Using a Visa Load and Go Prepaid Credit Card on Paypal

Hi im just wondering what the pro's and con's are with using a Visa Load and Go Prepaid Credit Card on Paypal. Is it possible to use the card on a paypal account to be used for ebay. If you can use it does anyone know if theres any hidden fees with using the card ie, any hidden fees when making a paypal purchase.

If anyone could help it will be much appreciated.



  • Do you mean this one?

    • yeah i do mean that one im just trying to see if you can use it on paypal

  • Out of curiosity (since I use a normal DC with Paypal and regard L&G as a ripoff anyway) I did a search for "paypal link prepaid debit card" and this answer from 2009 might be useful. Don't know if it's still correct but the long discussion about address confirmation and Expanded Use sounds right as I had to do these steps when linking my DC.…

    Good luck.

    TL;DR: Yes and no, unfortunately you have to read the answer.

  • Yes you can link it to PayPal (first-hand experience).

    • Do you get charged any extra fees when you make a payment

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