USB 2.0 or 3.0 plug-and-play connectivity
Easily upgrade to USB 3.0, or FireWire 800
Looks like a Bargain... Not sure when the deal finishes..
Estimated Time of Arrival: 3-7 Business Days
The GoFlex Desk external drive features high capacities, ease of use and flexible upgrades.
I picked up a couple of these for my Home Server, used to be $299
For instructions on how to remove the drive for internal use, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN2ikVYBLK8
Was in the paper today for DSE (but couldn't find online).
So checked for everyon it is already pricematched at OW, and i think they do free delivery over $50.
Got this in an email from centrecom, seems like a pretty good deal
Hard Drive - http://www.centrecom.com.au/catalog/stac1000301-seagate-freeagent-goflex-desk-usb30-black-p-55525.html?sort=2a
Mac people upgrade your speed from USB2.0 to Firewire800 :)