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Free ESV Study Bible Online App


Free ESV Study Bible Online App - Bible usually costs $30+ and App usually costs $20+. Great resource!

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closed Comments

        • Beliefs are not equivalent they are all different and variable.

          Non-belief is 'equivalence' meaning I can write Atheist = Silence = Fake = Nothing = 0. Zero is always equally the same thing, which is nothing!

        • Having a degree of belief (religious) or a degree of noise (sound) or a degree of brightness (light) or a degree of warmth (heat) are all relative and variable.

          Silence, Cold, Dark, Non-belief these never change and all are 'equivalent'. They all equal absolute zero.

        • If only you knew Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all cut from the same cloth.

  • -2

    I'm going to have to give this a negative vote.

    The source text for this "study" is treated as fact when it overtly appears to be a work of fiction. The text completely lacks evidential references. Even the first page makes a multitude of absurd claims such as a supposedly historical account of the Earth being created before the Sun.

    • +1

      Salient points.

      Please let the record show I inadvertently neg'ed this comment whilst reaching for the +.

      I don't want to be mistaken for a nutty evangelical.

      • +4

        Please, please let the record show I inadvertently neg'ed this comment whilst reaching for the +.

        under his comment theres a "votes" link, that will let you remove your vote (but does not let you vote again on taht comment)

    • +7

      That's not a valid reason for a neg.

    • +4

      I'm going to have to give you a negative vote (I didn't for the record because I already used up my allocated 5 on those who feel mocking someones religion is completely okay).

      Theres always someone that decides they are 'better' than everyone else, and proceeds to neg the deal with a reason that is completely invalid. Might as well be you right?

      Notice the people that did not agree, simply stated so without negging because they actually understood what constitutes a neg on ozbargain. But than again, some people think they know everything and need more attention than others.

      • +5

        "Theres always someone that decides they are 'better' than everyone else…"

        I don't understand how you could garner that from my comment but I assure you it is not the case.

        You should be able to neg my comment tomorrow. In the meantime I sincerely hope you have a pleasant evening and wish you all the best.

        • I'm not trying to be personal here, bearing in mind I am exaggerating to get my point across, but thats the only reason I could think of. A person that doesn't think they are better would not imply anothers belief to be fiction, on a website designed for finding deals and going as far as to neg the deal on the basis that it is not true. As I also said, others may share similar views to you but did not press the neg button.

          I wish the same you to you.

    • +2

      You're way more fun when you're off having adventures with your nephews :/

    • +3

      I'm going to disagree with you, but not based on theological grounds. You can purchase critical analysis on fiction, as well as non fiction.
      I haven't read the analysis, neither have you by the sounds of it, so negging because it falls outside my belief would be childish, as would possing it because it didnt.

    • +7

      Completely agree. If I came on here and posted a bargain promising eternal life in a magical place where everything is wonderful if only you believe that Fred Jones is the son of God and you must follow his fourteen rules for living a good life in order to receive this reward and that here you can buy some study notes to help you achieve this then the post would be removed.

      In fact, I am quite sure I could find some actual religion that many people actually believe in that would be considered spam here. Why does popularity make a work of fiction and promising ludicrous results acceptable? Will we accept any snake-oil sales pitches, or just the ones from the Christian religion? How about Islamic study courses? Or Hindu? Or Scientology? Or Odin worship? What about those that advocate avoidance of medical treatment in their 'study courses'? Or that support violence and hatred against gays, or women or blacks, or any other group?

      What rules are used to decide what is acceptable?

        1. Would "some actual religion that many people actually believe in" account for the 78% of the population in the US of A that claim Christianity as their belief?

        2. Can you prove that its fiction? Or is that just you're opinion?

        3. I'm sure Islamic, Hindu, and Scientology study courses would be allowed. Why wouldn't they be? Of course, these courses ending up on the front page is up the community of ozbargain, just like this one. You may not notice these because, one, there are no study guides from a reputable source within the religion becoming free, or two, that not enough people vote positive.

        BAM, try again.

        • Can you prove that its fiction? Or is that just you're opinion?

          yes i can, actually :)

          but you will just use a BS excuse to ignore facts….

        • Well that wasn't directed at you, but go ahead and give it your best shot :)

        • -1

          go ahead and give it your best shot :)

          ill have to dumb it down as much as i can…. caus things like dinosaurs and science seem to baffle you lot…

          so lets just go with this shall we…. the proof you are full of it is that, when someone dies.. and goes to your mythical "paradise in the clouds" your fables speaks of….. rather than being over joyed that they left this awful "test" to go on to there "real" lives….. you are all sad…..

        • wat

        • -2

          ahh sorry… i used to many big words again didnt i? i need to learn how to dumb it down that extra level……. its really hard for me to get down to that level….

        • +1

          I have a better idea. Actually follow through and 'prove that it is fiction' like you promised rather than trying to be funny

        • nosdan just stop. We all have our own belief systems interpreted by our own genetic make-up thats moulded by the environment we've grown up in, and in turn, any prior space-time event all the way to the big bang. Your life is meaningless and you have no way of understanding if someone else is actually seeing the universe how you're seeing it- you literally have nothing but your own mind.

        • +4
          1. Reality is not a popularity contest. The universe doesn't care about how many people try to 'pray away' disease, disaster and destruction. A popular myth, even the dominant one in a society, is still a myth.

          2. Can you prove it is not? Science can point out many impossible and primitive beliefs in Christianity, just like all other religions. Seen any talking burning bushes lately, or 1,000 year old people, or anyone fitting millions of species into a tiny boat?

          3. Where would you draw the line then? What if I was selling 'miracle cancer cures' for 95% off recommended retail at only $99? Would that be OK with you? What if I got 100 people to vote it 'positive' - would that make it acceptable then? Or would the fact that I was selling a product that was based on lie be enough to garner a 'spam' rating?

          I am NOT trying to persuade you to abandon any religious belief - I just don't think it belongs here.

        • In science we never try to prove fiction. We prove things that are real and actually exist like light and heat. Non-existent or fictitious things like darkness and cold can't be proven.

        • +2
          1. speaks for itself.
          1. Correct, I agree 100%, truth never changes. And the fact remains that either you or I can be right, we can't be both right, and we both believe our truth to be the truth. Labeling my truth as a 'popular myth' than calling it a myth is kind of circular reasoning don't you agree? A strawman fallacy. Nothing in your reply came close to being relevant (to the question of what 'popularity' of a religion should be considered spam, to which I gave the statistic of 78%)or being of authority.

          2. Perhaps there are greater things than you are aware of, this does not mean it does not exist. There are many recounts of miracles occurring in the bible, many of which are scientifically impossible. But it also says in the same text, that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". A central point of Christianity is faith, but not blind faith. Contrary to popular belief, the story of Noah is entirely possible - I suggest you use google rather than the generalization of a 5 year old: "fitting millions of species into a tiny boat". If you had any notion of understanding of natures exponential decay rate, differences in hydrologic cycle, DNA mutation or any other multiple factors I could list, than the simple "haha 1,000 year old people, what a dumbass thought would not have entered your mind, nor been manifested into text.

          3. There is no line except maybe common sense? You could indeed list a 'miracle cancer cure', and the fact you are implying you need 100 'people' or fake votes; well than you probably already worked out that it isn't acceptable. I could also try and compare apples and oranges but I know when I see a losing fight. And I don't think your product would last long enough for the mods to ban it, I'm pretty sure the ozbargain community would give it a few downvotes and that would be the end of it.

          I feel it is my responsibility to refute your the statements since you replied to me and it would be unfair to leave those points standing; you are completely free to dismiss it. And, you are more than welcome to try again.

      • RE: Fred Jones book…
        I think you would be surprised. A good read (I might think its fiction but you can think it is real if you want) offered up for free. I'ld give that a +1…

  • +2

    Yes, the Bible text is free and anyone who reads commentary by Bible scholars who have studied the text for most of their adult lives is just a sheep being told what to think. Just like all those Shakespeare scholars and legal academics who wrote my university textbooks. Bunch of con artists with not a shred of valuable insight to share with the world.

    • +4

      Shakespeare was, beyond any shadow of a doubt, real.

      • +4

        You'll also be hard pressed to find a large percentage of historians who would claim that Jesus wasn't a real person

  • +11

    Kimba the White Lion beats the Bible and the Koran any day, including today.

    I was taught everything i need to know in life by Kimba the White Lion.
    Not only is he King of the Jungle, but he can run really fast too.

    You can study Kimba by ordering this Limited Edition Box Set.
    I've got it and can recommend it.

  • +1

    So … free opinions about the bible. OK. What about the Catholic opinions or Orthodox or whatever. Are these ones better. Can we rank them? Should we pay for something that has not been ranked in this regard? Christians have been killing each other for years due to divided opinions on specific texts. I would say FREE is about the right price . You know what they say about opinions, they are like religious texts.

    • +1

      orthodox killing other christians? which orthodox you referring to?

      • +1

        Ummm Catholics. Think Croatians and Serbs. Knock yourself out.

        • Because of christianity????

  • +1

    I read the blurb on the back, seems kinda boring.

  • +1

    I think the movie was heaps better than the book. IMHO

  • +2

    It is the right time for free Bible.
    Especially after Philippines disaster.

    • +3

      What does that even mean?

  • Thanks. I got mine

  • Of course this could all be simply resolved if Jesus hurried up with His Second Coming (Jesus rebooted), and built up a multi-disciplinary team from scratch to workshop a more modern Bible that could be understood by pretty much everyone, including me.

    I just can't fathom why He's stretching this thing out.
    Come on man! 2000 odd years is more than enough for anybody of Christ!
    It's not all about you!


    • He's playing hard to get. He wants us to come for him.

  • +2

    No matter what the opinions, this is a deal (thought it may not apply to you). It is a saving of 100% (free). Fictional or not, perhaps see this as an equivalent deal to "a study guide to _______ the book".

    • +2

      Well said. If it was a study guide to Mythology (also fiction) no one would be commenting.
      83 positive votes means some people find this a bargain of interest.

      • +4

        so lonepine, you negged the deal why exactly?

  • -1

    It seemed to install fine, but all i got was a virus.

    • -4

      did the virus contain premarital copulation? :D

  • +1

    It feels like a lot of OzBargainers here are subscribers of r/Atheism. It's sad because when you hop onto r/Christianity you'll see self-help posts, FAQs and inspirational posts instead of circlejerking and posting abusive contents towards those who disagree with them.

    • I find buying another set of Eneloops helps me with reducing abuse and circle jerking. But I love the self righteousness of full on Christians. Priests get away with a whole bunch of stuff because of it. Probably even get better discounts when they wear those funny collars.

      • It's like police officers, they're intended to do good but there are always those who are there to take advantage this position. Priests are also quite specific to Catholicism, all the rest of the Christianity denominations are usually pretty chilled because they're not governed by other orders (less political and stringent).

        When people do the right thing, they don't get noticed because they're suppose to. But when small groups are found to be doing the wrong thing, they tend to stick out and often becomes the new image of the majority.

  • -2

    why would you read something that is based on something doesn't exist

  • -1

    Neil Sutherland: "I stopped believing in god when I realised it was just dog spelt backwards"

  • +2

    A true ozbargainer of the Christian/Muslim/Jewish/other faith would wait until they go to their heaven to receive free instruction 24/7 directly from the deity itself. Unless that deity is busy then the second in charge and so forth.

    • Penn Jillete: "dog on".

  • +2

    Thank you for posting this. Appreciate.

  • So according to the three negs, any free up must now be negged?

    You've set a precedent.

    • Depends if it relates to your soul or not I would imagine.

  • would love to see this book get posted one day: http://www.amazon.com/Manual-Creating-Atheists-Peter-Boghoss…

  • +1

    You know, all these negative comments about this item just confirm the text therein as proof…

    "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1:18)

    • +1

      It's really hard finding something scary these days, thanks for trying.

  • Personally I don't encourage membership of cults - no matter how many members they may have (Ozbargain aside). But also I think there are some good philosophies in the bible, eg."do unto others as you would wish done unto yourself" AND "live & let live" BUT there are also some very bad ones too (& often opposing views). Nonetheless I encourage tolerance and respect.

  • As John Lennon might have said, (among visitors to this site) Ozbargain is more popular more than the bible … and look what happened to him. But with 119 pluses there will be those who might beg to disagree :)

    • +1

      Could never get past the fact that Lennon beat his wives, was an adulterer and near-deafened his kid over not cutting his steak properly.

      I don't understand all the good that was and is said of him, but that's a discussion for another time and place, I suppose…

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