This was posted 11 years 2 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coles Unreal Movie Deal


Saw the ad for this on TV and had to dig through google a bit to find this.

Buy selected products at Coles to get your UNREAL MOVIE DEAL vouchers!

Get up to four UNREAL MOVIE VOUCHERS simply by purchasing two or more participating products in-store or online at Coles Supermarkets in one transaction between 6 December and 19 December 2013. Shop as often as you like.

Once you’ve purchased two or more participating products in-store or online, you’ll receive confirmation of the number of tickets you’re eligible for on your receipt (max 4 vouchers per transaction).
›2 products in one transaction = 1 movie voucher
›4 products in one transaction = 2 movie vouchers
›6 products in one transaction = 3 movie vouchers
›8 products in one transaction = 4 movie vouchers (maximum of 4 per transaction)

To redeem, simply jump online before 3 January 2014, enter your details or register and you’ll receive confirmation of your ticket request. Coles will send you a movie voucher within 48 hours with instructions on how to claim your tickets from participating cinemas (booking fees may apply), you can use your tickets until 31 March 2014

Product list:…


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closed Comments

  • +7

    Looks like all/most cinemas participating

    • +3

      Hardly all, or even most, but a fairly good selection. None of those close to us unfortunately, but still a good offer nonetheless.

  • +10

    what's the cheapest participating item ???

    • +2

      I would also be keen on knowing this although to be honest I would probably get coke to fuel my drinking habit…

    • +21

      Tresemme often goes on sale for $5

      But I bet it doesn't until after Dec 19

      • +1

        You can bet they won't go on sale within the promotional period though. If it does though I'll be sure to stock up, Tresemme is good value even without the movie ticket bonus.

      • +6

        That is exactly what I was thinking
        Tresemme is something I know we buy and when we do it's 5-6 at a time when they are $5 each.

        So in that example you are paying $10 for a …. $10 movie ticket.
        I can get tickets to Event for $9.50 on the discount card.

        • +11

          Err, you still get the Tresemme…

        • +16

          Why's this guy getting neg'd? He's making a valid point.

          Buy 2 for $5 each when they're on special and buy a $10 movie ticket -> $20
          Buy 2 for $10 each and get a free movie ticket -> $20

          So you're effectively paying an extra $10 for the shampoo to get a free movie ticket that you can get for $10 anyway.

        • +4

          I think what xordis means is that buying 2 of Tresemme at $10.84 (cost $21.68) for a movie voucher is not worth it as he can get the discounted movie voucher for $9.5 and wait for the Tresemme to go on sale for $5 (total is $9.5 + $5 * 2=$19.5. Which is less than $21.68.

        • +1

          Which is fine, but he also gave the deal a 'negative' at one point. If may well represent 'no deal' for 'him', but a) not everyone has access to $9.50 tickets to compare against, and b) not everyone is going have the patience to wait for $5 Tresemme deals etc. (Tresemme 'is' on special this week at Woolworths for example.. the price.. '$7')

          Presenting his own case wasn't why he got neg'd, using a 'best case' price for tickets (not available to all), then measuring the products against a 'best case' savings on the products in hypothetical sales to complain that if these stars align the deal only 'breaks even on the tickets' means the bargain deserves a 'negative'… is why he got neg'd.

        • What is the point of the negative votes then?

          This is not a good deal in my books.
          You are basically paying for what you are getting.

          In the Tresemme example, you are paying about $20 for $20 worth of "things ($10 worth of tresemme and $10 worth of movie tickets).

          This is not a "bargain" in my books.

          PS, not sure where my negative vote went. I didn't undo it.
          PPS, anyone can get ~$10ish tickets for movies with little effort. Pretty sure my wife gets them from just being a cinebuzz member. Maybe we just get them for having a cinema a few hundred metres from Event that only charges $9.50 for movies.

          edit. Wow. I tried to put my negative vote back on and it says I can't

          "Cannot Vote on This Deal
          You have already voted on this deal. Your vote has been subsequently revoked"

        • +2

          Negative votes imo aught to be reserved for deals that aren't deals, not deals that simply may not appeal to the specific circumstances of this or that person. You're not voting whether you think it's a good deal for 'you' with the positive/negative vote, you're voting for whether it's a good deal - offers value to any hypothetical - period.

          The fact is they're giving away tickets with a RRP in the mid teens for free with certain items. Some people may be able to get tickets cheaper than RRP and bare that in mind when taking/not taking up the offer - goodo for them (i can get cheap tickets to, but not all can). Some people may be able or willing to hold out till there's super sales on this or that product. Again, great.

          None of this means a dude walking in off the street who needs a bottle of Tresemme and some Omo liquid doesn't get a 'good deal' from a free ticket for nothing. To 'neg' a deal that, again, worst case breaks even against best other deals out there, or best case saves someone ~$15 on a cinema ticket makes no sense.

        • I see. When I was looking his neg vote was already revoked.

        • What is the point of the negative votes then?

        • Btw, Tresemme is on sale for $8 this week in Coles, meaning a ticket would cost $6 ie. $3.50-4 cheaper per ticket than your combo searching around for hypothetical $5 Tresemme's and $9.50-$10 tickets (not available to all anyway).

          The justification for neg was petty imo. It's now absolutely non-existent. Your 'alternate' deal is not even best case; you'd be pointing people to dearer tickets than the Coles deal.

    • Another question might be what is the best value for money item? Most of us do our shopping at Coles or Woolies anyway, so any normal-priced purchase would do.

  • +1

    My goodness, my local cinema is participating! First time it's been on a list from one of these movie ticket deals! Thanks!

  • +8

    All the items are high priced stuff

    • +18

      You do, of course, get to keep the items you know.

    • +1

      Gatorade 4 pk and Coke 12 pk are currently on special. Half price I think. Only a few bucks each. Tresemme shampoo is also on special.

      Purchase any 2 of these items and it will cost you less than the price of a ticket. And you get to keep this stuff of course.

      Just avoid the Gilette stuff.

      • -2

        Coke 12 packs (300ml) are NOT on special.

        • +1

          They are in the store I go to…

          But it does vary from state to state and sometimes from store to store. But the one I go to has a massive display with 50% off on it. I was there yesterday.

  • +7

    Rather limited range of qualifying products. :(

  • +7

    Buy them, claim tickets then return them? Does that work? Just wondering.

    • +66

      easier just to stalk people buying those products instore and checking their trolley in the carpark afterwards for unwanted receipts…

      • +2

        If I could, I would give you +1 for dedication and +1 for the brilliance.

      • +12

        You,Sir, are THE true embodiment of OZbargain spirit. I bow to your shrewd resourcefulness!

      • +2

        the force is strong

      • +19

        Oh no jv getting positive votes

      • +8

        well an even easier option is to turn up to coles dressed as a garbage collector and nab the bag of receipts that people don't want found at the service desks. "dont worry im just collecting the rubbish"

      • If I notice a creepy looking weirdo following me around the shops on my next visit I'll remember to say hi JV.

  • Will buy Optimum dry dog food, not the cheapest option, but I buy it anyway. Bonus! Hopefully will get the ticket in time to see The Hobbit on Boxing Day.

  • +1

    This appears to be virtually unlimited, as long as you keep it to four tickets per receipt.

  • +3

    Looks like Christmas presents for the inlaws are sorted! ;-)

    • +5

      Huggies Bulk Nappies ?

    • +13


  • +3

    Get 2x… which is currently on special for $17 each. Get a free ticket which say is worth $10. That means you only paid $24 for 72 nappies or 0.33 per nappy which I think is very cheap! Anyone?

    • Comfy bots are that cheap anyway.

    • +1

      I don't need to buy nappies.

    • +16

      My kids have outgrown nappies, but heck, if I can get free movie tickets, wear them they will !!!

      • -1

        if you can get free movie tickets, wear them yrslf !!!

    • Definitely worth it for the nappies - let's face it, you're going to be buying them if you need them regardless, so why not get a treat out of it at the same time?

    • Just bought 128 nappy pants for $29 with free delivery from Groupon -…

      and got free movie tickets from Scoopon

      It is only 22c a nappy.

      Dont bother go to Coles for their nappies.

  • +1

    So does 1 voucher = 1 ticket or does each voucher get you 2 movie tickets?

    EDIT: Just checked T&C's: "Each voucher may be redeemed for a ticket for one adult or child to see a general admission screening of the movie of their choice at any available session" so you have to buy 4 items just to get a pair of tickets. Cheapest item seems to be the $8 gatorade, so minimum spend of $32 to get 2 movie tickets. Seems like false economy, really, unless you already buy any of the selected groceries anyway.

    • +5

      Or you could see it as -

      Cheapest item = $8 each (4x Gatorade) x 4 = $32
      Movie ticket value = $10 (Telstra $10 tickets) x 2 = $20

      $32 - $20 = $12 for 16 Gatorade = 75cents each

      Apply above for anything on the list that you may already buy and you've got a good deal.

      • -8

        It's not really a true ozbargain though. If it was, you wouldn't have to justify it.

        Seems like it's a bit of a crap deal to me.

        • +5

          If your not interested in any of the items then I would agree, but there's a decent mix in there to cater to most demographics. Most people wash their hair, feed their pets, feed their baby's, change baby's bums, shave and/or wash their clothes and these are popular items.

          That's not trying to justify a crap deal, I regularly use both Tresemme shampoo and I enjoy Gatorade so either of those deals appeal to me especially since I also enjoy going to the movies. Can't please everyone but I think Coles have given a decent mix there.

  • +2

    Cannot find a deal.
    The nappies would be ok, except my kids are toilet trained.
    The olive oil is good, but much cheaper in 3-4l tins.
    The shampoo is frequently half price, which is the only time I buy that brand.

    Coffee? Spend $40 to get one $10 move ticket. Is Aurora any good??

    • My view- I'm drinking a cup of Aurora coffee right now, tastes great to me.
      Coffee snobs view- What sort of person would buy this coffee? It was probably roasted more than 7 hours and 39 minutes ago, which everyone knows is the optimum timeframe, and any longer means you might as well be drinking out of a dirty ashtray. And don't they sell this "coffee" in supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths? ewwwwww! Too bad if you don't like running into every rand and bogan who've come straight from their state housing. Seriously, you'd have to be, like, feral to even want to drink this. If it costs less than $70 for a tiny little bag it's hardly going to be any good, is it.

      • :-) I'm not a coffee snob. The problem I have had with some cheap coffee beans is that it is over-roasted, to make up for lack of flavour otherwise. Does it taste burnt?

        • Not to me. One scoop or loaded tablespoon in a bigger mug, doesn't taste burnt to me. I only find the cheaper coffee sometimes taste burnt when I need a real hit and stick 2 big scoops in.

      • +1

        I'm a bit of a coffee snob but it's all about personal tastes.
        I buy good quality coffee, I'm a big fan of manna beans deals with Jamocha which normally work out to around $25 a kilo which is far cheaper than pod coffee and reasonable instant coffee.

        Not to mention when you can have a cafe quality coffee with every cup at a reasonable price then why drink anything else? The only issue being that when I have a subpar cup of coffee it's disappointing, in that case I would say that I'm at a disadvantage because isn't it better to have all coffee taste great rather than only some. I feel as though I've entered the mindless rant that is everything that happens after 3am…

    • +1

      You can always have another kid right?

  • +6

    Hmmm, do you think you could apply for the Coles no annual fee credit card, claim the $50 voucher and use it to buy 6 packs of Gatorade and claim 3 free movie tickets along the way?

    6 packs of Gatorade + 3 movie tickets = Free?

  • Sounds good.. some of these things are currently half price.

    Will the tickets work on No Free Tickets movies (i.e. the only ones worth watching)?

    • +2

      Are you sure some of these things are half price??

      I can't see any that are half price…

      The Fairy dishwashing tablets are reduced from $22.xx to $15 - that's the closest I can see to half price…

      • What state are you in?

        • NSW

          The Coke 12 packs are full price here - something like $14.98 for 12 small Cokes which is a total rip…

      • Just found that one now.

        Seems like a genuine special as well.
        Woolies has the same brand but with only 24 in the packet for $15 (same as the 24 packet at Coles)

        Quick google on reviews has mixed reviews on them.
        A bit cheaper than Finish ($0.50 vs $0.76) so another saving if they work.

        For lostn, I am seeing those prices in south east queensland.
        Should be on special until we at least see next weeks catalogue.

    • In my experience the No Free Tickets notice refers to how recently a popular film has been released; you will still be able to see the better/more popular movies, it's just that you will have to wait a bit longer.

  • -6

    Now why can't they have a choice between popular things like Helgas bread or diary farmers milk…
    I don't even drink gaytoraid!

    • +3

      Because bread and milk are a few bucks. A movie ticket is about $18.50. Coles will get ozbargained of cheap stuff and no one will pay for tickets at the box office. It would make more sense to buy some bread, dump it in the bin on the way out, and just claim the tickets.

  • So, my thoughts are that the range of products needs to be expanded somewhat but that can be discussed elsewhere. What I'm thinking of is going to Westfield and buying a $50 giftcard for all five of our AmEx's and getting the $10 per card back. (Note: due to the $2.95 service fee charged by Westfield, you end up only getting back $7.05).

    I'll then go to Coles and use my Westfield card there to purchase four products (probably coke zero) and redeem my vouchers. Hopefully the AmEx bonus will offset the rip off price I will most likely buy these Coke Zero's for.


    • +3

      I don't think Coles takes westfield gift card.

      • +1

        One of the few that don't.

  • Damn, if only Shick cartridges were on the list. :(

  • How do they expect us to justify buying coke bottles at $3.95 a ltr when coke cans are at $1.96 ltr?…
    or $1.78…

    Is that Gatorade price pretty much static/average? Ever on special?
    Worth considering what products you can get when they're on special, i.e. probably not worth getting the shampoo/conditioner's because they're regularly on sale for $5..
    Do we stock up on Gatorade? (Maybe it will also kick your lazy ass into fitness gear, myself included)
    Lets crunch the numbers ozbargain xD

  • So you can only get one movie ticket per docket? no matter how many movie ticket deal items you buy?
    cos i just came back from Coles. Purchased 6 movie deal items and only get 1 movie ticket on the docket.

    • +1

      I don't know who you would contact to rectify it but it clearly states that you can get up to 4 movie tickets per transaction.

      Maybe take the products back, return them and purchase them in seperate transactions through self serve if they can't just fix it.

    • +3

      Hi Lionmaru-G, we're sorry to hear this. If possible, can you give our customer care team a call on 1800 061 562, so we can look into this for you.

      • +5

        Nice to see Coles Supermarkets on Ozbargain (hopefully official). Would love to see some exclusive deals in the future :)

      • +1

        Yeah just some feedback (not sure if it holds any value) but most of the flybuys offers Coles send me are crap tbh. The last 8 weeks you probably haven't seen more than $10 out of me because all the woolies offers have been so good.

      • hah! mystery solved! Just had a look at the docket again… checkout girl forgot to scan one of the movie deal item! -_-

        Also my bad for not checking the right nappy. Bought 72 pack instead of advertised 30-48 pack. silly me.

        However I did get 35c fuel discount this time too… so im not complaining…

  • Please add this to the details. It says in the T&C : "the movie voucher can only be used by the person whose name appear on the voucher".
    I myself used a random name when registering.

    • +1

      Book online and you won't have an issue.

  • Good deal especially with the flybuys bonus points they seem to be offering at the moment (individual offers depending on your account). I get 1500 if I spend $110 so I will use this offer to combine with the bonus points. Thanks

  • Great deal, More shampoo i guess !

  • -1

    WTH!!!! No good movies coming out from now till March. BOOO !!!

    • +2

      Ender's Game
      Hobbit 2

    • +1

      indian Dhoom3
      Dhoom machaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'

  • -4

    Whoosh—a Menù of sham poo, 'blades, poo-catching diapers 'n sugary H₂O drink. If this ain'ta treat of Les mundane w/ la boring Cineflick. 'n may you keep out of my all-regular %off-stuffs in the meantime, kthx.

    • +2

      Translate -

      Shampoo, shaver blades, diapers, sugar water drinks. Seems a bit mundane with a bad movie. But your missing out on the standard savings that Coles would normally offer.

      Also calling water h2o is almost as 90's as calling it aqua.

    • It may also translate to interest in generic brand replacements - E.g: Aldi/Woolies close by so many people. Moved by the temporary suppression of savings this could send shoppers elsewhere due to a perceived impaired value for money. Potentially an unintended impact for [Non]moviegoers there but moreover and as you have outlined, other people's starting comparison will be to the telco $10.00 deals, cheap ticket Tuesday or each Cinema's in-house promotions ( ½ $15.50).

      Of the products I have tried I still don't come close to using up two bottles of premium Tresemme p.a., Or a x8 of Gillete power cartridges. While that cheapest option - Gatorade essentially boasts a sweetness I expect any no-name $2 cordial would supply.

      Edit: So I gather the updated bottles $8/0.9L shampoo won't be shown online but could be valid NSW price?? If its right I may yet be tempted.. One Melbournite sharing earlier that he/she saw display "with 50%". Would be alright to get Greater Un for $6.

  • Checked this out today. Opted to not buy the Optimum dry dog food - it was $32 per bag! Didn't realise you have to buy the enormous size. Maybe on special it might be worth it but other options were considerably cheaper. Went with OMO Sensitive instead, which was on special for $8, and the 1 litre Red Island olive oil, also on special for $8. Figure it's like paying normal price for a movie and getting the products for free.

  • Whats the sale period of coles specials?

  • The ticket codes came through overnight. Process was super quick.

  • The items are discounted.
    Shampoo/conditioner was $8/bottle, same for the olive oil, so WTF, got some.

    • Shampoo/conditioner was $8/bottle

      In store only? Website shows $10.84..

      • +1

        yes, in WA. Store differs from web all the time.

  • *Terms & Conditions

    A. This voucher is valid for one adult to a general admission screening of the movie of their choice including those designated as No Free Ticket sessions up to the value of $19.00. Voucher price excludes 3D/ Real D and VMAX surcharge …
    G. It may take up to 60 minutes after exchanging this voucher for a ticket before it can be redeemed.


    H. Vouchers can only be redeemed through the ticket box at Event Cinemas, Greater Union or Birch Carroll & Coyle.

  • Problem with redeeming the Village ticket online. There is no PIN on the PDF they send you so you can't proceed. Will have to take it into the cinemas and see what the story is.

    • I believe there's a 3 digit pin on the bottom right hand side of the barcode, give that a go.

  • Are the Gatorades ever on special? None of the items in that list I normally buy though

  • Dog biscuits [email protected]%,$25 &-20%,$8 respectively,Sylvania NSW Plenty stock for wk2

    Redeemed offer for GU. Left registration until post shopping mmmkay. Used self-checkout/ congratulations - movie instructs printed on the receipt.

    (50% * 2 X 10) + 7.75 - (80% * 2 X 10) + 0.00 =
    1.75 .. I get a dollar to keep

    G. It may take up to 60 minutes after exchanging this voucher for a ticket before it can be redeemed.


  • +3

    With Amex Liquorland deal, it will like:

    $55 - $5 liquorland voucher on facebook = $50

    With Amex Coles deal $20 off $50, you only spent $30 for a $55 giftcard.

    Then go to Coles for 2 pack Gatorades using the giftcard $55 - $16 = $39 left

    So, in the end you will spend $30 for a $39 giftcard, 1 movie ticket and 2 pack of gatorades.

    But I don't drink gatorades. It's not worth buying some colour water for $16.

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