Hi all, First coffee machine - the typical breville barista express that you can go - it's worked fine for our needs for the last few years since covid. We aren't full coffee snobs, but do …
Just wanted to confirm is it still invalid and can't be used - the monthly 10% off your Woolworths groceries : for mobile recharge vouchers? And gift cards obviously? Just curious as the …
Just wanted to see if I messed up or did something wrong but recently my Japan hotel which booking.com has as circa 697 AUD charged at 738. The only thing I could think of was I used PayPal. All …
Hi brains trust. Just a bit confused on what to buy for a new power bank given all the latest charging speed techs. Last power banks I had were 6-8+ years so mAh was more a concern and we didn't …
Hi there. Just wondering if any families have visited new Zealand and gone through customs where they've inspected and given green or red lights on bringing baby products in? We had a baby …
Hi all. I'm currently quoting and organising to try and get an alarm system and CCTV setup. Likely going a Dahua NVR with TIOC cameras or normal 6mp WIzsense. As part of the CCTV setup, one …
Hi all. Looking at standard alarm system for my house and a cctv setup. Cctv setup is likely going to be dahua tioc 2.0 with maybe normal cameras (probably upgrade to 8mp tioc assuming it gives …
Just more a whinge/musing - but after digging out a 2018-19 catch gift card i've been stashing with my remaining $20 balance, i've realised it's now 'expired' and my $20 has …
Hi all. Finally gone to redeem my Westpac points from the altitude black deal nearly a year ago. Racked up 215k points and thought I'd do 4 X 50,000 point rebates and a 15k point …
Just wondering if anyone can comment on using shopback app to get eBay related cashback when you have the mobile phone app? Others like Amazon open up in the shopback app so tracked purchases are …
Hi all. Recently discovered the ceiling leaking water down a cornice edge. Appears air cond related as halts once we turn it off It's a ducted Reverse Cycle Panasonic unit hung in roof. As …
SaberX on 28/09/2021 - 15:26 on Nano Digital Home Loans
Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has done the research or better still gone through the refinancing process with the new digital bank on the block: Nano? I saw a blitz of the advertising in recent …
Hi all, Just wondering what the generally accepted top brands are for home DIY security as far as cameras go? So far the main options in mainstream stores seem to be Eufy, Swann, Ring, and Arlo? …
Hi all, Looking to travel interstate to Vic for the mid August period as we've redeemed free Virgin flights for Melb. We'll be there just around a week. Looking for say 4 nights/5 days in …
Hi all, Just got a dick smith newsletter promoting an external portable monitor. Thought it would be a handy solution for WFH and where i need an extra screen (but no permanent work/study table …
Hi all, At my wits end. Had no issue with my s8+ until just after November from memory. Started getting excessive battery drain coinciding with the reception/internet dropping in and out repeatedly. …
Hi there, Just looking for some advice on what "tools" i would need to DIY watch work – i'm thinking adding and removing links on band and changing over batteries. The links I can …
Hi all, After a soundbar for my Dad's birthday as he's never had one. Know nothing about the field but tested a few on demo at jb hi fi over lunch. Q60r is $799 no discounts currently but …
Hi all, I'm looking for an electronic coffee grinder for my dad's birthday. They aren't huge coffee aficionados - but they do enjoy brewing the old drip coffee machines you'd …
Hi all, We're currently (pre Melb cup rate cut) being slugged 3.03% on our loan with bankwest. Disappointingly if we pay down the equivalent of our original loan to 80% LVR they'll bump us …
Hi all, Have had a typical weighing scale style manual handheld luggage scale device. It works well , abit more chunky than a digital, however am looking to purchase a digital luggage scale weighing …
Hi all. Have had nextflix for awhile since i signed up via google awhile back. I was on monthly recurring and paid via grocery discounted gift cards on play store credit. Suddenly ive gotten this …
Hi all. Travelling Scandinavia next feb and encountered an issue. Whilst we're doing business on points redemption for qantas for most of the major flights we have a couple of internal …
Hi all, WIth the Jan 2020 end of support for windows 7 coming I figured I had better clear my old laptop,and reboot to factory settings windows 7. I have previously had a second spare that I did a …
Hi all, Doing a big Scandinavia trip next year (Feb-March). Just explorning various of the usual places such as Finland, Sweden, Lapland, Iceland, Norway, Denmark etc. and a stop via Switzerland on …
hi all, Gong to Singapore likely this month and being a short trip it was a perfect time to bring a large hardcase suitcase and stock up on some Badminton racquets, a shoe, and perhaps strings and …
TL;DR All, looking for some advice on internet security and what they may be trying to do (potential breach of accounts). I have had some issues with spotify having to "relogin" between …
Hi all, Got the prior model HP spectre x360 13", late 2017 one (before they cut off the corners).. not that it matters, but a bit of context. :) Just wondering what the goto free to use …
Hi all Just ordering a new laptop through jb hi fi. Just wondering : A) if there's any better deal than 5% off jb hi fi gift cards at entertainment book. Credit card fee is 1.25% so …
Hi all, Last bought a laptop in 2011. Finally looking for a new one to replace it. Have 2k for bday gift to spend, any difference over i can top up personally. I dont need anything for multimedia …
With the recent bonus points for converting my amex platinum edge cred card ending 15 march i was wondering if anyonr had any sage advice. I'd like to tranafer before the mid april amex deval …
Hi all. Been stockpiling qantas points for the honeymoon next yr circa mid feb to march (looking at 5 weeks) and originally targetting Europe. I've never been but other half has. Supposedly …
I've seen many a posts on people scammed through posting items sold online i.e. gumtree etc. And differing opinions. As far as im concerned the only two methods i believe are direct bank …
Hi all Just need some help. Local here so buying a sim on plan or monthly is a no brainer. Heap of family have arrived and i need to get them sims as they want to stay connected. Just wondering …
So I've read various cases re: usual scams and screenshots so I've always used and waited for funds to drop into your bank account via direct deposit. Until now there's no way to …
Hi guys. Wanted to know how best to easily wipe a laptop hdd ready for sale. Want to reset it via recovery partition to have a fresh install of windows 7 starter or at least strip bare the …
Hi all, Bought my first Florsheim shoes the other month. Bought 2 laced and a slip on. Laces seem fine, apart from having to go down a full size or so than my typical shoe size (snug fit for …
Hi guys, have a second hand brother mfc-j5910dw that I grabbed years back. It came with empty'ish ink tanks but upon cleaning and alignment tests on the machine I got perfectly fine black and …
Hi guys. Hoping to get some input from some management accountants out there in regards to remuneration and what an average or decent salary is. If anyone is shy happy to take a PM but always great …
Hi all, Have an old Asus N53SV-SX581V laptop - conveniently purchased via an ozbargain post here back circa 2011. I was trying to work out how best to eek out some additional performance as …
Hi all. Have not much of an electrical wiring education and was just wondering if some could provide some input on best practice round the home when it comes to using electrical wiring i.e. power …
Hi all, Wondering if anyone had any good free psychometric testing websites I could use to practice? Any recommendations would be much appreciated. I have a psychometric later this week for a job - …
Hi all. Just wondering what branda and online websites people would recommend picking up affordable backpacks from. I usually pickup one on my asia travels from one of those big market store style …
All. Just curious to hear thoughts before i take action. So I have an old Asus laptop from 2011 to 2012 days(funnily enough bought post an ozbargain deal). I managed to subsequently buy a second …
Hi guys. So i missed the aus computer traders ozb sales on their refurbished desktops recently. Was therefore thinking as a more permanent computing solution to my laptop that if i cant get an …
Ok, so pretty cheesed off at the moment. I've been with Kleenheat gas since we built our house for more than a year. No issues direct debiting each month's bill on time, without fail with …
Hi all, NEver used skype except to login for my old messenger list… just thought recently about best ways to maintain the ability to make calls when overseas where credit or ability to make …
Hi all. I have been reading points hacks etc. But am not able to keep up with the world of point hacking. I prrv had an amex platinum edge and only recently signed up for the anz ff black to get the …
Hi all i signed up for the 20000 bonus points with amex by getting their ezicover life insurance per ozb post: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/314174 Seems like everyones gotten their free points …
Hi all Any idea on what's best bang for buck for using amex points? Have stockpiled 35k points and i know usually you get $7 per 1000 points. Currently some bonus select and pay transactions …