Hi all,
First coffee machine - the typical breville barista express that you can go - it's worked fine for our needs for the last few years since covid. We aren't full coffee snobs, but do enjoy making a proper cafe style quality coffee than an instant etc. hence made the shift.
Recently the grinder has been non-responsive. It will work sometimes, then you can make a coffee , come back to grind again and it won't start. I figure either the electricals or a sensor is going. Usually removing the burrs and on-off it works, (so it isn't a bean blockage in the burrs/hopper) but the time between it coming back alive is getting longer and now I haven't had a coffee the last few days as i just give up after a few minutes of trying.
So i'm wondering - what would one recommend in terms of a first foray into an independent coffee grinder? I saw Breville does a smart grinder, and I like the idea of set a number and let the machine do its thing. I'm into enjoying my coffee but I am not a full blown enthusiast so i am not looking for $1,000 grinders, nor am I looking for a kmart cheapie.
What would one recommend for a home enthusiast who isn't a full blown coffe head? alternative brewing's australian website has a heap of grinders, but i notice besides the breville smart grinder alot start $400-1000 and look very, very professional. Should I bite the bullet? or is a cheaper more affordable electric grinder or even a manual one just as good?
And should I just keep using it with my breville which still works? Beucause of the inbuilt grinder it takes up a lot of valuable bench space. And i do get annoyed that the milk frother despite cleaning it each use seems to sometimes block and not have pressure (then magically comes back to life a few days later when frothing). If i was to replace it with a stand alone espresso machine what would one recommend for under $1,000 , or at the sub $500-700 price point? Are the espresso machines at $150-300 just as good if the grinder is good?
Is there also any benefit in upgrading portafilters as i use the in built breville one and i hear all this talk about bottomless filters and other more enthusiast terms. Im not looking for diminishing returns up the high end price point, just a pretty nice coffee with whatever speciality beans we come across in the shops/cafes.
Any advice on what sort of things we should look for in a grinder when ordering online for a first timer? I know the obvious: go metal conical burrs, but that's about it.
We got a De'Longhi Magnifica during one of the ebay sales for $349.
Is a good small size, has a built in grinder, milk frother is excellent and never blocks and makes really, really good coffee…