[Prime] 2 Years Free DoorDash DashPass @ Amazon AU

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This just came up as a banner ad on my Amazon app.

Enjoy a $0 delivery fee on eligible DoorDash orders and other DashPass benefits with a FREE 2 year DashPass membership for new and current Prime members in Australia.

Subscribed and linked to my DoorDash with out issues.

Edit: For those getting stuck in a “loop” make sure you have a valid card added to your DoorDash account and remove Afterpay if attached.

For people who used the Amazon CA free DoorDash promo previously it seems to be only adding 9 months. Create a new DoorDash account for the full 2 years.

How long does the FREE DashPass membership last? As long as your Prime membership is active and you have redeemed the Offer, you can get 2 years of FREE DashPass. If your Prime membership ends or is cancelled during the 2 year DashPass membership period, your DashPass membership will cancel automatically and you will lose your FREE access to DashPass. Should you reactivate your Prime membership within 2 years of first activating your FREE DashPass Offer, you will be able to enjoy the remainder of your FREE DashPass membership period, provided that you remain a Prime member. You can re-activate the Offer via the Offer page here at Amazon.com.au.

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  • +35

    Thanks I got it to but it says until August 26th , 2025? But continues to say 2 years free?

    edit: • Enrolled: 11/13/24
    •Your DashPass is free until 8/27/25
    Payment Details
    You have DashPass FREE for 2 years through your Amazon Prime membership. After the free period, DashPass membership renews at the then-current fee (currently $9.99/month). Your next monthly charge will be on 8/27/25.

    • Same

      • +1

        My prime is monthly.

        • There goes that theory, coincidentally my Prime expires in August so thought that was it.

      • +1

        My amazon renewal date is Sept 2025 and I got the full 2 years to Nov 2026 on Doordash

      • +1

        I've got the same (28/08/25) and my prime renews on January each year. So that's theory probably wrong.

    • same

    • +22

      I got
      • Enrolled: 11/13/24
      •Your DashPass is free until 11/14/26

      • Same here.

      • Same!

    • Same…

    • Same

    • Have you ever redeemed free DashPass or even paid one before? Mine says "Resume your FREE 2 year DashPass membership…" so I'm guessing it realises I had membership in the past

      • yeah I'm thinking it's something like this.

      • Perhaps it counts all the time you've ever had free. Mine says August 2025, that's less than one year…

        I do recall claiming free DD through my Canadian Amazon account at some point.

    • Same :(

    • Same

    • I got something similar.

      It seems to be attached to your amazon account. Creating a new doordash account wont reset it

    • same

      •Enrolled: 11/13/24
      •Your DashPass is free until 8/27/25

      Prime renews Dec 25

  • Wow!!! Thanks OP 😆😆

  • +27

    Free dashpass ends if you cancel prime btw.

      • +5

        unlinked & it immediately cancelled my dashpass

        • +2

          Interesting… mine is still showing as having a valid trial until November 2026. Will unpublish the original lest it causes anyone else to lose theirs.

          • +4

            @salut: I was able to relink & got original offer

            • @smmammen: How to relink after you’ve unlinked it???? My Amazon now says it’s claimed and the button just goes to order now

              • @evasive: Same lol. Did u figure how to fix it?

          • @salut: Can you send me what you unpublished? Trying to troubleshoot and resolve

        • +2

          @smmammen Happened to me too after I followed @salut tips.

          Luckily managed to resub again following the link above…. Phew!

    • -1

      Damn, I was going to be sneaky. I get the monthly games for like 30c

      • Monthly games?

        • +1

          These ones. Sign up to prime, collect the games, then cancel.


          This works for buying regular items too but your refunded amount is less or you can just buy more items to get the free delivery then cancel the extra items.

    • +2

      Thanks! Not for me then.

    • +2

      And it also ends immediately if you cancel the Dashpash now. It's weird. It should remain ON till the Dashpass expiry/renewal date.

  • +5

    The Offer ends 14 November 2026 unless withdrawn earlier.
    Might worth to wait for current DoorDash plan end first

    • My plan ends on 01/12/2024 and I was refunded $6.01 after redeeming the offer.

    • +3

      No one remembers the 12 months free Deliveroo? And they went under and dipped from Australia?

      • True, this wreaks of bankruptcy!

  • Take my upvote!

  • Thanks OP. Says I now have two years free, but says my next monthly charge will be on 8/27/25 - so my 2 years has become 9 months. Anyone else have that issue? Edit - just saw it had been posted by others also.

    • +3

      Same, maybe has something to do with redeeming a free Amazon CA offer.

    • is that your prime subscription end date?

    • Same. This may have to do with a similar offer already redeemed in the past.

  • +5

    Thanks! Gotta remind myself to cancel it in 2 years time.

    • +7

      Just link a payment method (CC) that expires before that.

    • +5

      Google calendar. Email and push notifications

      • works every time…..

  • +4

    I've had problems with doordash not processing voucher codes and charging full price, and they dont allow appealing of this. So in two minds if I'd even use this.

    • +2

      I uninstalled door dash a year ago to stop me using it. Something always went wrong with orders through it, and yeah the complaints/appeals process was obscure and pointless, if I could even find it in the app. And yet…. Uber eats has been a bit rubbish too lately with prices and fees piling up, and service quality falling… So I'm giving door dash another go. …
      .. …

      • +1

        I actually had an order take so long on ubereats the other day they auto refunded me about 25% of the cost.

        Reminded me why I shouldn't be using these dumb services.

      • Lol. So first order using this, paid for express delivery, said it would take 25-30 minutes. I know it always understates, but it still took an hour. Was dead cold. And of course trying to complain you get a "we're sorry we can't refund you anything because of our policies", as if their refund policies are out of their control. Looks like I'll be deleting the app again. :D

    • Yeah the codes are often pretty hit and miss

  • -2

    on eligible DoorDash orders ??? How many items are eligible?

    • +4

      I'd say probably 95% of stores are dashpass, it'll have a symbol at the top if you can use it.

  • +6

    Fantastic find! Now to just set a reminder for 10/14/26 to cancel before you get charged after the trial finishes! :)

  • amazing, thank you!

  • Worked for me.. thanks 👍

  • +1

    It says that I’ve linked my DoorDash account to a different Amazon account. How do I unlink it?

    • Did you have the free CA amazon one on a different account? It seems i unlinked it from another amazon account but it's still remembered in Doordash - even after unlinking it from Amazon, I can't get it linked to a new Prime account!

      • +1

        Yup, it was from the CA deal

        Even though I have unlinked it, it still remembers the account

        • Yeah i went on livechat to talk to them. They called me and said i would have to create a new doordash account and should be able to use the same phone number. Interesting

        • +1

          Just created a new account with same phone number and applied the 2 years!

          • @cheapass88: I just did the same. But I have now 2 doordash accounts that I'd have to manage.

            • @batrarobin: I had just used up my old credit in my last order in doordash, so that worked out well. Just don't use the old account!

  • Nice! Thanks OP!

  • +7

    Cant redeem it been trying for 5 mins lol keeps redirecting me to amazon and doordash back and forth

    • +2

      Same is happening with me too, even when clicking the banner in the app, launches browser

      • Then says there’s error on our end, check other prime benefits, upvoted anyways awesome deal I’m sure it’ll be fixed

        • +1

          I changed my default browser back to chrome and that seemed to fix half of it, then doordash wanted to text me a security code and asked me to verify my number but wouldn't let me change the country code to +61, kept defaulting to +1, ended up clicking the log in with google option which worked, relaunched doordash app and have door pass til 11th Nov 26.

          Bit of a nightmare but got there. Hope this helps anyone having similar issues.

          • +7

            @foobar: Adding a credit card and making it as a default payment method fixed it for me

            • @Sr1993e: This fixed mine thanks! I had my payment set to Apple Pay and changed to an actual credit card and it worked after that!

        • +1

          I had the same issue. Then I went incognito and it worked

    • Same here

      • +1

        A comment below fixed it for me, add a credit card as the default payment for dashpass instead of afterpay

        • I’m using Apple Pay as the payment method and login using email (not password, they send a OTP email).

    • Yeah same problem kept looping and also took me to a different region of Amazon .
      I kept using mobile number to login, changed to email address(and password) and it eventually worked

    • FIXED!

      I was looping back and tried several different browsers Brave/Mozilla/Edge

      The fix is to add or remove and then re-add a credit/debit card.

      I originally had PayPal, AfterPay and a credit card on Doordash. I deleted the credit card and re-added it back. Then tried and all worked.

      Thanks OP

  • +8

    thank you! Mine went through perfectly. Got the full 2years

    • Enrolled: 11/13/24
    •Your DashPass is free until 11/14/26

    Payment Details

    You have DashPass FREE for 2 years through your Amazon Prime membership. After the free period, DashPass membership renews at the then-current fee (currently $9.99/month). Your next monthly charge will be on 11/14/26.

    • Same

    • Curious - are you already paid up for your Amazon prime for next two years?

      • My DoorDash also says: 14/11/2026.
        My Prime expires: 27/03/2026.

      • +2

        Got 2 years. My prime membership is paid monthly

      • Paying Amazon monthly, have 2 years dashpass free now

      • i pay prime monthly

    • Same here, guessing the algorithm is considering how you sign up for prime (monthly or annual etc)

    • Same - I have 2 Dash pass accounts now as my first DD was linked to Canadian Amazon. I created a new DD account and linked with AP AU - same mobile - got 2 years thanks OP


  • Dude outfreakingstanding

  • Sweet. Thanks OP !!

  • thanks OP!!!!

  • My doordash account is linked to another amazon account (amazon CA).
    Does anyone know how to unlink it?

    • +4

      Go to this link: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G…

      Login with your details and if should show linked accounts. Unlink your doordash account.

      Door dash still says my account is linked to an amazon account thoufh so may have to wait a bit for them to sync up.

      • Did this and mine still gives that message. Hopefully it syncs up soon

        • I've noticed that it does unlink, but when you to to re-link it up for the promo, it relinks again but still says it's linked from the old promo. Trying to find a workaround.

          • @Rochie: I had same problem. Had to use a completely different DoorDash account for it to work. Old one wouldn’t unlink from Amazon Canada

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