Recommended Best Chair for Comfortability

Hi all,

I sit at home on the computer working around 12 hours a day. Looking for a great chair that is good for my back, comfortable, etc. However, I've got timber floors so don't want one with wheels. Price range $300 or under. Any recommendations of various types/place to buy/models welcome!


  • +3


    I like how you took the adjective form of a noun and added -lity to make it a noun again. :)

    But to answer your question, I like the Ikea office chair I have. I don't sit in it for long periods though, and certainly not 12 hours. That's not advisable no matter what chair you have.

    • Exactly what I was about to type and the only reason I opened this post.

    • I like how you took the adjective form of a noun and added -lity to make it a noun again. :)

      OP lives by their username… literally… uh, literarily.

  • Ergonomists generally say that for maximum health and productivity you just need a robust, height-adjustable chair that pushes comfortably into the small of your back (your “lumbar region”). $300 or so will get you a Metro Buro ( which from previous investigation seems pretty well-made. I'd ring an office store or Bunnings and ask if they have anything that can replace the castors - or get a thick plastic mat to put under the chair.

    Then set it up carefully: get your seat and keyboard at the right height, push your hips right back in the chair, set the seat height so your feet are flat on the floor, get a small pillow to push on the small of your back. This is much more important than getting any special ergonomic chair.

    And get out of the chair as often as possible.

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