Optus is offering 2 for 1 Movie tickets, valid any time except after 5PM Saturdays. For Hoyts, these can be redeemed individually and have no booking fee when redeemed online.
Vouchers can be purchased until 28 February 2014 and are valid for 3 months.
For Hoyts tickets, the location you set does not have to be the same cinema as where you redeem your tickets. For example, you can buy tickets for Sunnybank QLD ($15.50) and redeem at Chadstone Vic ($19).
If any location is selling for cheaper than $15.50 then let us know in the comments :)
Combine with this deal and this brings the price down to $5.81 per ticket.
From T&C's;
So it's not $5 a ticket, as you can't use the $10 voucher.. You have to buy a full price ticket from the cinema, and you get one free. Makes it's roughly $8 a ticket from memory.