Anyone here have any experience with the recent model Renault SUV’s? I like the features and styling of the Arkana, and the Koleos is a bit larger. Looking at a new or recent model used. …
Hi guys, I'm thinking of changing telco's and getting a new phone on a plan for 12 or 24 months. I'm currently with Woolworths Mobile, which is generally pretty good at the key …
Hi guys, I'm not really up with the Apple tech, but I'm wanting to get into using Logic Pro (audio production software) and am faced with some questions around specs.. For $1200-1500 I …
Hi all, my edu Autocad licence will expire soon, any good deals out there for single, occasional use licences for AutoCad LT? I just want it to try draw up plans for a backyard studio I’d like to …
Looking to refinance our home loan and this came up in my searches - Anyone here dealt with Hume Bank for home loans before? Are there any brokers that work …
I'm thinking of cancelling my Shopback membership. Every time there's a promo deal on and I go make a purchase they incorrectly track the amount by a decent margin.. Example 1: New …
Has anyone here used hostmate for webpage / wordpress / email hosting before? They seem quite cheap and are based in AU. I can't find many reviews etc on them, which makes me think …
Are there any good home phone, internet (NBN), and mobile plans out there for pensioners? My mum is looking for a new provider as her current one is costing over $100pm for minimal usage.. She lives …
Hi guys, I'm tossing up some new speakers, just for casual music listening via my phone/ipad. At some point I'll get a turntable as well, so some sort of wired connectivity is a plus. Can …
Hi guys, my mobile number got swapped to my boss' Telstra business plan a couple of years ago and I'll soon be leaving the business. Is it possible (and easy) to: - 1. change the ownership …
Hello all, we have a vehicle access way that runs down the side of our small house. Its all just grass and is surrounded by single storey buildings on 3 sides (4th being the street) and doesn't …
We're potentially looking to move to somewhere a little quieter than our current inner-west apartment, but without going too far away from nice restaurant/cafe/bar precincts, access to parks and …
Hi guys, we're looking into moving into one of the above areas in the near-ish future. The move is mainly based around affordability and convenience for commuting etc. We've been visiting …
Hi guys, can anyone recommend a prepaid sim for a month in the US? Simcorner and Simsdirect both offer these from here in Australia - options for T-Mobile and AT&T networks.. I'll use a …
Hi All, just a quick question re claiming Other work related tax expenses. I buy magazines and occasional stationery throughout the course of each year - usually when I'm travelling and find I …
It seems the apparent market decline in Sydney has not really had any effect. When I look on or for properties suitable for a young family (ie, 2br or 3br house or …
Hi guys/girls, I'm wondering if anyone here has taken out a mortgage for a home with both partners (husband + wife for eg.) paying it down and living in the house, but with only one of the pair …
Hi all, our washer has started doing some strange things and I think we need a tech to come service/repair it. Firstly, everything seems to work, its just that it doesn't do things properly any …
Does anyone know of any credit card providers that offer business accounts with up to 3 or 4 card holders? Its for a small business and will essentially turn our petty cash into an electronic …
Hi all, I'm still considering which Health Insurer to go with after the BUPA changes have completely neutered my current policy. I'm liking two providers at the moment, similar premium …
Hi guys, I'm about to renew my comprehensive insurance and as always the choices are many! My current insurer is AAMI and I can't really comment on their service as all they've ever …
So I put something in my cart to buy ($180 value) when I saw the 15% deal come up, thinking I'd add a few more small things and checkout today - Dec 31st. I've just clicked commit to buy …