Tafe is offering certificate 4 in cyber security across the country free of cost. It is a 1 year part time program. As it is online live evening course I would like to enroll somewhere who have best teachers in cyber security.
Which Tafe institute you recommend ?
Thanks in advance.
All TAFE's follow a national curriculum. If you look into the course code, there is a national course code that defines what areas are covered in general.
On the same TAFE campus, you can get good teachers for certain subjects and horrible teachers for other subjects.
different courses have different assignment deadlines, so every two weeks or so you have a deadline for something. If you are single and not working full-time, then this will be OK. However, for parents working full-time, it will be tough. And then if your lecturer is also horrible and picks up spelling errors in the comments section of a Python program and make you repeat the assignment. Then it will be even tougher.
Having said that, you can still do the course for the learning exercises as they will give you good knowledge and exposure to tools that are used in cyber security.