This was posted 11 years 2 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Free Movie Tickets 4pm AEDT Friday (Pay with @ Scoopon)


You have to pay $0.01 through, which is to be refunded - same as the iTunes deal last week. (Although I noticed I haven't been refunded the 1c yet.)

It will require a account. Start at Scoopon at 4pm Friday and then pay with The deal won't appear until then - just like last week.

There doesn't seem to be any details about how many tickets or which cinemas - it just indicates BCC and Event cinemas.

Sydney: BC&C, Greater Union and Event
Perth: Greater Union
Melbourne: Moonlight
Brisbane: BC&C and Event

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Nice find….and great gifts for the cheap-skate Santas out there :P

  • -1

    According to last deal, you don't need to pay with Paypal and other method of payment also work.

    No one have receive the itune card from last deal yet and the scoopon page showing it to be available tomorrow.

    And for the 1c matter, i was charge an additional $1 by scoopon for no reason.…

    Not sure if it's only me or this happen to every one. The 1c went through and the $1 is still showing as pending. Both have not been refunded. I will reserve my posivte vote until tomorrow when i know that the itune deal is 100% legit.

    • I paid through paypal, was only charged 1c

      • how did you pay through paypal?

    • In the T&Cs for the iTunes promo there was a bullet point saying "1 cent processing fee applies per transaction, but it's fully refundable - contact our Help Centre for your 1c refund after transacting". You just have to weigh up whether it's worth making a phone call to Scoopon to have 1c refunded…

      • The phone call will cost more than 1cent!

        • +4

          call from work …

          i think you can contact them online - but my time is worth more than $0.01

    • The $1 is likely a card verification charge. There's probably a quirk in the Scoopon system that says 'if first transaction, charge $1 to verify'. You'll get it back eventually.

      • -1

        Ok cheer for the clarification.
        Additionally: Just got my Itune code 10 min ago. They seem completely legit.
        This is a great deal.

        LOL moonlight cinema. Not so great anymore.

    • +1

      i just received my itunes codes via email

    • I got my card today. Also, the 1 cent can be refunded if you contact them.

    • I got my $10 itunes gift card yesterday

    • I received my itunes card yesterday

  • I just got my iTunes gift card code in the email. Not sure about the refund of the 1 cent though…

  • I can't even find how to checkout or pay - I've registered though. Any help OP ?

    Edit: Sorry didn't saw the time on top. It's meant to open yesterday.

  • Lol.. That's one way to make a few cents :P

    • edit! :)

  • did they change the banner on the site? it says 'moonlight cinema'

    • Lol seem like they did. That would be crap then. They are part of event chain but there is only one location for moonlight cinema in each state(none in ACT,NT and Tassie). The film selection is limited and session time is also limited. Nowhere near as good as a normal event cinema ticket.

    • Yeah I noticed that as well, so it's not event cinemas anymore?

    • In the T&Cs for the iTunes promo there was a bullet point saying "1 cent processing fee applies per transaction, but it's fully refundable - contact our Help Centre for your 1c refund after transacting". You just have to weigh up whether it's worth making a phone call to Scoopon to have 1c refunded…

      Might help to read.

  • +1

    Any idea of total quantity available to everyone & limit per account?

  • how do i do this?

    need more detail in description,
    where is the link where i sign up/get the cinema ticket

  • +3

    Strange that it'd different for each state
    BC&C, Greater Union and Event in Sydney
    Greater Union in Perth
    Moonlight in Melbourne
    BC&C and Event in Brisbane

  • by visa
    Is it only working for VISA card? or MASTER also works?

    • +1

      You can use paypal so you can probably also use AMEX :)

      • That's beautiful!
        How can I get ticket after 4:00pm tomorrow?on site or online?
        And is there expire date for this ticket?

    • +1

      Well this is what it says on the sign up page

      "Flexible: Use Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover – we leave it up to you."

      I haven't made an account yet but i figure you can use any card on

      • +3

        Yeah, I used my mastercard on Really hope grows, paypal is way to overpowered.

        • Compared with alipay, paypal is trivial!
          the total transaction of alipay is more than 100b usd per year

  • Anyone else having trouble adding a card once registered? I add my card and address details but it does nothing once i click save!

    Looking at the moonlight/Event cinema booking system there doesnt appear to be a "pay by" option at this stage. Im guessing it will become active tomorrow from 4pm…?

    • I think you're meant to claim the free tickets via Scoopon first, and then use them on the cinema booking system.

  • How do you pay for something that's free?

    • It's 1c, not free. You can ask refund later on, if you want to

  • So is a kind of PayPal to link the VISA card with

    • is Visa's version of PayPal. You can use a MasterCard with from what I've read hahah

      • Yes, You are true. I had given my Master Card details and it accepted.

        • Hope they become large enough to overtake Paypal & also become an alternate eBay payment method. The fees ppl, the PP fees! Outrageous!

        • +1

          If they overtake paypal, they will just become paypal, the very thing you want them to save you from.

        • I was hoping would become a fee-free ver. of Paypal. We can always dream…

        • Maybe they will… until they eliminate their competition.

  • So i have signed up to…What do i do now?
    Im so confused…

    • +1

      Just wait till the deal goes live. See as paypal, how you would usually use paypal to pay, you would use instead (email+password).

  • So is it just one ticket or what ?

  • +3

    Scoopon website says 4:30 pm AEDT.

    • I noticed that too. Looks like they've fixed it now. Says 4 pm again.

    • Actually, looks like it depends on what you have set as your location. 4:00 for Sydney, and 4:30 for Melbourne.

  • Perth has an Event Cinemas too though.

  • -1

    If I pay by PayPal and pay with different credits card will it work? Cause previously il tried same PayPal account with differnt scoopon accounts and differnt emails and did not work. When paying with PayPal and entering credit card details does scoopon still see your credit card details?

  • I'm trying to get the Westfield gift card… it's at the processing stage and it's been about 3 minutes… does it usually take so long?

    • no, took me 30 secs

  • -1

    Has the deal gone live yet? Has anyone bought it already?

    • Ok I get it.its tomorrow.

    • +1

      The movie ticket is tomorrow.

  • Is this reliable?? Never heard of before..

  • -6

    wonder what the expiry is like. also what kind of limit there would be per person.

    Free movie tickets, thats $19 value

    if i can get 10 of these tomorrow somehow, pretty good.

    • If its anything like the Westfield one today it'll be a limit of 5000 avail. & 1 per address.

    • +1

      They will only be 1 per account. You can make multiple account but getting 10 would be very greedy and unethical. Moonlight movie in melbourne finish on the 30 march 2014 so i assume the other voucher for other state would also expire by then.

      But please for the love of bargain, just get one and be happy with it. Let other people get their too.

      • -2

        hi 1 per person is ok? i told my relatives about it. thanks for ure point re sharing/ i agree

      • A friend tried 4 accounts on the last (iTunes one), they took the money then sent her an email saying they had detected some issues. (multiple scoopons with same name/ip/etc)

  • I thought the direct link would probably be one of the two following: <— My Guess

    but the title says "Choose from a Maltesers Moonlight Cinema eVoucher OR a Village Cinemas eSaver eVoucher!"".
    Maybe it's Melbourne's deal. I think we need to post the actual deals when it happens.

  • *1 cent processing fee applies per transaction, but it's fully refundable - contact our Help Centre for your 1c refund after transacting

    So who is going to do this?

    • Did it

  • nvm ….

  • does it start at 4 or 4.30 pm ?

    • +1

      4pm :)

      • thanks :)

  • not available

  • Deals Active Gogogogo

  • Got it. One ticket worth $19. Took seconds to process.

    • Did you actually get the ticket or is it just "Pending" in your account ?

      • +1

        Email from Scoopon says "Great news – your payment has been processed and your order is confirmed." Status in Scoopon is "Available in 4 Days". As opposed to a friend who did it later and can't see anything in their Scoopon account and haven't received any emails.

    • Thank you muchly!!!

    • Neat work sir :)

  • Ordered mine!

  • +1

    Just ordered mine too! :)

  • Ordered but taking ages to Finalise.

  • Got one - thanks, OP!

  • Just circling saying processing for ages!

  • got it

  • 1000+ sold in the first 5 minutes

    • Nice!

  • Got one!

  • +2

    Hmm got this message in orange writing "Order Status: Your order has now been sent for processing. Please check your email." "On successful completion, an email will be sent to you confirming your order details and your order number. Most Scoopons are available for immediate use but some will have a starting date, so be sure to check the fine print."

    Looked in the "My Scoopons" section and nothing there…? Anyone see it in their My Scoopon section?

    • Still says pending on mine

    • same with westfield gc. takes a while to receive the email.

    • refresh and it should come up after a few minutes

    • +1

      Oh.. now I checked and it says "available in 4 days".. WOOHOO I got one!!

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