magical journey » posts

Planning Small Wedding

Hi all, Hoping for some help/advice. Planning on a small wedding with around 20-25 people in attendance. Want to book a venue/room for dinner. Don't want to spend too much, any …

Choosing Days for Part-Timer

Hi guys, So I've recently been offered a part-time office role, 3 days a week. I have the option to choose which 3 days out of the 5 to work. Any good suggestions on the days - and the reasons …

Want to Get Rid of Swimming Pool

Hi all, The neighbours are complaining our background swimming pool is too dirty (which is fair as we didn't want to spend $1k/yr to maintain it). We never use the pool, so would like to get …

Looking to Buy a Demo Car - Seeking Advice

Hi everyone, I'm looking to purchase a first car - preferably a demo as I heard it's a bit cheaper, but not really looking for second hand as I know very little about cars and don't …

Hot Water Tank Leaking

Hi everyone, So my agent just informed me that my property investment has a hot water tank that's leaking and need to be replaced. He said I could either arrange to buy and install myself, or …

Australian Taxation Office

Any Extensions Allowed to Pay Back ATO?

Hi all, Recently I've been asked to pay back the ATO for taxes from last FY. As I am unemployed at the moment, anyone know if I can request for a payment extension? If so, what is the longest I …

Recommend Place to Buy an Armchairs

Hi all, Looking for a good priced armchair. Any good deals on lately, or good places to go shop? Thanks

Where to Buy The Mac Mini 2012 Brand New?

Hi everyone, Is it still possible to buy the mac mini 2012 version brand new? If so, where can I get it. It has better specs than the newly released one 2014 version. Thanks

Recommended Place to Buy Laptop Fan/Stand

Hi all, any recommended laptop fan stands? something that'll keep the laptop from overheating. Price range $30 or less. Cheers

Best Place to Buy USB Hub?

Hi all, looking for a USB Hub, don't need too many USB ports in it, 2 or 3 is enough. Preferably 3.0. Any good quality ones at cheap prices? $20 or less…thanks!

Is There a Difference in Quality between Power Boards?

Hi all, I'm just wondering is there a difference in quality between power boards? (you know the boards that connect your electronic devices to the power switch on walls) Some are cheaper than …

Recommended Best Chair for Comfortability

Hi all, I sit at home on the computer working around 12 hours a day. Looking for a great chair that is good for my back, comfortable, etc. However, I've got timber floors so don't want one …

Best Place/Online to Buy Swatch Watch?

Hi all, I want to buy my girlfriend a swatch watch under $100. Any recommendations for best and cheapest bargains for Swatch watches? I'm looking for legit ones only. Cheers and thanks in …

Which Is a Faster Processor? MacBook Air or Mac Mini

Hi guys, I also have another question - I'm trying to make games on an Apple computer, which processor is actually faster and better? The Air or the Mini…can't really tell from the …

Best Monitor for Eyes (24" - 27")

Hi guys, recently my eyes have been very strained with the macbook air screen. So I'm looking for a larger monitor that's the best for eyes. I've read that antiglare and matte finish …