This was posted 12 years 2 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Hoyts Movie Tickets - $10 for 1 Adult and 1 Child (if You Are with Optus)


Normally Optus does $10 per ticket, but until 11th January you get a free child's ticket as well.

Details at: (requires login prior)

There is a specified limit of 10 tickets(likely 20 including the kids' tickets) per 24 hours.

Purchasing using the email delivery option and you'll receive the code (to use at the Hoyts website) within 10 minutes or so.

Related Stores

'yes' Tickets
'yes' Tickets

closed Comments

  • If I buy an email voucher, is it sent straight away?

    • +2

      Within 10 minutes or so, yes.

      • Awesome.

  • Just a tip for any bargain hunters, all you need is an optus number and a friend who is willing to let you sign up, once you sign up you can use your login hundreds of times.

    • Will a $2 prepaid SIM do?

      • +2

        I assume so. You also don't need to be with Optus directly - I signed up and I'm with Woolworths Mobile - so it would seem as long as your number is on the Optus network you'll be able to sign up.

        • I'm with Live Connected, who are also on the Optus network, and my number wasn't accepted, so maybe it's only certain 3rd party providers that are accepted.

        • doesn't work with tpg

        • I think if your Mobile shows Optus as Provider, then this is eligible. TPG and Live Connected show their own Branded Network on the Mobile

        • +1

          I think if your Mobile shows Optus as Provider, then this is eligible. TPG and Live Connected show their own Branded Network on the Mobile

          Nope, Live Connected shows YES OPTUS as the network.

        • Likewise. Didn't work.

        • Virgin Mobile shows Yes Optus and is not eligible.

        • Doesn't work for my TPG number (which was ported from Three)

        • Is that a yes or no?

        • I have no idea - but its the closest you'll get to an official answer. Try it and see.

        • +1

          tested and yes, best 2 bucks i've spent so far for 2013, thanks

        • So it works with a $2 SIM too does it?

    • +1

      Or just make up a number starting with 0431… first one I tried worked

  • Purchased thanks :)

    Edit: Got tickets already fyi.

  • They say the tickets last 3 months. But the last time i bought tickets they had a 6 months expiry date.

    Why isn't the rep checkbox editable anymore?

  • TPG not eligible.

  • AMAYSIM does not work.

  • Just got mine 10 minutes after purchase. Last until 31st of march come as separate vouchers and the child ticket says it can also be used as a seniors ticket. Might send the oldies to watch something with the kids while we go see jack reacher or something grown up. awesome find thanks for posting.

  • -1

    Deal, they never check or care if an adult uses a child's ticket so it's all good, great bargain op.

  • +1

    My Woolworths Mobile number (unused for 7 months) worked. Thanks for the tip!

  • +1

    iiNet mobile that uses the Optus network does not work :(

  • good deal, many thanks. Just purchased a few

  • Probably works for Optus only, and not Optus resellers.

    • it works on woolworths mobile

  • Purchased a few , just got 1 Adult Voucher PDF, does it come as 2 PDF vouchers in seperate emails ?

    • Yes mine did. Adult should be separate to child.

    • You probably order the wong tickets. I did, I was only sent 1 adult ticket and it says nothing about a child ticket.

  • bahhhh, i just bought two tickets last night too.
    i could have gotten 2 extra children tickets

    • The deal only appeared quite late yesterday. It certainly wasn't there around 3pm yesterday when I also bought 2 tickets.

  • -1

    great find. hoyts at chadstone does not check whether the ticket for children or adult

  • -1

    Use any optus number. The mobile number you use won't find out you have ordered movie tickets under that number.

    • Care to share any? :)

      • +1

        I just made one up. My old phone number was an Optus number so I just used a similar number and it worked.

  • -2
  • Just posted a new deal for see 3 get 1 free at hoyts, it looks like these tickets should be eligible

  • Purchased 10 and received them in separate email in 2 mins after I paid. Great deal. Thanks for posting :)

    • What was the expiry on them?

      • Mine's 31 March 2013

  • Can the hoyts vouchers be used to book online or do you have to use them at the cinemas?

    • +1

      On the tickets, it was printed 'Redeemable Online', so I'm assuming they can be used to book online?

      Btw thanks OP, bought 4 to be used during the school hol :)

    • Yes you can. And as an extra bonus, there's no $1 booking fee when using these vouchers to book your seat online.

  • Just signed up as an Optus Rewards Member and I'm on Woolworths Mobile. I guess as long as you're on the Optus network, it should work.

  • Great deal. Thanks

  • the reason wws one work while others fail is probably because wws use optus's database directly, it doesnt have its own operation unlike other resellers. if you remember when you first port to wws it is optus username that get send to you :P

  • what happens if you want to pay with hoyts gift vouchers?

    • You need to add your voucher when selecting the number of seats

  • +2

    I made up 0431321654 and it worked

    • Other people should be able to use that number too and it should work, as long as the email address is different

      • tried that number and other variations and it did not work!

    • Haha gold!!!!

    • Quit stealing my phone number!!


  • Thanks. Handy for the holidays. My Live Connected number works.

  • +1

    Go to Gumtree and search for optus mobile in the search box. Click on adds which are not for phones, but rather flatsharing etc. A few people indicate in their ads that their mobile number is Optus.

    • Hahaha that is good :)

  • I was with Woolworths mobile a few months back… joined the Optus movie deal back then when they were with Event Cinemas.
    I am now with Telstra, and my login still works.

  • Thanks grabbed a couple

  • -3

    Hey I just redeemed 4 tickets for a 3d movie and it didnt charge me extra…is that normal or are these special tickets? FAQ says a surcharge would be applied when redeemed..

    • -1

      Posts like this are what spoil it for everyone else, you got a little extra bargain with your ticket be happy and keep it yourself

  • Can anyone please advise me how much the surcharge is to book online?
    (assuming that we cannot just take the printed email to the cinema to watch the movie.)

  • great offer for the holiday, are there any G rated movies?

    • +1

      Wreck It Ralph

      Edit: Never mind that's PG.

      • +2

        but it awesome! I took my 5 year old to it and it's fine.

      • Wreck It Ralph is great :)

    • I rate the hobbit G. G for Great!

  • Is this still working?
    The terms and conditions for it seem to be gone, and I didn't get a second email after purchasing the adult tickets.

    • I am still able to get to the final payment stage so it looks as if it is still available.

      • Sorry, I meant the child's ticket in addition to the adult's ticket.

      • Darn, turns out I had chosen the wrong ticket :(
        No free child's ticket for me

    • bought 10 dollar voucher with free kids tickets but havent received the kids ones after waiting for hours. sent an email to the yes ticket customer service. hope they send me the kids ones

      • that's strange, mine came through straight after the adult ones … good luck

      • Choose the wrong tickets?

  • FYI.

    My Adult tix do not last 3 months. Expiry 31/Mar/2013.
    The Kids tix do last more than 3 months though. Expiry 30/Apr/2013.

    As a side benefit. The kids tix can also be used by seniors (Age 60+) so that's got to be a bonus.

    • The bonus (< 18; age >60) is actually what led me to register…Ta. Did come out with a processing error though;

      [email protected] has sent to me two emails each 5 minutes apart THAT ARE DUPLICATE of "Your Bonus Kids Tix Movie vouchers are attached".

      These (2) "tix" themselves are also duplicate as in identical layout and repeated bar-codes, so take due care in reviewing your purchase '.pdfs'!

      The duplicate appear instead of the "separate email" which SHOULD (correctly) HAVE contained the "$10 Optus Movie Voucher" x 1 Adult.

      How to correct this? admin@ processor should return to review two individual unique bar codes per each Optus($10) qualifying purchase.

      • [email protected]

        • 17/01 they have corrected by replying me w/ 1*Adult 1*Child/Senior vouchers.
  • -3

    went to watch the Hobbit for two of us. what would normally cost 52 bux cost $10 bux. I still a little ripped off

  • I went through my phone and tried my list of friend's mobile numbers on my contact list and it worked

  • well.. last day for the offer, time to stock up!

  • The promotion isnt advertised on their website anymore, anyone bought some today to confirm the offer is still on today (last day)?

    Edit: Nvm, promo finished at 5pm .. doh

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