Amazon Deal of the Day
$22 Delivered to Australia
Couldn't find cheaper online
The Godfather Collection (The Coppola Restoration) [Blu-Ray] $22 Delivered @ Amazon (24 Hrs Only)

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Is it region free or will it work on my PS3?
I don't think Amazon are selling this 'region free' version of the Blu-ray collection. Amazon site has The Godfather Collection (The Coppola Restoration) [Blu-ray] (2008) listed as a region A/1
Amazon never lists titles as being region free. The Region A/1 (or B/2 on is always just placeholder text.
An offer you cannot refuse!
Region A/1 in the detail.
nice, but this is an offer I can refuse
ordered thanks
I do like Godfather 1+2 but I watched them five times on VHS and I can recite every line from memory.
Sorry Blu Ray, you're too late.
Ah, but surely you're missing the point; you see, with Blu-Ray you could then study all the facial expressions and learn to recite with conviction, or just learn to be a convincing convict.
I luv u 2 cuz
Great find! Thank you.
"Just when I thought I was done watching Godfather… Ozbargain pulls me back in."
Fredo, you're nothing to me now, but this is a gooda bluray deal.
I believe I am the only bloke in the world who disliked this film franchise…give me Goodfellas any day, but I just found The Godfather too long and not enough action - slow talking scenes in which no story was conveyed to justify the length…
Eh, neggers gonna neg.
Good deal though!
I'm sure plenty of people don't like the films, and you're entitled to your opinion, so I'll give you a +1 even though I love the first two movies. Godfather II is the best IMO, but the first one is still great.
did you edit and add "Eh, neggers gonna neg" because 1 person downvoted you?
I just assumed. This is Ozbargain where comments which don't agree with everyone are hidden away.
I bought it thru Zavvi many months ago for around the same price, but only managed to finish watching it last week. Yes it is quite lengthy, but it's a classic so my advice is set aside some time so you can watch comfortably.
Yeah, I think I bought it from the previous deal as well. Definitely something worth having in your Blu Ray collection; the restoration gives it a new lease on life as well.
Thank you for the post.
One question though:
How did you get $22 delivered to AU?
When I process the order I get a price US$23.97, which is at least A$23 or possibly even more, depending on your CC exchange rate fluctuates daily
The Corleone family has to have their cut.
Also paid $23 but my estimate delivery date was 22 feb or later. Oh well still a great deal. Just have to be patient!
I have found Amazon are very conservative on their estimates, there is a very strong change you will have it well before then.
$23.90 now.
Correct me if I am wrong here but the product details on the amazon site say it is Region A/1 and according to their link:… it will not work in Australia.
It would seem we need Region b/2 and not A/1 as is in the deal or a multi-region blu-ray playerBlu-ray Discs
Region A/1: North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
Region B/2: Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
Region C/3: India, Nepal, Mainland China, Russia, Central and South Asia.Do you really think Amazon are going to test each and every disc they sell for region B or C compatibility, or that the studios (who insisted on the region coding system in the first place) are going to volunteer that information to Amazon? Amazon just put a blanket "Region A/1" on every US disc and "Region B/2" on every UK disc because it's the only thing they can guarantee with 0% effort.
If you want to know if a disc is region free, you should check with one of the Blu-Ray enthusiast sites that check region information, like, bluraystats, AVSForum etc, all of which list it as being region free.………
I do not see the need for Amazon to test each and every disc if the supplier/studio has the region code printed on the packaging.
AVS forum have region 'not specified' for the The Godfather Collection (The Coppola Restoration) [Blu-ray]…And a quick search on google shows that this blu-ray collection is not showing up as region free (Region A):…… set is a must have for the bluray collection. This Coppola restoration is widely regarded as top notch for how all old school movies should be brought over to the bluray format. For such an old movie, the video and audio resampling on this set is awesome, it's like brand new!
No self respecting man with a bluray player should miss this. God…. just thinking of the godfather music gives me goosebumps :). Na na na na na na na naaaaaaaaaaa…….
If you have a 28 degrees mastercard with no currency conversion fees, it is better to buy in US dollars and not AUS dollars. The defult wold be AUS$ , just do a switch currency to buy in US$. The Amazon currency conversion sucks!!!
For those still reading, I received my set today and can confirm it plays on my Region B player. Since the US is Region A, this reconfirms (from me) the set is playable in at least two of the three Blu-ray regions.
Didn't really grab me when it came across my e-mail earlier, but for some reason reading it on OzB made me consider it!
Will probably add it to my existing order. Cheers, OP.
Edit: and thanks for using a clean Amazon URL.