This looks like an inventory clearance price for Model Y MY2024 manufactured around August to September 2024. It's $2,000 further cheaper than previous $53,300 inventory discount price from …
Referee Gets $1400 off a Tesla Model Y or Model 3, Referrer Gets $700. Tesla Credit. Buyer - can receive buyer benefits one time when you make your first purchase of a qualifying Tesla product …
Full Credit to Dana Bott at Best Aussie Markdowns. From upcoming catalogue at ALDI. On Sale Wed 21st August 2024. LG 25“ IPS Full HD Monitor 25MS500-B $99.99 (RRP $149) LG Monitor with IPS …
Tesla has discounted existing inventory for the Model Y RWD 2024 to $54,900 (save $2,800) or 2023 to $53,780 (save $3,920) compared to the new stock $57,700 price from the previous deal. Discount …
Looks like the tesla Model Y's pricing has come down again. They've also added some new colours Quicksilver and Ultra Red (additional cost), black hubcaps (for RWD and LR) however interior …
Go to website: Select the product you want Apply coupon: DYSPWC40JULY at checkout *TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROMOTION • Discount is applied to Recommended Retailer …
Just received an E-mail from a store I've purchased a few hard case covers from.
They retail at $14.99ea - Special Facebook Promotion - First 50,000 Cases FREE. Just pay P/H
So I noticed that the Car and Driver app for iPad was free and expected to be sucked in to paying for each individual magazine issue. WRONG! All issues are free from the current May 2011 issue to …