• expired

ING Orange Everyday - 5% Cashback on "Contactless" Purchases < $100 for 6 Months (New Customers) @ ING Direct


Like the previous deal.

This promotion is giving all new Orange Everyday customers 5% cash back on every contactless purchase under $100 for 6 months from account opening.

It seems like a good deal for those who missed the last promotion and wanted to enjoy 5% Cashback on contactless purchases.

Terms and conditions:
Information and interest rates are current as at 6 March 2014 and are subject to change.

The 5% Wave & Save 6 Month new customer rebate (“Wave & Save 6 Month Rebate”) is available for a limited time only from 1 April 2013 for six months from account opening (“Rebate Period”) for new ING DIRECT Orange Everyday customers (including joint account holders) (“Eligible New Customers”).

This Wave & Save 6 Month Rebate applies to all contactless purchases made in Australia by Eligible New Customers during the Rebate Period on purchase amounts of up to and including AUD $99.99. The Wave & Save rebate will be made into the Orange Everyday account immediately after transaction settlement. After the end of the 6 month period the amount of the rebate will be based on the rebate percentage applicable at the time of transaction settlement, if any.

The Wave & Save 6 Month Rebate applies to everyday purchases only. Should you use the Wave & Save 6 Month Rebate in a manner that is not satisfactory or in line with the intent of the offer, we may place a stop or freeze on your account, refuse to apply the rebate to any or all purchases, or reverse the rebated amount. ING DIRECT cannot guarantee that Visa PayWave facilities will be available for use for your chosen purchase. Over $10 million cash back calculation is based on the total amount ING DIRECT Orange Everyday customers have received as part of the Wave and Save rebate offer from 1 October 2012 until 6 March 2014.

Referral Links

Referral: random (817)

Until 31/03/2025, referrer and referee will each receive $125 for opening new Orange Everyday & Saving Maximiser Accounts.

Referrer: Do not participate in the referral system if you do not have a current $125 referral code.

Referee: To qualify, you are required to deposit a minimum $1,000 from an external source into the new Orange Everyday account, deposit any amount into the a Savings Maximiser Account, and make at least 5 (settled) card transactions within any calendar month with the new Orange Everyday card.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Can someone point to the definition of "Eligible New Customers" ?

  • +6

    Did you just wait for the old deal expires and post this to get credit rating?

    • +5

      The old deal never really expired. For as long as i can remember, any new customer can get this deal, i just got it 3 months ago.

      • Heya, where you a NEW customer or renew customer?
        My 6 months has lapsed and just closed the account. I wonder if I apply I can get the 5% rebate again?

        I saw on previous thread that they actually recheck your details if you've been a previous customer or not. If you have, you will not get 5% rebate.

        • +4

          nah, you'll get the new 5%, I have renewed it twice, 1.5 year of 5% discount, oh yeah!

          on a side note, this card should be ozbargainer ID card

        • My second has just expired. Time to sign up for a third and get a $250 Iconic voucher :)

    • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:deal_posting_guidelin…

      The original deal is active but older than 6 months.

  • Do these accounts require minimum monthly deposits?

    • +2

      no…but do remeber paypass or paywave must be under AUD 100, 99.99 is okay, I used to use this card to pay rego, it save me around 15 bucks.

      • +5

        try travel tickets. saved me 50$

        • +2

          you have a very understanding travel agent. Name and number?

        • I heard cases in the past where they are renegged on the cashbacks when people do these things. Easy to do at supermarkets self checkout though.. :)

      • +4

        There have been reports that ING may contact you if they notice multiple at one location within a Day.

        • +2

          Yes, it happened to my friend!

        • +2

          Yes, it happened to me. They suspended my account and I had to spend hours on the phone to get it going again.

        • +6

          got a warning call just a few weeks ago after doing my first double up. It was like i was a naughty kid being told off "do you know why we might be calling you?"

        • +2

          I milk my ING to the nth degree. However it was 6 split payments of $99 to pay my car rego that finally got their attention.

        • +1

          I had a voicemail from them asking me to call back after a double up. I never returned the call.

        • +1

          Do they cut you off in these instances?

        • +1

          They told me it was a warning call. That i could still use it for it's "intended" purpose, but if i was a naughty boy again, they might cancel it.

    • +1

      Not for the first 6 months, after that it drops to 2% with a required deposit total every month (that you can take back out straight away).

  • +3

    This is not a new offer. Its always been going. I signed my wife up on it a month ago.

  • +5

    Why is this being posted again? As said once before "if you don't know about this deal already you should hand in your OzBargain license"

    • +5

      Bit harsh for new members then!

      • +9

        I think having a ING Direct account should be a requirement when registering for an ozbargain account.

        • +9

          And 28 Degrees Card for OS purchases

        • +3

          and Citibank Plus account for OS cash withdrawals.

        • +6


          Not everyone can pass the credit card requirements :(
          Some of us are students here..

        • +3

          Ditched my 28 degree card for OS purchases - does that mean my OzB credit rate has gone?
          Now using Bankwest Plat for OS buys - no fees either (plus purchase protection insurance)

        • is that the Zero platinum? And the purchase protection is free? 28 degrees charges for it…

    • +13


      ING Orange. OzBargain Orange. Coincidence? I think not

  • +1

    I joined with ING recently and they had a deal for a $250 theiconic.com.au voucher and also this 5% back… sorry but can't find the email I got for the deal but from memory it was a targeted email.

  • I've noticed people paywaving purchases greater than $100, it just makes them use their PIN.

    • +3

      Yes but that would make it a contact purchase(not contactless) and therefore not eligible for cash back.

      • +2

        No its still contactless (Your card transfers information via NFC)
        But its not eligible for cashback anyway as its not under $100

        • +3

          Your fingers are making contact with the keypad

        • +1

          and your shoes are making contact with the floor.
          Fact is your card is still making a contactless data transfer

  • +5

    The only deal I am interested in is that, 6 month old customers may close their account and get a new 6m 5% rebate without discrimination.

    • +1

      They did have a referral code if you sign up a new customer your own 5% would continue. However it was a targeted offer and they didn't send it to me, even when I rang and asked for it.
      My 5% will end soon. :(

      • +1

        You could try ME bank

    • +1

      Yeah I am nearing the end of my second 6 months after referring my fiance - its unlikely but it would be nice if they offer a further extension if you refer another person (or even say minimum of 2 people)

  • +1

    I bought afew things last weekend with the month old ING card and it didn't come with the 5% rebate? has anyone here experienced similar problems and what did you do?

    the couple of coles purchase, I can see the rebate afew days later.

  • +2

    How long is the cooling period to become 'new' customer again?

    • -1

      Can one apply under a different name? Lol.

      • +1

        they do have identity credit check

        • Check pisslur's thread on this, you can open a new account with same name as the identity check seems to not be cross referenced.
          If you have the luxury of shortening your name you could go to aus post for them to verify, so the 2 accounts look different enough to a computer so it's not red flagged. Or just use differnt identity papers eg passport and credit cards instead of what was used last time

  • I have an old account set up in 2010 for the $50 bonus.
    I never used it and never closed it.
    Is there a painless way of closing it online?
    Even if I've forgotten the logon password?

    • +1

      I think you'll need to call them.

  • No $50 bonus this time round tho but still a decent deal.

  • For those with a mortgage, wouldn't an offset account work out better?

    • No. An offset account will save you ~5% per annum interest on its balance, but this saves you 5% instantly.

      It's cash back, not interest.

      For example, in order to save $10 with this card, I simply need to spend $99.99 twice. I do that pretty easily with petrol and groceries. If I want to save $10 on my home loan with my offset account, I'd need to leave $200 in the account for the entire year.

      The best option is to leave most of your money in your offset, and regularly transfer some to your ING account for purchases. Make all possible paywave/paypass purchases from the ING account, and pay for other purchases however you do now. I use a mix of ING for all paywave/paypass, NAB Velocity where Amex is accepted, Virgin Money Flyer where the other options aren't possible.

      • +2

        Yes I get it now, thanks for taking the time to clarify. 5% now instead of 5% per annum, definitely much better!! I'm IN!! :)

      • The other thing some would need to consider is that I assume you would need to declare this cash back as income in your tax return, considering it is similar to bank interest. Whereas with an offset you aren't actually gaining money as such, so there's no tax implications.

        • +1

          I assume you would need to declare this cash back as income in your tax return, considering it is similar to bank interest

          Haha, are you joking? cash back on purchase is akin to interest? Remind me never to get you to do my tax returns :)

        • Well the fact is you are generating money out of it .. you can call it a "cash back", but it isn't being deducted off the purchase price at the time of the sale, and the "cash back" is being paid by the bank, not by the vendor. I could well be wrong in my post above (hence I used the words "I assume"), but in my experience the ATO doesn't let these things go through to the keeper without trying to get a cut.

    • +2

      You know what's even better?
      Having an offset account and keeping a running float of ~$200-300 in ING Orange Everyday.
      Purchase whatever you can with PayWave, keep saving interest with the bulk of your money.

      Assumes you have more than a couple of hundred to stick in an offset account haha.

  • +1

    My paywave rebate was finally ceased because of bill splitting, farewell ING direct, you have saved me quite a few hundreds so I won't blame too much after you kicked me out of the gate.

    • +1

      Yeah, the ING support lady didn't even comment when I said I wanted to cancel because my 5% rebate period was finished. I'd have much rather they sent me the targeted offer to sign up other people to continue the rebate.

  • I signed up for this in early October, so 6 months has definitely gone by, but I still get the 5% back. Is this normal?

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