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[SOLVED] Hardware Passkeys for Consumers

Hi OzB, MyGov has recently rolled out passkey authentication and a few other commercial services are moving to the same. Besides using the biometrics on a phone or laptop, are there consumer grade …

Cataloguing Books for Home Library

Hi all I have amassed a couple hundred books over the years and was hoping to get ideas on how to catalogue them quickly. Ideally an app that can scan the barcode (if there is one) or allow a manual …

Advice - Special Conditions on Contract of Sale of Car

Hi all, Seeking your collective wisdom… I've decided on a car and dealer and have received the contract of sale. All looks good bar the special conditions. As we provide information …

[SOLVED] Reliable Laptop for Elderly Neighbour - Budget $1,000

Hi all My neighbour's Windows 7 Toshiba laptop is in a bad state and needs replacing urgently. Its used for video conferencing, email, word processing and as a photo repository. Budget is …

[Answered] Alternative Single Outlet Surge Protector

Hi all Might be a silly question, but I see the need for such an item around the home. Normally single outlet surge protectors for white goods have a top side component (the surge protector sticks …

Storing Lithium Polymer Batteries at Home and in The Car

Hi all Hoping to get your views on safe storage of lithium batteries at home and in the car. At home, I have the usual assortment of power tool batteries (ozito mostly) and some powerbanks plus …

Seeking Recommendations for a Quiet Electric Kettle

Hi all I am looking for a quiet eletric kettle. My old Russell Hobbs model started leaking and I got a Kmart one in the interim. The latter is way too loud. From your own experiences, which model …

Opinion: Career and/or Life Coaching

Hi all Am currently reviewing where I've got to in life and feel left behind compared to peers. I accept that there are uniqueness of circumstance and individual ability that contribute to …

Opinion: Subscription Based Toilet and Other Paper Services

Hi all Wondering what the experiences are of people who subscribe to one of the many the plethora of toilet paper, kitchen paper and tissue box suppliers. A) Is there value for money compared to …

poll How Security Conscious Are You with Parcel Boxes?

Hi all Just wondering what steps people take to deidentify parcel boxes before putting them in for recycling. I usually peel or cut out labels and dispose of them separately in the red / landfill …

Recommendation: Perth Residential Property Manager

Hi OzB! Hoping to get a lead on a decent property manager for a unit that I am leasing in the inner northern suburbs of Perth. I work at a mine elsewhere in the state and rent near it so have no …