I thought this deal was decent for an apple computer.
However, the specs on this thing is quite old.
I thought this deal was decent for an apple computer.
However, the specs on this thing is quite old.
But it's an Apple - it doesn't matter what the technical aspects are when you have an Apple product.
Mr fancy pants, you probably have the amber screen & a 5mb Profile too!
I'm not sure where you get this comparison from.
And your logic is comparable to my nonsense.
So you're saying Snow Leopard was a quantum leap like XP was from the rubbish before it? Except on OS X Leopard (10.5) and Tiger (10.4) were the real break through products.
And Lion goes backwards to ME? The second most hated of Windows versions. And then Mountain Lion skips through to the most hated version of Windows?
Where do you get your tech info? From the techxperts at news.com.au?
So why is Snow Leopard still used on around 28% of all Mac's? http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9236569/OS_X_Snow_Leo…
Lion/ML do not have PPC app support, break many things that worked in Tiger/Leopard/SL and the move towards a desktop OS looking like iOS may be a put off. Apple's notion of forcing everyone to upgrade their PC/OS every 2 years is wearing off as people realise a 5-6 year old computer still runs the latest OS perfectly fine.
I'm sure Apple will pull out some sort of BS claims at WWDC for their preview of OSX 10.9 as fanbois continue to drink the kool aid.
It is latest spec, it's white!
you can buy an ex-govt laptop with similar specs for $99 and if you're hardcore, stick an apple logo sticker on it ;)
!!! where from? I want one!!!
Can't imagine what a refurbished plastic white version might look like. They do not age well. Save your money and buy a secondhand Macbook Pro for a little bit more.
It won't run Mountain Lion therefore cannot recommend.
Snow Leopard was the best version of OSX i'd stick with it as its still quietly supported by Apple :)
I personally think that it's been downhill since Tiger.
Still using my '06 MacBook. :)
well I'm also still running 06 MacBook on Snow leopard with a SSD. beats the crap out of any 06 windows XP machine for sure..
sorry are you running Tiger? I find Snow Leopard to be the best OSX. it's been downhill since then..
Yeah, am running 10.6.8 too.
Maybe I was thinking of Lion, it started to go wrong when icons became metal brushed just for the sake of it, ie form overtook function.
Ok but some apps require 10.7 (Lion). And I wouldn't want to be on 10.7 when I could be on 10.8 (ML).
Better off with a new $ 350 Lenovo and latest hackintosh ML install it will run rings around this relic
I'd be better off stealing my neighbour's Porsche too.
But yes, this is way too much for an old machine.
That is if you even wanted Mac OS to begin with. Otherwise not worth the effort.
Its i-waste
but it's being recycled …
i-e-waste or just a waste of money in general
iWaste Duh!
is this a joke?
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The RDF is alive and well on this deal lol
Note: limit of two per order …. !
How will I ever restrain myself to just 2!
For the price it isn't too bad (given that it comes with a warranty), if you can put up with its ancientness. However, you'd need to budget $60 for 4GB of RAM, $100 for a 120GB SSD and $30 for Lion (no Mountain Lion available, which will be a disadvantage going forward) to have a snappy computer.
As such, the real cost of having a usable computer would be more like $650, and that's not too far off much newer models…
No the joke would be if someone actually buys it
1/3rd gone, there are idiots buying them
Its cos its got a picture of a fruit on it
Still a nice computer. Specs are OK except for the price.
How old is the battery?
FYI I have a C2D at work used for web browsing and Office apps, it also has 2GB of RAM and is constantly ruin on 90% just with a couple of word documents and 10 tabs in Chrome
it also has 2GB of RAM and is constantly ruin on 90%
That must be running Windows, which is not relevant here.
I dual boot Windows/Linux and it's the same with both :-P
Unless MacOS runs some kind of magic then it's likely to be the same
Released February 26, 2008; it's 5 years old. Ridiculously overpriced; I wouldn't recommend it at this price even if it was new, let alone refurbished (with warranty offered by 1-day, not Apple).