DoggiesBro34 » posts

Help with Store name for Reject like shop only in Tasmania?

Hi guys just wondering if anyone can help me with the name of a store I saw on the site once but have no recollection of the name. The store reminded me of the reject store but from what I can …


expired Boston Legal: The Complete Seasons 1-5 $24.82 + Shipping at BigW online

I was just browsing on the BigW online website and I found this set and thought it was cheap. All together the set comes with 28 discs (5 seasons). Comes to $29 all together with shipping.


Does anyone know why BigW raised the free shipping price to $150?

I was looking on the BigW online website and saw that you now have to spend $150 to get free shipping instead of $50.

Using a Visa Load and Go Prepaid Credit Card on Paypal

Hi im just wondering what the pro's and con's are with using a Visa Load and Go Prepaid Credit Card on Paypal. Is it possible to use the card on a paypal account to be used for ebay.


expired $2 DVD's on Big W Website

Hi guys, Just thought i'd show you some cheap dvds on big W's website. The dvds actualy say they cost $0 but they dont because you have to pay $2 shipping. The dvds include:

Has anyone brought anything off

Hi just wondering if anyone has ever brought something off if you have was your experience good were they very able to talk to if something was wrong.

Custom Fees

If im wanting to buy something of a website in the usa do i have to pay a custom fee when it gets delivered. If there is a custom fee how much would it be? Thanks

Wii Cricket $35 at game online for today only

expired Wii Cricket $35 at game online for today only

This is wii cricket for only $35 not sure if it is that funny good of a deal but i believe it is. I have actually never played it so i cant say if it is a good game or not. If it is plz vote thumbs …

50% off Gift Cards at Woolworths

expired 50% off Gift Cards at Woolworths

Hi this is my first post :)in this post i am telling you that at woolworths they have 50% off all gift cards this is a pretty good deal (to me it is) it is also good with christmas around …