This was posted 12 years 10 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Seagate FreeAgent Goflex Desk 3TB USB 3.0 External HDD $159.23 Delivered (US $152.95) from Amazon

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Model: STAC3000102
USB 3.0 plug-and-play
2-Year limited warranty
Inside the Box: GoFlex Desk external drive, backup and encryption software pre-loaded on drive, GoFlex USB 3.0 interface adapter, 4-foot USB 3.0 cable, quick start guide

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closed Comments

  • +1

    $229 StaticIce
    $235 ebay

    • +2

      Good deal!. Just a little upsetting how the aussie dollar has turned around.

      • +1

        Yeah, those 2c are a real deal breaker! Don't think I can afford it now..
        Anyone lend me $4?

  • +1

    I just ordered the Expansion 3tb.. Just looking at storing movies and tv. Which one would be better and why?

    Thanks guys

  • is the power supply support 240v?

    • I can't say if these ones do or not, but the Seagate Expansion drives from Amazon come with a 100V - 240V plugpack, you still need the travel adaptor though. A bit of googling might get you a solid answer.

  • Wow awesome. I got it from Officeworks pricematched for $200 bucks on the weekend… Was really low on space :( haha.

    • Do Officeworks pricematch things off Amazon.?

      • It doesn't say they won't pricematch online stores overseas :P so give it a try and let me know! Cos I won't mind another :P hahaha

        • +1

          The store has to have a domain I believe in order to pricematch

      • I have pricematched Amazon at OW before. Took in a print out of the final page with price and shipping in AUD. But it is up to whoever is there at that time. Other OW wouldn't do it for me.

  • +1

    Hmm, this deal got no love today despite being a viable alternative for local-only purchasers:

    • probably 'cause it's $48.72 extra

      • +1

        What part of 'local' did you not get???

    • +2

      Thats what I used to pricematched at OW :)

    • +1

      one is an expansion series and this is a freeagent. Other than a few extra features, the drive quality inside is also better. Seeing how often hard drives fail in recent years due to moving production to Thailand, id rather go for higher end HDDs. Wouldnt it be funny to have both hard drive and backup fail at the same time (happened to me)

  • So do they ship to AUS directly?

    • Yes.

  • anyone know where the network adaptor for this drive can be found. Which turns it into a semi functional NAS

      • +1

        The FreeAgent DockStar network adapter is a compact dock which allows FreeAgent Go portable drives…

        Sorry dude, I think that's for the 2.5" model.

        • You can still plug USB into that one - I dont think they make one specifically for that model. I'd still say either way your better of just getting a raspberry Pi Though….

        • +1

          Yeah, they make one for the goflex home but I've not seen it discretely. You'd have to do what I've done & buy the other way around. I got the goflex home (NAS) & grabbed a cheap 1TB USB3.0 from DSE recently. I still haven't gotten around to putting the 1TB bare drive in my Proliant yet though…bloody work, if it didn't fund my gadgets & keep me supplied with stationary I'd give it away! ;)

          I'm currently on the waiting list for stock of the Raspberry Pi!!! :D

      • Believe me I've tried. I know for a fact it was on harris technology but I can't find it anywhere. I even remember the cost ~$110. But can't even find a reference of it any more.

        • If it was ~$110 then it would be far more cost-effective to wait on a Goflex Home deal IMHO. I got my 3TB GFH for $199! The PN for the LAN dock is 9YBAN1-520 if that's any help to you. ;)

        • but that was about 6 months ago, it could have only got cheaper. Plus I have a 3TB from that centrecom deal for about $120 so buying another drive isn't very ozbargainlike but then neither is paying more for soemthing that can be bundles for $40 less. An ozbargainer's dilemma. Might try out the rasberry pi, didn't know you run a NAS server on it.

        • There's always the option of a router with USB attached storage, they can be had on the cheap! ;)

          [edit] You might have been thinking of the Seagate STAK200, I'm not sure if it takes the standard 3.5" Goflex drives or just the ultra portable jobs, but it meets the other criteria! :)

          Unfortunately, demand for the Raspberry Pi is dramatically outstripping supply ATM by a factor of 1000:1 IIRC, so that option could take a while! :(

  • Is this a single drive inside that can be used in a NAS?

    • +1

      Yep, I believe it's 7200rpm too

  • Just ordered one..:D nice and cheap!

  • so is this any good as a simple stand alone back up drive?
    will i need an adapter of sorts?

  • +2

    Anyone can confirm what drive inside and if they are good for NAS?(to run 24/7).. I'm talking qnap NAS.. Thanks

    • +1

      what he said ^

      have a itchy finger but would like to know which drive is inside so i can gut it and use on a QNAP 219P+ II

    • +1

      According to a review on the Amazon page:

      "I initially purchased this with the intention to use it as an external add-on to maybe back up some files. As it turns out, the drive inside the case is either the current Seagate Barracuda 7200 3TB 7200RPM SATA 6 Gb/s NCQ 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive ST3000DM001 or its predecessor, the ST33000651AS."

  • Thinking about getting 5 of these to pull apart and put in my HP MicroServer N40L,
    But then saw the older expansion drive (… ) and thought why not get them instead? I'm going to pull them apart anyway and it's ~$10 cheaper (Inc postage on 5 drives it's about 60 cheaper)

    • some people said goflex series are better than expansion. just the casing or drive inside, need tobe researched

  • I bought 2 of these from Amazon a few weeks ago. Unfortunately they arrived with a power supply that does not have interchangeable wall sockets like one you would buy in Australia.

    Thankfully enough I bought a few GoFlex Firewire 800 docks to use with a Mac, and hooked it up that way.

  • My mate picked this up from JB Hifi the other day for $149 I believe.. STAC2000303

    I couldn't believe it myself.

    I managed to get 140MB/s (peak via USB 3.0) out of it, but that is reading from a Samsung HD204UI.

  • I bought one of these from Amazon just beware that microsoft windows backup (create system image) does not work with partitions larger than 2TB. Windows file copy and paste works fine as well as xcopy.

    "Unable to create backup files - Error 0X8078002A" due to sector size increase from 512 to 4096.

    other backup software works if it designed to handle 2TB or larger.

  • Ive had two of these and both have been faulty one even lastest 3 days then i got replacement and now that one is dead,

    You will loose your data!!!

    • did you use it as a USB drive?
      or did you ripped the case and use it as internal drive?

    • +5

      I hate loose data, always falls off the edge of the platters when they spin up.

  • +3

    Going in today to see if Officeworks will price match it. Will post results tonight.

    • +3

      Officeworks price-mathed it for $151.84!!!!

      • +1

        receipt?? and please post what drive is inside.. thanks~!

      • That's great! Shame though, If I knew, I wouldn't have bought the Expansion from Amazon!

        • +1

          It also came with a 3 year warranty instead of a 2 year one like from Amazon. Sorry man…

        • Well im going to open it so wont be covered by waranty.. Hmmm..

      • Will OW pricematch to their receipt?

        • Tried this at North Sydney, they don't allow.

          To clarify my comment, OW at NS does not allow to price match against their own receipt. The sales person then mentioned because it's dated a few weeks back, they will not price match it.

          Really depends on luck of the draw on who you got to price match.

          I'm going to get a print out from Amazon.

      • Officeworks pricematched me too, just printed off the final page at checkout :)

  • i think the price has dropped even more to 139.99….

    • +1

      The price $139.99 is without the delivery charge added on. Delivery is approx $12.

      • funny i see free shipping everywhere but at the final page amazon charges handling and shipping?

        • I think the free shipping only applies to US addresses.

  • .

  • received 2 of these today and can confirm the drive inside is ST3000DM001

    buy with caution as these drives are having issues check the seagate forums

    knock on wood mine so far working 100% in my qnap.…

    • Thanks for that link mate. I believe that the drives are the same in both units anyway. Funnily enough, mine is making that exact same chirping sound at random times, even when being written to.

      • did you have to get an AUS-US adaptor?

        • If you want to use it with the enclosure yes.. they are about 2$ on ebay… or just bend the pins on the plug a touch to fit our points lol

  • Could anyone comment on the temperatures (in the enclosure) after transferring on it for a while? My Expansion gets quite hot (I got it up to about 51 degrees with an hour or so of copying)- I'd like to compare the two because the Go Flex looks as though it has mesh on the side to keep it cool, while the Expansion does not.

  • NEW FIRMWARE for ST3000DM001 and three other drives. Appears to fix 'chirping'.

  • But not for external drives, ie you must take this out and put in desktop

  • Can anyone still buy these and have them shipped to AUS? Amazon says it doesn't ship to me

    • Have it pricematched at OW, nice & easy.

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