Similar to the previous expired deal posted by Scrimshaw, but with new courses available. Select the Microskills filter to quickly find these free courses. These courses are called micro-skills and …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform the way we do business and knowing how to use it effectively is becoming more essential. To help improve your AI knowledge, the Institute of Applied …
This is (sort of) a repeat of what I posted back in 2021. The benefits are much less now that covid benefits are over, so you'll only be able to apply for 1 course for free, for the first …
Thoroughly enjoying seeing all the Ozb dinner events around, but we'll have to learn to cook once those are over. Been watching The Bear a lot lately? This is the deal for …
Tafe is offering certificate 4 in cyber security across the country free of cost. It is a 1 year part time program. As it is online live evening course I would like to enroll somewhere who have best …
I just found a list of free TAFE courses that Charles Darwin University offers. A great opportunity if you are looking at a career change. ****To have your tuition fee waived, you must apply before …
For everyone who completed a Free TAFE program with University of Tasmania, the university today has removed office desktop apps from your licence. All alumni accounts now only have O365 Exchange …
A follow up to scrimshaw's excellent post from July Free Short Courses in Construction, Data Analytics, AI / Machine Learning, Cybersecurity & Cloud Computing @ TAFE NSW The …
The following courses have been included as part of the Free TAFE course list and are now available from 2024. Diploma of Youth Work Certificate IV in Kitchen Management Diploma of Hospitality …
Got this sent from an email from TAFENSW. Not to be confused with the Fee-free TAFE courses, these courses are called "micro credentials" or microskills and they are extremely short and …
Fee Free TAFE and vocational education is a joint initiative of the Australian and South Australian Governments providing tuition-free training places to students wanting to train, retrain or …
GBCA is currently promoting our vocational courses, first 10 applicants who enrolled into each course $50 enrollment fee will be waived. Please kindly make your enquiry and mentioned you got the deal …
You can now take more than 1 free TAFE course Any Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen is eligible to do one Free TAFE for priority course in Victoria. Students …
TasTafe have joined the other states (e.g. QLD & NSW) by offering fee free courses including short courses, Certificate II, Certificate III and Certificate IV. Unfortunately there's no …
Similar to this deal but many different courses available Thanks to @ColonialBoy for commenting about the deal.
Hi all, TAFE NSW is offering a wide range of courses across a bunch of industries. A much better range than the round of free courses offered a couple of years ago. Note that the "free" …
Seize your opportunity with Fee-Free TAFE The career of your dreams is within reach thanks to Fee-Free TAFE. Follow your passion with over 90 industry-recognised courses to choose from. Make a great …
Also at South Metro TAFE Details Skills Ready FREE IN '23 Exciting news for 2023! Selected full qualifications will be 100% course fee-free and all Job Ready short course skill sets will be …