Similar to this deal
The Deal ends on 18/03/2014 7:00:00 AM
Acer W700 (NT.L0QSA.002) - i5 3337U, 11.6" FHD Touch, 4GB, 128GB SSD, Windows 8 with Cradle and Keyboard
Was contemplating either Surface Pro 1 or this acer W700 … this comes with keyboard and cradle; and I am not into using the Pen and prefer longer better battery.
I have a w500 and Asus tf810, I have to say this is quite a thicker and heavier unit, and it's a shame the keyboard is just a Bt keyboard cover and not a dock. Still if you value storage space and CPU power over battery longevity, weight and the convenience of having a hinged screen as opposed to one stuck at one angle, then this would be the choice