. That's one use where these are handy.
This won't kill your phones battery if you don't have the ability to keep it charged while serving up the hotspot. I guess a second (or external) battery is an alternative to that.
I used to use one for work purposes also. I could charge data from this to my company while not impacting my personal phones bill.
They're handy, but given the cost of data on Telstra I'd personally be compelled to pay a bit more for a 4G modem and take fuller advantage of the network. This might be ok for occasional use, in places where 4G isn't an option or if unlocked, using a data plan from another provider that has lower cost 3G plans.
Using 4G certainly seems to drain the phone with high data use. As I am new to using 4G (phone only for data), I have had to pop into the office just to recharge the phone. If I was using it for data & calls, I would have missed calls. Flat battery was rare on the older Pocket WiFi 2. That & 2 separate data services are good reasons as you pointed out.
Handy if you have separate cheap data & cheap calls on different sims.
My nearest AP (suburban corporate) is 5 minutes walk. Just popped in for a chat - has at least 2 in a quick search of clearance stock (out the back) ;-)
Ask & they can check other stores - got $70 Seagate 3GB external HDD deal that way last year.
These are so easy to unlock.
I did one in under 15 minutes using this guide (dont forget to NV restore the Channel1.nvm after flashing so the IMEI etc sticks)
Works perfectly with the sims from the $9 VF sticks.
Thanks, I've got a few Vodafone SIMs from last week.
How are the speeds? I'm using Vodafone on a spare $79 4G phone as modem, after a Vodafone sim swap to micro-sim. Posting on it now in CBD Brissie - speedy.
Plenty of these deals at a few AP I tried.
I did this 10 days ago in Kalgoorlie (needed cheap data whilst away)
Getting 3-5Mbit pretty constantly - ping was a little high but honestly quite good for general browsing internet radio.
Even VPN to office for RDP/VNC and was more than acceptable.
You've sold me. I'm going back to Telstra soon, to release 4G phone. So don't even need to unlock, but I will if as easy as you say. Thanks.
Speed was listed in the 2011 Cnet reviw I posted. Better to get real user experience.
I used the same unlock as the free vodafone weekend forced me to unlock it through that guide (didnt have the 11bucks to use dc-unlocker). I got around 1.5 meg a second most of the time (have no idea what that is in mbits/woteva). Get alot better reception than most sticks Ive tried in this flat. Im on Optus with it at the moment (due to being able to buy 5 dollar 500meg lots) and the reception isnt as good but it averages at around 600k a second and if I move it around I can get more. All in all Im very happy with this device.
For that price you could buy 10 and throw them away each time you run out of data. Terrible thing to say I know
I've got a stack of unused unlocked modems bought just for the data! I don't know why people above are saying some don't want the included DATA?
does the data expire if you don't activate it?
Unlike Vodafone mentioned above - yes. These are clearance (see catalog), so will have expiry date on sim pack inside. I've had Telstra sim-swap free with better expiry. (Keep your receipt to prove purchase date.)
so many ask before reading comments on these things. gotta give credit to @brucefromaustralia to answer some of these
Now I'm cranky, cdaddy ;-)
Hi! Honest I'll get back to work on the Telstra Wiki, honest ;-)
Just arrived by ferry to my free city "Office" (from OzBargain deal). After an accidentally free lunch with beer! Free good coffee & fast WiFi in office of course. Downloads of 1-2GB this afternoon :-)
I love lots of free data.
Life is so tough. (Wipes sand from beach off shorts)
Got one of these last time Coles were selling em for $10 with 1gb included data, was easy to unlock!
Yeah but couldn't walk in and just get that for $10.
You could, after a bit of grocery shopping! Who doesn't spend $30 on groceries in a week (in 1 shop)? People were breaking their large orders into $30 purchases to buy more than 1. Easier than finding stock of these out the back of some Australia Post.
And it should have been available for OW price match, unlike this CLEARANCE deal.
OP: you need to include that vital piece in deal description - this is CLEARANCE stock!
[Update] after report to MODs has been updated as clearance stock.
Missed that $10 deal while bushwalking in Tassie :-(
Think I'll wait in case that deal is recycled.
I have a 4g telstra modem that I got for $99 a month ago so I have to eith recharge the sim or buy this.
Tell me, can I put this sim out of the 3g modem into my 4g modem and get 4g speeds?
Yes. Enjoy!
But there are other ways.
For cheap data tips see Telstra Starter Packs Guide (Still under construction because I'm lazing in the sun…)
I'd help finish the wiki but ya know I have uni :p (such hard work)
Well, you started it ;-)
It's got a bit bigger as I expanded your initial kernel, with the contents, new sections (that need to be filled out, checked, edited)…
And as soon as I wrote a section, Telstra changed the plans…
[When I was at uni, I had my own paper, with (volunteer) staff I could boss around to do research & writing, while I did the juicy investigative stories & oversaw it as editor-in-chief with only free booze, invites to the best parties & strangely far too many groupies, to see me through the drudgery.
But it got me lecturing, consultancy in publication design, research, staff training in IT, teaching academics how to teach, etc positions with my university, and a very big office with the latest tech, while still an undergraduate. That was on top of my own legitimate business operating out of the uni bringing in hundreds of dollars per hour.
So don't tell me uni life is hard… ]
It'll get there.
Others (2 so far) are contributing & I'm learning.
But the weather is too good in Brissie to spend writing about how to get the best deal from Telstra :-)
(To rub it in, it's after midnight & I'm still in shorts & t-shirt with the window open!)
And then there's my day job of attracting negs ;-)
See - I just got one there.
It's just too easy ;-)
Good to catch up & thanks for your good work on the Telstra Guide. Hope OzBargainers appreciate it when it's finished.
That makes my 4G phone I'm using as a modem sound like even more of a bargain for $79 unlocked ;-)
Can I ask a dumb question? I managed to pick up one of these today - but looking at the box, there is no mention of how much data is included. How do you tell whether it comes with 2GB data, or 1GB as in the OW version?
That is a smart question. I've asked the same question, so it must be ;-)
May (not) indicate amount on sim details inside.
Only sure way often is to activate, check included data, complain to Telstra if not as promised in catalog, & should get what you bought. So keep receipt & catalog.
Hope that helps, as I didn't buy the product.
Thanks for taking the time to answer.
Oh well, will just have to suck it and see I guess. I was hoping you could somehow look up the serial number to check the included data.
When I once did not get my allocated data from Telstra, I rang & they added more data than I had bought! So should be no problems. But I know the feeling.
Have done the same (was 5GB d/l as sold) but because i activated ages later the amount had dropped to 3GB ? anyway online chat fixed no problem.
Once you activate you can check your usage and remaining data. Copy I got from Stanhope Gardens Aus Post shop (last one) did give me 2GB. Activating it they ask if you're an existing customer and attach it to an existing account - a real hassle for me.
I've had an [email protected] mailbox for 15 years. Attaching this to my account means I now have a separate mailbox that is accessible as [email protected] or [email protected]. For a while I wasn't sure if I'd lost my original mailbox (at least as viewed from webmail) but it turns out on your account page it adds a dropdown and you can pick which service (in my case prepaid or bundle) you're looking at. I was using different passwords for each and got myself extremely confused because if I log in as xxxx it sends me to the prepaid account and some things don't work whereas if I log in as [email protected] it sends me to my bundle/home cable account and everything does. The Telstra web interface is a complete mess. I don't know how non-techies are suppose to figure these things out. I work in IT and I'm competent, and it still took me about an hour to sort out. The visual queue of a small dropdown arrow is easily missed when you only occasionally look at the page and it's made to blend in.
Where are you from Bruce?
It's more where am I usually found - not in Australia most of year, most years. So people OS, know me by that name.
At least I'm not a mutated vegie ;-)
I've had this device for ~2 years before it's unable to charge anymore. Not sure if it's the battery or the connector to the battery.
Wouldn't mind this if I hadn't bought the 4G one earlier this month.
Wouldn't recommend a downgrade!
Probably battery, especially if left on charger continuously as many people I see do. Better to use mobile regularly.
I usually buy 2 cheap modems at a time - for cheap included data, and spare battery/ modem. Quite handy.
(eg 2 x Pocket WiFi2 (unlocked free) with 2 x 3GB, $15 each over 2 years ago)
Has anyone tried this device(unlocked) with aldi mobile simcard?
Aldi mobile uses Telstra network.
Yes, it works.
I bought a couple of these, and just activated one through an existing my.telstra account (which had no services). To my surprise I now have 5GB of data to use in the next 30 days, not just the 2GB as I had expected.
I could not see any way to activate directly from my.telstra, but if you login to my.telstra first, then open a new tab it will automatically add it to your account.
Now in short supply.
Also available at Coles for $29, includes just 1GB, and 2000 FlyBuys points worth $10, so effectively same price.
Or $49 4G modem with 5GB (30 days) @Australia Post on clearance. Picked up one today as no $19 ones left. Stock of over 200 in Australia, and report of price match at JB.
I bought one of these, but have changed my mind and gone for the $49 4G one (
If anyone wants my Elite unit for maybe $10 contact me. I bought it last week, it is not yet activated so you get the full 2GB, in your name, etc. I'm in Sorrento WA if you're local and want to grab it.
I'd be interested if it hasn't already been taken… I'm not in WA though.
Link to product in AP catalog
On Sale from today to 7 Sept, while stocks last at participating Australia Post retail outlets only. No rainchecks. ID required. Locked to Telstra.
Older unit. Not as much data as previous $19 Vodafone Pocket WiFi 2 deal with free unlock at APost. Handy hotspot for some.