This was posted 11 years 2 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hulu Plus 1 Month $0 Email Delivery from Newegg


Newegg description says it's for new customers only but it worked for me even though I'm not new to Hulu, comes in the form of an e-card delievered by email.

Uploaded an image because Newegg links aren't allowed due to no delivery to Australia, avoided this due to no physical delivery needed. See this comment for a direct link.

Edit: EMCWVWN235 expired sometime today which was meant for existing Hulu customers, HULUNEW1M works you will just have to sign-up for a new account to redeem the e-card if you're an existing customer.

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closed Comments

  • +3…

    Note: For digital products, key codes or digital downloads, instructions will typically be sent to you via email in less than one hour. If additional verification is needed for credit card processing, there may be a delay up to a maximum of 48 hours.

  • +2

    I'm getting this error, when trying to pay with Paypal:

    "We apologize that we are not able to authorize payment for your order now.
    We encourage you to try again if you feel this message was prompted in error.
    To opt for another payment method and proceed with checkout, Click here. "

    • Yep it did that for me also. did it with a pre-paid card i had floating about.

    • Yep don't use PayPal. Doesn't work.

      • +5

        PayPal worked fine for me — you just need to enter a US shipping address. When checking out with PayPal, select 'Change' next to Shipping Addess, 'Add a new address' if you don't have a US address already on file, and then enter your US address — this could be for your shipping forwarder, or you could just make it up.

  • Can one skip entering credit card details?

    • No. Required. No charges made to my card for this deal.

    • Yes. Just use PayPal and enter a US shipping address. (See my comment above.)

  • -8

    What is hulu

    • Well, forget it if you already don't know!

    • +12
      • +2

        why hasn't this been upvoted by more? I actually laughed out loud.

  • Just got mine :) great bargain thank you

  • PayPal worked for me (US account). Only first code worked for me.

  • If you use a credit card, you will need to provide your CC details to both new-egg and Hulu to get this offer

  • +2

    First code worked for me - second didn't. Thank you :)

    • +1

      Thanks, I'll update the post.

  • redeem it on this link btw for first timers :)

  • +4

    FYI You must initiate your free month by January 31st, 2014

  • +1

    "The requested code in invalid." Anyone getting that issue now?

  • +3

    Use and it gives you a perfect paypal US address. Saves time and effort. :D

  • How long does it take to receive the Hulu code?

    • +2

      Received mine 3 minutes after ordering.

      • I just received the order conformation… still waiting for the code.

        • ditto my code still hasn't arrived after 15 mins :(

        • Mine just came!

        • mine just came now. Works a treat with my account

    • Sorry, just saw it on the first comment

      'Note: For digital products, key codes or digital downloads, instructions will typically be sent to you via email in less than one hour. If additional verification is needed for credit card processing, there may be a delay up to a maximum of 48 hours.'

  • Can you cancel the Hulu+ right after you've activated it and still keep the month?

    • -2

      Yeah. just go to your account settings on Hulu when logged in.

      • +4

        It only gives you 1 week afterwards so don't cancel till 29 days are left. I learnt the hard way.

        • Just make sure as I am new to Hulu Plus. Do you cancel in the Hulu site and not within

  • Used the offer but I have an existing account, so cannot redeem it.

    If anyone wants it the code is below.


    • you can use another email address.

      i had the same and i used a new email address and it worked ok.

      • But wouldn't you create a new account in doing so?

  • +2

    It's ridiculous that they make you watch ads on the paid plan too.

    • i hv not tried watching yet … so this has ad too??

      • yep. :/

    • +2

      Paying and still watching ads? Sounds like Foxtel…

  • says i need to enter in paypal or CC details when i get to the hulu sign up page.
    teid swapping my paypal address to a US one but didnt work

    • I'm not able to enter my visa card which starts with 4**. Anyone know why?

      • +1

        4 is au region for credit cards much like DVD's.. i tried Hulu a while a go with my ING visa and it didn't work but the pre-paid woolworths mastercards starting with 5 do work :) hope it helps, you can pick one up for $2 i think from any woolies

        • +1

          Used my 28 Degrees master card and it worked.

    • Same here with paypal, ended up putting in cc details and then it worked.

  • So.. the iPad Hulu app login is geo blocked. Can't get the windoes 8 app either.

    Do I have to install a VPN?

    • +1

      VPN, Proxy or a DNS provider would work. I would recommend SmartyDNS as I use them myself (I'm not affiliated with them, just like their service) and all it requires is to change the DNS IP on whatever device you're using.

      Edit: SmartyDNS is banned from OzBargain due to spamming, though the service itself is fine.

  • Both those codes are invalid when I try them.

  • MODS: I AM NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS STORE (but the system is forcing me to check the "I am associated with Uploaded Files" box or won't post this message!).
    Good bargain. (Won't let me +1 it as it thinks I'm a store representative!)

    I have used " " which is great for the US profile, but don't understand what the OP means by I "uploaded an image" … and I think that is stopping me getting a new egg account and the offer.

    Can anyone tell me/us 'newbies' how to "upload an image" as I will need it for lots of other things too! :)


    • +1

      Just means the OP uploaded a screenshot of this deal to Ozbargain, intead of linking to it directly. It has nothing to do with getting the deal itself.

      From your point of view, it doesn't matter - it would only matter if you were posting this deal to ozbargain. Ignore it.

    • Have un-checked the Store Rep box for you mxyzptik, so you should be able to vote on the deal like you wanted to.

      To upload an image, you can either use a website such as Flickr or Photobucket than post a link to the image in the URL box when submitting a deal or there's an upload function available through a link just directly below the same URL box.

      • Thanks very much @jonsnow & @JeffreyM.

        Ah! OK. I misread the what the OP meant, thought it was part of the process of getting the bargain!

        Think I might have to do the VPN thingy to get the bargain.

  • Thanks OP, got a free month. Looking forward to checking it out.

  • i got an email saying

    You submitted an order amounting to $7.99 USD to
    Thanks for using PayPal. Please note that this is not a charge. Your account will be charged when the merchant processes your payment. You may receive multiple emails as the merchant processes your order.

    Your funds will be transferred when the merchant processes your payment. Any money in your PayPal account balance will be used first. If you have a zero balance or insufficient funds in your account, your backup funding source will be charged for the full or remaining payment. Please note that your bank or card provider may charge a dishonour fee if you have insufficient funds to make the payment.

    To view the full transaction details, log in to your PayPal account.

    It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in the Recent Activity list in your Account Overview.

    does this mean I will be charged $7.99? I don't have that much on my paypal account and it isnt linked to any bank acc, it is linked to a pre paid card but that has $2 on it

    • +1

      Did you enter the coupon at the cart?

      • no

        cancelled the order and started again

        rookie error

  • Thankyou

  • Got it great.

    Used US profile to register @ Newegg and Hulu. I didn't opt for paypal and used credit card option instead, but had to use genuine (Australian) credit card #, name & address for Hulu as they rejected the US profile one even though it was for $0.00 I left in the US zip code.

  • +2

    Just started the trial and WOW, why would they want you to trial it. Advertisements before The Simpsons, opening credits and then more ads before the show starts. No thanks….

  • I can't get it to work with my PayPal even though I have a US address, it just returns an error saying this merchant does not accept non-US PayPal accounts or something to that effect.

  • I can't seem to get any of the codes listed here to work, they all come up invalid.

    • +1

      Just tested both of them, HULUNEW1M still works although EMCWVWN235 has expired.

      • Thanks, problem was I wasn't using the Newegg page.

    • Just used the First code, with made up name and credit card details (not paypal)and US address, and got my code in my email after 15 minuts. Thanks op

  • I just registered as new user and I have one week free trial. Can I use this one week and then input the 1 month code or will it be expired by then?

    • I experienced the same thing. What I had to do in the end was cancel the 1 week free subscription, delete my account and sign up as a new user under a different email address and follow the address they send in the newegg confirmation email and enter in the code they give you there.

  • i used a us paypal account but it prompted me for cc so i entered a au prepaid visa card. it worked. so do we need to cancel the subscribition before the 30 days is up or will it charge our paypal account automatically if we dont cancel?

    • It will auto charge your payment method unless you cancel the subscription, though if you cancel straight away you'll still have one month left.

  • How do you watch from Australia?

    • VPN, Proxy or DNS provider. I would suggest UnoDNS or SmartyDNS.

  • Just tried the first code and got this "The requested code is invalid"

    any suggestions?

    • +1

      Just tried HULUNEW1M on Newegg, still works for me.

  • Got it, thanks for posting Vustom

  • Still worked for me, thanks OP

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