Adz81 » posts

poll Suggestions Regarding Kogan Vs. Ffalcon TV's

Good Afternoon Hive Mind! Looking for a little advice regarding a new TV purchase…the other night my 50' Samsung uttered its last farewell and made it's way off of the mortal …

Replacing A Realme 6 - Recommendations? Preferably <$400

Morning Hive Mind, Looking for the trusty OZB Collective opinion on a replacement for the Realme 6. Snagged me one just over two years ago for $369 and found it to be a good bang for buck phone. …

Power Tool Recommendations (corded or cordless)

Ok, hive-mind… The shed is built, nearly ready to line it as soon as the ball tearing heat disappears, and it's time to start stocking it… Looking for recommendations on what you …

Any Black Friday Deals to Replace an Oppo AX5s

Hi folks, As per title, my Oppo is a couple of years old and starting to get a little bit buggy when it comes to recharging… Been happy enough with Oppo, but willing to check out other Android …

Customs Clearance From USA

Hey folks, Wondering if anyone's ordered from the USA recently? I'm waiting on delivery of a couple of books, and shipping info shows it's been in Sydney since the 9th of August… …

Fencing Recommendations Please.

Howdy Trendsetters, Seeking some OZB wisdom here… Looking to do a spot of fencing… I have what is approximately a 10m length along the side of my property that I'm looking to put …


Hello Fresh Type Recipe Cards

Hi all, Gave Hello Fresh a shot and whilst I really liked the idea, did not find the fruit & veg components as "fresh" as I'd like them (you shouldn't be able to bend carrots …

Recommendations for Oven with Retractable Door

Throwing it out to the OZB community, mum's oven died after a solid 37 years service and we're looking to replace it… The thing is, her oven has a retractable door (IE:- it opens and …


Has Anyone Used eVitamins before? Feedback?

Hi folks, Has anyone here used these guys before? Prices and shipping both seem reasonable, any feedback would be appreciated.

Comparable Replacement Phone for an Oppo F1s- Any Suggestions?

Morning Folks, As the title suggests, I'm looking to update my Oppo F1S following a broken screen incident… Despite some unfavourable experiences with others, I've found the Oppo F1s …

Advice on a Virtual Pinball Build

Morning All, I'm kicking about with the idea of building a virtual pinball cabinet and recently came across a pre-built one running the following M/B and …

Looking for Cork Floor Tiles

Hi All, Looking for some well priced cork tiles for using in my house… at this stage, looking at about 20m2 (enough to do the kitchen/dining and possibly hallway). Bunnings look like the …

*Solved* - Buying a House Identified as NOT Containing Asbestos: D Thanks for The Comments Everyone

Morning Ozbargainers… Looking for a few opinions of the community… I'm currently looking at a place to purchase and pre-purchase inspection has identified probable asbestos sheeting …

poll Sub-$350 Laptop for Business Purposes

Looking for the OZB Community's expertise here… I'm in the process of launching a new business, nothing huge, only a day or two a fortnight. Income won't be much more than …

Fake websites... Interesting Reading... If memory serves these guys got a mention here (a Weber Deal was posted)

I'm sure I can remember a "too good to be true" Weber deal from these guys posted here a while back…

Will the Lenovo Miix 320 run Sketchup?

Morning All, Really quick question, as per the subject line— Considering a Miix 320, and was just wondering if I could expect to be able to run (and use) Sketch up for simple …

Prefabricated Homes From China

Evening all… Wondering what the community's thoughts are on prefabricated houses from China? In particular, this …

Yotaphone 2 - US $129.19 (~AU $175) Delivered @ Coolicool

expired Yotaphone 2 - US $129.19 (~AU $175) Delivered @ Coolicool

Nifty (if gimmicky) little phone, down from it's ludicrous original price, and $10 cheaper than last time it was posted. Specs directly from the web page: 5.0 Inch AMOLED Corning Gorilla …

IWTF: Adelaide/London Return $917.55- Travelling May/June 2017- Via China Southern

expired IWTF: Adelaide/London Return $917.55- Travelling May/June 2017- Via China Southern

Did a quick lookup for flights to the UK next year, found China Southern for $917.55- I checked the dates, 21st May through 6th June, but other dates were available for those that want to …

FREE WinX DVD Ripper Platinum- Save $30ish

expired FREE WinX DVD Ripper Platinum- Save $30ish

Thanks @Savas for pointing me on to WinX DVD ripper… Went to the website to download it and found that they're currently running a giveaway for the registered version. Fully featured and …

Suggestions for DVD Ripping/Backup Software

Hi All, I have a bunch of DVD's that I'd like to rip/backup, so that I can play the DVD's from a HDD rather than using this disc. Thus allowing me to store the original DVD's in …


Public Service Announcement For Anyone Considering Spintel For Their NBN Needs... Don't.

Hiya All, Been with Spintel for almost 2 weeks now… for more than a week of that, I've been playing email and phone tag with their ahem customer service department… I will update if …

poll I need (really, really want) to play Fallout 4... Do I go down the XBOX One, PS4 Or PC path?

Looking for a little help from the friendly folk at OZB… With the release of Fallout 4 fast approaching, I have decided to upgrade so I can play this (hopefully) wonderful title… …

ThinkGeek: 50% off 50 Products

expired ThinkGeek: 50% off 50 Products

You guys know the store, ThinkGeek has some neat stuff, a few of them are on sale so thought I'd post it here- nothing here for me, but maybe someone out there wants some Zombie …

poll Can I Get Some Thoughts on The THL T6 Please?

Good Morning OzBargainers, Just wondering if the community would be good enough to offer some feedback on the below… THL T6 for …

OnePlus One - What Am I Missing?

Hi Folks… Been looking at the OnePlusOne for a while and noticed this link: No invitation required and a reasonable price (albeit $US)… What …

$350 For A HTC One M8

Good Afternoon All, Just looking for a consensus from the group here… my new boss has offered to sell me his near new HTC1 M8 for $350… I'll be taking a look at it tomorrow and plan …

poll Wix Websites-- Would You Take A Business Seriously?

Hey everyone… Looking for a little advice. My parents are looking to update their website, as it badly needs it… It doesn't need to be complex, just neat, a slide show, a couple of …

poll Laptop Reccommendations Please...

Good morning folks :) Looking for a little advice regarding upgrading a new laptop… mine's a few years old and is starting to struggle with even the most basic things… Thinking …

Are ChinaPhones worth it? Or am I just unlucky?

Hi All, I got myself an Lenovo phone from this post: And was fairly happpy with the phone once I recieved it, however last, the screen just died (not …


poll Experiences with Exetel?

Hi Everyone, My friend asked me to do some ground work for her regarding a home broadband connection, after searching for a bit I came to the conclusion that this was the way to go:


poll Hopefully final questions... Pandawill and FAEA F2

Hi guys,


2 Questions... What is DX like for shipping times? and Does anyone here have a Q9000 MTK6589?

Whilst looking for my replacement phone (earlier post today), I have just stumbled on this...

THL W8 as an alternative to Galaxy S2?

Morning All,

Has anyone dealt with before?

Afternoon all,