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Member Since 23/05/2023
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Thank you all for your responses. it seems it is better to use the available equity of current PPOR to buy ETF as it gives flexibility to…
15/03/2025 - 15:40
Hi Folks, Got a question to OzB tax experts. The loan of our PPOR is about 225k, its market value is about 1M. We're thinking of drawing…
13/03/2025 - 20:48
@sdm01, how's the shadow details? does it suffer black crush? A friend got the 755 series and it seems to suffer a loss of details in the…
10/03/2025 - 09:06
My reference is mainly towards standalone dwellings. As apartments and townhouses, the growth rate is low compared to standalone houses, we…
08/02/2025 - 09:09
Economists are highly unreliable.Their predictions come with their vested interest in the property market (except a very few who speak the…
05/02/2025 - 17:33
Most boomer investors purchased their investment properties before their 55th birthday (i.e., 2015 or before), so they are selling at a…
04/02/2025 - 17:48
Given that housing prices grew so much in the past 4 years, I am just wondering what the outlook would be for the next 10 years. Here in…
04/02/2025 - 17:26
How C855 performs in dark-themed movies. Does it preserve shadow details or does it suffer from black crush?
18/12/2024 - 09:00
@surfingedge, Thanks for the response. I did little bit more research on the topic and found out how it works, If you sell the PPOR…
10/12/2024 - 11:04
@Mugsy, apologies for digging old thread up. when you paid the CGT on the pro-rated taxable portion of the capital gain, did you get the…
07/12/2024 - 04:38
Thanks for the hint on checking hotel accomodation
28/11/2024 - 12:36
We are a family with two kids, a boy aged 9 and girl aged 7, traveling to South Asia from Adelaide in March-April next year, and we're…
27/11/2024 - 12:03
I got a friend who migrated to Australia recently and he is looking for a 55 inch plus TV and willing to spend up to 600 dollars. The ALDI…
24/11/2024 - 22:27
Australian Universities are highly innefective in financial management. They charge very high fees from both local and international…
20/11/2024 - 17:36
My Perception of consulting firms is that consulting firms promote people quicker to get a higher billing rate from the client, so yes…
14/10/2024 - 23:59
Because they are both good friends and can refer me should I decide to move on from my current role. I know friend B enjoys his reduced…
11/10/2024 - 13:21
Very few in IT stay in a single company to get the benefits of LS leave. I know a guy who accumulated so much LS leave and then he went on…
11/10/2024 - 12:57
No, 6 weeks of annual leave is separate from PHs
11/10/2024 - 10:51
Hi All, One of my friends (A) is contracting in IT and he gets 90 dollars per hour including super and works 40hr weeks. Another friend (B)…
11/10/2024 - 10:30
Just to give an update to whoever was following this; We did the tax return and got about 22,200 tax refund after MLS was deducted.
27/08/2024 - 12:07
Thanks, we are slowly expanding our wings :). Bali is surely in our next 3-5 major flying holidays.
14/08/2024 - 16:30
Hi all, we are considering options to visit QLD with two kids (8 and 6 years). The kids love water play but not the cold water. From…
13/08/2024 - 17:35
Three things; Big development projects are offshored at least 50-50 and this is driven by major employers of the sector to cut down the…
17/06/2024 - 18:38
Thanks, I updated the poll option to reflect the correct MLS outcome
06/06/2024 - 15:46
Thanks for the comment mate. 15 years ago, there was a time where my wife and I only had less than $4000 in the bank, and both of us…
06/06/2024 - 15:44
Thanks for the input, we as a family haven't had income protection insurance and my super does not cover job loss. it covers death, TPD…
05/06/2024 - 13:47
Yes, If one of us lost the job for whatever reason, then it'll become a big burden and we'll have to sell the investment property anyway.
05/06/2024 - 13:33
Thanks for the link. I will have a second look as if extra super contributions are included for the purpose of MLS calculation, it will…
05/06/2024 - 10:23
My wife is happy to give up our current PPOR to reduce the mortgage stress and improve the quality of life in the best time of our lives…
05/06/2024 - 10:15
The 70k is already taxed at our top rate and currently sits in our bank accounts. When we put that money into super, we can claim it as a…
05/06/2024 - 09:58