[SUBS, Prime] Street Fighter Alpha (1999) Movie Streaming @ Prime Video


Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is confronted by Shun, a boy claiming to be the brother he never knew. But before Ryu can consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, Shun is kidnapped by Shadowlaw. To recover Shun, Ryu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him.

Hadouken 🥋👊🏽

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  • +1

    Going somewhere Mr Sellers????

  • +7

    Does anybody remember SF1 arcade machines with punch and kick pads? I do - I am old…

    • +2

      Yeh, the two pads were huge and supposedly the harder you thump them, the harder the punch/kick was in the game.

      Think I only ever saw it in the George St arcade across from Village.

      • Yep - until the coward teenagers couldn't apply enough force to punch me - I was a GOD amongst kids :p

    • +2

      Only ever knew this two button thing existed from the anime. Hi Score Girl

  • +3

    Up vote just because it's Street Fighter.

    • Shoryuken!

    • Is this the Vega / Chun Li "it was worst day of your life but for me it was tueaday" or the Balrog / Chun Li in the apartment / shower fight?

      • +1

        No and no

        • +1

          Then what does Chun Li do in this one that make it worth watching?

          • @niggardly: Nothing, it's pales in comparison to the SFii animated movie and even the live action film

  • -1


  • +4

    Now just need Street Fighter II The Animated Movie.

    "Hey Brush Head!"

    • +1

      and the series that followed.

  • Ha doooooooooou ken

    Anyone up for a street fighter sesh on the Dreamcast 🤔

  • +2

    A 1999 movie is available to stream? Well, blow me down with an Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.

  • +1

    is this the one you see Chun Li naked?

    • I think that was Street Fighter the Movie

    • +3

      That was Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie

    • +2

      That's such an strong scene. The soundtrack, the fight, Guile's panic, the sense of genuine danger for poor Chun Li, and finally relief when she gives Vega what for. That's stayed with me. Very well done.

  • +2

    I didn't like this movie, feels nonsensical. I liked the other animated Street Fighter movie.

    • +1

      Pull your head in before I give you tatsu

  • +2

    Can I stream this on Amazon?


    • Nice.

      • Deserves more ups

  • This sounds sick! The game of streetfighter is very very very loosely based on this very good old movie called Hard Times with Charles Bronson and James Coburn. It's about a bare knuckle fighter who fights in illegal matches around new Orleans.

  • +1


  • What's the deal?

  • great OST too

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