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15%OFF + Free Shipping, BlackVue Car Camera Blackbox DR400G-HDII(16gb) $279.65


Great price for this high quality Full HD car blackbox camera.
$329 - 15% (-$49.35) = $279.65


video quality and feature looks promising.

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closed Comments

  • It's supposed to be really good. There are many youtube videos showing the quality. I don't know why they didn't just make it 15% off the range. I think the 32Gb model is more interesting.

    • True, but for a device that lives in a horrible environment of heat and vibration, I think the <$40 difference makes sense to have an accessible warranty.

      When another Korean seller was on eBay a few months ago for around $180 I think, that was a difference where the risk was perhaps more worthwhile.

      • .wrong location sorry

      • blackvue has heat issues as well.. not sure if you have been using them.

  • or $20 more, get the DR500GW with wireless from DreamSeller on eBay

    • "or $20 more, get the DR500GW with wireless from DreamSeller on eBay"

      It's $40 more than the Korean 400 and about the same price as the Australian 400. Where does $20 come into it?

  • Camera doesn't have batteries to run when car is off?

    • You can hardwire it in with a Power Magic Pro which will automatically cut power to the camera if your battery voltage drops below a pre-set level.

  • I have the 400G-HD, it's a good unit but suffers overheating issues which they tried to fix in the HDII. There are reports that it still suffers overheating.

    The 500GW has even more improvements to try and solve overheating, I'd recommend getting that if you can.

    I bought my 400G from DreamSeller on eBay too with no issues.

  • +1

    This site is a must if you're in the market for a dash camera -

    • That looks like an awesome site!
      I have a GS600 at the moment. I'm thinking of moving that to the back and getting one of these Blackvues for the front.

  • +1

    If you don't want to spend that much but still want a decent dash cam, look into the GS5000.. you can get it for less than $100 delivered on eBay. Or try look for the Itronics ITB-100HD (as good as the blackvue). I remember paying $200 for an inbuilt 8GB with 32GB memory card last year.

    • looks like it is still $200 to $250 from Hong Kong

  • +1

    well the main reason I purchase from here is because for a little extra there is Australia warranty, just a peace of mind for me.

  • I was looking at getting an in car camera and found that the ones worthwhile getting are not cheap. So i looked at the smartphone apps and found that nearly all the in car camera apps were crap or unstable, I then found this one http://acapps.info/iOS/iSymDVR/index.html And installed it. Worked great but only recorded 1 min in the free version. It worked perfectly so i paid for the full version and use it every day.
    I know this isnt an in car camera BUT For an app that does the same thing if not better for $275 Cheaper then i think the App version is more of a bargain for me, But each to their own..
    Paid version https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id556018499
    info http://forum.dailymobile.net/index.php?topic=85059.0

    • +1

      Same thing if not better? How is it better?

      I find it a hassle to use a phone every single time. Each and every time you drive, you have to mount the phone and run a cable to your cig lighter. The day you get a bit lazy and don't mount your phone is probably the day you get hit.

      You'll also wear out your phone's memory cells quicker. Flash memory has a finite life.
      When the SD card in a dash cam wears out, just pop another cheap one in.

      The field of view is also much narrower compared to a real dash cam.

      A proper dash cam is completely automatic - turn on the car and it starts recording. Nothing to remember, nothing to forget. Turn off your engine and it'll stop. This model can even record while parked to capture those car park hit-and-runs.

      In the event of a bad accident, your iphone might smash through the windscreen into the other car, destroying the phone and all your recordings. With a dash cam, the camera would probably be destroyed as well, but the micro sd card might survive.

      It's like a video camera vs a phone video camera. A phone can record videos, but an actual good video camera will do a much better job at it (optical zoom, better lens, larger sensor, more storage etc)

      • one thing to remember with the auto on/off recording….if you leave the cam in your car (whether still mounted or in your glovebox) and it gets stolen, the thieves can find out where you live from watching the video.

        i've made it a habit to stop the cam recording a street or two from my house/work.

        • Why would that make them want to go to your house though?

        • +1

          because they're thieves??

          look at it this way: they watch some footage on your cam, figure out where you live and from the date/time-stamps, look for patterns when you leave the house.

          pretty self-explanatory then.

        • if someone wants to target you, no one is stopping them from grabbing that cam, then take down your car details and 'hang out' at the times where you travel the couple of streets away you stopped the footage, then follow you home.

        • I understand where you're coming from, but maybe you're giving common thieves too much credit?

          Instead of going to the trouble of stealing a dash cam, viewing all the footage to figure out where you live and note down patterns when you leave the house to plan a break-in, they could simply just go to any suburb at 7.30am and watch half the neighbourhood leave their houses, then break in to any house they feel like. Why would they specifically want to rob your house in particular just because they broke into your car?

          Or if they really wanted to rob you specifically, they could simply tail you home in your car and rob you face-to-face when your garage door is open.

          These dash cams are meant to capture accidents and dodgy events anyway. A 2GB card is enough - you only need the last 2-30 minutes, not the last 5 days worth of driving.

          It reminds me of how some people say fingerprint locks are unsafe because mythbusters showed that you can find a latent print somewhere, transfer it to some tape, photocopy it onto a piece of paper, and unlock the door with that.

          In reality, a common thief would just break/lever a window or door, or bump/pickgun the cheap locks everyone uses. Why take the complicated route when there are much easier ways to break in?

        • it really depends on how you want to see things.

          tbh, discussing probability of what choices a crim will take is just a waste of time.

        • some thieves are just opportunistic and only after a quick smash & grab. others…a bit more thorough.

          you don't even need to watch the videos to get timestamp patterns. just the "date modified" column in your computer's file manager.

          a 2gb memory card is fine for recording while driving. but if you're wanting to use it to capture car park incidents in HD quality, it's going to need more capacity

          i'm just putting the thought out there as something to consider. i don't think it's a "waste of time." it's related to the product and besides, why make it easy for them?

        • don't know about you, but i can tell which cars in my neighbourhood are actually residents or not. ditto with unfamiliar cars following me.

        • "some thieves are just opportunistic and only after a quick smash & grab. others…a bit more thorough."

          can't see this is a waste of time discussing this? what you said pretty much covered everyone.

          I'm not trying to be offensive here, but if someone is going to target you, it doesn't matter if you can tell what cars in your neighbourhood is or even if they let you see their face and car rego.
          The thing is still going to happen to you if they want to go after you. 2/16/32/64gb card, camera/gps or no camera/gps.

          that's why i said it's a waste of time discussing "what ifs".

        • if it's waste of time, why are you still discussing this? ;)

          i think it does matter though if you notice something/someone odd. personally, i don't always go the some route home and will drive around a bit more if i feel i'm being followed.

          if after all the precautions i take, i still get robbed, then that's too bad, but at least i'll know i've tried to do what i could to minimise the risk.

        • I don't think the common criminal would know about or bother checking the 'date modified' time stamp on the sd card or view the video footage to try and plan when to break in to my house - they would just sell the stolen goods ASAP so they're not in possession of it all.

          You don't need a very large card to capture car park incidents. When an incident is detected (the shock sensor ramps up sensitivity in car park mode), the file is marked as protected so it won't be overwritten.

          Where does the worry end though? Do you also keep your drivers licence at home in case your wallet gets stolen? Otherwise the thief can get your address and go to your house right away as you're obviously not at home.

          If someone accidentally runs into your car, do you get out of your car to inspect the damage? What if you get robbed or carjacked? (seems to be common in Sydney)

          If you see someone stuck by the side of the road, do you stop to help? What if you get carjacked instead? (which happened March 2011 in Lismore)

          Anyway there's nothing wrong with taking extra reasonable precautions. I just try to estimate the probabilities and factor in convenience when making decisions like whether to turn off the camera a few streets away or not.

          It's not too difficult to do and can just become a habit, but I just think the probability of someone breaking into my place because they stole my dash cam and analysed the footage or timestamps is much, much lower than someone just breaking in randomly, the old-fashioned way. I try not to let paranoia get the better of me (not saying you suffer from paranoia, I just mean in general).

          Life is too short to worry too much. Just get good insurance. At least you'll get all new equipment. :)

        • just for fun…

          Where does the worry end though? Do you also keep your drivers licence at home in case your wallet gets stolen? Otherwise the thief can get your address and go to your house right away as you're obviously not at home.

          yes, yes i do lol. but mainly because i don't like to carry around a lot of cards ;)

          If someone accidentally runs into your car, do you get out of your car to inspect the damage? What if you get robbed or carjacked? (seems to be common in Sydney)

          that actually happened to me before i got my cam: t-boned at night, hit and run. my car was still drivable so i pulled over somewhere safe and well-lit to have a look.

          If you see someone stuck by the side of the road, do you stop to help? What if you get carjacked instead? (which happened March 2011 in Lismore)

          depends on the location, time of day, person(s) involved and what my gut feeling tells me. hearing of many incidents in perth where people will walk onto the road attempting to get you to stop and "help" them only to attack you when you do.

          (not saying you suffer from paranoia, I just mean in general).

          maybe i do haha. but i would use the term "overly-cautious"

  • for a cheaper dashcam, i recommend this one: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/130455460442

    i've been using it for 3 months, quality is quite good for the price and no overheating issues. (used it during the hottest 40 degree + perth summer days) as a bonus, it uses a Nokia BL-4C lithium battery clone. which means you can also use the higher-capacity BL-5C and leave it on in your car for about 2 hours i.e. while you're shopping.

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