- 18,674 new users were created.
- 34,107 deals were posted.
- 6,635 competitions were posted.
- 7,721 forum topics were posted.
- 7,107 classified ads were posted.
- 1,299,132 comments were posted.
OzBargain Recap for 2024
Sitewide Highlights
In 2024 on OzBargain,
Most Popular Deals
Deals that have received the most votes from the community.
Most Clicked Deals
Deals that got most clicks from both the community and lurkers.
Most Commented Deals
Deals that got most comments from the community.
Most Popular Competitions
Competitions that have received the most votes from the community.
Most Entered Competitions
Competitions that have the most entries marked by users from the community.
Most Commented Forum Topics
Forum topics that got most comments from the community.
Most Participated Polls
Forum polls that got most users from the community to participate.
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